Compatibilité labview et instruments

Je suis débutante et dans le cadre d'un projet d'école, je dois utiliser une caméra thermique et développer ,sous Labview, un logiciel de traitement.
Je n'ai pas encore fait le choix de la caméra et je me demandais si toutes les caméras pouvaient être utilisées avec Labview ou s'il existait des restrictions.
La question peut paraître un peut bête mais elle m'est nécessaire ...

Votre question est très large et nécessiterai que vous preniez contact avec votre représentant technico-commercial pour que vous discutiez des solutions possibles NI en terme de Vision.
Sachez globalement que la caméra n'est pas le seul élément à prendre en compte, il vous faudra une carte d'acquisition d'image (cartes NI-14xx)qui se connectera à la caméra, un driver (NI-IMAQ), probablement une bibliothèque de traitement (NI-Vision) et l'environnement de développement (LabVIEW).
Ci-dessous quelques liens utiles:
(Apprendre comment faire de l'acquisition d'image avec LabVIEW)
* Vision tutorials
(Sélectionner une caméra)
* Camera Advisor
Matthieu Gourssies
National Instruments France

Similar Messages

  • Looking for a labview virtual instrument program we can modify

    Hi, I’m looking for a canned labview virtual instrument program we can modify for the OMB DAQ 55 from Omega to measure three temps and control three DO.  I have the driver at: The driver is labviewpdaq5xsetup.exe. I have the OMB DAQ 55 from  with a USB interface. I am trying to set it up to control a 24V electric valve. I’d like it to measure temperatures (5 separate temps), allow a set point to be programmed for three of them and turn on and off a DO based on the temperature. PID is not required yet. Maybe in the future… We have labview 7.1 and 8.0 but my colleague prefers 7.1  Do you have an labview VI programs that you can share that will do this with the DAQ 55? If you have something that will be close, we can modify it. But starting from scratch will likely mean we can not get this done in time for a project test. Simple set point and control is all I’m looking for… I’m new (my colleague knows it better than me, but has less time) to labview and do not have the resources to learn it from scratch to figure this out. Is there something you have I could modify? Can you help. Or are there canned programs you have that will do this? Labview is the preferred language. Thanks. Attached is what Omega shared with us, it might help…it’s a screen capture from a similar program, but far from the mark.

    Hi vestel,
    These discussion forums are more geared for questions - not necessarily having everyone else code for you.
    You have a few options if you want code.
    1) Look at the shipping examples that come with LabVIEW.  This will give you a starting point from which to ask questions.
    2) Look at the Instrument Driver Network that exits on National Instrument's Web site.  Here are all the Omega instrument drivers listed.
    3) Look at the list of Alliance members who you can pay to develop your code for you.  Look here.
    I hope this helps,
    Kevin S.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Compatibilité Labview 6.1 &.8.2

    Bonjour, j'ai réalisé une application sur Labview 6.1 et je suis passé a la version 8.2. Par contre, je rencontre quelques problemes lorsque je suis passé a la version 8.2 de Labview.
    Il s'agit sans doute d'un problème de compatibilité mais que je n'arrive pas a répoudre!
    Est ce que vous pouvez m'aidez svp???
    Je vous joint une partie de mon travail: le vi principal s'intitule "condition d'", le reste étant des sous vi, et des fichiers de configuration.
    je vous remercie à l'avance!
    Attachments: ‏206 KB

    Bonjour Karlito,
    Votre problème pourrait provenir du fait que vous n'avez pas réinstallé les
    autres drivers en version plus récentes (NI Motion par exemple...) Pensez a
    mettre a jours TOUT vos drivers.
    Richard Keromen
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    >> Découvrez, en vidéo, les innovations technologiques réalisées en éco-conception

