Combine Expression and Keyframes

Hello guys.. I hope you all are not bored with me for asking questions
Okay, I got problem (again) here.
I want to make a gear rotating in certain time.
I have googling and I found an expression to solve it.
It gave me this expression..
timeToStart = 2;
  if (time > timeToStart){
and I try to make that.
and what I've got here isssssssssssss.. look at the picture below..
I make my gear start rotating at 6;14 seconds. Look at the Z rotation value and its value is at 0x and 0 degree. Look at the current time. It shows 0;00;05;29
When I moved it to my selection time, look at the picture below..
Look at the current time! It shows 0;00;06;00 and my gear starts to rotating!
and look at the rotation values. It suddenly to be 1x and 240.6 degrees!
All I want is just the gear starts rotating at time as I want and it will start from 0x and 1 degree.. Not suddenly to be 1x and 240.6.. So the gear starts rotating with smooth movement..

In the future it would be best to post expression questions on the AE Expressions forum. I'll give this one a shot here anyway...
The problem is that you're defining your rotation by time and you haven't subtracted the start time from the current time. It also looks like you want to start the rotation at 6 seconds and 14 frames. You can't put timecode in as time that way. Time is a decimal value. Assuming 29.97 fps 6;14 = 6.4
Try this:
timeToStart = 6.47;
  if (time > timeToStart){
The only other problem with your expression is that the rotation speed doesn't ramp up smoothly. You can fix this by increasing the complexity of the expression or by rewriting the expression using an expression slider to control the rpm. If you do that then you can simply set keyframes for the slider and ramp up the speed or change the speed over time with ease. You'll get a better solution. Add an Expression slider to your rotating layer, rename it to "rpm" and try this expression.
slider = effect("rpm")("Slider");//Expression Slider on this layer.
sv = 0;//start value
fNum = timeToFrames(inPoint);
while (fNum < timeToFrames()){
sv += slider.valueAtTime(framesToTime(fNum));
I think I got this solution from Dan Ebberts a few years ago. When you get something like this that you might want to reuse turn it into an Animation Preset by selecting all properties of the layer and choosing Animation>Save Animation Preset. It took me a moment to remember what I'd named it.

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                       if (SelLayer.transform.opacity.expression!=null && (SelLayer.transform.opacity.expression!=null) && (SelLayer.transform.opacity.expression!=null)) //check if layer have expression
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    Earlier Dan Ebberts already wrote the answer on CreativeCow:
    Можно все выбранные значения добавить в массив и потом уже дергать из оттуда, ну либо вручную прописывать в скрипте. Кому как больше нравится.
    AE has "Smoother" panel, but as far as I know you can`t access it via scripting using app.executeCommand(app.findMenuCommandId("Smoother")) or something.
    But there is a script that makes same work , called Smart Baker. You can download it here:

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    Hi, Lisa
    This should not be a problem.
    Firstly, have you set the Basic plan as a corequisite for your optional plan?
    Benefits--> Flexible Administration -->Prerequisites and Corequisites --> Define Corequisite Plans;
    Choose your secondary plan from the drop-down; then define your primary plan as the corequisite.  In most instances, selecting the 'Any plan required' radio button  should to the trick.
    Now for the combined limits:
    This is a 2-step process.
    1:  Define Combined Coverage Limits.
    Choose your Optional life plan, and enter the following:  Limit Amount -- 3,000,000; Rel. Operator :  >=
    When you save this, your resulting screen should read something like this :  OPTL     Optional Life Limit   3,000,000   0.000  >=
    2:Define Combined Coverage Limit Expressions
    Select your Optional life plan.
    Enter the following in the table:
    1.00  |  Basic Life Plan
    1.00  |  Optional Life Plan
    Again, do the same for the Basic plan.
    the combination of these two steps  creates the following equation:
    3,000,000 >= 1* Basic Life + 1* Optional Life.
    Feel free to ping me if you have questions.   Contact details are on my business card.
    Select your Optional life plan

