Coldfusion is dead

Morning. I have heard this phrase so many times and it never
really got under my skin until this morning when a coworker (who
isn't valued as an MVP) said: "Coldfusion is dead".
Why do people say this? Can someone please tell me why this
is thrown around so often? I know several other languages and
without a doubt rank cf as 1. I prefer it and would hate to see it
I recently read this interesting blog post.
The comments are what make it good.
Does Adobe plan on retiring cf? If so, why? What makes other
developers make the claim that it's dead/dying?

tclaremont wrote:
> Search the archives. Discussed ad nauseum.
Just for fun and to turn this around.
Has anybody ever seen a 'xxx' language is dead, ColdFusion
has killed it?
I'll admit I have never really looked, but I have never seen
like this. It is always interesting that the posts I have
seen is that
ColdFusion is dead because 'xxx' is so much better.
Of course my take is that if 'xxx' is really all that much
better, then
one does not need to shout and scream about it and why it has
anything else. But there I go being logical in a flame ware

Similar Messages

  • To all those who believe ColdFusion is dead..

    I am not on here a whole lot, but when I do browse the forum
    I always see posts (usually by PHP trolls) that try to make the
    claim that ColdFusion is dead. But according to the Tiobe Index
    that measures the popularity of all programming languages,
    ColdFusion ranks number 20! That's up from last year, where it was
    ranked number 30.
    Just thought it was interesting
    . Here is the link:

    Nah, it's not dead:

  • ColdFusion 11: cfclient in the context of the CFML language, not the tooling

    I am reposting this from my blog ("ColdFusion 11: <cfclient> in the context of the CFML language, not the tooling") at the suggestion of Adobe support:
    @dacCfml @ColdFusion Can you post your queries at for all cfclient and mobile queries.— Anit Kumar Panda (@anitkumar85) April 29, 2014
    I have edited this in places to remove language that will be deemed inappropriate by the censors here. Changes I have made are in [square brackets]. The forums software here has broken some of the styling, but so be it. There is worthwhile discussion in the comments of the article on my blog: perhaps go have a read.
    This article could end up being a complete waste of space, as I am operating under more real-world re-interpretation of the raison d'être of <cfclient>, as described by Ram:
    ColdFusion [11] has added support for client side CFML (<cfclient>) and this code is translated to JavaScript
    Mike Henke has pointed out that the first part of this "CF11 has added support for client-side CFML" is actually ******** (my wording, not his):
    "ColdFusion Splendor has added support for client side CFML" is probably phrased wrong and gave me flash backs to VBScript or CFML running in the client browser.
    Maybe this is better verbiage. "ColdFusion Splendor has added support for CFML to generate JS".
    Because... there's not such thing as "client-side CFML". That would imply CFML actually running on the client (ie: the browser, or the mobile device, as is the target of <cfclient> as a concept). This is absolutely not true. I know Ram went on to qualify what he meant there, but the messaging from Adobe on <cfclient> has been inaccurate. Possibly I think to the point of actual misrepresentation (in the legal sense, I mean).
    What <cfclient> does is... convert CFML code to JavaScript. So let's look at that idea.
    Why I say this article could be a complete waste of space is that I dunno if this is the intent of <cfclient>; because, really, the messaging from Adobe as to what <cfclient> is for is very muddied. In general the narrative about it is bundled-in with various features of ColdFusion Builder 3.0, in regards to mobile application creation and packaging (and debugging, and all sort of stuff that sounds quite nice but I don't care about as I don't use CFB).
    However <cfclient> has to stand on its own merit in the CFML language, completely decoupled from CFB features. And as far as I can tell, Mike is right: as far as CFML goes, <cfclient> is a tag which tells ColdFusion to - instead of compiling to byte code - compiles the enclosed CFML code to JavaScript instead.
    This of course just sets my alarm klaxons going.  Because Adobe are (I choose my words carefully) [not very good] at converting CFML to client-side code. This has been borne out by <cfform>, <cflayout>, <cfpod> etc. Back in the days of CFMX7 the "CFML-to-client-side" wizards had some merit, because the client-side arena was still immature, and the team at Macromedia actually had some exposure to the idea of "website development", so they knew where the pain points were that they could possible ameliorate. Times have changed, and the client-side of things is probably now more mature an environment than CFML is - Javascript is probably are more coherent language than CFML is, now - and it is very very very clear that the current Adobe ColdFusion Team don't know the first thing about web development (they can't even write decent CFML for their own documentation, before we get onto how they'd be doing web work!), so they are completely out of their depth when it comes to addressing pain points that web devs might have these days. Not only have they not walked a mile in a web dev's shoes, they don't even - as far as I can tell - know what shoes are, or why someone would be wearing them.
    And <cfclient> is a far more "meta" solution than <cfform> or <cfpod> were... at least the CFML-to-client-side solution there had a tangible target in mind. <cfclient> has removed the targets, and is just a tag designed for converting general CFML to general JS. Yikes.
    600-odd words in, here's some code. This is the first-ever code I have written using <cfclient>:
    <cfclient> <cfset msg = "G'day World"> <cfoutput>#message#</cfoutput> </cfclient>
    So I'm off to a false start: I admit I'm sitting in the pub and I've had a few pints (probably four, I guess; this is "having some drinks before deciding to actually drink this evening" sort of level for me), and I inadvertently [messed-up] my variable names here. And this did not yield a compile error. The error just fell through to JS, where it did error
    Uncaught ReferenceError: message is not defined gdayWorld.cfm:4
    If, in contrast, I tried this in CoffeeScript, I'd get this:
    coffee> msg = "G'day world"
    'G\'day world'
    coffee> alert msg
    alert message
    ReferenceError: message is not defined
        at eval (eval at  (, :1:9)
    Important note: I know nothing about CoffeeScript - it seems like a solution to a non-existent problem to me - so I just googled "hello world coffeescript" and REPLed the code on
    The point is here is that ColdFusion, during the "compile" process should actually notice I am referencing a variable that doesn't exist. I'm OK with this being a runtime error in the normal CFML-compile process, because there could be many moving parts (and other files) involved in the runtime environment, but I don't think this is a valid notion with <cfclient>? Or maybe it is?
    Update:As Ray points out and Aaron agrees with below: I was being unduly harsh here... it's entirely reasonable for variables to be declared in other JS code elsewhere in the response.
    Anyway, once I actually write my code properly, I get this:
    G'day World
    On the screen. What CF actually sends back in the response is this:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/CFIDE/cfclient/cfclient_main.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/CFIDE/cfclient/cffunctions.js"></script> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> <script type='text/javascript'>globalDivStruct=null;var _$gdayWorld_func=function(){var self=this;var variables={};self.__init=function(){var localdivstruct=globalDivStruct;var __output_var="";var tmpVarArray={};message="G'day World";localdivstruct.outputvar+=message;return""}}; function __startPage__$gdayWorld(){document.write("\x3cdiv id\x3d'__cfclient_0'\x3e\x3c/div\x3e");window.ispgbuild=false;var clientDivStruct={divId:"__cfclient_0",outputvar:""};globalDivStruct=clientDivStruct;try{_$gdayWorld=new _$gdayWorld_func;_$gdayWorld.__init()}catch(__eArg){if(__eArg!=="$$$cfclient_abort$$$")throw __eArg;}__$cf.__flush(clientDivStruct)}__startPage__$gdayWorld(); </script>
    [Blimey]. To output a string variable? Really? That's what you compile my CFML down to?
    And [forget] emotive things like "gobsmacked"... if one looks at the size of the response, it's 128kB to represent "G'day World" on the screen. 128kB might not be a great deal these days when it comes to a web page, but when it comes to rendering "G'day world", it's lunacy. And on a mobile phone - which intrinsically might be in an area in which one is paying a premium for data - it's just irresponsible. This is before we get to the point that it seriously should not take 128kB of data to render 11 bytes.
    Blimey. To be honest I was gonna try some more tricky CFML and see how it compiled, but I've run out of will to live (and I have to concede the beer is getting the better of me, and my laptop battery is almost dead). I'll continue this, but I will let this article stand or fall on its own merit; something <cfclient> certainly seems to be unable to do, thusfar.
    I'll be back on the case with this tomorrow.

