ColdFusion-friendly CMS

I am looking to find a CF-friendly CMS for a large-scale
educational site. We have looked at FarCry, but it seems overly
complicated to integrate already-built CF apps. Has anyone else
found this to be the case, or have any other recommendations?

look at:
FCKEditor (this one is the power behind the new cf8 built-in
editing capabilities)
tinyMCE (i just like this one... and to the best of my
knowledge this
one does work on Mac Safari browsers....)
Azadi Saryev

Similar Messages

  • Creating ColdFusion CMS

    I am working on designing a RIA for my school district. I
    update the main site while others update individual school web
    pages. I want to make a ColdFusion CMS with pre-made Components
    that these users can use to build their web pages. For example, if
    I created a photo gallery and another person wanted to use it in
    their site, is there a way for me to make a CMS that will include
    the component in their page. Also, I would like many people to do
    it without interfering with other people's pages. Is this

    astarms wrote:
    > I am working on designing a RIA for my school district.
    I update the main site
    > while others update individual school web pages. I want
    to make a ColdFusion
    > CMS with pre-made Components that these users can use to
    build their web pages.
    > For example, if I created a photo gallery and another
    person wanted to use it
    > in their site, is there a way for me to make a CMS that
    will include the
    > component in their page. Also, I would like many people
    to do it without
    > interfering with other people's pages. Is this possible?
    Hi there
    Have you had a look at Sava - it seems to be a user friendly
    based CMS.
    There are a few others out there as well.

  • Need this explained: Two objects reporting back same values...

    I have a datagrid and a form binded to the selectedItem record of the datagrid.  I need to update the values according to whatever is typed into the form fields.
    I use a CFC to handle the update.  I have a newBean class which holds the new values from the form and also an oldBean object which holds old values to verify I'm updating the correct record.
    In my actionscript I have two objects, newObj and oldObj.  Here is how I set them up in my update function.
    var oldObj:Object = new Object;
    oldObj = dg.selectedItem;
    var newObj:Object = newObject;
    newObj = dg.selectedItem;
    newObj.value1 = field1.text;
    newObj.value2 = field2.text;
    newObj.value3 = field3.text;
    remoteObject.update(oldObj, newObj);
    So, I set the oldObj to the selectedItem and then I set the newObj to that same item, which initially should give them the current values of the selectedItem in the datagrid.  Then I set the values of newObj to match the form fields.  Lastly I have a remoteObject method "update()" send the two objects to the CFC I mentioned above.  When I found out it wasn't updating properly, I set up a cfdump to my email to list the values for both oldObj and newObj.
    newObj properly takes all the new values as intended.  oldObj strangely also takes on the new values, yet I never assigned oldObj to accept the new values.  So why is oldObj also accepting the values in the form fields when there's no visible connection between oldObj and any of the fields?