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    Well, repying to my own post... Might have found the solution: I tried to do the same with a Macbook Pro 2010 using the very same setup. And it worked perfectly! No freeze, no nothing.
    One explanation I see:
    my iMac is dating back to May 2007, a Core 2 Duo 2,16Ghz with 2 Go of RAM.
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    Open AirPort Utility - Click Manual Setup
    Click the Wireless tab below the row of icons
    Your settings should look like this:
    Wireless Mode = Create a wireless network
    wireless Network Name = Name of your wireless network
    Check mark not needed next to Allow this Network to be extended
    Radio Mode = Automatic
    Radio Channel = Automatic
    Wireless Security = WPA2 Personal
    Wireless Password = Backspace and retype your password here
    Confirm Password = Backspace and retype your password
    Click the Internet icon
    Connect Using = Ethernet
    If you have a simple modem (only one ethernet port), the setting for Connection Sharing should be set to Share a public IP address
    If you have a gateway (combination modem and router with 3-4 ethernet ports), the setting for Connection Sharing should be set to Off (Bridge Mode).
    Update to save changes
    Restart all other devices
    Any luck?

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    An expression is a little piece of softwaremuch like a scriptthat evaluates to a single value for a single layer property at a specific point in time. Whereas scripts tell an application to _do_ something, an expression says that a property _is_ something.
    With expressions, you can create relationships between layer properties and use the keyframes of one property to dynamically animate other layers. For example, you can use the pick whip to link path properties, so a mask can take its path from a brush stroke or a shape layer object.
    The expression language is based on the standard JavaScript language, but you do not need to know JavaScript to use expressions. You can create expressions by using the pick whip or by copying simple examples and modifying them to suit your needs.
    Be sure to read the
    "Expressions" section of After Effects Help on the Web.
    Dan Ebberts has an excellent collection of example expressions and scripts and tutorials for learning how to work with expressions and scripts on his website:
    The AE Enhancers forum provides many examples and much information about expressions, as well as scripts and animation presets:
    JJ Gifford provides several example projects on his website that demonstrate how to use expressions:

  • Binding expressions and collections

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    The syntax of a method binding expression has two primary formats:
    The first format is a classic DOM-style object tree structure. The second format can be used to call a method pointed to from an object array, Map, or List.
    The same question how to use the second form.

    An expression is a little piece of softwaremuch like a scriptthat evaluates to a single value for a single layer property at a specific point in time. Whereas scripts tell an application to _do_ something, an expression says that a property _is_ something.
    With expressions, you can create relationships between layer properties and use the keyframes of one property to dynamically animate other layers. For example, you can use the pick whip to link path properties, so a mask can take its path from a brush stroke or a shape layer object.
    The expression language is based on the standard JavaScript language, but you do not need to know JavaScript to use expressions. You can create expressions by using the pick whip or by copying simple examples and modifying them to suit your needs.
    Be sure to read the
    "Expressions" section of After Effects Help on the Web.
    Dan Ebberts has an excellent collection of example expressions and scripts and tutorials for learning how to work with expressions and scripts on his website:
    The AE Enhancers forum provides many examples and much information about expressions, as well as scripts and animation presets:
    JJ Gifford provides several example projects on his website that demonstrate how to use expressions:

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    Thanks for your help and ideas!

    No. FCE has no mixer.

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    Does anyone have a clue?
    Thanx in advance
    HP F4180 All in One printer,
    Apple Airport Express (latest version),
    Apple Bonjour (latest version),
    Linksys E200 wireless
    Apple Airport Express installed as extension of existing network

    This combination SHOULD work but it often does not.  I have replaced several base routers from non-Airport to Airport and resolved issues like this - USB printers, AirPlay issues, etc.  Its the only way I know how to make it work, sorry.
    Say thanks by clicking "Kudos" "thumbs up" in the post that helped you.
    I am employed by HP

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    The ZyXEL P-2601HN-F1, as you know, is a combination DSL modem & 802.11n wireless router (or gateway device).
    For your goal you will want to take a look at this Apple Support article for details on how to configure an AX for iTunes.
    If you are still having difficulties with the AX joining the ZyXEL's wireless network, you can try the following:
    Temporarily disable wireless encryption.
    If you are hidding the SSID, disable that feature.
    Change the Mode Select setting to: 802.11g Only
    Change the Channel Selection from "Auto" to a set channel, like 1, 6, or 11

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    I have an Airport Express connected via optical toslink to a dac/amp in turn connected to speakers. When using iTunes I get message "no speakers connected to Airport Express" and audio sound has drop outs.

