Completely unusable

I have never been so frustrated with a piece of Apple Hardware or Software as I am now. The Touch is completely useless unless you have the most up-to-date system.
I am trying to use it on EITHER of two machines. A 12" Powerbook and an upgraded G4 Tower. Neither of them want to work with it at all. On the tower, all I get are 'unable to connect, error 0xE8000025' nothing else... and on the Powerbook, I get anything from Error 0xE8000013, 0xE8000025, 0xE8000001, or now it just doesn't show up at all!
I have tried everything I can think of short of throwing the **** thing off the balcony. Upgraded to 1.1.2, downgraded back to 1.1.1, upgrading iTunes, downgrading iTunes, reinstalling iTunes from scratch, deleting plists, reformatting the iPod... i seriously have no idea what else to do.
Its really frustrating because people with the most updated stuff, like intel macs and everything never have any problems, but as soon as your system is just a bit out of date, Apple doesn't seem to care anymore.
I was saving up to buy a new MBP, but perhaps I need to rethink and get a Windows Box...

So... I think I've gotten it resolved, although I really dont know how, but hey, if it'll help someone else in my situation, all the better!
Powerbook w/USB1.1, running 10.51
G4 AGP w/USB2.0 PCI Card, running 10.4.11
16gb iPod Touch, running 1.1.2
90% of the time connecting to the Powerbook would result in 'could not Sync Errors 0xE8000013, 0xE8000025, 0xE8000001, etc. and would not show up
10% if the time it would connect, show up in iTunes, but when trying to Sync anything iTunes would either freeze or Panic.
100% of the time connecting to the Tower would result in an error 0xE8000025.
At one point, I thought I had it resolved... I was able to turn off Auto Sync when it connected to the Powerbook, and then attaching it to the Tower I could manually sync the media. However... just as I thought it was done, I got another error and it showed the dreaded Connect to iTunes screen. Ugh.
So I tried restoring it using the Tower, but it went back to its 25 error. Nice. Tried restoring it on the Powerbook, and it ended up with Timed Out errors.
*Last Ditch Effort*
So in my last ditch effort, I tried UKOutpost's suggestion. I made a new account (on the Powerbook) with nothing but iTunes and a downloaded copy of 1.1.1.
First attempt was another timed out.
Second attempt I didn't let the iPod go to sleep... or more specifically, have the screen lock. The entire time that it was preparing the update, I ensured to keep the iPod active and lo and behold, it restored! (to 1.1.1)
So I am currently [manually] syncing the iPod via the POWERBOOK of all things. The USB 1.1 wouldn't do anything before, but its chugging along. Afterwards I'll attempt to Sync some videos from the Tower (its a dedicated Media Center dontchaknow)
I've decided to stick with 1.1.1 for now because ITS WORKING. As far as I'm concerned, 1.1.2 just never worked for me, and I'm happy to keep .1 around for a while. So I can't edit Calendars... oh well.
Hopefully this thorough guide will help someone else... It was certainly a long and convoluted solution, but a solution none the less, and well... I think Apple Products and I can patch things up, in time.

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    /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS5/Adobe Photoshop Photoshop CS5[24480]: MDS Error: unable to create user DBs in /var/folders/B3/B3RE+qikH74rCK1Evpl+ik+++TI/-Caches-//mds
    Adobe Photoshop CS5[24480]: -[NSCFString _getValue:forType:]: unrecognized selector sent to instance
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    My Mac version is:
    Photoshop version is:
    CS5 Extended 12.0
    Any help appreciated.

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    This kind of problem is often related to video drivers, I think, or to trying to read/write over a busy network (and that includes updating previews for images stored on the network).
    Video drivers are tested by turning video hardware acceleration to zero in the troubleshooting tab of the display settings dialog. If that fixes things, you need a new driver.

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    Undoing an update is not intended, unless the update has an extra entry in the control panel where you manage installations. Or you could use a backup to revert or do a complete re-installation.