    I don't have an external site I can load this on.  It's a component of an application as well, so I'd have to publish the whole thing.  Instead, I'll just post all relevent code.  Notes: cfc is generated from the ColdFusion wizard.  apptTable is a valueObject that contains the structure of the record data.
    The Remote Object:
        <mx:RemoteObject id="apptRO" endpoint=""
            destination="ColdFusion" source="cms.cfc.apptTableDAO" showBusyCursor="true" fault=", 'Error')">
            <mx:method name="read" result="apptsReceived(event)"/>
            <mx:method name="create" result="apptCreated(event)"/>
            <mx:method name="update" result="apptUpdated(event)"/>
            <mx:method name="deleted" result="apptDeleted(event)"/>
    The original update function in Flex:
        private var upObj:apptTable;
        private var oldObj:Object;
        private function updateAppt():void{
            oldObj = new Object;
            oldObj = dg.selectedItem;
            upObj = new apptTable;
            upObj = apptTable(dg.selectedItem);
            upObj.clientName = clientNameInput.text;
            upObj.topic = topicInput.text;
   = infoInput.text;
            upObj.apptDate = dateInput.text;
            upObj.apptTime = timeInput.text + ' ' + ampmCbx.value.toString();
    The UPDATE function in the CFC:
        <cffunction name="update" output="false" access="public">
            <cfargument name="oldBean" required="true" type="cms.cfc.apptTable">
            <cfargument name="newBean" required="true" type="cms.cfc.apptTable">
            <cfset var qUpdate="">
            <cfquery name="qUpdate" datasource="cmsdb" result="status">
                update dbo.apptTable
                set clientName = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getclientName()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />,
                    topic = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.gettopic()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />,
                    info = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getinfo()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />,
                    dateSubmitted = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getdateSubmitted()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />,
                    apptDate = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getapptDate()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />,
                    apptTime = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getapptTime()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />,
                    userID = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getuserID()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_BIGINT" null="#iif((arguments.newBean.getuserID() eq ""), de("yes"), de("no"))#" />,
                    userName = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getuserName()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                where apptID = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getapptID()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_BIGINT" />
                  and clientName = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getclientName()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and topic = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.gettopic()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and info = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getinfo()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and dateSubmitted = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getdateSubmitted()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and apptDate = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getapptDate()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and apptTime = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getapptTime()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and userID = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getuserID()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_BIGINT" />
                  and userName = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.oldBean.getuserName()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
            <!--- if we didn't affect a single record, the update failed --->
            <cfquery name="qUpdateResult" datasource="cmsdb"  result="status">
                select apptID
                from dbo.apptTable
                where apptID = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getapptID()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_BIGINT" />
                  and clientName = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getclientName()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and topic = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.gettopic()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and info = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getinfo()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and dateSubmitted = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getdateSubmitted()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and apptDate = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getapptDate()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and apptTime = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getapptTime()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
                  and userID = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getuserID()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_BIGINT" />
                  and userName = <cfqueryparam value="#arguments.newBean.getuserName()#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR" />
            <cfif status.recordcount EQ 0>
                <cfthrow type="conflict" message="Unable to update record">
            <cfreturn arguments.newBean />
    If you look at the update code from the CFC, you can see all my table columns, some of which are not present in my form fields because they should never change.
    Fields in form: clientNameInput, topicInput, infoInput, dateInput, timeInput, and a combo box for am/pm.
    Columns not in form: apptID, dateSubmitted, userID, userName
    Working code:
    private function updateAppt():void{
            oldObj = new Object;
            oldObj = dg.selectedItem;
            upObj = new apptTable;
            upObj.apptID = dg.selectedItem.apptID;
            upObj.clientName = clientNameInput.text;
            upObj.topic = topicInput.text;
   = infoInput.text;
            upObj.dateSubmitted = dg.selectedItem.dateSubmitted;
            upObj.apptDate = dateInput.text;
            upObj.apptTime = timeInput.text + ' ' + ampmCbx.value.toString();
            upObj.userID = dg.selectedItem.userID;
            upObj.userName = dg.selectedItem.userName;
    This code does not set upObj to the selectedItem record of the dg.  Instead it just accepts the values of the form fields and any values in the datagrid that do not change.

  • DataGrids, ArrayCollections, Ohh My

    Hello, I am new to flex and Actionscript, and have been
    working with flex 3 with as3. I am using the flex builder 3 beta 1.
    I have only been working with in this environment for only about a
    month so please be patient. I do have experience in ColdFusion,
    MYSQL, and basic web technologies such as CSS, HTML, a little JS.
    So here is my problem.
    my current project is a custom CMS - being Customer
    Management Softeware.
    <mx:RemoteObject id="customer_RO" destination="ColdFusion"
    <mx:method name="getCustomers"
    <mx:method name="getContacts"
    /* Creates Bindable Array variable for the Customer List */
    private var CustomerList:ArrayCollection;
    private var ContactList:ArrayCollection;
    /* Creates an application initialization to load before
    application loaded */
    private function initApp():void
    /* Created data handlers for the remoteObject method */
    private function customerHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
    CustomerList = ArrayCollection(event.result);
    private function contactHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
    ContactList = ArrayCollection(event.result);
    Now here are my data grids.
    <mx:DataGrid id="dg1" x="0" y="0" width="100%"
    height="100%" dataProvider="{CustomerList}">
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Name"
    dataField="companyname" width="250"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Address"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="City" dataField="city"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="State"
    dataField="statecode" width="50"/>
    <mx:DataGrid x="0" y="0" width="100%" height="100%"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Name"
    dataField="firstname" width="150"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Email" dataField="address"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Phone"
    dataField="phonenumber" width="175"/>

    I think you have to try following code.
    private function customerHandler(event:ResultEvent):void
    var dataArray:Array = new Array();
    dataArray = event.result as Array;
    CustomerList = new ArrayCollection(dataArray);
    This will work for you cose i have faced same problem It
    solved my problem.

  • CMS (en, cn) in ColdFusion

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    I can't load the homepage because the Java applet freezes my
    browser, but you might try (I
    it on Google.)