  • Compatibilité Labview 2009 Windows / Labview 8.5 Linux

    Bonjour à tous
    J'ai une petite question à laquelle je suis certain bon nombre d'entre vous avez une réponse
    J'utilise deux PC avec Labview 2009 WIndows sur chacun qui communique avec la fonction UDP.
    Seulement voilà, la trame qui va d'un PC à un autres, je souhaiterais la faire passer par une passerelle, un troisième PC, toujours en UDP mais lui équipé de Labview 8.5 sous Linux.
    Le truc c'est que cela fonctionne pendant une minute ou deux et après la communication s'arrête au niveau du PC Linux Labview 8.5
    J'aimerais donc savoir si la communication UDP entre Labview 8.5 Linux et Labview 2009 Windows est bien possible
    Je vous remercie énormément pour vos réponses....
    A très bientôt.

    Si vous voulez vérifier la compatibilité entre Linux et Windows, le mieux serait d'utiliser les exemples LabVIEW. Ces exemples se trouvent dans Aide>Recherche d'exemples...>Réseau>TCP & UDP. Vous pourrez ouvrir "Client de données simple" (ou "Simple Data Client") sur votre LabVIEW Linux et "Serveur de données simple" (ou "Simple Data Server") sur votre LabVIEW Windows.
    Après l'avoir configuré selon votre configuration, exécutez en premier le Serveur de données simple sur Windows puis le Client de données simple sur Linux.
    D'après l'aide de la fonction UDP Open de LabVIEW 2011 une mention a été ajoutée par rapport à l'aide des version 8.5 et 2009. Il semblerait qu'il y ait un comportement particulier aux version non Windows de LabVIEW lorsque vous cablez l'entrée "net address". Dans le cas où les exemples ne fonctionneraient pas, je vous conseil d'essayer en supprimant cette entrée et de ne vous baser que sur le port de communication.
    Mathieu P. | Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    Journées techniques : des fondamentaux aux dernières technologies pour la mesure et le contrôle/comm...

  • Labview IO instrument in Multisim 10.1?

    Hello.. I'm trying to make a labview Input/Output instrument that will take an input, compare the input against a lookup table (preferably in a text file), and output the value that was looked up. I've been playing with the example labview IO template project that came with Multisim, and I am having trouble figuring out how it works. Can someone make an example that would, say, take the input, multiply it by two, and output that value just so I can see where in the block diagram the calculation is supposed to be done?

    What are your software versions? Depending on this you might need some additional files to assure the compatibility between LabVIEW and Multisim. Click here for more info.
    Please let me know how it works.
    Fernando D.
    National Instruments

  • Call LabVIEW Virtual Instrument through ActiveX Server from C/C++

    I am trying to access a VI by C/C++ almost identical to the reference example that can be found on this site for Visual Basic. However, somehow, I am unable to succeed to use the ActiveX Call() function. The program always crashes, whatever I try. Because the Visual Basic version works without any problems, I hope someone can point me the error in the code.
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #import "LabVIEW.tlb"
    #define VIPATH "D:\\Program Files\\National Instruments\\LabVIEW 7.0\\examples\\apps\\freqresp.llb\\Frequency"
    using namespace LabVIEW;
    int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
    // Initialization
    HRESULT he = NULL;
    he = CoInitialize(NULL);
    // Create instance of
    labview application engine
    _ApplicationPtr pLV;
    he = pLV.CreateInstance("LabVIEW.Application");
    // Create instance of virtual instrument
    VirtualInstrumentPtr pVI;
    he = pVI.CreateInstance("LabVIEW.VirtualInstrument"); /* ?not? mandatory */
    // Get reference to a VI at location VIPATH
    _bstr_t viPath(VIPATH);
    _bstr_t password("");
    VARIANT_BOOL resvForCall = FALSE;
    long options = 0;
    pVI = pLV->GetVIReference(viPath,password,resvForCall,options);
    // Show front panel
    pVI->FPWinOpen = TRUE;
    // Call the referenced VI as subVI
    _variant_t paramNames[5] = {"Amplitude", "Number of Steps", "Low Frequency", "High Frequency", "Response Graph"};
    _variant_t paramVals[5] = {}; /* VT_EMPTY */
    /* Fill ParamVals with values from VI */
    for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) paramVals[i] = pVI->GetControlValue(paramNames[i].bstrVal);
    /* Call VI -> !!! CRASH !!! :-( */
    // Release references and close application
    lose = TRUE;
    return 0;

