Comment lines in SE38

Hai Friends,
Can any tell me the name we used to give in "patterns" in SE38 transaction under "others" option to get the pre-defined comment lines.

    If my understanding is correct you want the following name.
**1 --- provides commments for 1 line
**2 --- provides comments for 2 lines ( you can give the number based on your need)
-  --- this comment line differs in the format from the above comments lines
and -1
Hope this will help you.
Swarna Munukoti.

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    First, what version of Premiere Elements are you using and on what computer operating system is it running?
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    If your postscript comments going to be constant or have few variations then using HEX ENDHEX migth help
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    add the following lines to a standerd text in SO10:
    /* following line is hex equivalent of %ABC,
    / 25414243
    /: ENDHEX
    Include the standard text into ur smartform header window.
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    news:[email protected]..
    > Whe
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    > true, I get ="" appended to comment lines, like
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    > changes to
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    Its impossible to hide the comments in 4.7.
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    May we know why you want to hide the comments?
    Karthik D

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    Message was edited by: Nathan Goldblatt

    No, that's not really an option.

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