    The functions defined in the cffunctions.js are not namespaced. If it is namespaced, you would have to add the namespace while using a function inside cfclient.
    These functions are not namespaced, so that you can use the same syntax for using a function inside and outside the cfclient block.
    This is indicative of everyone's concern that you guys would just implement / encourage poor practice in your <cfclient> implementation.
    How is it - given you're "compiling" the CFML anyway - you cannot translate source code that says "listlen()" into "compiled" JS that is CF.listLen() or something? Thus good CFML can be translated into good JS.
    You seem to think that there's a one-to-one mapping between what the CFML says and what the resultant JS needs to be.
    You've basically written a mechanism for a CFML developer to write bad JavaScript.
    Well done.

  • Too many open socket connections causing ColdFusion to crash?

    I’m currently working on an e-commerce site which sends and receives information to/from the client’s order management system via XML over a TCP/IP socket.  It uses a very old java-based custom tag called CFX_JSOCKET (which appears to have been written in 2002) to open the socket, send the data, and get the response.  The code that calls the custom tag and sends/receives data from the OMS pre-dates my working on the site, but its always worked, so I haven’t paid it much attention.
    Back in the summer of 2009 we started experiencing issues with ColdFusion (v.7 on Window 2003 at the time) locking up on a more and more frequent basis, until it ultimately became a daily issue.  After extensive research we narrowed the issue down to the communication between the web server and our client’s order management server.  It seemed the issue with ColdFusion hanging was either related to there being too many connections open, or to these connections hanging and resulting in dead threads.  This an educated guess based on a blog post I’d seen online, not actual monitoring of either CF or the TCP/IP connections.  As soon as we dialed back the timeout on the CFX_JSOCKET tag from 20 seconds to 10, the issue disappeared, so we left it at that and moved on.
    Fast forward to this January. The site is hosted at a new location, on a 64-bit Windows 2008 box running ColdFusion 9.  Over the years traffic on the site has continued to grow.  The nature of the clients business means that August and January are their business times of the year (back to school for college kids) and in January ColdFusion once again started locking up on an almost-daily basis.  
    One significant difference is that the address cleansing software that previously ran on the box and was used to verify shipping addresses is not available for 64-bit, so when we moved to the new server last summer, that task was moved to the client’s order management software and handled via XML like all other interaction with that system. However, while most XML calls to that server (order input, inventory check, etc) take under a second to complete, the address cleansing call regularly takes over 5 seconds to return data, and frequently times out. 
    Once we eliminated the address cleansing call from the checkout process, ColdFusion once again stopped locking up regularly.  So it appears that once again it’s the communication between the web server and the order management server that’s causing problems. We currently have that address cleansing call disabled on the web site in order to keep ColdFusion from crashing, but that’s not a long term solution.
    We don’t have, nor can I find online, the source code for the CFX_JSOCKET custom tag, so I decided I’d write some CF code utilizing the java methods to open the socket, send the data, get the response, and close the connection.  My test code is working fine (under no load).  However, in trying to troubleshoot an issue I had with it, I started monitoring the TCP/IP connections using TCPView.  And I noticed that all the connections to the order management server, whether opened via the custom tag or my new code, remain open in either a TIME_WAIT or FIN_WAIT2 status for well over 2 minutes, even though I know for a fact that my new code is definitely closing the connection from the web server side. 
    They do all close eventually, but I’m wondering 1. Why they’re remaining open that long; 2. Is that normal; and 3. If all these connections remaining open could be what’s causing ColdFusion to choke. 
    Does this sound plausible?  If so, does anyone have any suggestions/recommendations about how to fix it?  My research seems to indicate this might be a matter of the order management system not closing the connection on its end, but I’m in way over my head, and before I go to client and tell them it’s their OMS causing the issue, I need to feel a little more confident that I’m on the right track. 
    Any help or advice would be very greatly appreciated.  And thanks for taking the time to read through my long-winded explanation of the problem.
    Set-up details:
    ColdFusion Version: 9,0,0,251028  Standard 
    Operating System: Windows Server 2008 
    Java Version: 1.6.0_14 
    Java VM Name: Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 
    Java VM Version: 14.0-b16 

    Hi Laurie,
    Not aware of custom tag called CFX_JSOCKET. I guess the process you described very well is consuming a resource then you are getting a problem. Trick is what parameter to adjust. Perhaps you are running out of one the threads in CFadmin > Server Settings > Request Tuning.
    I expect if you enable CF Metrics logging where you can log the threads and other resources then you can find out which parameter needs adjusting. Let me know if you want some details on enabling CF Metrics. Perhaps others will have much better idea than me and help without the overhead of logging.
    The other interesting thing is you are using CF9.0.0. Do you have some reasons for not being on updater1 CF9.0.1?
    HTH, Carl.
    PS I posted before however seems to have gone, just hope does not come back and then I have posted twice.

