Compile Error Windows is missing

After compiling a Package Body that is invalid, i can't see the error-window.
The View-Log Window Menu has no effect.
What's wrong ?
Anhancement: More than one filter

Good to see that there is indeed an openbug/request
on this problem. Has been giving me hell for awhile
as well. I created a custom report as "Select *from
user_errors" which is the first thing I run if oneof
my procedures/packages is having troubles.
SQL Developer's got minimal support for file-based
development at the moment. :(Not for Long!Yeah!! Makes me exceptionally happy. I vastly prefer file-based development. Much easier for me personally.

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  • Compiling Error Method body missing

    Ok so i have a program that reads in 6 grades for 10 different students takes the avg and prints outs the Name 6 scores avg and the letter grade they would recieve in a nice chart using printf in my main method i get the error MIssing method body or declare abstract. Any help as to why i am getting this would be much appreciated.
    import java.util.*;
    public class Finals
        static Scanner input = new Scanner(;
        public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException;
            Scanner inFile = new Scanner(FileReader("Grades.txt"));
            double [] [] scores = new double [10] [6];
            String [] name = new String [10];
            double [] grade = new double [6];
            char [] lettergrade = new char [10];
            int row = 0;
            int collum = 0;
            int collum2 = 0;
            int index = 0;
                name[index] = input.Next();
                while(collum < 9)
                    scores[row][collum] = input.nextDouble();
                    collum = collum + 1;
                collum = 0;
                row = row + 1;
            calculation(score, name, grade);
            print(score, grade, name, lettergrade);
        public static int calculation(double [] [] score, String [] name, double [] grade)
            int index = 0;
            int row = 0;
            int collum = 0;
            int j = 0;
            int m = 0;
            int k = 0;
            //add all the grades in the first row store that into a new array called average than run through a loop to find out what letter grade it equals store letter grade in a char array
            while(collum < 10)
                grade[j] = grade[j] + score[collum][row];
                row ++;
                if(row == 6)
                    collum ++;
                    row = 0;
                    j ++;
            return grade;
        public static void print(double [] [] score, String [] name, double [] grade, char [] lettergrade)
            int index = 0;
            int j = 0;
            while(index < 10)
                if(score[j] >= 92.5)
                    lettergrade[j] = 'A';
                    j ++;
                    index ++;
                else if(score[j] >= 82.5 && score[j] < 92.5)
                    lettergrade[j] = 'B';
                    j ++;
                    index ++;
                else if(score[j] >= 72.5 && score[j] < 82.5)
                    lettergrade[j] = 'C';
                    j ++;
                    index ++;
                else if(score[j] >= 62.5 && score[j] < 72.5)
                    lettergrade[j] = 'D';
                    j ++;
                    index ++;
                    lettergrade[j] = 'F';
                    j ++;
                    index ++;
            System.out.println("Student    Test1   Test2   Test3   Test4   Test5   Average   Grade");
            System.out.printf("11%s40%d8%d5%c", name, score, grade, lettergrade);

    public static void main(String[] args)throws IOException;Remove that semicolon.

  • Help with compilation error

    I have a problem with my jsp developement. When i create a jsp (with no beans) i test it and it runs fine (not good but fine), then when I test it with multiple users at time, it generate a jsp compilation error ie. "missing term }" and I can not figure out why it is getting that error, it has been compilated before! so it should not generate a compilation error, becouse i'm not editing the jsp source. I think that every time the jsp is requested the virtual machine is re-compiling it, but is only what i thing and i don't know why... can any body help me? please.
    I apologize for my bad english
    Thank you for your time reading this.