  • Coldfusion CMS add a new page

    Hi, I want to create a simple CMS site using coldfusion. I would like to have an 'add new page' button which will create a new html or coldfusion page and show the name of that page in the navigation bar as a link, can someone point me in the right direction of a tutorial or give me a clue to what code I should be using. I'm fairly new to Coldfusion and programming so any help would be much appreciated!!!
    many thanks

    One thing to consider before embarking on this sort of exercis is that you're setting out on well-trod ground.
    Are you sure you want to be writing your own CMS when there are a number of well-established and free ones already out there?
    Looking at FarCry or Mura would be my first step in any enterprise like this.

  • Coldfusion CMS

    I need some advice, looking at a 3rd pary cms  and would like some suggestions. I need to be able to
    - have mulitlingual pages
    - add child pages to the main menu
    - have flexible templates so users can create the child pages.
    I am looking at Mura, has anyone had any experience of this?

    Mura seems to offer what you seek, plus it's free. I only had a short experience with the Express version.
    That is the demo version of the actual, standard version. I installed it on my desktop and gave it a whirl for about an hour. It's intuitive, quite easy to use, and its look-and-feel is plain and simple. That's what I like. It supports English, French and German.
    I played with the demo because I had difficulty installing the standard version. But, then again, that was on Windows 2000 Pro. I finally got it to work, though, thanks to tips from Stephen Withington and his video on Mura installation.

  • Passing null/empty values from a actionscript VO to a Coldfusion ORM object

    This is the situation.
    If you have an actionscript VO that binds to a Coldfusion ORM object via the RemoteClass metadata and some of the values are not set, null, or empty strings and you pass it from Flex to Coldfusion then the Coldfusion deserialization barfs saying the values are not acceptable date values (for type="date") or valid emails (for validation="email") or other such validations, even if required="false" on the property.
    For instance, if you have the following actionscript VO:
    package vo
        public class Person
            public var person_id:Number;
            public var last_name:String;
            public var first_name:String;
            public var email:String;
            public var created_date:date;
         public function Person() {}
    And you have the corresponding Coldfusion component:
    <cfcomponent displayname="person" output="false"
        schema="dbo" persistent="true"
        <cfproperty name="person_id" type="numeric" fieldtype="id" validate="integer" required="true" column="PERSON_ID"/>
        <cfproperty name="last_name" type="string" column="LAST_NAME" required="true"/>
        <cfproperty name="first_name" type="string" required="true" column="FIRST_NAME"/>
        <cfproperty name="email" type="string" validate="email" required="false" column="EMAIL"/>
        <cfproperty name="date_created" type="date" required="false" column="DATE_CREATED"/>
    Then if you pass the actionscript VO as is to Coldfusion, the deserialization complains that you do not have a valid email or a valid date for date_created.  This is bad, bad, bad.  Essentially if you have a validation of certain types (email being one) or a date property, or probably some other cases, then you essentially can not make it not required, it automatically makes it required because the Coldfusion serializer considers null/empty values as invalid dates or emails.  But the serializer should not care for values that are not required, there has to be a way to pass null/empty values to these data types, but apparently there's not.  If you pass an empty string ("") you still have the same problem.  I know Coldfusion does not have null values, but there has to be a way to do this, otherwise it defeats the purpose of having required="false" and some kind of validation on the property.
    There seems to be two ways around it.  One is to override the implicit setters for the properties on the Coldfusion side and check for 0 length values yourself, then set the property if it is not, or create your own validation routine.  I ended up creating my own validation function since I didn't want to have to write a setter function for everyone of these cases and I can pass back user friendly validation messages.
    Have other people encountered this problem?  How have you gotten around it?  Thanks.

    I realize that I didn't clarify that I am using ColdFusion
    for getting the data. This class was generated by the Create CFC
    wizard in Flex Builder.
    package com.generated
    public class Clients
    public var clientid:Number = 0;
    public var clientfirstname:String = "";
    public var clientlastname:String = "";
    public var clientaddress1:String = "";
    public var clientaddress2:String = "";
    public var clientcity:String = "";
    public var clientstate:String = "";
    public var clientzip:String = "";
    public var clientphone:String = "";
    public var clientemail:String = "";
    public function Clients()