    This may not be the easiest way. Although i have not used _variant_t. But it seems like your VARIANT type is VT_EMPTY for everything. You need to build up an array of variants with correct type, that matches the type of control you are assigning data to like VT_INT for int numeric, VT_BSTR for string control etc
    VARIANT paramNamesVarArg, paramValuesVarArg;
    SAFEARRAY *paramNames, *paramValues;
    paramNamesVarArg.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_BYREF | VT_BSTR;
    // create safearray of strings
    SAFEARRAYBOUND rgsabound[1];
    rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0;
    rgsabound[0].cElements = 1;
    paramNames = SafeArrayCreate(VT_BSTR, 1, rgsabound);
    paramNamesVarArg.pparray = &paramNames;
    long index = 0;
    _bstr_t paramName = "Numeric";
    BSTR *bstrVal;
    retVal = SafeArrayPtrOfIndex(paramNames, &index, (void **)&bstrVal);
    *bstrVal = paramName.copy();
    //do the same method for paramValuesVarArg
    paramValuesVarArg.vt = VT_ARRAY | VT_BYREF | VT_I4;
    rgsabound[0].lLbound = 0;
    rgsabound[0].cElements = 1;
    paramValues = SafeArrayCreate(VT_VARIANT, 1, rgsabound);
    paramValuesVarArg.pparray = &paramValues;
    VARIANT *dispVarVal;
    VARIANT tempVar;
    tempVar.vt = VT_I4;
    retVal = SafeArrayPtrOfIndex(paramValues, &index, (void **)&dispVarVal);
    *dispVarVal = tempVar;
    viPtr->Call(&paramNamesVarArg, &paramValuesVarArg);
    Hope it helps.
    A Rafiq

  • Is it possible to convert a LabView .ldd Instrument Driver into a dll that can be used with MAX and visual basic?

    I got the following problem. I'm using a Stanford DS360 UltraLow Destortion Function Generator, and would like to access it with the CwIVIFgen ActiveX Controll. In the driver database i found a instrument driver for LabView (ds360fg.llb). But its a llb file and i am not sure what to do.
    Is it possible to convert it?
    Is it possible to use it anyways?
    Maybe i overread the answer, but i search the forums for quite a while now and i am not a bit wiser.
    Thanks in advance

    If you have LabVIEW and the application builder, a dll can be created from it but it cannot be used as an IVI driver. The only way to create an IVI instrument driver is with LabWindows/CVI. I personally don't have the time right now to create the dll but maybe if you post to the LabVIEW forum and get someone there to do it. Another other option is to hire an Alliance member to create either a dll from the LabVIEW code or to create an IVI driver from scratch.

  • LabVIEW Call Instrument VI

    Why I cannot use the Call Instrument VI from Labview 4.1 in the version 5.1?
    The error is:
    VI Server: Unsupported operation.

    > Why I cannot use the Call Instrument VI from Labview 4.1 in the version 5.1?
    > The error is:
    > 53
    > VI Server: Unsupported operation.
    In LV5, many new capabilities were added to the VI Server. There are replacement
    functions in your 5.1 vi.lib, and if you load your application with
    references to
    the old VIs from vi.lib, everything should map over to the new functions
    automatically. If you have saved the vi.lib VIs with your source, then
    I guess
    that might cause a problem.
    The best solution at some point will be to convert over to using the new functions
    that are located in the palettes. They support property nodes and as I
    said, have
    lots of new functionality.
    In the meantime, try loading the new VI then loading your application.
    This will
    automatically m
    ove the calls over to the newer version. To do this,
    make sure
    nothing is open. Open the vi.lib/utility/victl.llb/Call
    file. Now
    load your application. Assuming the name of the VI didn't change, your application
    should have started using the correct replacement file. You may need to
    do this
    for other victl files that you are using.
    Greg McKaskle