    Sorry becouse i can't be more espesific with the error that i get, that error is complete apears in a complete randomic way, I mean taht it apears when nerver is expected or doesn't apear when is expected, only thing that i got of that error is that the compiler some time says that are mising semi-colon (;), some time says that are mising quotation marks (") or are mising }, the error is no the same allways no mater the situation, I can run the jsp in my pc but the error doesn't apear, thats very strange becouse the compilation error apear after the jsp was executed with no errors.
    this is my jsp:
    <%@ page import="java.util.Calendar,java.text.SimpleDateFormat,java.util.Date,java.util.Stack,java.util.Enumeration, java.util.Hashtable,java.sql.*, java.util.Vector" %>
    <%@ include file="../incs/dbpool_inc.jsp" %>
    <%@ include file="funciones.jsp"%><html>
    <title>Resolver preguntas</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <link href="../css/0001.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
    <% //to get user data from the session.
         String userid = session.getAttribute("idu") != null ? (String)session.getAttribute("idu") : "";
         String asign = session.getAttribute("idHomeAssignatura") != null ? (String)session.getAttribute("idHomeAssignatura"): "";
         String idcuest = session.getAttribute("idcuest") != null ? (String)session.getAttribute("idcuest") : "";
         String secuenc = session.getAttribute("secuenc") != null ? (String)session.getAttribute("secuenc") : "";     
         String secuens = request.getParameter("secuens") != null ? request.getParameter("secuens") : "0";
         //to know if it's aloww to save cahnges in the database
         boolean guardar = request.getParameter("guardar") != null ? (request.getParameter("guardar")).equals("si")? true: false :false;
         if(userid.equals("")|| asign.equals("")){//if 1          
              out.println("</head><body><font face=\"Arial\" size=\"2\" color=\"#000000\"><b>El tiempo de conexi&oacute;n ha expirado. Para ingresar de nuevo al sistema haga click aqu&iacute;.</b></font></body></html>");
         }//fin if 1
         else{//else de if 1          
              try{// try 1
                   Connection conn = dbpool.getConnection();
                   Statement stmtt = conn.createStatement();
                   Statement stmtmod = conn.createStatement();
                   Statement stmtresp = conn.createStatement();
                   ResultSet rsmodul = stmtmod.executeQuery("select id_modulo from eit_cuestxmat where id_cuestionario="+idcuest);
                   String modulo = rsmodul.getString("id_modulo"): "";
                   int secuencia1 = Integer.parseInt(secuens);
                   int secuencia2 = Integer.parseInt(secuenc)+1;
                   secuenc = (secuencia1 == secuencia2)? String.valueOf((Integer.parseInt(secuenc)+1)): secuenc;
                   session.setAttribute("secuenc", secuenc);               
                   if(esAlumno(userid, stmtt, asign)){//if 2
                   if(guardar){//if 2.0
                             String idpreg1 = request.getParameter("idpregunta") != null ? request.getParameter("idpregunta") : "";
                             ResultSet rstipop = stmtt.executeQuery("select tipo from eit_pregunta where id_pregunta="+idpreg1);                         
                             String tipop1 = rstipop.getString("tipo") : "";
                             String respuesta = "N/A", correspondencia ="";                         
                             String restado="n";
                             String rcorrecta = "n";
                                  correspondencia = request.getParameter("rprevia") != null? request.getParameter("rprevia") : "-1";
                                  ResultSet rscorrecta = stmtt.executeQuery("select escorrecta from eit_opciones where id_pregunta="+
                                                           idpreg1+" and id_opcion="+correspondencia+" and escorrecta like 's'");
                                       rcorrecta = "s";
                                       ResultSet rsempar = stmtt.executeQuery("select escorrecta from eit_opciones where id_pregunta="+
                                                                idpreg1+ "order by orden");
                                       int corres = 0;
                                       int correctas = 0;
                                                 String resp = request.getParameter("selopc"+String.valueOf(corres+1)) != null? request.getParameter("selopc"+String.valueOf(corres+1)) : "";
                                                 correspondencia=correspondencia+((corres == 0)? "":",")+resp;
                                                 correctas = correctas + (resp.equals(rsempar.getString("escorrecta"))? 1 : 0);
                                       rcorrecta = String.valueOf(correctas);
                                            ResultSet rscomplet= stmtt.executeQuery("select correspondencia from eit_opciones where id_pregunta="+idpreg1);
                                            String complet = rscomplet.getString("correspondencia"):"";
                                            String complet1 = "";
                                            int idxcar = complet.indexOf("$");
                                            respuesta = request.getParameter("comp0") != null ? request.getParameter("comp0") : "";
                                            correspondencia = request.getParameter("comp1") != null ? request.getParameter("comp1") : "";
                                            int corrc =0;
                                                 complet1 = complet.substring((idxcar+1),complet.length());
                                                 complet = complet.substring(0, idxcar);