  • Passing null/empty values from Flex to a Coldfusion ORM object

    This is the situation.
    If you have an actionscript VO that binds to a Coldfusion ORM object via the RemoteClass metadata and some of the values are not set, null, or empty strings and you pass it from Flex to Coldfusion then the Coldfusion deserialization barfs saying the values are not acceptable date values (for type="date") or valid emails (for validation="email") or other such validations, even if required="false" on the property.
    For instance, if you have the following actionscript VO:
    package vo
        public class Person
            public var person_id:Number;
            public var last_name:String;
            public var first_name:String;
            public var email:String;
            public var created_date:date;
         public function Person() {}
    And you have the corresponding Coldfusion component:
    <cfcomponent displayname="person" output="false"
        schema="dbo" persistent="true"
        <cfproperty name="person_id" type="numeric" fieldtype="id" validate="integer" required="true" column="PERSON_ID"/>
        <cfproperty name="last_name" type="string" column="LAST_NAME" required="true"/>
        <cfproperty name="first_name" type="string" required="true" column="FIRST_NAME"/>
        <cfproperty name="email" type="string" validate="email" required="false" column="EMAIL"/>
        <cfproperty name="date_created" type="date" required="false" column="DATE_CREATED"/>
    Then if you pass the actionscript VO as is to Coldfusion, the deserialization complains that you do not have a valid email or a valid date for date_created.  This is bad, bad, bad.  Essentially if you have a validation of certain types (email being one) or a date property, or probably some other cases, then you essentially can not make it not required, it automatically makes it required because the Coldfusion serializer considers null/empty values as invalid dates or emails.  But the serializer should not care for values that are not required, there has to be a way to pass null/empty values to these data types, but apparently there's not.  If you pass an empty string ("") you still have the same problem.  I know Coldfusion does not have null values, but there has to be a way to do this, otherwise it defeats the purpose of having required="false" and some kind of validation on the property.
    There seems to be two ways around it.  One is to override the implicit setters for the properties on the Coldfusion side and check for 0 length values yourself, then set the property if it is not, or create your own validation routine.  I ended up creating my own validation function since I didn't want to have to write a setter function for everyone of these cases and I can pass back user friendly validation messages.
    Have other people encountered this problem?  How have you gotten around it?  Thanks.

    Looks like a known workaround to this issue is to wrap the Flex object in an array.
    The ColdFusion CFC will accept that as an array, with the first an only element being a struct, which is the object you built in Flex.

  • How can I use Drupal as a third party CMS with ATG E-Commerce Application?

    Hi Friends,
    We are planning to use a third party Freeware Content Management System (CMS) for web site content in ATG E-Commerce Application, instead of ATG content Administration or merchandising.
    Can anybody please let me know how can I use a third party CMS(Eg: Drupal) with ATG E-Commerce Application?

    I did create a rule to determine if anyone coming through time eval is a new hire based on vacation elig. date in IT0041.  It compares Today to the vacation elig. date and if they match, set a time type indicator to 1.  I also added another decision to determine if they were a part time employee and pro-rate their quota entitlement based on what's in their IT0007 weekly working hours.  Instead of setting the time type indicator to 1, I recalculated based on a percentage of 40 hrs/wk and then updated the time type to that percentage.  In my quota generation rule I use that time type as a multiplication factor to recalculate their new pro-rated amount rounded up to the nearest whole number.

  • Wierd ColdFusion erro : Error occurred while processing request.

    Hi there ,
    I am a graduate student and new to ColdFusion.I started working on this already developed project by someone couple of years ago , and the client wants some changes to be i went ahead and did some small modifications to the appearance of the form(insertdata.cfm page) like adding some more options to a drop down menu , changing the label names and so on and am very sure this changes would not have effected the application in any way.And the place where the message says the error can be , i didnt even touch that part.Now after 4 days i start getting this weird error saying " Error Occurred While Processing Request
    The system has attempted to use an undefined value, which usually indicates a programming error, either in your code or some system code.
    Null Pointers are another name for undefined values."
    And this happens randomly not everytime i access the website or different webpages.Here are the errors.
    The error occurred in /export/web/virtual/web3_unt_edu/cps/webaccess/sites/Amarillo/index.cfm: line 8
    5 :   SELECT UserName,Password FROM user_data WHERE UserName=
    6 :   <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.UserName#" maxlength="8">
    7 :     AND Password=
    8 :   <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.Password#" maxlength="8">
    9 :   </cfquery>
    10 :   <cfif MM_rsUser.RecordCount NEQ 0>
    I tried adding " cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob"  " in cfqueryparam also on my friends advice , but it doesnt work out.
    2nd ERROR
    The error occurred in /export/web/virtual/web3_unt_edu/cps/webaccess/sites/Amarillo/InsertData.cfm: line 13
    11 :   <cflocation url="#MM_failureURL#" addtoken="no">
    12 : </cfif>
    13 : <cfquery name="rsDay" datasource="cps">
    14 : SELECT days FROM days
    15 : </cfquery>
    3rd ERROR
    The error occurred in /export/web/virtual/web3_unt_edu/cps/webaccess/sites/Amarillo/InsertData.cfm: line 27
    25 : ORDER BY ethnicity ASC
    26 : </cfquery>
    27 : <cfquery name="rsHospitals" datasource="cps_amarillo">
    28 : SELECT *
    29 : FROM hospitals
    Can anyone help me with this. I have to get the modifications done in 2 weeks.
    Thank you

