Complete List of Rentals

Appears to be hit or miss in finding for movies to rent.
Some are available to rent and some are not.
Is there a complete list of all available Movies for Rent?

Go to the main iTS home page via the iTunes interface - select 'Browse' from the Quick Links on the upper right side of the page - select 'Movies' - select a genre of movie - look at the list - movies that have 'view movie' are for rent or can purchase.

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    Launch Script Editor (in /Applications/AppleScript/), paste in this script, select Event Log, run it, and get Mail's properties:'
    tell application "System Events"
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    35 : 0 : "End" : 76 : "Enter Query"
    We are currently using these in our Forms 3.0 application through a vt220 terminal emulator and we are in the process of upgrading to 9i (I believe 6i has the same mapping file).

    After a painful process of opening a tar at metalink, given references to docs that I can't access/don't exist, then finally given the answer in hex (when Forms wants decimal), I now have the full list which I have converted to decimal for the next guy that hits my problem. phew...
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    27 : 0 : "Escape" : 32 : "Exit"
    19 : 0 : "Pause / Break" : 36 : "Commit"
    Forms Function     Hex     Dec
    CANCEL     3     3
    CLEAR     0C     12
    SHIFT     10     16
    CONTROL     11     17
    ALT     12     18
    PAUSE     13     19
    CAPS_LOCK     14     20
    ESCAPE     1B     27
    SPACE     20     32
    PAGE_UP     21     33
    PAGE_DOWN     22     34
    END     23     35
    HOME     24     36
    LEFT     25     37
    UP     26     38
    RIGHT     27     39
    DOWN     28     40
    COMMA     2C     44
    PERIOD     2E     45
    SLASH     2F     46
    0     30     48
    1     31     49
    2     32     50
    3     33     51
    4     34     52
    5     35     53
    6     36     54
    7     37     55
    8     38     56
    9     39     57
    SEMICOLON     3B     59
    EQUALS     3D     61
    A     41     65
    B     42     66
    C     43     67
    D     44     68
    E     45     69
    F     46     70
    G     47     71
    H     48     72
    I     49     73
    J     4A     74
    K     4B     75
    L     4C     76
    M     4D     77
    N     4E     78
    O     4F     79
    P     50     80
    Q     51     81
    R     52     82
    S     53     83
    T     54     84
    U     55     85
    V     56     86
    W     57     87
    X     58     88
    Y     59     89
    Z     5A     90
    OPEN_BRACKET     5B     91
    BACK_SLASH     5C     92
    CLOSE_BRACKET     5D     93
    NUMPAD0     60     96
    NUMPAD1     61     97
    NUMPAD2     62     98
    NUMPAD3     63     99
    NUMPAD4     64     100
    NUMPAD5     65     101
    NUMPAD6     66     102
    NUMPAD7     67     103
    NUMPAD8     68     104
    NUMPAD9     69     105
    MULTIPLY     6A     106
    ADD     6B     107
    SEPARATER     6C     108
    SUBTRACT     6D     109
    DECIMAL     6E     110
    DIVIDE     6F     111
    F1     70     112
    F2     71     113
    F3     72     114
    F4     73     115
    F5     74     116
    F6     75     117
    F7     76     118
    F8     77     119
    F9     78     120
    F10     79     121
    F11     7A     122
    F12     7B     123
    DELETE     7F     124
    NUM_LOCK     90     144
    SCROLL_LOCK     91     145
    PRINTSCREEN     9A     154
    INSERT     9B     155
    HELP     9C     156
    META     9D     157
    BACK_QUOTE     C0     192
    QUOTE     DE     222
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    Forms 9i Key Mapping 6i fmrweb.res Java Function Number Forms function number JFN : JMN : URKS : FFN : URFD Character mode conversion migration web gui frmpcweb.res ascii codes

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    Apple has a good developer page on most of the payloads: ileref/introduction/introduction.html
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    Apple Consultants Network
    Author "Yosemite Server – Foundation Services" :: Exclusively available in Apple's iBooks Store
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    Chris, I certainly don't mind additional questions and postings.
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    Message was edited by: Moderator

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    Hello ArunavA,
    How r u ?
    I dont think we can see the complete history of the changes recorded for InfoObject, only the last changed by can be identified.
    GOTO -> Overview List
    see at the last these details will be available
    Best Regards....
    Sankar Kumar

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    5/8/09 9:56 AM
    5/7/09 9:10 AM
    5/4/09 2:52 PM
    5/18/09 10:40 AM
    5/11/09 11:57 AM
    5/1/09 9:43 AM
    4/9/09 9:36 AM
    4/30/09 4:31 PM
    The most recent ones are midway down. Is there a way to tell it to sort the most recent printouts at the top?

