Component allocation

Hi ,
I was asked in one interview, "What is the difference between component allocation & material allocation?".
Component allocation means, allocation of components to various operations in a routing or production order.
Material allocation , i really could not trace it out.
Can somebody guide me, what exactly does it mean?
Best regards,

Hi Kumar,
You can refer to the following link:
Material Assignment:
Component allocation:
Hope this help u.

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    Hi Prasobh,
    Tnx for your suggestion. But, the client external processing routing is not constant activity . Based on the Operation bottlenecks client is sending the operation as external Processing. For Eg., If on first order operation 20 be external , Then in second order operation 20 need not be external. operation 30 may go out for external processing. Client does not want a material code for each operation.
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    The componenet allocation will take automatically if you have the BOM created for the Material for which you are creating the Routing.
    It will not add the new components.
    i too tried but lot of problems with this BAPI.
    I prefered recording.
    Reward points if it is helpful.

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    See BAPI_ROUTING_CREATE / Material Component Allocation
    Kanagaraja L

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    Thanks and Regards,

    <i>Here is the join for PLKO to PLMZ (some fields/where condition used for testing)</i>
    <b>SELECT plpovornr plmzstlal plmz~stlnr
           INTO (plpo-vornr, plmz-stlal, plmz-stlnr)
           FROM plko
           JOIN plas ON plasplnty EQ plkoplnty AND
                        plasplnnr EQ plkoplnnr AND
                        plasplnal EQ plkoplnal
           JOIN plpo ON plpoplnty EQ plasplnty AND
                        plpoplnnr EQ plasplnnr AND
                        plpoplnkn EQ plasplnkn AND
                        plpozaehl EQ plaszaehl
           LEFT OUTER JOIN plmz ON plmzplnty EQ plasplnty AND
                           plmzplnnr EQ plasplnnr AND
                           plmzplnkn EQ plasplnkn
                WHERE plko~plnty EQ 'N'
                AND   plko~plnnr EQ '50002328'
                AND   plko~verwe EQ '1'
                AND   plko~statu EQ '4'
                AND   plko~delkz EQ space
                AND   plas~loekz EQ space
                AND   plpo~loekz EQ space.
      WRITE: / plpo-vornr, plmz-stlal, plmz-stlnr.
    remember that all operations need not have components assigned to them hence the LEFT OUTER JOIN.
    Performance should also be considered, this is just an example to give you the links. Replace '50002328' with some valid PLKO-PLNNR in your system.

  • Component allocation in routing

    In CA02 (Sales order routing) when I go to component allocation more than once then i get following message. It is ok that you only go once in component overview??
    Component overview for routing cannot be called up
    Message no. CM022
    You want to call up the component overview for the selected routing (group 50000637, counter ). However this is not possible, because earlier you clled up a material component overview for another routing that had the following properties:
    It belongs to the same group as the routing you have now selected.
    It has been allocated another material or material BOM as the routing you have now selected.
    As long as you do not call up the component overvierw for the selected routing, you can go on working as usual. To call up the material component overview, proceed as follows:
    1. If you have made any changes in the selected plan that you want to save, do so.
    2. Cancel editing the routing
    3. Start editing routings with the selected routing (group 50000637, counter ) and call up the material component overview

    all u have to do is, go to ca02 operation overview. highlight the operation and click on component allocation. there u can see assignment tab. click on that and assign the components from the bom of that header material. it is as simple as this. dont forget to save the routing at the end.
    pls try this and come back with more clarity.

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    I have a query related to Plant Maintenence.
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    Thanks Mahee,
    The table i was looking for is PLMZ (allocation of components to operations)
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    Thanks for help.

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    If the routing is changed in the production order (by T-Code CO02), it wont show in the CA61 or CA60.
    Also the initial data of routing will not be changed. May be because of this only you are not getting anything in the log.

  • Component allocation change

    Dear Gurus,
    Is there any t-code for mass change in Component allocation.
    Tushar Barot

    Dear Barot,
    In my understanding there is no T Code for mass change of component allocation,check whether any Functional module can
    help you or else go for a BDC to change the same.

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    Please specify the reason for YES and NO?