  • Problem setting up ColdFusion on Windows 7 and IIS

    Using Windows 7 version 6.1 Build 7601 Service Pack 1 on a Dell N5110 Laptop running an Intel Core i5-2430M CPU @ 2.4 GHz and 6 GB RAM, 64-bit OS.
    Under Control Panel > Programs > Turn Windows Features On and Off > Internet Information Services I have turned on all the features and subfeatures EXCEPT for FTP Server.  Internet Information Services Hostable Web Core is also turned ON though it's unclear whether it's necessary or not.
    Installed ColdFusion version 10 after enabling IIS as described above.
    Used instructions at to set up and test tracing, working around all the ambiguities and errors there until tracing actually worked as described for a 404.2 error on a .asp file. THEN reset the trace to work on all 500 errors for ISAPI Extension and WWW Server. 
    Ran the Web Server Configuration Tool for ColdFusion as described at 5-7ffb.html to configure IIS for ColdFusion in Windows. Then these parts of the configuration were possible to verify at C:\ColdFusion10\config\wsconfig :
    Verify your IIS configuration
    Verify that the following folder was created: cf_root/config/wsconfig/number.
    To set the <samp class="codeph">connectionpooltimeout</samp> and <samp class="codeph">reuseconnectioncount</samp> click on Advanced Setting tab. The option to enable buffering and verbose debugging is available on the same page.
    Configuring IIS:
    Creates a folder <samp class="codeph">1</samp> in <samp class="codeph">cfroot\config\wsconfig</samp>, that contains all connector-related files. 
    Creates a virtual directory <samp class="codeph">Jakarta</samp> in <samp class="codeph">cfroot\config\wsconfig</samp> (in IIS). 
    Adds an entry, <samp class="codeph">tomcat</samp>, under the<samp class="codeph"> ISAPI FILTERS</samp>. This points to <samp class="codeph">cfroot\config\wsconfig\1\isapi_redirect.dll</samp>.
    Some of the parts of the verification process were skipped, for the reasons described :
    Adds an entry, <samp class="codeph">tomcat</samp>, to  <samp class="codeph">cfroot\config\wsconfig\1\isapi_redirect.dll</samp> with permission <samp class="codeph">allowed</samp> under ISAPI and CGI Restrictions. It is applicable for global sites in IIS manager.
    No kind of 'entry' is possible for the specified .dll at that location under its Properties, nor can permissions be allowed under Properties for anything remotely resembling 'ISAPI and CGI Restrictions'.  There is nothing resembling "Global Sites" in IIS manager either where this information might be found.
    Adds the following <samp class="codeph">isapi</samp> handlers: <samp class="codeph">cfcHandler</samp>, <samp class="codeph">cfmHandler</samp>, <samp class="codeph">cfmlHandler</samp>, <samp class="codeph">cfrHandler</samp>, and <samp class="codeph">cfswfHandler</samp>.
    The logical place for these "handlers" would be in IIS but there is no description provided for where they might be found and searching around provides no clues so this is impossible to verify as well.
    For debugging issues, set the log level to <samp class="codeph">debug</samp>, in the <samp class="codeph"></samp> file present in the <samp class="codeph">cfroot\config\wsconfig\1\ </samp>directory.
    This was done and these are the contents of that file:
    extension_uri= /jakarta/isapi_redirect.dll
    log_file= C:\ColdFusion10\config\wsconfig\1\isapi_redirect.log
    log_level= debug
    worker_file= C:\ColdFusion10\config\wsconfig\1\
    worker_mount_file= C:\ColdFusion10\config\wsconfig\1\
    iis_buffer_enable= true
    To disable webserver buffer, change the <samp class="codeph">is_buffer_enable</samp> to <samp class="codeph">false</samp> in the <samp class="codeph">cfroot\config\wsconfig\1\</samp> file. Disable webserver buffer if you want <samp class="codeph">cfflush</samp> to work over an IIS connector. If your application does not use <samp class="codeph">cfflush</samp>, set it to <samp class="codeph">true</samp> for increase in the performance.
    This was left on 'true' as shown in the file contents above.
    Server Error in Application "DEFAULT WEB SITE"
    Internet Information Services 7.5
    <fieldset><legend>Error Summary</legend>
    HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error
    The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
    <fieldset><legend>Detailed Error Information</legend>
    Error Code
    Requested URL
    Physical Path
    Logon Method
    Logon User
    Failed Request Tracing Log Directory
    The supplied path C:\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles is a nonresponsive link but there are .xml files created in that subdirectory such as C:\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles\W3SVC1\fr000015.xml which contains this information:
    Request Diagnostics for
    STATUS_CODE 500, 46 ms, GET (2012-8-16, 16:59:5:778)
    Request Trace
    Page Traces
    Module Traces
    <legend>-Request Summary</legend>
    Failure Reason
    Trigger Status
    Final Status
    Time Taken
    46 msec
    App Pool
    User from token
    Activity ID
    SiteId="1", AppPoolId="DefaultAppPool", ConnId="1610612845", RawConnId="0", RequestURL="", RequestVerb="GET"
    HeaderName="AspFilterSessionId", HeaderValue="", Replace="true"
    RemoteAddress="", RemotePort="50289", LocalAddress="", LocalPort="80"
    Headers="Cache-Control: max-age=0 Connection: keep-alive Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8 Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate Accept-Language: en-us,en;q=0.5 Host: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/13.0.1 DNT: 1 "
    PhysicalPath="", AccessPerms="517"
    OldHandlerName="", NewHandlerName="cfmHandler", NewHandlerModules="IsapiModule", NewHandlerScriptProcessor="C:\ColdFusion10\config\wsconfig\1\isapi_redirect.dll", NewHandlerType=""
    AuthType="", UserName="", SupportsIsInRole="true"
    HttpStatus="500", HttpSubStatus="0", FileNameOrURL="500.htm"
    Headers="Cache-Control: private Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.5 X-Powered-By: ASP.NET "
    Buffer="<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <title>IIS 7.5 Detailed Error - 500.0 - Internal Server Error</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- body{margin:0;font-size:.7em;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;background:#CBE1EF;} code{margin:0;color:#006600;font-size:1.1em;font-weight:bold;} .config_source code{font-size:.8em;color:#000000;} pre{margin:0;font-size:1.4em;word-wrap:break-word;} ul,ol{margin:10px 0 10px 40px;} ul.first,ol.first{margin-} fieldset{padding:0 15px 10px 15px;} .summary-container fieldset{padding-bottom:5px;margin-}{padding:2px 15px 4px 10px;margin:0 0 0 -12px;} legend{color:#333333;padding:4px 15px 4px 10px;margin:4px 0 8px -12px;_margin- border-border-border-right:1px solid #969696; border-bottom:1px solid #969696;background:#E7ECF0;font-weight:bold;font-size:1em;} a:link,a:visited{color:#007EFF;font-weight:bold;} a:hover{text-decoration:none;} h1{font-size:2.4em;margin:0;color:#FFF;} h2{font-size:1.7em;margin:0;color:#CC0000;} h3{font-size:1.4em;margin:10px 0 0 0;color:#CC0000;} h4{font-size:1.2em;margin:10px 0 5px 0; }#header{width:96%;margin:0 0 0 0;padding:6px 2% 6px 2%;font-family:"trebuchet MS",Verdana,sans-serif; color:#FFF;background-color:#5C87B2; }#content{margin:0 0 0 2%;} .summary-container,.content-container{background:#FFF;width:96%;margin-padding:10px;} .config_source{background:#fff5c4;} .content-container p{margin:0 0 10px 0; }#details-left{width:35%;float:left;margin-right:2%; }#details-right{width:63%;float:left; }#server_version{width:96%;_height:1px;min-height:1px;margin:0 0 5px 0;padding:11px 2% 8px 2%;color:#FFFFFF; background-color:#5A7FA5;border-bottom:1px solid #C1CFDD;border-font-weight:normal; font-size:1em;color:#FFF;text-align:right; }#server_version p{margin:5px 0;} table{margin:4px 0 4px 0;width:100%;border:none;} td,th{vertical-align:top;padding:3px 0;text-align:left;font-weight:bold;border:none;} th{width:30%;text-align:right;padding-right:2%;font-weight:normal;} thead th{background-color:#ebebeb;width:25%; }#details-right th{width:20%;} table tr.alt td,table tr.alt th{background-color:#ebebeb;} .highlight-code{color:#CC0000;font-weight:bold;font-style:italic;} .clear{clear:both;} .preferred{padding:0 5px 2px 5px;font-weight:normal;background:#006633;color:#FFF;font-size:.8em;} --> </style>  </head> <body> <div id="header"><h1>Server Error in Application "DEFAULT WEB SITE"</h1></div> <div id="server_version"><p>Internet Information Services 7.5</p></div> <div id="content"> <div class="content-container"> <fieldset><legend>Error Summary</legend> <h2>HTTP Error 500.0 - Internal Server Error</h2> <h3>The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.</h3> </fieldset> </div> <div class="content-container"> <fieldset><legend>Detailed Error Information</legend> <div id="details-left"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr class="alt"><th>Module</th><td>IsapiModule</td></tr> <tr><th>Notification</th><td>ExecuteRequestHandler</td></tr> <tr class="alt"><th>Handler</th><td>cfmHandler</td></tr> <tr><th>Error Code</th><td>0x800700c1</td></tr>  </table> </div> <div id="details-right"> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr class="alt"><th>Requested URL</th><td></td></tr> <tr><th>Physical Path</th><td>C:\ColdFusion10\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\administrator\index.cfm</td></tr> <tr class="alt"><th>Logon Method</th><td>Anonymous</td></tr> <tr><th>Logon User</th><td>Anonymous</td></tr> <tr class="alt"><th>Failed Request Tracing Log Directory</th><td><a href="file://C:\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles">C:\inetpub\logs\FailedReqLogFiles</a></td></tr> </table> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </fieldset> </div> <div class="content-container"> <fieldset><legend>Most likely causes:</legend> <ul> %09<li>IIS received the request; however, an internal error occurred during the processing of the request. The root cause of this error depends on which module handles the request and what was happening in the worker process when this error occurred.</li> %09<li>IIS was not able to access the web.config file for the Web site or application. This can occur if the NTFS permissions are set incorrectly.</li> %09<li>IIS was not able to process configuration for the Web site or application.</li> %09<li>The authenticated user does not have permission to use this DLL.</li> %09<li>The request is mapped to a managed handler but the .NET Extensibility Feature is not installed.</li> </ul> </fieldset> </div> <div class="content-container"> <fieldset><legend>Things you can try:</legend> <ul> %09<li>Ensure that the NTFS permissions for the web.config file are correct and allow access to the Web server's machine account.</li> %09<li>Check the event logs to see if any additional information was logged.</li> %09<li>Verify the permissions for the DLL.</li> %09<li>Install the .NET Extensibility feature if the request is mapped to a managed handler.</li> %09<li>Create a tracing rule to track failed requests for this HTTP status code. For more information about creating a tracing rule for failed requests, click <a href="">here</a>. </li> </ul> </fieldset> </div>   <div class="content-container"> <fieldset><legend>Links and More Information</legend> This error means that there was a problem while processing the request. The request was received by the Web server, but during processing a fatal error occurred, causing the 500 error. <p><a href=",0,0x800700c1,7601">View more information &raquo;</a></p> <p>Microsoft Knowledge Base Articles:</p> <ul><li>294807</li></ul>  </fieldset>  </div> </div> </body> </html> "
    BytesSent="6414", ErrorCode="The operation completed successfully. (0x0)"
    BytesSent="6414", BytesReceived="348", HttpStatus="500", HttpSubStatus="0"
    +Expand All  <fieldset> <legend>Errors & Warnings</legend>
    There is nothing under Errors & Warnings.  Dead Stop.  Nothing Else To Do except Ask For Help.  Hoping someone here can provide some guidance.