    Hi Mak
             I can get the stack trace for now , but here is my complete code , may be this ll give u complete idea .........
    The index page where i am getting the first error
    <cfif IsDefined("FORM.UserName")>
      <cfset MM_redirectLoginSuccess="menu.cfm">
      <cfset MM_redirectLoginFailed="../../fail.htm">
      <cfquery  name="MM_rsUser" datasource="cps_amarillo">
        SELECT UserName,Password FROM user_data WHERE UserName=
      <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.UserName#" maxlength="8">
        AND Password=
      <cfqueryparam value="#FORM.Password#" maxlength="8">
      <cfif MM_rsUser.RecordCount NEQ 0>
          <cflock scope="Session" timeout="30" type="Exclusive">
            <cfset Session.MM_Username=FORM.UserName>
            <cfset Session.MM_UserAuthorization="">
          <cfif IsDefined("URL.accessdenied") AND true>
            <cfset MM_redirectLoginSuccess=URL.accessdenied>
          <cflocation url="#MM_redirectLoginSuccess#" addtoken="no">
          <cfcatch type="Lock">
            <!--- code for handling timeout of cflock --->
      <cflocation url="#MM_redirectLoginFailed#" addtoken="no">
      <cfset MM_LoginAction=CGI.SCRIPT_NAME>
      <cfif CGI.QUERY_STRING NEQ "">
        <cfset MM_LoginAction=MM_LoginAction & "?" & XMLFormat(CGI.QUERY_STRING)>
    <cfinclude template="../../../Connections/cps_amarillo.cfm">
    <cfif IsDefined("FORM." & "UserName")>
        MM_valUsername=Evaluate("FORM." & "UserName");
        MM_queryFieldList = "UserName,Password";
        if (MM_fldUserAuthorization IS NOT "") MM_queryFieldList=MM_queryFieldList & "," & MM_fldUserAuthorization;
      <cfquery datasource=#MM_dataSource# name="MM_rsUser" username=#MM_cps_amarillo_USERNAME# password=#MM_cps_amarillo_PASSWORD#>
      SELECT #MM_queryFieldList# FROM user_data WHERE UserName='#Replace(MM_valUsername,"\'","
      ","ALL")#' AND Password='#FORM.Password#'
      <cfif MM_rsUser.RecordCount GREATER THAN 0>
          // username and password match - this is a valid user
          Session.MM_Username = MM_valUsername;
          if (MM_fldUserAuthorization IS NOT "") {
            Session.MM_UserAuthorization = MM_rsUser[MM_fldUserAuthorization][1];
          } else {
            Session.MM_UserAuthorization = "";
          if (IsDefined("accessdenied") AND true) {
            MM_redirectLoginSuccess = Evaluate("accessdenied");
        <cflocation url="#MM_redirectLoginSuccess#" addtoken="no">
      <cflocation url="#MM_redirectLoginFailed#" addtoken="no">
        MM_LoginAction = CGI.SCRIPT_NAME;
        if (CGI.QUERY_STRING NEQ "") MM_LoginAction = MM_LoginAction & "?" & CGI.QUERY_STRING;
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <title>Amarillo Login Screen</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <script type="text/JavaScript">
    function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
      var p,i,x;  if(!d) d=document; if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {
        d=parent.frames[n.substring(p+1)].document; n=n.substring(0,p);}
      if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[i][n];
      for(i=0;!x&&d.layers&&i<d.layers.length;i++) x=MM_findObj(n,d.layers[i].document);
      if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n); return x;
    function MM_validateForm() { //v4.0
      var i,p,q,nm,test,num,min,max,errors='',args=MM_validateForm.arguments;
      for (i=0; i<(args.length-2); i+=3) { test=args[i+2]; val=MM_findObj(args[i]);
        if (val) {; if ((val=val.value)!="") {
          if (test.indexOf('isEmail')!=-1) { p=val.indexOf('@');
            if (p<1 || p==(val.length-1)) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain an e-mail address.\n';
          } else if (test!='R') { num = parseFloat(val);
            if (isNaN(val)) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain a number.\n';
            if (test.indexOf('inRange') != -1) { p=test.indexOf(':');
              min=test.substring(8,p); max=test.substring(p+1);
              if (num<min || max<num) errors+='- '+nm+' must contain a number between '+min+' and '+max+'.\n';
        } } } else if (test.charAt(0) == 'R') errors += '- '+nm+' is required.\n'; }
      } if (errors) alert('The following error(s) occurred:\n'+errors);
      document.MM_returnValue = (errors == '');
    <div id="Layer2" style="position:absolute; left:26px; top:112px; width:683px; height:56px; z-index:2">
      <div align="right"><font size="+6"><strong><font color="#999999" size="5" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Seniors
        / Volunteers for Childhood Immunization<br />
        </font></strong></font><font color="#999999" size="5"><strong><font size="4" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Web
        Access Database</font></strong></font></div>
    <div id="instructions" style="position:absolute; left:160px; top:182px; width:259px; height:30px; z-index:3"><font color="#999999" size="5"><strong><font size="4" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Please
      enter your user name and password...</font></strong></font></div>
    <div id="LayerLogin" style="position:absolute; left:427px; top:182px; width:310px; height:94px; z-index:4">
      <form ACTION="<cfoutput>#MM_loginAction#</cfoutput>" name="form1" id="form1" method="POST">
        <p><img src="../../../images/image14.gif" alt="" name="UserNameImg" width="150" height="21" border="0" id="UserNameImg" />
          <input name="UserName" type="text" id="UserName" size="15" maxlength="15" />
          <br />
          <img src="../../../images/image15.gif" alt="" name="PasswordImg" width="150" height="21" border="0" id="PasswordImg" />
          <input name="Password" type="password" id="Password" size="17" maxlength="15" />
        <p align="right">
          <input name="Submit" type="submit" id="Submit" onclick="MM_validateForm('UserName','','R','Password','','R');return document.MM_returnValue" value="Log In!" />
    I checked it again and again , but the code seems to work well on a local host ..... but not whn i upload it to server. Please let me know where i am goin wrong.
    Thank you