                                                 corrc = (respuesta.equalsIgnoreCase(complet))? 1 : 0;
                                                 corrc = (correspondencia.equalsIgnoreCase(complet1))? (corrc+1) : corrc;
                                                 rcorrecta = (corrc==2)? "s": (corrc==1)? "m": "n";
                                                 corrc=(respuesta.equalsIgnoreCase(complet))? 1 : 0;
                                                 rcorrecta = (corrc==1)? "s": "n";
                                                 respuesta = request.getParameter("respuesta") != null? request.getParameter("respuesta") : "";
                             String guardarResp = "insert into eit_respuesta(id_pregunta, id_cuestionario, id_materia, id_modulo"+
                                                      ", respuesta, correspondencia, rcorrecta, restado, sec_pregunta, codest)"+
                                                      " values ("+idpreg1+", "+idcuest+", '"+asign+"', "+modulo+", '"+respuesta+"', '"+correspondencia+"', '"+rcorrecta+"', '"+restado+"', "+
                                                      String.valueOf((Integer.parseInt(secuenc)-1))+", "+userid+")";
                             String sqlexistencia = "select id_pregunta from eit_respuesta where codest ="+userid+" and id_cuestionario="+idcuest+" and id_materia="+
                                                           asign+" and id_modulo="+modulo+" and id_pregunta="+idpreg1;                         
                             boolean existeResp = (stmtt.executeQuery(sqlexistencia)).next();
                             String editarResp = "update eit_respuesta set respuesta='"+respuesta+"', correspondencia='"+correspondencia+"', "+
                                                      "rcorrecta='"+rcorrecta+"', restado='"+restado+
                                                      "' where codest ="+userid+" and id_cuestionario="+idcuest+" and id_materia like '"+
                                                      asign+"' and id_modulo="+modulo+" and id_pregunta="+idpreg1;
                             //if the page is editing execute string editarResp else execute string guardarResp
                             stmtt.executeUpdate(existeResp? editarResp:guardarResp);
                        String sqlbpu="select p.enunciado, p.tipo, p.titulo, p.id_pregunta from eit_pregunta p, eit_prexcuest pxc where pxc.id_cuestionario="+idcuest+" and pxc.id_pregunta = p.id_pregunta and pxc.secuenc= "+String.valueOf(secuenc);//bupu: buscar pregunta cuestionario
                        //System.out.println("resolvpreg.jsp "+sqlbpu);
                        ResultSet rsbpu = stmtt.executeQuery(sqlbpu);
                        if({ // if 2.1
                             String enunciado = rsbpu.getString("enunciado");
                             String tipo = rsbpu.getString("tipo");
                             String titulo = rsbpu.getString("titulo");
                             String idpreg = rsbpu.getString("id_pregunta");
    <h1 align="center"><font color="#0033CC" face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"><%=titulo%></font></h1><br>
    <p align="left"><font face="Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">
    <strong>Enunciado:</strong> <%=enunciado%>. </font><br>
         String sqlrespuesta = "select respuesta, correspondencia from eit_respuesta where id_pregunta="+idpreg+
    " and id_cuestionario = "+idcuest+" and id_materia like '"+asign+"' and id_modulo="+modulo+" and codest= "+userid;     
         ResultSet rsrespuesta = stmtresp.executeQuery(sqlrespuesta);     
         String sqlopcs= "select opcion, escorrecta, correspondencia, orden from eit_opciones where id_pregunta ="+idpreg+"order by orden";
         ResultSet rsops = stmtt.executeQuery(sqlopcs);          
         Vector opciones = new Vector();
         Object obj[] = new Object[4];
              obj[0] = rsops.getString("opcion");
              obj[1] = "";
              obj[2] = rsops.getString("correspondencia");
              obj[3] = rsops.getString("orden");
    <form action="resolverpreg.jsp" method="post" name="Correspondencias">
         String respEmpar = "";
         String respuestap="";
         String respcorres[] = {"",""};
              respuestap = rsrespuesta.getString("respuesta");
              respEmpar = rsrespuesta.getString("correspondencia");
              respcorres[0]= respuestap;
              respcorres[1]= respEmpar;
         if (tipo.equals("empar")){
    <%@ include file="resolvempar.jsp"%>
    <%}//fin if tipoPreg = 'emapar'
    %> <%@ include file="reslovselec.jsp"%>
         <%}//fin if tipopreg = 'select'
              <%@include file="resolvcomplet.jsp"%>
         <%}//fin if tipopreg='complet'
              <%@include file="resolvabierta.html"%>
              <%}//fin if tipopreg='abierta'
                   <span class="titolForum">Error: no se ingres&oacute; ning&uacute;n tipo de pregunta
                   o se est� accediendo en forma err&oacute;nea a este sitio.</span>
              <%}//fin else de tipopregunta = 'abierta'%>          
         <%}//fin else tipopreg='complet'%>                    
         <%}// fin else de tipopreg = 'select'%>     
    <%}//fin else de tipoPreg = 'emapar'%>
    <input name="idpregunta" type="hidden" value="<%=idpreg%>">
    <input name="guardar" type="hidden" value="si">
    <input name="secuens" type="hidden" value="<%=(1+(Integer.parseInt(secuenc)))%>">
    <input type="submit" name="continuar" value="Continuar">
    <%                    rsbpu.close();
                        }//fin 2.1                    
    Ha terminado de realizar la prueba<br>
    <a href="elejCuestion.jsp">Continuar</a>
                   }// fin if 2
              }// fin try 1
              catch(Exception expt){
                   out.println("Error: "+expt);
         }//fin eles de if 1