    Can you please try setting up full persmission in the security properties for everyone on the wsconfig folder C:\ColdFusion10\config\wsconfig  and restart ColdFusion Server.

  • ColdFusion and MS SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition

    Trying to get ColdFusion (Developers Edition) to communicate
    with MS SQL Server 2005 (Enterprise Edition). I have ColdFusion
    running on username = admin; password = as set up when installed.
    Have also tried setting up a user account with my Windows desktop
    username and password in case ColdFusion needed to be logged on as
    the same user as the SQL server. I have full admin permissions on
    the SQL Server (with Windows authentication), and am the database
    "owner" of the database on the server. In either ColdFusion login
    case, when I try to "add a data source", with driver = Microsift
    SQL Server, I get.....
    Connection verification failed for data source: CFtoVolcano
    java.sql.SQLException: [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC
    Driver][SQLServer]Login failed for user 'kewing'.
    The root cause was that: java.sql.SQLException:
    [Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]Login failed for user
    Went to help files (troubleshooting area) and verified that
    the local web browser (IIS) and Cold Fusion ARE running. Next step
    takes me to "Change ColdFusion user account" which starts with
    "Open Control Panel and select ColdFusion 8 App Server and click
    Startup". I don't see that choice in MyComputer/ControlPanel. Not
    even sure if this is going to ba another dead end anyway!!!
    HELP! This shouldn't be this difficult! I'm not using some
    weird version of SQL!

    To use the default SQL drivers bundled with CF you need to
    use SQL authentication (which is disabled by default I think) in
    SQL Server 2005. If you enable SQL (mixed mode) authentication and
    create a user you can then add the data source in the CF admin.
    Alternatively, in order to use integrated windows
    authentication with SQL server your CF service needs to run as
    specific user. (It sounds like you've already done this) and you
    will need to use Microsoft's JDBC driver
    Driver download (MS JDBC Driver) 1BA&displaylang=en
    Connecting with Integrated authentication (MS JDBC Driver)

  • Is Spry dead?

    Spry 1.6 Came out on 1 Oct 2007. It has been 1 1/2 years since any major update of the Spry framework.
    I can understand that DW CS4 took a lot of time for the SPRY team, but since then we have only one little update, the SpryData.js on 11 Dec 2008. That's it…
    I need to know if Spry is dead so I can move on to another framework.
    Spry is the best AJAX framework for data related websites. And that is the kind of website I have. Nothing is better!!! But if Spry is dead, I have to look into using something else that will meet all my needs in all areas, not just data.
    We all choose Spry because we were told it's in pre release and the developers were looking at adding new functions and features by listening to the community that uses Spry. This was the main benefit of Spry for everyone.
    But it looks more and more like it's dead. The developers will not comment on any of the threads that ask about the future of Spry, and to me this is a big indicator of it's state.
    If just one of Kin or Donald came out and said "… we have something big around the corner…" then many of us would be excited and continue to use it. But until then I will start to look into JQuery or Mootools to see how difficult it will be to change all my pages to a framework that is expected to keep evolving….
    Hope to hear some good news!

    Thanks for your input on this.
    Kin and I have too been frustrated by our lack of time to commit to the process.
    As you probably know, we work on the Dreamweaver team as well and that always takes a priority.
    We are both bummed that we haven't been able to put out 1.7 in a timely manner.
    If I may ask, why isn't there a seperated Spry team than? Iknow Spry is just a small part of Dreamweaver, but I think the future of DW might even depend on a good rock solid ajax framework. Especially after I had seen "Atlas" from 280 North. It could be come an hard punch for Adobe.
    We are investigating new ways of putting widgets together and making them more flexible and skinable. We are also throwing around ideas for Spry/jQuery interactions. Nothing solidified yet but we are looking at things.
    Please, do not use the jQuery syntax. Its one big reason why I absolutely hate the framework sure the code base is allright but It almost make all code unreadable. do().stuff().here().and().try().to().de().bug().my().issue("please").dont().you().love([" chaining",functions(like,this){alert("no")}]);
    This means that Spry is not dead. We are working on things that we hope will be interesting and innovative.
    It also means that we can't really give a roadmap for Spry. I am hoping that for the near future, we will be able to release some new things as we perfect them: smaller periodic releases that let's us keep innovating and let's you know that we are investing in the framework.
    I already knew this, but I'm still happy when I see you posting this . I love Spry and use it on a daily basis both personal and in an enterprise enviourment.
    As far as I can see Spry is a crucial part of Dreamweaver's future, so I don't see it lacking attention. But we have definitely a visibility problem. The team isn't allowed to talk about the roadmap, leaving us in the cold... A very uncomfortable situation, both for Spry's team and the users community.
    Yeah, so true. But I would also love to see it intergrated in to ColdFusion as default ajax framework . And I fully agree on the visibility problem. I'm in a team of 10 programmers at work. And they are like what is the Spry Framework you are Community Expert in. +_+" ofcourse after few slaps and presentation they where up to date..
    But I think this is mainly because all "major" frameworks aren't as issolated as Spry currently is. Typing in is allot easier than and even than the information presented is minimal and requires further investigation to find the info that you want. It might even bee in 5 different locations, API, Samples, LiveDocs, Articles or Devnet and if you are unlucky its not even there at all.
    The frustration I see from people is, I think, based on a deep desire to see this project continue, realizing the potential that is clearly evident in what is currently available.
    I agree on that point.
    I mean, many of the peices of a well-developed framework are here.  Instead of waiting around for updates, perhaps we should be developing our own widgets and packages that can be shared in the community.
    There are already a few people doing that. Me and Massimo for example have both released some widgets for Spry. And I'm still working a few widgets that will be "released" soon. Such as JSONP support for the SpryJSON dataset this will allow us to some crossdomain JSON requests etc..
    Sure, there are some key components that still need to be developed from the top down, but there is plenty that can be done in terms of creating eye-candy that will lure in other users.
    Theres actually allot that can be reused, SpryDOMUtils.js and the SpryEffects.js provide almost for what is needed to created custom widgets on your own. A example is an article series the i created for insideRIA:
    Without a public code repository, bugtracker and roadmap, there is very little the community could do. Spry has an open source license, but its developing model is completely closed. I already did some work with extensions and add-ons for Spry (see my website). But since all the developing happens behind closed doors, people from the community can't contribute, unless we fork, but that's an option I wouldn't consider (not at this stage at least).
    Yeah its such a shame that Spry isn't listed at It would be a great candidate for it. And I would love to provide some patches to existing issues in the framework. But the closed development is kinda blocking that as we have no clue what Spry team is doing. Same thing actually counts for widgets. It would be a waste of time if we as 3rd Party developers started creating a Spry syntax based Drag and drop addon and the Spry team is working on the same over at the jQuery UI framework you can see in there wiki what they are working on.
    BTW - look how many hits this thread is getting - Adobe,
    Its been retweeted a couple times on twitter .
    Anyways I will always be on Spry side what ever it will do, I absolutely love the framework and will not swap for any other. (yes even when they decide to implement().chaining().in().the().whole().framework())