  • Coldfusion 8.01 32-bit on RHEL5 64-bit install issues

    I was wondering if anybody has seen/heard/experienced how to
    install Coldfusion 8 Standard 32-bit on a RHEL5 64-bit system? The
    apache connector configuration part of the installation fails
    because the server utilitzes a 64-bit apache binary. I assume that
    Java will also fail.
    I installed CF8 64-bit without so much as a hiccup last week
    then later discovered that the serial number provided only works
    for the 32-bit version of CF8. Adobe doesn't make it obvious that
    CF8 Standard 64-bit doesn't exist. 64-bit CF8 only works on an
    enterprise license ($7,000!). There are too many 64-bit servers out
    in the wild for this to make sense. /rant
    But if there is anybody out there who has shoehorned a 32-bit
    version of Coldfusion into a 64-bit environment, please let me

    It is definitely possible as I did it some time ago, alas don't have notes any more. Unless anyone here has some specific build notes on it, it's just a case of "Google is your friend" unfortunately.

  • How to install a CMS

    hi friends
    we are implementing SAP HR in our company. we have ECC 5.0(Aix 5.3 64 bit with oracle 9i) and we have a requirement to implement CMS (content mangement server) for the payroll & uploading of employee photos.
    could you please help in providing us the overview of what are the requirements of installing a CMS in SAP.We only have one windows 32 bit machine with 160 gb of hard disk and 2 gb ram. So do we need to purchase another machine or can we configure the CMS on this spare machine.
    also, is it possible to configure the CMS on the SAP application server with existing landscape without the need of buying a new hardware.
    i would really appreciate if you could help me on this topic. I have read the CMS help document but i need expertise from people who have implemented CMS or are planning to do , to know what is the best practice.
    thanks in advance.

    Hi my friend
    You could install CMS (usage type DI) in 2 ways:
    1. Install it as a standalone instance of with NW 640 SAPinst, which I recommend to go with because of flexibility.
    2. Patch all necessary components by SDM to an existing AS Java instance, to find needed components in SWDC:
    Support Packages and Patches - Entry by Application Group" SAP NetWeaver" SAP NETWEAVER" SAP NETWEAVER 04" Entry by Component" Development Infrastructure
    > also, is it possible to configure the CMS on the SAP application server with existing landscape without the need of buying a new hardware.
    As you mentioned, needing a new server or going with current hardware depends on the workload of this DI instance. If it'll be in charge of transports and development work for a number of Java instances, you can get a general idea from