    Check the following:
    Material components in a BOM that are not assigned to an operation in the routing are automatically assigned to the first operation when you create a production order.
    If you have assigned a phantom assembly to an operation in a routing, the system automatically assigns all of the material components in the phantom assembly to the same operation as the phantom assembly when you create a production order.
    If you have assigned individual material components from the phantom assembly to various operations without also allocating the phantom assembly, the system assigns the material components that have not been assigned and the phantom assembly to the beginning of the first operation when you create a production order.

  • Component Allocation LSMW not working for materials having alternative BOMs

    Hi Experts,
    I have a requirement in Component allocation LSMW.
    Component Allocation LSMW was created using a material which do not have an alternative BOM and the LSMW NOT working for materials having alternative BOMs. Currently iam using Batch Input Recording method in LSMW.Can any one suggest me is it possible by recording method in Lsmw. Because in transaction CA02 when we click the CompAlloc button in application tool bar we get a pop up screen with alternative BOM's, we have to choose any of them. If we choose any of the alternatie BOM in the pop up screen then it will be fixed always, but depending upon my flat file value of alternate BOM i need to pick the value. It is not static.
    Can any one suggest me is there any BAPI for this requirement.
    Your hel will be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Use BDC instead of LSMW, that will solve your problem.

  • Routing-LSMW-Component Allocation to task list

    Hi Gurus,
    I'm creating LSMW to Routing using Standard-Batch Input method, have mapped the required structures.
    But I was unable to map the Component allocation to task list.
    Is it possible in the standard one else I need to go for some sort customisation.
    Can anybody throw some lite on this issue ?
    Ram Kumar

    You will find BIPMZ Batch input structure for component allocation to task list in the standard structure relations (no customizing required). Use the same for your need.
    Hope it clarifies your query.

  • Routing Component Allocation and Assignment of Operation/Seq to components

    Hi everyone,
    We are creating a Order Bom (uses variant configuration) and Sales order routing using CU51.
    When in routing component allocation screen using CA02 , we can assign the operation and sequence to the components manually. Requirement is to automate this manual process and assign the operation and sequence to components based on master routing ( template created manually). I have not been able to find any objects (BAPI, FM) which will do this. I see that when operation/sequence is assigned manually to components, the records are created in PLMZ table. But I have not been able to find any objects (BAPI, FM) which will creates records in PLMZ table that can be used to automate this w/o worrying about loosing the integrity of data. If no objects are available , what other information I should make sure that I update along with update to PLMZ table. Going through the recording, I don't see BDC an option for this. Has anyone done this before ? Any ideas on whats the best way to automate this ?

    Hello Munukala Rao,
    I m also stuck up with same problem  so please share code your BDC code .

  • Component allocation for operations

    Hi Friends,
    I have 5 components for one finished material.When i create the routing for that material all components are assigned for first peration .But i want 3 components for first operation 2 components for second operation and one component for third operation .Please tell me how i will be assigned ?

    Hi Kumar,
    I understood your issue, now for "operation wise confirmation only those componets will be consumed as operation wise"
    all you have to do, in the component allocation Tab you have to specify which sequence (if any); operation the component belong to. If you leave this space empty then all component would get attached to first operation itself.
    The steps for confirmation is like:
    1. Issue Good/component (belonging to first operation only) with a mvt type 261 tcode MB1A to the Production Order
    2. Carry out the other activity to the order (labor, machine etc. required in 1st operation)
    3. Do the confirmation of the operation through CO11n.
    4. Proceed for next operation in the same way.

  • Component allocation missing in Routing,

    Hi SAP Gurus
    The component allocation  for a finished material is missing in
    Routing. this is particular  with usage production BOM's. I have to manually fix it . What can be the error . Pls advise.

    It seems that the BOM Components are assigned to the first operation of the Routing, but it is not the case.
    If you go and see the component assignment to the Fist operation system says no components are assigned.
    At the Time of Production Order creation only the BOM components will be assigned to the first operation.
    If you assign a Component specifically to any operation, if you go into the Component assignment, then the to which Operation the component is assgned will be seen.
    You need to assing components manually to operation..

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