  • Control Panel and ColdFusion

    I have been searching a lot for a Windows Control Panel that supports ColdFusion DSN etc.
    Earlier HELM Control panel was there but since it was sold to Parelles, there is not development and it is a dead product now
    Does anybody knows any other Windows Control Panel which support CF?
    Or anybody developing module for WebsitePanel CF Integration?

    Here is a relevant blog ColdFusion-10 64bit and MSAccess — Adobe ColdFusion Blog to add ODBC socket for Access. The same applies for setting up other ODBC socket datasources.
    Anit Kumar

  • Coldfusion Builder now available

    Dunno if/when this was released in the States, but it's just come out in the UK.
    However, it's £200 ($300), which for what it is I can't help but feel is pretty steep. Does anyone else have any opinions on this? Bearing in mind *all* it does is ColdFusion, whereas the (free) Eclipse IDE on which it is based also supports Java development, C, PHP, pretty much anything.
    I was largely unimpressed with the Beta over CFEclipse, the only real benefit so far being that the CF9 syntax highlighting is there, plus the highlighting for script-based components.
    I've never really been one for debuggers and addons, I've never really required them. Which means one of two things. Either:
    1 - These features are largely unused gimmicks, which don't really perform any benefit - I'd always use SQL*Plus or SSMS for interacting with databases, I strongly dislike using RDS. Except for little plugins (Regex tested etc) I don't think I use any of the extra bits.I don't like having an IDE build my classes for me, because I like to have checked every single property and method myself and have thought about them one by one.
    2 - I'm an idiot, and I'm massively missing out on some amazing features which would save me hours of my life.
    I'd be genuinely interested to know if people will be purchasing Builder (and also if it's your own money or company funds) and if so, what is it that sold it to you?

    >I think every CF9 licence should come with some number of CFB licences.
    >And there should be some free variation of CFB (which doesn't have  debugging,
    >or doesn't have extensions, or has a cap on how many projects  one can create, or something).
    I completely agree there. What bugs me really, is how Adobe is not helping ColdFusion becoming more popular. I almost think it's better to lie "You don't need an IDE" than saying "There's an IDE but it costs hundreds per license" to a project manager unfamiliar with CF.
    Let's take Finland - because I live there. 5 million people, known as a technologically advanced country, the home of Nokia, etc.
    Number of software houses providing ColdFusion solutions: 1 using primarily, 1 mainly for serving old customers.
    Number of software houses openly advertising "ColdFusion" as their technology: 1
    Number of ColdFusion coders in those companies: approx 5 to 6.
    Number of open ColdFusion positions on the national employment office's pages within the last SEVEN years: 1
    On the same page, number of open (web) programmer positions with PHP in primary requirements TODAY: 45.
    (These numbers are personal estimates, made by observing the Finnish ColdFusion scene since 1996 very closely. Of course, some private and in-house developers who adopted ColdFusion years ago, are not showing in these figures)
    As ColdFusion has been proven to be practically dead in some snowy, cold corners of the universe, I feel strongly about issues which prevent ColdFusion from getting more popular. There's no chance in hell CF will become even a _known_ product in countries where it's already dead. It doesn't matter at all how good the technology is, if companies know there's no one to replace a coder if he quits the position.
    And yet, I'm optimistic, crazy, naive, wishing I can make a difference and my living with it, because ColdFusion rules. So I bought CFB...
    -Fernis - - ColdFusion Developer For Hire

  • Coldfusion 8 Not sending email

    Coldfusion is not sending emails and is showing a java error
    in the coldfusion administrator if the "verify mail server" box is
    checked when submitting the mail settings.
    The mail settings are right (they work on our production
    server), and I can send mail from the command line on the machine
    so there are no problems with the MTA or with a firewall.
    I am running coldfusion 8 on SuSE 10 enterprise server.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
    Warwick Manns

    I also have a send problem. I have been sending and receiving emails from several accounts on my new iPad2 for several weeks. Last night I accidentally left my computer on and the battery ran down-dead as a doornail. I plugged it in right away this morning. I use my iPad2 frequently from the couch. I wrote 9 emails and they didn't send. I checked everything I knew to check-passwords, account settings, turn wi-fi on an off.  I've been reading the tech sheets and Apple Help but I cannot resolve the problem. I took Apple's advice and added the account manually with password and correct settings. It is still not sending. It is a pop3 account. I've reset my router and powered the computer, router, and iPad up and down numerous times. The computer sends and receives email just fine. I turn off Outlook so as to not have two devices trying to access the server at once. I don't think it is an embarqmail (provider) problem if I can send and receive on the computer. Originally I got an error about the same IP being used by another device. I have checked the IP addresses and they are not the same. I got a new computer Windows 7 and after 2 weeks I got everything set up. I have an iCloud account but do not put my email through it.  I can't see taking the iPad to an Apple store when the iPad is the only device not working. I can send email from my iPhone 3G. This does not seem to be a computer problem. What am I missing? Thanks for any help anyone can give me.
    Message was edited by: sunseeker

  • ColdFusion, an outdated language?