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    *"Following up on my previous posting regarding my son's late model 2006 iMac that required a $900 logic board replacement:*
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    I've been trying to carry out a series of time compressions and expansions on a stereo 96k audio file to get it to play in time with my track, but the time stretching doesn't take place - I've been getting the 'I/O error Result Code= -36' message when I click the Process button. Not every time, but almost every time. It's more prone to do it with negative tempo change values for some reason, and if it does work, then an undo will almost certainly mess the audio up by not returning to the original state. It fails with both Logic's own algorithms and the dedicated Serato Pitch'n Time LE version. All other sample edit functions (say excite, denoise etc) appear to work correctly.
    Knowledge base here seems to imply that I'm getting a disk read / write error. I've tried resampling the audio. I've duplicated it and tried the copy. I've moved it to a different internal drive, having taken the first drive off line. I've moved it back again. I have four internal drives and I've tried audio running off each of them alone and in combination. I've given the file a new name with no gaps or punctuation. I've tried time stretching a completely different audio file chosen at random, usually to no avail but sometimes it works a few times, then fails. Mono files seem to be slightly more reliable, but not much. I've fixed disk permissions and all folder permissions more times than I care to mention. I've reinitialised the boot drive and reinstalled Logic. I've even installed OSX on a different drive, and installed Logic on that one, but that didn't work. I've tried it with my extra 8GB of (reliably sourced) third party RAM removed. I was getting this time-stretching error on the 3.2GHz machine as well, so you could even say I've tried it on two different machines (though it should be pointed out they had the same RAM and Hard Drives).
    At the Apple Store earlier today I tried to get a display machine (a 2 core MacPro) with a version of Logic on it (that I'd had nothing to do with) to replicate this error on the demo Logic song. When everything was 44.1 time stretching worked absolutely fine, many times, but once I converted one audio file from its default 44.1 kHz to 96 kHz and tried the time compression, up came the I/O error message. Now I can't believe it's a good idea to have different sample rates in the same song, so I converted all the audio files in the demo song to 96k in a different audio folder, changed the sample rate of the song so it would play back as you'd expect, saved and restarted, and then tried time stretching one of the files - it wouldn't do it, resulting in the I/O error again. Interestingly, after that even the 44.1 version of the song started showing the same error, even after another restart.
    It seems like I should work at 44.1 if I want to time stretch, but I like to work at 96k and I should be able to.
    This sounds like a proper bug to me and has been crippling my productivity, but I can't believe no one else has tried repetitively time stretching sections of an audio file at 96k - either have you been able to get it to work, or has anyone got any more suggestions I may not have tried out?
    Thanks in advance. (Or have you all gone to sleep by now? Self-editing was never my strong suit...!)

    Nevermind. I was low on disk space. Duh (though the error could have been a bit more descriptive).
    Move along. Nothing to see here, folks.

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    Can anyone please suggest something?

    sorry for double post but i fixed my ipod.
    1)first i went into my computer and right-click format. once done the ipod said
    files were corrupted and unusable.
    2)next i restored to factory defaults and everything worked fine. had to reload music though.
    good luck

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    There is not currently a a way as you can see from reading the many posts on this subject in this forum - if you just let it finish its initial scan it stays out of the way and you ignore it
    make your suggestion to Apple - iPhoto menu ==> provide iPhoto feedback

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    I can't even sync or reinstall the software (for a hard-reset). Basically, the device is completely useless. What do you recommend? is there other button combos for an actual "hard-reset" of all data? Any possible solution?
    I am in Europe until August 6th, so I can't exactly take it back to the store I bought it from (for a couple weeks at least).

    Don't know and magic button combos. All I can suggest is to find an Apple store nearby.
    You can find stores in the UK or Italy here:
    Worldwide technical support numbers are here:
    Good luck.

  • IPhone was unplugged during update; now completely unusable, not recognized

    So I was updating to the latest iPhone software through iTunes when somehow, the USB got unplugged. Now, the phone is always off; when I turn it on it just has a picture of a USB cable pointing towards the iTunes logo for a few seconds, and then shuts off again. It's comepletely unusable. When I plug it into the USB port, it is recognized in Windows and the computer and all, but it doesn't appear in iTunes, and the iPhone's screen is the same image as when it is unplugged.
    No phone + No music = Death.
    Thanks in advance!

    Try forcing your iPhone into Recovery mode.
    Disconnect the USB cable from the iPhone.
    Power off the device (Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds until the red slider appears, then slide the slider. Wait for the the iPhone or iPod touch to turn off.
    Press and hold the Home button while reconnecting USB cable. When you reconnect USB, the device should then power on.
    Continue holding the Home button while iPhone starts up. While starting up, you will see the Apple logo.
    When you see "Connect to iTunes" on the screen, you can release the Home button and iTunes will display the recovery mode message.
    This will require an iPhone Restore.

  • IPhoto 9.5.1 crashing constantly - completely unusable!

    i've been using iPhoto for years (decades?) with barely a problem; always updating ...
    i just updated to 9.5.1 (from 9.5) and it has become completely unsusable!
    it crashes constantly, with nearly any attempt at opening a photo or an album.
    this is on a late 2011 17-inch MacBook Pro, running the most up-to-date Mavericks.
    i followed instructions and deleted iPhoto, reinstalled, restarted about 2 million times (give or take a couple thousand); rebuilt permissions, restarted again...
    Nothing works!
    PS: re-installing iPhoto also lost my streams, which i use a lot to share photos with loved ones..