  • Labview et instrument​s de mesure Agilent

    Salut !
    Je travaille sous LabVIEW 8 et je pilote des instruments de mesures Agilent (DMM 34410A, générateur 33220A, oscillo DSO6012A et spectrum N1996A) connectés via LAN.
    Y a-t-il des membres du forum qui travaillent avec ces équipements (ou proches) sous Labview ? Peut-être pourrions-nous échanger des actuces...

    Je commande un GBF Agilent 33220A à l'aide de LabView et j'ai aussi des problèmes avec le close. Le VI "close" s'execute mais le GBF reste sous le control de Labview (impossible de reprendre le mode manuel sans appuyer sur le bouton "local").
    De plus, lorsque j'arrete mon programme, le GBF stock la derniere valeur (surement dans un buffer) et me la renvoie à chaque relancement du programme. N'y a t il pas un moyen de supprimer la memoire du gbf pour qu'il m'envoie la valeur de fréquence que je lui envoie avec labview lors de l'initialisation de l'instrument??
    Pourriez vous m'aider ??
    Merci d'avance

  • Why does visa write hang with Labview 2009 instrument drivers.

    I'm having an issue with a code package that I'm running. The pacakge is very complex and was written by someone other than me. It runs fine while using the labview 8.5 drivers, however, when the 2009 instrument drivers are install there is a visa write call to an instrument where the software will hang up at the VISA write VI. I tried setting the timeout attribute but that makes no difference. I would expect that if the visa write did not work, that it would time out with an error instead of hanging up.
    Some additional information. The instrument is an EPM which is on a GPIB bus with other instruments. When I place the EPM2000 on a serparate bus this problem goes away, but I want to be able to operate on the same GPIB bus.
    Has anyone experienced a similar problem? What can I try to help troubleshoot the problem. I tried opening NI Spy but that shows no activity going on.

    Hi Steve,
    My apologies, when you said instrument drivers I assumed you were refering to the individual drivers for your instrument.  Were you refering to the VISA drivers?  If so, the latest version of these is 5.1.1 which can be downloaded here:
    Also are you able to communicate with this device using the test panels in Measurement & Automation Explorer?  There is also a tool called NI IO Trace (or it may still be called NI-SPY in 2009) that can be opened from MAX that monitors all GPIB commands sent and received on the machine.  Getting a log of the commands when the hang occurs may help to diagnose it.
    It is possible this issue could be caused by opening and closing the VISA reference frequently in the code such as in a loop iteration.  Is this is case in your code?
    Justin D
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • How to use Extech Instruments model 407123 with Labview 7.1

    I am pretty new to Labview.  With the help of this forum I was able to configure my DAQpad 6020E with my Labview 7.1.
    Now I am looking at using an Extech Instruments Hot Wire Thermo-Anemometer (407123) in my experiment and running it through Labview.  Based on my research, I was led to believe that I should use the Instrument Assistant I/O and NI-Visa, but I am having a lot of difficulties.  First off, the Thermo-anemometer is wired for RS232 and I have it connected to an RS232 to USB converter, which is then plugged into my computer.  I have the driver for the converter.  When I plug the thermo-anemometer into my computer, MAX reads it as a serial port and it is listed as COM3.  MAX claims that the device is working properly.  However, when I run Labview's Instrument Assistant I/O, and tell it to read data I get a bff0015 error and it says that the device timed out.  I have tried changing the time and I still get the same error.  I am assuming this means that Labview and my device are not communicating.
    I have seen some mention of instrumentation drivers, but I haven't been able to find any for my particular device.  I am assuming that is the root of my problem, and that if I had an instrument driver to run my device in Labview that it would work properly.  So here are my questions.
    1)  What do I need to take data from a third party thermo-anemometer in Labview?
    2)  Am I correct in thinking I need some sort of instrument driver?  And if so, where could I find one (I have already searched for one and did not find it)?
    3)  Is it possible and practical to take data through Labview from a DAQpad and a third party instrument at the same time?
    4)  Are there any guides or tutorials I could use that may show me how to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
    Go to Solution.