  • Populating a PDF File from ColdFusion

    I wanted to populate a pfd file from coldfusion and I found
    this online:
    When I submit the form.. I then show a link [view pdf].. only
    when I click
    on that lick I get a message saying
    Adobe acrobat: the file is damaged and could not be repaired.
    Has anyone used this method successfully? If so, would like
    to hear some
    The PDF template I created just have 2 fields. firstname
    lastname (which
    matches cfm form).
    Thanks in advance
    1. Create PDF document to populate
    Create the document you want to populate. This document could
    be done in
    Microsoft Word, as an HTML page or using some drawing
    application. Then
    create a PDF file of that document.
    You must have Adobe Acrobat or the equivalent to create a PDF
    Typically, the easiest way to create a PDF is to click File
    > Print and
    select Acrobat Distiller as your printer.
    2. Enter fields with Acrobat
    Once the document is in the PDF format, open it in Acrobat.
    Use the menu bar
    tools to define your fields.
    a.. Use the Form Tool to define the various text fields,
    give each a name,
    and designate the font type and size. The field name should
    correspond to
    the name of the data you will input.
    b.. Use the Text Tool to modify areas of text. You may have
    to change the
    font or font size. It is not the easiest tool to use.
    This will be your PDF template.
    3. Create a ColdFusion page to populate the PDF
    Create a ColdFusion form to gather data from input over the
    Internet or from
    a database query. This page or an action page will provide
    the means to
    populate the PDF file.
    The code you use will depend on the method or software you
    decide to use.
    Options will be explained in the next section.

    Hi, I need your help again.. And if you can do this for me; i
    will pay for
    your time. just let me know. because i need this project wrap
    up in the next
    28 hours.
    I've used the Ben Forta (cf_PDFFROM) and i'm able to get the
    pdf. (great)
    now i need to suppress blank lines.
    my pdf is a business card template.
    on the left top down
    firstname middle name lastname
    job title
    on the right bottom up:
    there's where I'm stuck:
    if a user does not enter a fax number... I want the PDF to
    move 'phone:'
    down 1 line and not show the word 'fax'.
    PLEASE can someone point me in the right direction OR tell me
    you can do it
    quickly. contact me and i'll pay you.
    thanks in advance!
    "BLXWebMaster" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:f2fi63$c1e$[email protected]..
    > What version of PDF are you using? Are you creating your
    PDF Form in
    > designer?
    > If you are trying to Pre-Populate a PDF Form, this
    technique will not work
    > in
    > that this will not preserve your Form. With the recent
    versions of PDF,
    > Adobe
    > hase changed the technology to be XML and you are trying
    to populate your
    > PDF
    > using FDF. I don't think that this can be done.
    > I would stay away from FDF.
    > Although there are several tools that will allow you to
    do this, most of
    > them
    > rely on the old FDF format.
    > I would suggest checking out XPAAJ. This is a free api
    for Coldfusion
    > users
    > and offers a decent basic pre-population of PDF's.
    > Written by our friend Ben Forta, you can check it out

  • CMS Help!

    I am a middle of the road developer - not an expert, not a
    newbie. I have had more clients ask me to be able to update their
    sites in their own. I have had some clients use Contribute - but
    then they are limited to just the pages that are html and as well,
    limited to the one computer that the software is located on.
    I have seen some larger developer who are using content
    management systems to develop the majority of thier websites - one
    system is ExpressionEngine from I have done some
    administrative sections for clients with ASP/MSSQL, so I could
    realistically write my own CMS, but do I want to or am I just
    recreating the wheel so to speak? If I create my own, I would be
    more comfortable with ASP, but is it better to write it in PHP?
    I have one particular client that uses a backend MS SQL
    database (it is a doctor's office) that we hope eventually we can
    hook up to for the web site, but at this point, we have to have the
    two separate. So at this point, I want to have a CMS for them that
    is MS SQL based - but the more research I do, the more I see PHP
    and MySQL being used for CMS. Is there a reason for using one
    language over the other? I think PHP is becoming more industry
    standard, but MS SQL is a more powerful database. (can I write it
    in PHP with a MS SQL database?)
    I also have a new set of clients that need similar sites that
    would be best run with a CMS. I want to be able to offer different
    design templates for them to choose from (templates or different
    css files??), have the basic pages set up that they all will
    probably need - but also be able to offer them the ability to add
    their own pages, forms, mailing lists, forums, etc. Also, I don't
    need a user-friendly interface to get it set up, but would need a
    very user-friendly interface for the clients to do their updating.
    Any advice here?
    On top of it all, I have two clients that I would like to set
    up their sites with a CMS, but they also both need to be able to
    have online ordering. I have set this up with Web Assist's shopping
    cart - so I can do it from my end, but can it be integrated into a
    CMS. I like to have control over the products and how they come up,
    and in building the database - so again, I should build my own -
    but I thought if I can find a solution that will work for a variety
    of client and is basically prebuilt that I can customize, that
    would be a big asset to me.
    Oh, and is it better to have a CMS that is database driven or
    that it html based? Searchability?
    I don't mind a large learning curve for a CMS, but really
    want to start out with one that is highly recommended, that I can
    customize if I need to, and hopefully will work with a dreamweaver
    template/design, will stay around - or something that I can still
    use if they are not around, and will work with all these different
    situations (and I would like to win the lottery too - which is more
    likely?) I know there are hughly expensive CMS programs out there -
    I would of course love to find a free one that I can customize, but
    I don't mind paying ($100 - 250) per site (but not paying each
    month) I would love any recommendations!! Does anyone have a web
    design firm that uses a solution for their clients and that they
    are happy with??
    Sorry for all the questions - the more I research, the more
    confused I get!!