  • C# compiling error: 'System.Array' does not contain a definition for 'Select' and no extension method 'Select' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Array' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

    Hello experts,
    I'm totally new to C#. I'm trying to modify existing code to automatically rename a file if exists. I found a solution online as follows:
    string[] allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath).Select(filename => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)).ToArray();
            string tempFileName = fileName;
            int count = 1;
            while (allFiles.Contains(tempFileName ))
                tempFileName = String.Format("{0} ({1})", fileName, count++); 
            output = Path.Combine(folderPath, tempFileName );
            string fullPath=output + ".xml";
    However, it gives the following compilation errors
    for the Select and Contain methods respectively.:
    'System.Array' does not contain a definition for 'Select' and no extension method 'Select' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Array' could be found
    (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    'System.Array' does not contain a definition for 'Contains' and no extension method 'Contains' accepting a first argument of type 'System.Array' could be
    found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
    I googled on these errors, and people suggested to add using System.Linq;
    I did, but the errors persist. 
    Any help and information is greatly appreciated.
    P. S. Here are the using clauses I have:
    using System;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Linq;

    Besides your issue with System.Core, you also have a problem with the logic of our code, particularly your variables. It is confusing what your variables represent. You have an infinite loop, so the last section of code is never reached. Take a look 
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    using System.IO;
    namespace consAppFileManipulation
    class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
    string fullPath = @"c:\temp\trace.log";
    string folderPath = @"c:\temp\";
    string fileName = "trace.log";
    string output = "";
    string fileNameOnly = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fullPath);
    string extension = Path.GetExtension(fullPath);
    string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(fullPath);
    string newFullPath = fullPath;
    string[] allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(folderPath).Select(filename => Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename)).ToArray();
    string tempFileName = fileName;
    int count = 1;
    while (allFiles.Contains(fileNameOnly))
    tempFileName = String.Format("{0} ({1})", fileName, count++);
    output = Path.Combine(folderPath, tempFileName);
    fullPath = output + ".xml";
    //string fullPath = output + ".xml";
    UML, then code