    I've been trying numerous things to get this to work, and I've had little luck in getting exactly what I want.  I have been able to get data from some example VI's designed for serial read, and I was able to tweak them some, but this data seems to be only able to be saved to a .txt file.  I want the data from my anemometer to be read along with the time it was read and stored in a spreadsheet.
    Instrument I/O Assistant appears to have exactly what I need to do this, but I can't get it to work.  I keep getting the bff0015 error, which is that the device timed out before the operation completed.  I don't understand why it is doing this, or how to stop it, because I am able to get data from the device otherwise.  In fact, following these steps I can see the exact data I want:
    1.  Open Instrument I/O Assistant
    2.  On "Select Instrument" I select the correct port and then click "properties"
    3.  At the top corner of the window I click "Open VISA Session"
    4.  Once there, I go to the "Basic I/O" tab.  Within that tab I click the "Read" tab.
    Please see attached screenshots if you want to see what I'm talking about below.
    At this point I can read the data from my device.  The default count value is 1024 bits.  If I click "execute" the device is read and I can read the data in the textbox that says "buffer."  However, my device only makes one 16-bit reading every 1.6 seconds, so I have to let the device sit for some time before it can fill the buffer up with 1024 bits.  If I don't, the reading takes place, I can see all of my data in the buffer, but the "Return Count" value on the screen is something significantly less than the "Count" value.  This makes sense because the buffer did not have time to fill.  Needless to say, the "Return Value" says "bff0015" which means it would return the time-out error.
    If I wait for the full time for the buffer to fill, OR if I change the "count" value to something significantly lower, say... 32 bits, the buffer "fills" much faster, the "return count" count is correct, and the "return value" reads "3FFF0006" which I assume is a standard code meaning everything went correctly.  I also notice that if I wait long enough, the buffer will continue to fill, and I can click "Execute" many times rapidly and get readings instantly.  I can tell that the program is just reading data stored in the buffer when it doesn't take a second to perform the reading, and if I continue to click "Execute" rapidly, I will eventually expend the data stored in the buffer and I will start to see the "fresh" readings again.
    So here is my question.  How do I lower the expected "count" value in the actual "Instrument I/O Assistant"?  I can do it in the "Open VISA session" under properties, but the only thing I can change in the Instrument I/O Assistant is the timeout value, but even when I set the value to 5 minutes, I still get the time out error.  What else can I do?
    Instrument IO view select.pdf ‏119 KB
    Instrument IO view read.pdf ‏125 KB