    Ok, if you are connecting the AirPort Express Base Station (AX) to the existing wireless network, then the DSL in the next room is most likely a combination DSL modem and wireless router. Thanks for clarifying that for me.
    Although they may only be separated by a single wall, the building material used in that wall may be enough to prevent the AX from receving a "good" signal from the DSL router.
    Since I don't know what computing equipment you have available, please check out this AirPort User Tip: AirPort - Optimal Base Station Placement to see if you can get some SNR measurements at the location of your AX. To do this properly, you will want to power-off the AX and only get these measurements for the DSL router.

  • Logic Express and Roland RD700

    I'm new to Logic Express and have been doing quite a bit of online reading, trying to get things set up. I have a PowerBook G4, Logic Express 7, and a Roland RD-700 piano. The Roland keyboard has MIDI in/out and audio out which I've connected to my computer using a MOTU FastLane and M-Audio FireWire Solo respectively. I realize the keyboard can function as a controller (using the sounds that come with LE) or as a sound generator (using the internal sounds). What I'd like to do is to use Logic Express to compose, sequence, arrange, etc songs using the sounds from the keyboard.
    Now, I know that I can change the sounds for each of my tracks by using the keyboard itself, but that gets kinda tedious - especially if I'm changing them often to see what works best. What I'd like to be able to do is to use Logic to change the keyboard's sounds... but how?!
    I've done some online research, and here is the sum total of my knowledge:
    - I know that my keyboard is a multi-instrument and that it appears in my Logic Environment
    - Each multi-instrument has 16 sub-channels which share the 15 banks assigned to the MI instrument, and that each bank can have 128 preset names
    - I know that each of the sounds in the Roland RD-700 keyboard is described by a unique combination of MSB, LSB, and Program Change numbers
    - I've already copied from a list of all the sounds and their MSB, LSB, PC and I'm ready to paste it somewhere in Logic... but I'm not sure where/how.
    And that's about all I've got. I have a feeling that the answer involves using Define Custom Bank Messages somehow, but I haven't found any clear instructions on how to do so.
    If you can kindly reply, please try to be as specific/detailed as you can to help the beginning Logic user. Thanks so much!

    For a start, this is the Logic Pro forum, not the Logic Express forum, you should have posted there instead.
    All the stuff you are asking is in the manual. Read the sub-sections which speak about Multi instruments, particularly the section on the Multi Instrument Window (page 168).
    You may, or may not, need to use Custom bank messages. It depends on whether the RD700's bank select scheme complies with the preset bank-select settings that are available in the Multi Instrument Window. (try the various roland presets in the bank select list first, and see if they address all the banks correctly)
    Use the 'paste all names' command to paste the patch lists in the Multi Instrument Window, a bank at a time.

  • Can't forward ports with Cisco EPC3925 and Airport Express and Extreme!

    I have very big problem, I've been trying for whole day to forward ports for steam and I just can't I tried everything, I have Cisco EPC3925 ( Its main thing I think its router - right ? ) Then I have connected Airport Express to it with ethernet cable ( It's working as DHCP and NAT I have double nat issue in my airport program I don't know what is this ) also Airport Express is set to create a Wi-Fi network, then I have connected Airport Extreme with Wi-fi and set to exceed wi-fi network and can't change anything in it , can't open ports etc. etc. MY COMPUTER is connected to Airport Extreme ( 2nd device ) with cable ! So Im not connecting my computer to internet with wi-fi
    Also I've been looking in Airport Express ( the 1st device ) and I saw that there I can open ports , but I opened them and nothing happend ... ports are still closed... Also I've set my computer ip to static , tried everything . And site isn't helpfull . Also I tried to set Airport Express ( 1st device ) in bridge mode and nothing happend ( after I set it to bridge mode I can't open ports in airport program )
    Please is there anyone that can Help me with this ????
    Also I want to say that somehow I dont know how, but I managed to open ports in the past
    I need to open all necessary ports because If I can't open them - I can't make a server and people can't join . I really really need help I've spent whole today's saturday to get it to work and this won't work !