  • Experiencing "The type or namespace name 'DirectoryServices' does not exist in the namespace 'System' (are you missing an assembly reference?)" compilation error

    I am just starting to implement a new user login authentication process wherein after prompting user for username & password, I hope to authenticate them againts our company Active Directory user data. Since I am just starting, I only have very few things
    done at this point which is how I wanted to work on this so that my development environment is still at its simplest state.
    I am using the following for development:
    MS-Visual Studios Professional 2013 Version 12.0.30501.00 Update 2, and
    MS .NET Framework Version 4.5.50938.
    Here are my project solution's current items:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    For more information on how to configure your ASP.NET application, please visit
    <compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5" />
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />
    <defaultDocument enabled="true">
    <add value="Login.aspx" />
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <!-- For more information on using web.config transformation visit -->
    <configuration xmlns:xdt="">
    In the example below, the "SetAttributes" transform will change the value of
    "connectionString" to use "ReleaseSQLServer" only when the "Match" locator
    finds an attribute "name" that has a value of "MyDB".
    <add name="MyDB"
    connectionString="Data Source=ReleaseSQLServer;Initial Catalog=MyReleaseDB;Integrated Security=True"
    xdt:Transform="SetAttributes" xdt:Locator="Match(name)"/>
    <compilation xdt:Transform="RemoveAttributes(debug)" />
    In the example below, the "Replace" transform will replace the entire
    <customErrors> section of your web.config file.
    Note that because there is only one customErrors section under the
    <system.web> node, there is no need to use the "xdt:Locator" attribute.
    <customErrors defaultRedirect="GenericError.htm"
    mode="RemoteOnly" xdt:Transform="Replace">
    <error statusCode="500" redirect="InternalError.htm"/>
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <compilation debug="false" targetFramework="4.5" />
    <httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" />
    <add assembly="System.DirectoryServices, Version=, Culture=neutral PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"/>
    <%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="Login.aspx.cs" Inherits="Login" %>
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns="">
    <head runat="server">
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
    <div id="loginForm" style="height: 562px; width: 399px; margin-left: 0px" title="Login Form">
    <asp:Label ID="loginPageLabel" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" Font-Names="Arial Black" Font-Size="Large" Text="Please Log In"></asp:Label>
    <br />
    <br />
    <asp:Label ID="loginUsernameLabel" runat="server" Text="Username:"></asp:Label>
    <asp:TextBox ID="loginUserNameTextBox" runat="server" OnTextChanged="loginUserNameTextBox_TextChanged" Width="213px" Wrap="False" AutoPostBack="True" TabIndex="1"></asp:TextBox>
    <br />
    <br />
    <asp:Label ID="loginPasswordLabel" runat="server" Text="Password:"></asp:Label>
    <asp:TextBox ID="loginPasswordTextBox" runat="server" OnTextChanged="loginPasswordTextBox_TextChanged" Width="212px" Wrap="False" AutoPostBack="True" TabIndex="2"></asp:TextBox>
    <br />
    <br />
    <asp:RadioButton ID="loginUAradioButton" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" OnCheckedChanged="loginUAradioButton_CheckedChanged" Text="TUPSS Associate" AutoPostBack="True" TabIndex="3" />
    <asp:RadioButton ID="loginAFradioButton" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" OnCheckedChanged="loginAFradioButton_CheckedChanged" Text="Area Franchisee" AutoPostBack="True" TabIndex="4" />
    <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    <asp:Button ID="loginSubmitButton" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" OnClick="loginSubmitButton_Click" Text="Log In" TabIndex="5" />
    <asp:Button ID="loginCancelButton" runat="server" Font-Bold="True" OnClick="loginCancelButton_Click" Text="Cancel" TabIndex="6" />
    <br />
    <br />
    <asp:Label ID="loginStatusInstructionLabel" runat="server" Text="Status/Instruction:"></asp:Label>
    <br />
    <asp:TextBox ID="loginStatusInstructionTextBox" runat="server" Height="230px" MaxLength="100" Rows="12" TextMode="MultiLine" Width="360px" EnableViewState="False" OnTextChanged="loginStatusInstructionTextBox_TextChanged" ReadOnly="True" TabIndex="-1"></asp:TextBox>
    using System;
    using System.DirectoryServices;
    public partial class Login : System.Web.UI.Page
    private string uName; // user-entered username
    private string pWord; // user-entered password
    private int loginLoadCycles; // just keeping track of how many times Page_Load is called
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    if (this.loginUserNameTextBox.Text == String.Empty &&
    this.loginPasswordTextBox.Text == String.Empty &&
    this.loginUAradioButton.Checked == false &&
    this.loginAFradioButton.Checked == false)
    this.loginLoadCycles += 1;
    private void loginInit()
    this.uName = String.Empty;
    this.pWord = String.Empty;
    this.loginLoadCycles = 0;