  • DeTect, Inc., Longmont, CO. LabVIEW / C programmer position

    Below and attached is a open job position for our Longmont, Colorado office.
    LabVIEW® and C Programmer for Radar Applications
    DeTect, Inc. is a provider of radar systems for meteorological applications and bird detection. The Meteorological Systems Division in Longmont, Colorado designs and manufactures radar wind profiling systems for use throughout the world. The Meteorological Systems Division has an opening for a full-time, in-house LabVIEW and C programmer to maintain and improve current code, and develop new code for instrument control, data acquisition, signal processing, database management, and remote control and display.
    General Description
    Program using LabVIEW and C to maintain (debug, modify) code for radar wind profilers
    Use software design principals, software configuration management practices, software documentation, and signal processing knowledge to design and develop new code for radar wind profiler products
    Work independently and with project team members to maintain and develop radar wind profiler software and related documentation
    Confer with technical specialists and engineers to identify, develop, prototype, document, and deploy operational software for radar systems and components
    Collaborate with technical specialists and engineers using RF/microwave and other electronics test equipment to integrate and test application software with hardware
    Opportunity for advancement and upward career mobility
    Required Experience
    5+ years LabVIEW programming in practical applications
    3+ years C programming in practical applications
    Interfacing LabVIEW with instrumentation
    Practical applications in manufacturing environment
    Use of source code control
    Database use and management
    Software documentation
    Formal testing of application software
    Hardware interfacing with software
    Signal processing fundamentals or direct experience
    GUI development
    Required Skills
    Ability to understand and analyze complex software systems such as that used for real-time control of instrumentation like a radar system
    Familiarity with best practices in LabVIEW and C software development
    Ability to design and create moderately complex LabVIEW and C applications
    Understanding of state machines and advanced user interface techniques
    Self-starter comfortable working in small entrepreneurial environment with diverse team of engineers, technicians, manufacturing experts, and scientists
    Ability to work with Linux and Windows operating systems
    Desired Experience and Skills
    Familiarity with LabVIEW Realtime FPGA
    Experience in meteorology
    Experience with radar systems
    Experience with Microsoft Office, SVN
    Ability to travel domestically and internationally
    Certified LabVIEW Developer
    B.S. in Electrical Engineering and/or Computer Science (or related discipline) preferred.
    Location:                                Longmont, Colorado
    Employee Type:                      Full-time, but contract may be acceptable
    Relocation Covered:                Negotiable                 
    Contact:                                 [email protected]    (no calls please)
    File: 2012-08_LabVIEW-C_programmer_ad_v06.docx  
    2012-12_LabVIEW-C_programmer_ad_v06.pdf ‏131 KB

    Dear Mr.Scott 
    I am a Master’s graduate in Electrical Engineering and I am glad to inform you that I posses 8+ years of constant exposure to LabVIEW and TestStand and I am Certified LabVIEW Associate Developer (CLAD). I am writing to see if this position is still available. I am working on H1B and I would like to know, if the H1B candidate will be considered for this position. Thanking you,   

  • Measurement and Automation explorer or the Instrument I/O Assistant is not installed correctly.

    I am having difficulties getting Labview to work with my NI card.  I have a PCI_6225 card running on a Win 7 64-bit install.  I had to download all of the drivers and installers from the NI site and during the Labview install, I recieve a prompt asking for my hardware drivers.  Since I only have the compressed hardware installer, Labview doesn't like what it sees and continues the installation of LABVIEW.  I then attempt to open an analog input channel through the Instrument I/O Assistant which displays the error seen in the image attached.  
    I know the hardware works because in the Measurement and Automation client, I am able to observe the analog input I hope to collect in LABVIEW.  
    Is there a fix to get LABVIEW working?  I have tried multple installs of LABVIEW and am on a administered computer through my University's IT people.  I have 'full admin' rights.  Thanks.
    error.jpg ‏254 KB

    Hello jbaxter,
    When you download the Drivers from NI's website, make sure you unzip them (extract them) to a folder on your computer before you install them. If you use the NI Downloader it should prompt you to unzip and run the files after the download is complete. You need to either repair, or reinstall DAQmx and NI VISA. Make sure you download the latest versions of these first:,ssnav:sup/1//en/...
    Then go to Control Panel»Programs and Features»National Instruments Software and click Uninstall/Change then go to DAQmx and NI-VISA and click Repair. You can then point to folder that you downloaded from NI's website (make sure this is not a zip folder, but the folder that has been extracted). Or you could choose Remove, and then reinstall them both again. Also if you are using GPIB, reinstall or repair the NI-488.2 driver.
    Here are some relevant links:
    Software Developer
    National Instruments

  • How to calibrate analyseur HP 8753E with Labview??