    Hi Roger,
    Where are you getting this list from, or how are you generating it?
    First, you'd have to give the Month & Days a 2 digit number... a zero before a 1 digit date.
    How I'd do it is with Tex-Edit Plus...
    Paste your list in it, Select All, Tools menu>Sort Descending, Print.
    05/18/09 10:40 AM
    05/11/09 11:57 AM
    05/08/09 9:56 AM
    05/07/09 9:10 AM
    05/04/09 2:52 PM
    05/01/09 9:43 AM
    04/30/09 4:31 PM
    04/09/09 9:36 AM

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    Hi Ned,
    Thank you for your help. Your 2nd solution led me straight to the correct solution which is:
    slider_1._x = this._xmouse + groove_1._x;
    I use the object variable this instead of groove_1 as I am calling it from the function:
    groove_1.onMouseDown = function(){
        slider_1._x = this._xmouse + groove_1._x;;
    I also add the groove_1 left hand offset (groove_1._x;)
    Thanks again for you help.

  • Term Store missing complete list of terms

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    the terms.  It only lists the first 10 terms. 
    Anyone know how to fix this to be able to see the complete list of terms?
    I know they are still there, as I can see all the terms when I upload a document (metadata choices).

    According to your post, my understanding is that you can’t see the down arrow to view the rest terms which are more than 10.
    In my environment, I also do this test and the result is that it works well.
    Per my knowledge, it’s by design that the terms only can show the top 10 terms under a term set, then you can click on the drop arrow to view rest terms which are more than 10.
    You can try to create a new Term Set or a Group, and separately do this test again to check if this issue only occurs on this term set.
    What is your current browser? I recommend that you can change some different browsers to check if this issue only occurs on your current browser.
    If you are using the IE browser, you can change the IE browser mode using F12, change to different mode, then check whether it works.
    You can try to clear the browser cache and run the IE in safe-mode again to test if it works.
    Also, I suggest that it’s better to use the IE 8 browser for SharePoint 2010.
    And, does this issue occurs after you install any update in your environment?
    I recommend that you can try to install the latest update in your environment to check if it works.
    Best Regards,
    Yumi Fu

  • What is the table for catalogs and codes complete list???

    Dear Experts,
    How to retrieve the total list of catalogs and codes by using table??
    can any one give me the table name to retrieve the complete list of catalogs and codes ??
    Please do the needful.
    Thanks ,
    Sunil Boya

    See this document. Catalog Profile and Catalogs & Codes
    If you see this join picture you'd understand that the answer to your question is tables: T352C, QPGR, QPCD.
    If you are looking for individual tables then
    VIQMFE - for Object part and Damage
    VIQMUR - for Causes
    VIQMSM - for Tasks
    VIQMMA - for Activites
    QPGT - for Code Group texts
    QPCT - for Code texts
    If you want to know more you may ask.
    Best of Luck
    Jogeswara Rao K

  • Function Module which gives complete list of objects that another object to

    Hi All,
    Is there any standard FM that can give us complete list of objects that another object(Order/Cost Center) settles to??
    Thanks in advance,

    Question is not clear.
    Revert back,

  • FYI: Confirmed flaw with Outlook Auto-Complete lists w/Exchange Online

    Ever since our organization migrated to Exchange Online we noticed a flaw with how Outlook's Auto Complete list (nickname cache) operates.  We've finally gotten a confirmation from Microsoft that the following is indeed a problem:
    Each entry in a user's local Outlook auto-complete cache is represented by an LDAP distinguished name.
    When Exchange is hosted on-premises these entries pretty much never change.
    When your organization is hosted on Exchange Online, the distinguished names for your mailboxes can change without notice due to maintenance processes (Microsoft's engineers have confirmed this to be true).
    There are other ways that a mailbox's distinguished name can change (re-creating a mailbox, etc.)
    Outlook's local auto-complete cache has no way (currently) to reconcile changes should any of its entries' distinguished names change in the cloud.
    When the entries in the local auto-complete cache become "stale" the following may happen:
    Emails to affected recipients can bounce back.
    Emails to distribution groups containing members which have stale auto-complete entries can bounce back.
    On occasion no NDR is even generated (BIG PROBLEM).
    As noted above, we've gotten Microsoft to admit that this is indeed a problem with Outlook when combined with Exchange Online. I was told that the Outlook product team has been notified of this problem.  However, in order to escalate this issue I was
    asked to spread the word to other customers so they can also chime in if they've been affected.
    Please supply your feedback to Microsoft and ask that Outlook be enhanced to either reconcile the local auto-complete list with the online GAL, or provide some sort of notification to the user that an auto-complete entry has become "stale" or invalid.
    Thanks for everyone's time!

    There is nothing called as Outlook's local nick-name cache. This resides on the mailbox and not outlook and supports only 1000 entries only. If the entries exceeds 1000 it will not function correctly.
    After the .nk2 file has been imported into your mailbox, Outlook writes a value into a hidden message in your mailbox.
    To locate this property in MFCMAPI, open the
    Associated Contents table of the Contacts folder. Then, select the message with
    Subject = IPM.Configuration.ContactPrefs.
    Then, double-click the PR_ROAMING_DICTIONARY property to see the configuration setting nickname cache import. The value to examine is
    pImportedContactNickNames (True = the import has already occurred).
    Since you are facing issues at this point of time, it needs to be corrected. I would appreciate if you can open phone support case with O 365 team and ask them to escalate to Exchange Level , we should be able to work with
    you and correct the issue
    Hope this helps

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