    private void setLoginVisibilityAndFocus()
    // Decide on whether or not the Login submit & cancel buttons should be enabled or not
    if ( this.loginUserNameTextBox.Text == String.Empty ||
    (this.loginUAradioButton.Checked == false && this.loginAFradioButton.Checked == false) )
    this.loginSubmitButton.Enabled = false;
    this.loginCancelButton.Enabled = false;
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = "Please specify if you are a TUPSS Associate or an Area Franchisee by checking either the 'TUPSS Associate' or 'Area Franchisee' checkbox.";
    this.loginSubmitButton.Enabled = true;
    this.loginCancelButton.Enabled = true;
    if (this.loginPasswordTextBox.Text == String.Empty)
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = "Now that you have entered your username & type, please enter your password.";
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = "When you are ready, please select either the Log In button to login, or the Cancel button to abort.";
    if (this.loginUAradioButton.Checked == false && this.loginAFradioButton.Checked == false)
    else if (this.loginUserNameTextBox.Text == String.Empty)
    else if (this.loginPasswordTextBox.Text == String.Empty)
    protected void loginUserNameTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    protected void loginPasswordTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // For some reason, after specifying that the password entry box's textmode to 'Password' setting,
    // the UI's password textbox is emptied
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = "NOTICE:\nThis application is still under development.\n\n" +
    "This is why the password you entered is visible. Once this portion of the application is ready, it will be masked.\n\n" +
    "Also, still need to figure out why when changing this to Password entry mode to mask its entered data, password is getting reset.";
    protected void loginSubmitButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.loginLoadCycles = 0;
    this.uName = this.loginUserNameTextBox.Text;
    this.pWord = this.loginPasswordTextBox.Text;
    if (this.loginUAradioButton.Checked == true && this.loginAFradioButton.Checked == false)
    this.loginLADPauthenticate('U'); // authenticate UPS Associates against UPS Corp's Active Directory
    else if (this.loginUAradioButton.Checked == false && this.loginAFradioButton.Checked == true)
    this.loginLADPauthenticate('A'); // authenticate Area Franchisees against UPS Store's iNet Active Directory
    // set colors to show that this is an error instead of a status message or instruction
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = "ERROR: Cannot log in without specifying if you are an UPS Associate or an Area Franchisee!";
    protected void loginCancelButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = "You have selected to cancel from logging in...";
    // Still need to plan what to do when user cancels out of logging in. For now, just initialize class attributes
    protected void loginUAradioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    String msg = String.Empty;
    if (this.loginUAradioButton.Checked == true)
    this.loginAFradioButton.Checked = false;
    msg = "Thanks for specifying that you are a TUPSS Associate. ";
    if (this.loginUserNameTextBox.Text == String.Empty)
    msg += "Now please specify your username.";
    else if (this.loginPasswordTextBox.Text == String.Empty)
    msg += "Now please enter your password.";
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = msg;
    protected void loginAFradioButton_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    String msg = String.Empty;
    if (this.loginAFradioButton.Checked == true)
    this.loginUAradioButton.Checked = false;
    msg = "Thanks for specifying that you are an Area Franchisee. ";
    if (this.loginUserNameTextBox.Text == String.Empty)
    msg += "Now please specify your username.";
    else if (this.loginPasswordTextBox.Text == String.Empty)
    msg += "Now please enter your password.";
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = msg;
    private void loginLADPauthenticate(char whichActiveDirectory)
    String msg = "Authenticating user '" + this.uName + "' with password '" + this.pWord + "' against ";
    if (whichActiveDirectory == 'U')
    msg += "UPS Corp's Active Directory...";
    else if (whichActiveDirectory == 'A')
    msg += "The UPS Store's Franchisee Active Directory...";
    msg += "\n\nNOTICE:\nThis is still under development.\n\nAt this point, this application is supposed to do something else now but is not yet ready.";
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.Text = msg;
    this.loginStatusInstructionTextBox.AutoPostBack = true;
    // Authenticate using LDAP
    protected void loginStatusInstructionTextBox_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
    I confirmed that I have System.DirectoryServices.dll located in
    C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\assembly\GAC_MSIL\v4.0_4.0.0.0__b03f5f7f11d50a3a\ folder and that I as well as System have read as well as read&execute privileges
    not only to all folders in its path but also to the DLL file itself.
    I would appreciate any help in trying to resolve this compilation error so that I can proceed with implementing LDAP features for this endeavor.
    Thanks so much,
    hguico @ The UPS Store