    I love coldfusion, Ive had a lot of fun with it since I found
    out about dynamic server side programming. believe it or not, I
    just found out it existed summer of last year. Ive came along way
    and I think Im ready to try and get certified.
    I was randomly looking up some coldfusion articles the other
    day and I came across a forum that asked why is it that coldfusion
    developers are hard to find. And someone replied that Its an
    outdated language and they should try .NET programming. My question
    is, is this true. Dont get me wrong, I love coldfusion, but I havnt
    had the oppurtunity yet to come across a coldfusion developer in
    person to even ask how much coldfusion has benefited them
    financially. The minute I learned what it was about, i bought books
    and immediately started to learn and use the forums. But now Im
    starting to question if Coldfusion is a good investment. Not that
    many web hosting services have Coldfusion servers to offer compared
    to PHP and .NET. I dont want to leave coldfusion, But is it worth
    getting certified and does alot of fortune come out of being a
    coldfusion developer ?? Thanks

    Just been reading some interesting stuff over on the
    hostmysite forums -
    apparently coldfusion is on the decline. However, within the
    community itself, it is being used more! I think thats the
    key to this whole
    "cf is dead" thing - sure, cf is used far less in general
    terms, but in
    certain places it is on the rise. Ultimately, its safe to say
    thats it's not
    really a mainstream technology anymore but it will live on
    happily within
    its niche areas.
    If you are a general purpose web developer looking for work
    or customers, cf
    is probably a bad choice. But if you want to specialise or if
    you want to go
    for a job with an organisation that you already know supports
    cf use - it
    might be a smart move.
    "numerical07" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:euje04$10f$[email protected]..
    >I love coldfusion, Ive had a lot of fun with it since I
    found out about
    > server side programming. believe it or not, I just found
    out it existed
    > summer
    > of last year. Ive came along way and I think Im ready to
    try and get
    > certified.
    > I was randomly looking up some coldfusion articles the
    other day and I
    > came
    > across a forum that asked why is it that coldfusion
    developers are hard to
    > find. And someone replied that Its an outdated language
    and they should
    > try
    > .NET programming. My question is, is this true. Dont get
    me wrong, I love
    > coldfusion, but I havnt had the oppurtunity yet to come
    across a
    > coldfusion
    > developer in person to even ask how much coldfusion has
    benefited them
    > financially. The minute I learned what it was about, i
    bought books and
    > immediately started to learn and use the forums. But now
    Im starting to
    > question if Coldfusion is a good investment. Not that
    many web hosting
    > services
    > have Coldfusion servers to offer compared to PHP and
    .NET. I dont want to
    > leave
    > coldfusion, But is it worth getting certified and does
    alot of fortune
    > come out
    > of being a coldfusion developer ?? Thanks

  • Coldfusion/MySQL/DWeaver/Cartweaver

    Dear Developers,
    Is anyone familiar with this combination (or part of it)? I
    have been trying to learn this for years on end... I have
    downloaded MySQL, Coldfusion, bought and learned Dreamweaver
    bought Cartweaver.
    Bought Ben Forta’s book read part of it. Referred to
    the pdf that comes with Cartweaver. Taken a few MySQL classes, Fast
    Track to Coldfusion... Traveled to Ohio to take a one on one class
    with a developer, (who was helpful but that was on a PC),
    Subscribed to and watched all related materials... tried
    to complete all tutorials available on related subjects...
    The problem is that the information in the media listed above
    used the pc in their various tutorials and not the mac... so I
    always hit a dead end... the developer center at adobe uses a mac
    in their tutorial but that one didn’t work...
    There are no books at amazon pertaining to the subject... I
    have written or e-mailed the folks at and Cartweaver to
    ask for relevant documentation... all to no avail...
    Can anyone out there help?
    Thank you very very much..
    Elizabeth Wallace

    We have replied and sent all the information and links and
    training tips we
    have at our disposal, as Elizabeth mentioned in her post, she
    has the best
    resources, Ben's Book,, and others. Including this
    Which includes free video how to lessons on installing CF 8,
    MySQL and MySQL
    tools on the Mac. I post this just so you'll know we have and
    are trying to
    This is in no way meant to be negative toward Elizabeth
    however. Her emails
    have all be very courteous and polite and she seems like a
    great person,
    she's just stuck and is trying all her avenues. I've
    recommended that she
    find a CFUG in her area and sent her a link to the listings
    on the Adobe
    site. I wont post her location here, I'll leave that to here
    if she wishes
    to do so. Hopefully she will be able to find a CF/MySQL/Mac
    developer in her
    local to get her started.
    Lawrence Cramer
    "CFMXPrGrmR" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:fhhnjd$80l$[email protected]..
    > Hmm... if you've emailed Cartweaver themselves and they
    haven't replied,
    > that
    > may not be a good sign. I'm not familiar with this
    product, I imagine it's
    > for
    > an online shopping cart? I believe the CF Web App
    Construction book and
    > other
    > CF books have shopping cart code if you'd like to steer
    away from this
    > Cartweaver product.

  • Should I use Coldfusion?

    Hi I am getting ready to create a large web site. I am still
    contemplating whether or not to use Coldfusion over another
    Over the weekend, I've been reading the info on CF on the
    main web site and other article about Coldfusion's benefit over
    other languages as I have to make a decision soon.
    I just am still unsure. I'm worried about finding the support
    I need if I get into trouble with coding or if I want to try
    implementing something interesting. With ASP I usually could ask
    around and I'll get a pretty quick response about what I need to

    re: Opinion (unless you actually have proof, but you've
    provided hard
    proof when asked for it, have you Andley?)
    Download (there's a free version specifically for
    building web
    apps) - prove it for yourself! Does cf have event driven
    databound grids
    that offer zero coding and complete flexibility for advanced
    Heck, it doesn't even have a RAD IDE! Sorry - but the proof
    is there for teh
    taking of you could just take your blinkers off for 10
    minutes (yes, 10
    minutes, thats all it takes to build in what it would
    take days to
    do in cfml)
    > Microsoft seriously pissed off all their ASP developers
    when they released
    > ASP.Net. Where is ASP 6 now? Yeah, it has a "certain
    you got to be kidding! It was a revolution that was widely
    accpeted. IIS 7
    still has classic asp! So not sure where you gt teh idea that
    asp was dead
    You seem to want proof and stats for everything. But when
    they are provided
    you belittle them. Truth is, the proof is right there fo rteh
    taking - and
    most people have taken it. Hence, lousy cf adoption.
    Lets look at just one of hundreds of details that point to
    the lack of
    demand (death?) of cf. Did O'Reilly not pull their CF book
    from print and
    will no longer be publishing it based on a total lack of
    demand of a once
    popular title? YES! Is this just one stray meaningless figure
    or is it
    backed up with tons of such data? Do sites like sitepoint
    suggest cf is
    alive and well or that it is "stagnant". Dude, your proof is
    all over the
    place in many varied forms. Just look at the number of posts
    that come
    through here each day - it's practically a ghost town!!
    speaking, it IS a ghost town!)
    re: Yep. you really are that delusional. Wow. You have a
    pretty big ego to
    that just because of you, the image functionality was added
    to CF.
    Yes and No. You have to think of me as the represenation of
    all those that
    feel as I do - that cf needs more people to stand up and make
    a fuss about
    the way its going to the dogs (or the rich folk). If Adobe
    can't see how
    many people come to this very forum and see so much negative
    their product recieves, then we hav big problems. I like to
    think they
    "Kronin555" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    >> An Asp.Net app can be built far faster than
    comparable Cf app.
    > Opinion (unless you actually have proof, but you've
    never provided
    > hard
    > proof when asked for it, have you Andley?)
    > > [ColdFusion] just not widely adopted and simply has
    nowhere near as many
    > advnatges as most other web dev platforms. Any
    advantages it has are far
    > outweighed in typical scenarios.
    > Since you're so well-versed in ColdFusion and "most
    other web dev
    > platforms",
    > why don't you elaborate on these advantages that other
    web dev platforms
    > have
    > over CF? If you're going to state something like this,
    you really should
    > have
    > items to back it up with.
    > > re: > I'm not sure what .NET has to offer that
    CF doesn't for MySpace,
    > > smoother integration
    > integration with what?
    > > better support
    > OK, point 1
    > > lot more functionlity
    > like?
    > > industrial strength & robust languages
    > Nice buzzwords. Do you have data to back the "industrial
    strength" one up?
    > > utilise skills across organisation, not just web.
    > Most web developers don't develop desktop apps, and vice
    versa. This is a
    > solution looking for a problem.
    > > faster execution
    > Numbers?
    > > more third party tools, support
    > > more talent/coders
    > Arguable. I haven't yet met someone that focuses on the
    Microsoft stack
    > that
    > I'd call a skilled engineer. I'm sure they're out there,
    but they're
    > hidden in
    > all the noise.
    > > a certain future witha stable owner
    > Microsoft seriously pissed off all their ASP developers
    when they released
    > ASP.Net. Where is ASP 6 now? Yeah, it has a "certain
    > > Sadly, CF has been shunned by the web dev community
    and I'm sick of
    > > people
    > telling me they think it is dead adn making comments
    like "coldfusion, oh,
    > is
    > that still going is it!??"
    > You know what's really funny about this?
    YOU are adding to this
    > belief!!! (then in the next breath, say that you're sick
    of it). Are you
    > really
    > that delusional?
    > > My whinging got the image functionality put into
    the latest release, so
    > > be
    > grateful someone bothers to make a fuss about the state
    of cf
    > Yep. you really are that delusional. Wow. You have a
    pretty big ego to
    > think
    > that just because of you, the image functionality was
    added to CF.
    > To sum up: "My name is Andley. Don't use CF. It isn't
    marketed well. It
    > doesn't have the functionality of other web dev
    frameworks. Ruby on Rails
    > and
    > ASP.Net rock. If CF ends up getting marketed, I'll take
    credit for it. And
    > even
    > though I say not to use CF, don't go badmouthing CF
    because I can't stand
    > that.
    > Oh, and I really do like CF, wish I could use it, but
    noone wants it.
    > Don't
    > ever think I am badmouthing CF, I'm just helping Adobe
    see the error in
    > their
    > ways. Oh, and yes, I use many different aliases to get
    my point across.
    > That
    > doesn't make me look like an idiot or anything, it's a
    means to an end to
    > get
    > Adobe to recognize the importance of what I (and my 50
    other "friends")
    > are
    > saying."
    > Seriously.