    Envois : 1
    0 Compliments
    Driver instrument pour la calibration du HP8753E sous labview
    Driver instrument' for the calibration of HP8753E in labview
    Je suis entrain de développer une interface utilisateur sous labview 8,5 pour interfacer un analyseur de fréquence HP 8753E, j'ai pas pu trouver une solution (normalement avec les driver d'instrument) pour faire la calibration du l'analyseur (remarque la calibration peut se faire manuellement mais je doit le faire avec labview)
    j'espére que ma question est claire, merci de me répondre
    I am currently developing a user interface in labview 8.5 to interface a frequency analyzer HP 8753E, I could not find a solution (normally with the instrument driver) to the calibration of the analyzer (note the calibration can be done manually but I must do with labview)
    I hope that my question is clear, thank you for answering me

    duplicate post
    Please do not post the same question on multiple boards.

  • Experience​d Labview Programmer Needing Job in US

    My name is Rollin, I have been working in for a European research facility in
    Grenoble, France as an Electronics Engineering Technician for 8 years.
    I have 3 years Hands on experience with Labview, for instrument control and
    data acquisition through serial, Hpib and Daqcards. I' m in Atlanta, but I will
    relocate anywhere in the US If someone hires me. I have enclosed my resume here
    Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Mr. Rollin S. McCarty
    4941 Central Drive, Apt. 705,
    Stone Mountain, Georgia 30083
    Phone: 770-413-4092
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Broad knowledge of control systems, electronics and instrumentation.
    Labview Programming Expert (3 years hands on experience).
    Excellent Documentation skills.
    Bilingual French-English. US Citizen.
    Design, development, installation and maintenance of PC based automation
    solutions used in the fields of data acquisition, motion, process and
    instrument control. Includes analog & digital circuit design, use of
    electronics CAD simulation tool (SPICE), together with general purpose
    electronic test equipment.
    Design, development of Labview software, including low level instrument drivers
    - using serial and HPIB protocols, plus various I/O analog and digital
    interfaces - data processing and program logic, as well as menu driven user
    friendly GUI.
    Production of comprehensive yet attractive and understandable documentation.
    HTML skills. MSOffice.
    European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, FRANCE
    Computer & Electronics Engineering Specialist,
    1991- 1999
    Provided scientific research institute survey team using a large variety of
    state of the art survey equipment with turn-key automation solutions, leading
    to an increase in quality as well as in quantity of the production.
    Caterpillar, FRANCE
    Mechanical Methods Specialist,
    1989- 1991
    Training and support of fifteen mechanical computer draftsmen for their
    corporate CAD tool. Provided manufacturing shop information regarding new
    Caterpillar, FRANCE
    Electrical & Mechanical Technician,
    1988- 1989
    Preventive and break down maintenance of bulldozer girder welding robots and
    associated machinery.
    Cuefa & Learn. Tree, France - Java bases & Networking, 80 hour training, 1999.
    Esrf, Grenoble, France - Labview, 40 hour training, 1996.
    French equiv. to AS/BS, Grenoble, France - Computer Programming, 1992.
    French equiv. to AS/BS, Grenoble, France - Electronics, 1988.

    You probably already have a job, since this was posted in 1999.. But if you don't, we are looking for a labview programmer at Brown University in Providence, RI. It is a part-time position for data acquisition/analysis. we study sensory processing in the brain.. let me know if you are interested: [email protected]

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    I am having a validation to check if the date is not After the current System Date?      public String getDate_trans()          try {          Date x=new Date();<<Get the current Date          Date date=new Date();          DateFormat formatter ;    

  • Billing Date

    Hi How do i go about changing my billing date mainly to coincide with my pay date? TY Bryn

  • Reg : Table control row settings to change mode

    Hi geeks.         I am working on a requirement where the table control has to be in display mode at the time of prepopulating(initial display).This works fine and could get all columns in display mode for which i used column properties of table cont

  • Why would the quality of text become degraded when slideshow project is burned to DVD

    I created 25 slideshows in Aperture, exported them as mov files, then imported them into iMovie to make one large slideshow with chapters. Then I exported this iMovie project to iDVD. After creating a theme I burned the project to a disk image. It wa

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    how to view lyrics in 7