    For web application problem, please post your thread in
    ASP.NET forum.
    Best Wishes!
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  • How can I read ALL the compilation errors in a DOS window?

    On compilation using a DOS window, if the number of errors exceeds the window size, some of the errors disappear off the top of the window and I cannot read them.
    Is there an effective solution to somehow use scrolling of the DOS window or transfer the compilation errors to a file?

    Hey buddy,
    When I first started programming with Java, I wondered the same thing. I have the very best solution for you. This one is waaay easy!!!!
    There is a text editor which will not only color code your text for you, but you can easily configure it to give you the compiler /DOS output for Java. Just go to this website and download the program. Enjoy!

  • I cannot install iTunes.  I get a Windows Error 126 and missing msvcr80.dll.  I've tried uninstalling and re-installing based on all the suggestions, but still have an issue

    I cannot install iTunes.  I get a Windows Error 126 and missing msvcr80.dll.  I've tried uninstalling and re-installing based on all the suggestions, but still have an issue.  I've removed all the services, tried moving the dll files as suggested, but I still have no success.  Spent all day on this issue.  I am running windows 7.

    Sorry to hear this isn't going smoothly for you. Try  Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates. You may have seen some of the suggestions here before but is has taken some users more than one attempt.

  • Had error 7 windows error 126 and missing MSVCR80.dill. Went through the steps to uninstall and apple mobile device support will not delete. Now I can't download itunes. Help!!

    Had error 7 windows error 126 and missing MSVCR80.dill. Went through the steps to uninstall and apple mobile device would not uninstall. Now I can"t download itunes. Help!!

    apple mobile device would not uninstall.
    Try using the fixit from the following Microsoft document to remove Apple Mobile Device Support:
    Fix problems with programs that can't be installed or uninstalled

  • TS3694 Trying to install new version of I tunes. Get the following error msgs:Itunes not installed correctly reinstall (Windows error 126), and missing file MSVCR80.DLL?

    Trying to upgrade Itunes get the following error msgs: Itunes not installed correctly reinstall (Windows error 126) and missing file MSVCR80.DLL?

    Click here and follow the instructions. If they don't work, perform a complete reinstallation (Windows XP, Windows Vista and newer).