    Maybe you can use Typo3 - its free. I'm
    going to use a
    CMS-system myself because I'm going to make a big project too
    so I have been
    studying this software the last few days and it's looks
    really great.
    Tine M�ller
    "tccdover" <[email protected]> skrev i en
    news:[email protected]...
    > Hello,
    > I am a middle of the road developer - not an expert, not
    a newbie. I have
    > had
    > more clients ask me to be able to update their sites in
    their own. I have
    > had
    > some clients use Contribute - but then they are limited
    to just the pages
    > that
    > are html and as well, limited to the one computer that
    the software is
    > located
    > on.
    > I have seen some larger developer who are using content
    management systems
    > to
    > develop the majority of thier websites - one system is
    > from
    > I have done some administrative sections
    for clients with
    > ASP/MSSQL, so I could realistically write my own CMS,
    but do I want to or
    > am I
    > just recreating the wheel so to speak? If I create my
    own, I would be more
    > comfortable with ASP, but is it better to write it in
    > I have one particular client that uses a backend MS SQL
    database (it is a
    > doctor's office) that we hope eventually we can hook up
    to for the web
    > site,
    > but at this point, we have to have the two separate. So
    at this point, I
    > want
    > to have a CMS for them that is MS SQL based - but the
    more research I do,
    > the
    > more I see PHP and MySQL being used for CMS. Is there a
    reason for using
    > one
    > language over the other? I think PHP is becoming more
    industry standard,
    > but MS
    > SQL is a more powerful database. (can I write it in PHP
    with a MS SQL
    > database?)
    > I also have a new set of clients that need similar sites
    that would be
    > best
    > run with a CMS. I want to be able to offer different
    design templates for
    > them
    > to choose from (templates or different css files??),
    have the basic pages
    > set
    > up that they all will probably need - but also be able
    to offer them the
    > ability to add their own pages, forms, mailing lists,
    forums, etc. Also, I
    > don't need a user-friendly interface to get it set up,
    but would need a
    > very
    > user-friendly interface for the clients to do their
    updating. Any advice
    > here?
    > On top of it all, I have two clients that I would like
    to set up their
    > sites
    > with a CMS, but they also both need to be able to have
    online ordering. I
    > have
    > set this up with Web Assist's shopping cart - so I can
    do it from my end,
    > but
    > can it be integrated into a CMS. I like to have control
    over the products
    > and
    > how they come up, and in building the database - so
    again, I should build
    > my
    > own - but I thought if I can find a solution that will
    work for a variety
    > of
    > client and is basically prebuilt that I can customize,
    that would be a big
    > asset to me.
    > Oh, and is it better to have a CMS that is database
    driven or that it html
    > based? Searchability?
    > I don't mind a large learning curve for a CMS, but
    really want to start
    > out
    > with one that is highly recommended, that I can
    customize if I need to,
    > and
    > hopefully will work with a dreamweaver template/design,
    will stay around -
    > or
    > something that I can still use if they are not around,
    and will work with
    > all
    > these different situations (and I would like to win the
    lottery too -
    > which is
    > more likely?) I know there are hughly expensive CMS
    programs out there - I
    > would of course love to find a free one that I can
    customize, but I don't
    > mind
    > paying ($100 - 250) per site (but not paying each month)
    I would love any
    > recommendations!! Does anyone have a web design firm
    that uses a solution
    > for
    > their clients and that they are happy with??
    > Sorry for all the questions - the more I research, the
    more confused I
    > get!!
    > Julie

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