  • ColdFusion MX: fails loading the ColdFusion Administrator

    I just installed an older version of ColdFusion MX. When I
    try to load the ColdFusion Administrator, using "
    I get the below errors (I have also tried substituting the computer
    name for "localhost"):
    Error Occurred While Processing Request
    Please Try The Following:
    Check the CFML Reference Manual to verify that you are using
    the correct syntax.
    Search the Knowledge Base to find a solution to your problem.
    Browser Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1;
    Remote Address
    Date/Time 17-Aug-07 04:56 PM
    Stack Trace (click to expand)
    at javax.crypto.Cipher.getInstance([DashoPro-V1.2-120198])
    at coldfusion.compiler.TemplateReader.decrypt(Unknown
    at coldfusion.compiler.TemplateReader.(Unknown Source)
    at coldfusion.compiler.NeoTranslator.translateJava(Unknown
    at coldfusion.compiler.NeoTranslator.translateJava(Unknown
    at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader$1.fetch(Unknown
    at coldfusion.util.LruCache.get(Unknown Source)
    at coldfusion.util.AbstractCache.fetch(Unknown Source)
    at coldfusion.util.SoftCache.get(Unknown Source)
    at coldfusion.runtime.TemplateClassLoader.findClass(Unknown
    at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(Unknown Source)
    at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(Unknown Source)
    Any ideas? Thanks,

    I tried the workaround solution since the "ColdFusion MX 6.1
    Upgrade" link is dead, but it didn't work. I've tried searching for
    free MX 6.1 upgrade but it appears it has been pulled off the site.
    Does anyone know where I can get a copy of the upgrade?