    For the fourth time, i did the following:
    rebuilt permissions on the main drive,
    installed from the App Store,
    rebuilt permissions on the main drive,
    and have not yet seen the crashes i would get upon opening videos from the iPhone or attempting to export a slideshow to video..
    keeping fingers crossed..
    Note: one problem with Mavericks is the caching mechanism for preferences and other files; even if you delete preferences for an application, they are still active until you restart, so, when troubleshooting, restarting at every single step becomes paramount..
    I think that this is what was happening because after every crash, the crash reporter would complain that was not properly installed and needed to be erased and downloaded again. Well, i did so 3 times, but the crucial step (i think) was to restart after erasing and restarting immediately after installing (without trying to open it so as to revive old cached files!)
    Again, i hope this is solved -- keeping fingers crossed...

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    Here are some things I found by going to Apple Support and searching for importing from iPhoto to iMovie:
    Those might help you.

  • IPhone completely unusable - can someone suggest something please?

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    Has anyone ever had this, and, short of waiting for the battery to die, what is the solution to this, if any?
    Thank you

    Thank you both for your reply. I didn't know that there was another reboot option, so thank you so much, my iPhone is back in service.
    Your help is very much appreciated.
    Message was edited by: londonmilk

  • Battery completely unusable

    A few days ago the battery on my T61 completely stopped using, even though I had never had any trouble with it.  My computer now acts like the battery is not attached at all (although it does note "68% available plugged in, not charging), which means it must be plugged in at all times. It is very frustrating and I think it has hurt the performance of the computer because so the number of hard shutdowns from the power going off or the plug getting unattached.
    History: I replaced the harddrive about four months ago.  besides that, there have been no problems.  
    Could this be a software problem, or could I solve it by purchasing a new battery?  If I purchase a new battery, could there still be an underlying software problem?

    I Had an iPad 1 that I sold about 4 months ago. The battery was still holding a charge for about 9-1/2 hours or so while using it. My iPad 3 which I used for 2-1/2 years until I got the new iPad Air 2, still holds a charge when using it all day for about 9-1/2 hours or so.
    I Have had my iPad 3 unplugged from power for about 6 days now and it is powered on and asleep. The battery indicator is at 80%, o I think that Inwill get the 30 days in stanmy that Apple claims the device should get.
    IF your battery were to totally die, you might still be able to use the IPad with the power adaptor, but I think you are worried about something that really isn't going to happen anyway.

  • Safari completely unusable

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    It is extremely slow, freezes, very often when I want to write something, it responds in the speed 1 letter in 3 seconds, it takes ages to open something. I switch to Firefox - it works absolutely normally. I use no extensions. 2 weeks ago I reset Safari, it seemed to help. Now again I am back to that crappy state.
    I can't believe it that it behaves like that

    Please read this whole message before doing anything.
    This procedure is a test, not a solution. Don’t be disappointed when you find that nothing has changed after you complete it.
    Step 1
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is localized to your user account.
    Enable guest logins* and log in as Guest. Don't use the Safari-only “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac.”
    While logged in as Guest, you won’t have access to any of your personal files or settings. Applications will behave as if you were running them for the first time. Don’t be alarmed by this; it’s normal. If you need any passwords or other personal data in order to complete the test, memorize, print, or write them down before you begin.
    Test while logged in as Guest. Same problem?
    After testing, log out of the guest account and, in your own account, disable it if you wish. Any files you created in the guest account will be deleted automatically when you log out of it.
    *Note: If you’ve activated “Find My Mac” or FileVault, then you can’t enable the Guest account. The “Guest User” login created by “Find My Mac” is not the same. Create a new account in which to test, and delete it, including its home folder, after testing.
    Step 2
    The purpose of this step is to determine whether the problem is caused by third-party system modifications that load automatically at startup or login, by a peripheral device, or by corruption of certain system caches.
    Disconnect all wired peripherals except those needed for the test, and remove all aftermarket expansion cards. Boot in safe mode and log in to the account with the problem. Note: If FileVault is enabled on some models, or if a firmware password is set, or if the boot volume is a software RAID, you can’t do this. Ask for further instructions.
    Safe mode is much slower to boot and run than normal, and some things won’t work at all, including sound output and Wi-Fi on certain models.  The next normal boot may also be somewhat slow.
    The login screen appears even if you usually log in automatically. You must know your login password in order to log in. If you’ve forgotten the password, you will need to reset it before you begin.
    Test while in safe mode. Same problem?
    After testing, reboot as usual (i.e., not in safe mode) and verify that you still have the problem. Post the results of steps 1 and 2.

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