  • Adding Engine component causes: "Compiler errors occurred when generating a Windows Forms wrapper...​"

    I got this error when I tried to drop a TestStand Engine class onto my main form in VisualStudio.NET.
    Compiler errors occurred when generating a Windows Forms wrapper for ActiveX control 'AxNationalInstruments.TestStand.Interop.API'
    The error message went on to say that it saved the source in ./obj/AxInterop.TS.cs so I added that to the project. When I try to build it, I get this error:
    The designer must create an instance of type 'System.Windows.Forms.AxHost' but it cannot because the type is declared as abstract.
    I am using TestStand 3.0 evaluation, Version 7.1.3088 of Microsoft Development Environment 2003, and .NET Framework 1.1 Version 1.1.4322 SP1.
    Is this aximp.exe problem?
    Can someone suggest how to fix this?

    TestStand installs pre-built interop wrappers for the TestStand engine and all the TestStand UserInterface controls. You can find them in \API\DotNet\Assemblies\CurrentVersion\.
    However, the best thing to do is usually to add the ApplicationMgr control to your .NET form and then call form.axApplicationMgr1.GetEngine() to get the engine. Doing this automatically adds references to the interop assemblies to your project. You can find this control in the TestStand tab of your .NET toolbox when you have a form active.
    Ideally, you should start with the .NET simple operator interface examples which are in \OperatorInterfaces\NI\Simple\CSharp\ and \OperatorInterfaces\NI\Simple\VB.Net\
    - James

  • "Compiler errors occurred when generating a Windows Forms wrapper...

    "Compiler errors occurred when generating a Windows Forms wrapper for ActiveX control 'AxNationalInstruments.TestStand.Interop.API'."

    Sorry, I accidentally hit enter as I was composing this post. Please see my full post at:

  • Compile Error: missing return statement

    anyone knows why the following program yields compile error "missing return statement??"
    class LengthTest
         public int stringLength(String s)
         {     int len = s.length();
              if (len <= 5) return 5;
              else if (len <= 10) return 10;
              else if (len <= 20) return 20;
    //          else return 30;
    If I add "else return 30" statement, then it can stop the error. Any ideas??

    You might know that the string length will never be more than 20, but the compiler does not. So it forces you to supply a return statement that will be executed no matter what the string length is.

  • Getting a compilation error. Says ; is missing in line 34

    // A program to demonstrate the use of JList's
    //Import Statements
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class ListTest extends JFrame{
         //Class Declarations
         JList list;
         String[] colorNames = {"black", "blue", "green", "red"};
         Color[] colors  = {Color.BLACK, Color.BLUE, Color.GREEN, Color.RED };
         //Main Program that starts Execution
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              ListTest test =  new ListTest();
         public ListTest()
              super("List Test Demo");
              Container container  = getContentPane();
              container.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              list = new JList(colorNames);
              //Anonymous Inner Class
              list.addListSelectionListener() {
                   new ListSelectionListener(){
                   public void valueChanged( ListSelectionEvent e)
    }// End of Class ListTestGetting the following compilatioN Error
    Getting a compilation error. Says ; is missing in line 34

    // A program to demonstrate the use of JList's
    //Import Statements
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class ListTest extends JFrame{
         //Class Declarations
         JList list;
         String[] colorNames = {"black", "blue", "green", "red"};
         Color[] colors  = {Color.BLACK, Color.BLUE, Color.GREEN, Color.RED };
         //Main Program that starts Execution
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              ListTest test =  new ListTest();
         public ListTest()
              super("List Test Demo");
              Container container  = getContentPane();
              container.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
              list = new JList(colorNames);
              //Anonymous Inner Class
              list.addListSelectionListener (
                   new ListSelectionListener() {
                   public void valueChanged( ListSelectionEvent e)
    }// End of Class ListTestCannot resolve symbol ListSelectionListener [LINE 36]

  • Recently updated iTunes on my PC. iTunes has disappeared and I'm getting an error MSVCR80.dll missing. Error 7 (Windows Error 126)

    Recently updated iTunes on my PC. iTunes has disappeared and I'm getting an error MSVCR80.dll missing. Error 7 (Windows Error 126)
    Here is the fix!

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