    Tesserax wrote:
    I have Cisco EPC3925 ( Its main thing I think its router - right ? )
    Yes, the Cisco EPC3925 is a combination modem and wireless router or gateway device. This is the device that you would need to configure for port forwarding/mapping.
    Then I have connected Airport Express to it with ethernet cable ( It's working as DHCP and NAT I have double nat issue in my airport program I don't know what is this )
    A "Double NAT" condition is when you have two or more routers in series where they all have NAT enabled. NAT is a service that is intended to allow you to share one Public IP address with multiple Private network clients. This is what allows you to have more than one computer on your local network have the ability to share an Internet access.
    Since you have your AirPort Express connected to the Cisco by Ethernet AND the Express is configured to have NAT enabled is why you are getting a Double NAT warning.
    Normally you would want all downstream routers to be reconfigured as bridges (NAT & DHCP disabled).
    also Airport Express is set to create a Wi-Fi network, then I have connected Airport Extreme with Wi-fi and set to exceed wi-fi network and can't change anything in it , can't open ports etc. etc.
    You will need to reconfigure the Express as a bridge. The fact that you have configured the Extreme to extend its wireless range is fine.
    Also I've been looking in Airport Express ( the 1st device ) and I saw that there I can open ports , but I opened them and nothing happend ... ports are still closed
    You do not want to open ports on the Express. Again, if you reconfigure it as a bridge you won't need to as all of its ports will be opened.
    Ok I understand what u said, so I set my airport Express 1st device in bridge mode - if I do that I can surf internet without problems etc. Then when I set it to bridge mode my computer gets adress 192.168.1.X ( My computer gets 13 and I've set it to be static ) so my computer is then -> I open ports for example 2700-27015 ( for steam ) in my router cisco website witch is and in ip adress label I put my computer adress after I do this I reset the router and turn it back on after all this everything should work fine and my ports should be open right?? Well..I've tried it.. after this I can surf internet without problems of course but my ports are still closed ... Im checking them on and it says they are closed I've tried with pultiple ports such as 80 .. and it just won't work I don't know why..
    Also someone told me to use DMZ on and in ip adress put WAN ip of my airport express ( if its NOT set in bridge mode ) and open ports for my airport ( also I tried to open for my computer too ) - It doesn't work
    Please friend tell me you can help me ..
    Message was edited by: bolo822

  • Questions about AirPort Express and Extreme!

    I have BT Infinty and the hub is situated in the living room. What I want to do is extend the wi fi to my room which is around 10 metres away.
    Are you able to connect the AirPort Express to the network and then create a network for the AirPort Express for my MacBook Pro to connect to?
    I have two options and questions
    1. Buy a AirPort Extreme and replace my BT hub with that. Then use an AirPort Express to extend the wi fi. But when you extend the wi fi does it mean that when I search for a wireless hotspot from my Mac I connect the the AirPort Express? Or is there a way of making the AirPort express to have a different name?
    2. Use my Bt hub and buy a AirPort Express and connect it to my Infinty Connection. BUT is there a way of making a hotspot for the AirPort Express for example
    my Infinity connection is named Bt-Infinty2356
    I use the AirPort express to connect it and extend the wifi
    THEN is it possible to make a hotspot named "AirPort-Express-Muppet" for me to connect from my Mac?

    I have no experience with the "BT Infinity Modem" and "BT HomeHub", but I assume that they are two separate units?
    If yes: connect the modem direct to the Extreme by ethernet cable.
    If it is a "combined" unit: connect the Extreme by ethernet cable to one of the ethernet slots on the hub.
    In both cases set the Extreme to "Create a wireless network".
    Use a Airport Express to "extend a Wireless Network", and extend the Extreme.
    Do not expect the Airport Express to extend the BT hub wireless network, because it will not work.
    In both cases you have two wireless networks: one from the Hub and one from the Extreme.
    Off the record: I have the same situation in France with the "Livebox" (Orange) that is connected to a Netgear WiFi router: two network: the Livebox is just that, the Netgear is "relayed" through Netgear Routers (Switches) to five areas in the "house". The same in Switzerland, but there I used Extreme and Express units instead of the netgear units.
    The Hiome Hub should work fine connected to the modem by cable, and the other network also by connected to the cable. Do not mix the different brands: trouble.

Maybe you are looking for