  • How to Install Coldfusion 8 64-bit on Small Business Server 2008 64-bit

    How to Install Coldfusion 8 64-bit on Small Business Server 2008 64-bit
    I ran Coldfusion 8 on SBS 2003 Premium for 6 months with no problems.  When we finally decided to cut over to SBS 2008, that’s when everything went to hell.  I tried for weeks to get Coldfusion 8 to install properly on the new SBS 2008 64-bit box.  During the course which, I found bits and pieces of information for Vista 64-bit and Windows Server 2008 64-bit installations.  There are some distinct differences, however, with SBS 2008 since it runs core Web applications like OWA, RWW and Companyweb.  After countless unsuccessful attempts, one of which completed corrupted the box, I found the solution.
    I have attempted in this white paper to detail the steps to assist others who may be in a similar situation.  I don’t make any warranty for the information, but so long as you follow the steps carefully you should be fine.  BTW, for those of you who say Adobe offers free technical support for licensed users, that’s not entirely true.  Like I said, I purchased CF8 and originally installed it on an SBS 2003 Premium box.  After we cut over to SBS 2008 and encountered problems, Adobe wouldn’t provide any technical support without charging.  Moreover, based on my initial conversations with Adobe’s technical team, no one seemed to know much about running 64-bit on SBS.
    From my understanding, only two versions of Coldfusion 8 can be installed in 64-bit: Enterprise and Developer.  The “normal” install (which I paid a grand for) can only be deployed in 32-bit mode – gee, THANKS Adobe!  By the way, in Developer mode only two distinct IPs can access the site in addition to the localhost.  Any additional IPs will result in a CFML error message stating that the maximum number of IPs have been exceeded.  At any rate, take your time and follow the steps to achieve a successful installation. 
    Back Up SBS
    It’s always a good practice to backup your server before deploying any kind of major system changes.  Although this step is optional, I recommend it in case you need to restore your server for any reason.  Bear in mind, if your system ever gets totally corrupted, you cannot restore back from the twice daily incremental backup images alone.  You will need a full backup with system recovery information to restore.  Here are the basic steps:
    Click: Start > Programs > Administrative Tools.  Right-click “Windows Server Backup” and choose “Run as administrator”.
    Click “Backup Once” under Actions in the right-hand pane.
    Choose the “Different Options” radio button under Backup Options.
    Choose the “Custom” radio button.  What we’re primarily interested in here is backing up the OS – not your data partitions or attached drives.
    Select the “SYSTEM (C)” checkbox, uncheck any others.  Also, ensure that the “Enable system recovery” checkbox is selected before continuing on.
    Under ‘Specify Destination Type’, I usually select the “Local drives” radio button and point it to a Terrabyte USB drive I use for backups.  You can point this to a tape drive, or select the “Remote shared folder” radio button if you map to a UNC path to store your backup images.  Just remember, make sure that whatever path you select can readily be accessed in the event of an emergency.  Also, make sure the “Verify after writing (recommended)” checkbox is selected.
    Under ‘Specified Advanced Option’, I usually select the “VSS full backup” radio button instead of the default since I don’t use a 3rd party backup product.  If like me you rely solely on SBS for your backups, choose the full backup option.
    Confirm everything and click “Backup”.  This process may take several hours depending on the size of your system.
    Verify ISAPI Filters:
    In IIS Manager, double-click the server instance in the left-hand pane.
    In the center pane under IIS, double click the “Modules” icon to verify that the ISAPI native modules are already installed for IIS.  If it’s set up correctly you should see two entries:
    IsapiFilterModule              %windir%\System32\inetsrv\filter.dll
    IsapiModule                        %windir%\System32\inetsrv\isapi.dll
    If either of these modules are missing, you will need to re-install these (google for a solution).
    Set Up Development Environment
    Create a directory for your CFML files outside of the default Windows location (e.g., default is usually C:\inetpub\wwwroot\).  For the purpose of our install, I created a directory on a separate disk called: D:\DEV.
    Copy and paste your CFML files and directories into the new DEV root Web directory.  This will eventually be the directory where the Coldfusion installer places the CFIDE and CFDOCS folders. 
    Open IIS Manager and double-click the server instance in the left hand pane.  Expand the “Sites” folder.  Right-click the Sites folder and select “Add Web Site”.
    Enter a name in the “Site Name” box (e.g., “test-site”).  You will notice that the system will automatically create a corresponding Application Pool with the same name.  NOTE: this is important to prevent conflicts between the DefaultAppPool (needed for SBS Web apps like OWA, RWW, etc.) and the application pool needed for Coldfusion to function properly in SBS 2008.
    Point the “Physical Path” to the directory you created in step #1 above (e.g., “D:\DEV”).
    Don’t worry about testing the connection.  If you click “Test Settings” you may receive a warning that IIS cannot verify access to path (D:\DEV).  Don’t worry about this for the time being.
    Under “Host name”, enter a DNS path to your site (e.g., “”).  Click “OK”.
    Configure Application Pools for Installation
    In IIS Manager, double-click the server instance in the left-hand pane.  Click on “Application Pools” to display the list of server application pools in the center pane.
    In the “Actions” pane on the right-hand side, click “Set Application Pool Defaults”.
    Change “Enable 32-Bit Applications” - the second item from the top – from “False” to “True”, and then click “OK”.  NOTE: if you skip this step, Coldfusion will not properly create the required mappings during the install. We will change this setting back after the installation completes – more on this later.
    Modify the File for 64-Bitness
    Click: Start > Programs > Accessories.  Right-click “Notepad” and choose “Run as administrator”.
    Open the config file from within Notepad – default location: C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config
    Do a search and change this one line from:
    <add name="PasswordExpiryModule" image="C:\Windows\system32\RpcProxy\RpcProxy.dll" />
    To this:
    <add name="PasswordExpiryModule" image="C:\Windows\system32\RpcProxy\RpcProxy.dll" preCondition="bitness64" />
    Restart the IIS Admin service.
    Set HTTP Compression
    According to some threads I read, the http compression module can cause errors if you don’t disable it globally. To remedy this, perform the following:
    Click: Start > Programs > Accessories.  Right-click “Command Prompt” and choose “Run as administrator”.
    At the command prompt, change directory to intetsrv by typing: cd inetsrv
    Run the following command:
    C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv>appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/httpCompression /-[name='xpress']
    This will turn off HTTP compression for all sites in IIS.
    In IIS Manager, double-click the server instance in the left-hand pane.  Double-click the “Compression” icon in the IIS section of the center pane.
    Uncheck all of the boxes, then click the “Apply” button under Actions in the right-hand pane.
    Recheck all of the boxes, then click the “Apply” button under Actions in the right-hand pane.
    Restart the IIS Admin service.  This should enable compression and coldfusion to work at the same time.
    NOTE: if for some reason you need to reverse this, run the following command from the command prompt:
    C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe set config -section:system.webServer/httpCompression /+[name='xpress',doStaticCompression='false',dll='%windir%\system32\inetsrv\suscomp.dll']
    Download the 64-bit installation package from Adobe – filename: coldfusion-801-wind64.exe.
    Right-click the file and select “Run as administrator”.
    Accept the terms of the License Agreement.
    If you have an Enterprise license, enter it.  For our purposes, just click the “Developer Edition” checkbox.
    Select “Server configuration” – the default radio button.
    I deselected all subcomponents and can’t guarantee that you’ll arrive at the same results if you select additional items like “.NET Integrated Services”.  It should be fine, particularly if you install documentation.  My preference was to keep the install as plain vanilla as possible.
    Select the directory path for Coldfusion to install into – default is :C\Coldfusion
    THE NEXT TWO STEPS ARE CRITICAL TO YOUR SUCCESS.  Unselect “All IIS Websites” and select the “Configure specific IIS Website or another web server” radio button.  Click “Add”, and then select your test Web site (e.g., “test-site”) under “IIS Web Site”.  Hit “OK”.
    Do NOT use the default directory path for the CF Administrator location (e.g., default path: “C:\inetpub\wwwroot”).  Instead, point the installer to your new DEV root Web directory (e.g., “D:\DEV”).  The bottom line, you want the installer to place the CFIDE directory and files within this folder, alongside your other CFML files and folders.
    Enter an Administrator password.
    Choose to Enable RDS, or not.  I enable this by preference but it is not required.  This allows you to make updates to files using a CFML editor directly vs. having to move/FTP the files over if you’re working remotely.  Opponents to this argue that it’s potentially less secure, but for a lower environment I don’t see this as a major concern.
    Confirm everything to kick off the install.
    If all goes well you should see a message at the end stating that the install was successful.  I recommend you uncheck the box that asks you to open the CF Administrator in the default Web browser after the install.  NOTE: we will open it a different way during the post-installation tasks.  The worst thing that will happen if you forget to uncheck the box is that you might receive an error that the command prompt hung – not a big deal – just close it and move on to the next (final) steps.
    Verify CF Installation:
    The installation will create a new folder in your program group: Start > Programs > Adobe > Coldfusion 8.  The default “Administrator” link will not work because it points to the wrong path: The “” or “localhost” path as you may recall in IIS, points by default to the “C:\inetpub\wwwroot” directory.  Our CFIDE files, however, are located within: D:\DEV.
    To bring up the CF Administrator logon page, open up a Web browser and replace the “” part of the path with the DNS path name to your CF environment (e.g.,
    This should bring up the Coldfusion Administrator Login screen.  Enter in the Administrator password you created during the install to log in and configure your application server.
    Verify that your test-site renders correctly by typing in your test URL into a Web browser (e.g.,
    Fix Application Pool Defaults to Re-enable SBS Web Applications:
    At this point, Coldfusion Administrator and your test CMFL Web site should be working properly.  The problem is, default SBS Web applications like OWA, RWW and Companyweb will throw errors and fail to start.  Fortunately, this is easily remedied by performing the following steps:
    In IIS Manager, double-click the server instance in the left-hand pane.  Click on “Application Pools” to display the list of server application pools in the center pane.
    In the “Actions” pane on the right-hand side, click “Set Application Pool Defaults”.
    Change “Enable 32-Bit Applications” - the second item from the top – from “True” to “False” this time.  This should re-enable the SBS applications, which would otherwise result in 500 errors (e.g., OWA, RWW, Companyweb, etc.).  There is no need to restart IIS.
    Open a Web browser and test that you can once again connect to OWA, RWW and Companyweb successfully.
    In IIS click to highlight the application pool for your new site (e.g., “test-site”).  In the right-hand pane, click “Advanced Settings”.  Ensure that “Enable 32-Bit Applications” – second item from the top – is set to “True” for this application pool specifically.
    Lastly, jump up and down for joy!  Hopefully now, everything is working.  Best of luck!! ..Paul D (MCP).

    First, it would be a good idea for you to specify what distro of Linux you're using, as not all are supported by Adobe.
    Second, this is probably your problem right here:
    In a nutshell, CF expects the 32-bit version of to be in /lib, but it's probably not. You might be able to modify the installer to point to the correct location for that file, or you might be able to create a symlink to the file - but as the above link describes, creating a symlink might have negative consequences.
    As for installing CF 8 64-bit, that's only available with Enterprise, not Standard. If you want CF Standard 64-bit, you need to upgrade to CF 9.
    Dave Watts, CTO, Fig Leaf Software

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