Component display out of applet bound

what can i let the component display out of the bound of applet,just like the list at choice.

use the java.awt.Window class. IE gives you a "warning applet window" on the bottom, but Netscape does not.
Ragnvald Barth
Software enigneer

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  • Using getter/setter for returing a string variable to display on an Applet

    have two classes called, class A and class testA.
    class A contains an instance variable called title and one getter & setter method. class A as follow.
    public class A extends Applet implements Runnable, KeyListener
         //Use setter and getter of the instance variable
         private String title;
         public void init()
              ASpriteFactory spriteFactory = ASpriteFactory.getSingleton();
              // Find the size of the screen .
              Dimension theDimension = getSize();
              width = theDimension.width;
              height = theDimension.height;
              //Create new ship
              ship = spriteFactory.createNewShip();
              fwdThruster = spriteFactory.createForwardThruster();
              revThruster = spriteFactory.createReverseThruster();
              ufo = spriteFactory.createUfo();
              missile = spriteFactory.createMissile();
              //Example from Instructor
              //setMyControlPanel( new MyControlPanel(this) );
              // new for JDK 1.2.2
         public void update(Graphics theGraphics)
              // Create the offscreen graphics context, if no good one exists.
              if (offGraphics == null || width != offDimension.width || height != offDimension.height)
                   // This better be the same as when the game was started
                   offDimension = getSize();
                   offImage = createImage(offDimension.width, offDimension.height);
                   offGraphics = offImage.getGraphics();
              //Load the game with different color of the space ship          
              // Copy the off screen buffer to the screen.
              theGraphics.drawImage(offImage, 0, 0, this);
         private void displayInfoScreen()
              String message;
              if (!playing)
                   offGraphics.drawString("\'A\' to Change Font Attribute", 25, 35);
                   offGraphics.drawString(getTitle(), (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 2
                             - fontHeight);
                   message = "The Training Mission";
                   offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 2);
                   message = "Name of Author";
                   offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 2
                             + fontHeight);
                   message = "Original Copyright 1998-1999 by Mike Hall";
                   offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 2
                             + (fontHeight * 2));
                   if (!loaded)
                        message = "Loading sounds...";
                        int barWidth = 4 * fontWidth + fontMetrics.stringWidth(message);
                        int barHeight = fontHeight;
                        int startX = (width - barWidth) / 2;
                        int startY = 3 * height / 4 - fontMetrics.getMaxAscent();
                        offGraphics.fillRect(startX, startY, barWidth, barHeight);
                        if (clipTotal > 0)
                             offGraphics.fillRect(startX, startY, (barWidth * clipsLoaded / clipTotal), barHeight);
                        offGraphics.drawRect(startX, startY, barWidth, barHeight);
                                  .drawString(message, startX + 2 * fontWidth, startY + fontMetrics.getMaxAscent());
                        message = "Game Over";
                        offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 4);
                        message = "'S' to Start";
                        offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 4
                                  + fontHeight);
              else if (paused)
                   message = "Game Paused";
                   offGraphics.drawString(message, (width - fontMetrics.stringWidth(message)) / 2, height / 4);
         public String getTitle() {
              return title;
         public void setTitle(String title) {
              this.title = title;
    }displayInfoScreen method in class A calls out for getTitle( ) to be displayed on an applet as an initial display string for the application.
    The instance variable title is set by setTitle method which is called out in class testA as follow,
    public class testA extends TestCase
          * testASprite constructor comment.
          * @param name
          *          java.lang.String
         public testA(String name)
          * Insert the method's description here.
          * @param args
          *          java.lang.String[]
         public static void main(String[] args)
              // need to figure out how to get rid of the frame in this test
         public static Test suite()
              return new TestSuite(testA.class);
          * Basic create and simple checks
         public void testCreate()
              A theGame = new A();
              assertNotNull("game was null!", theGame);
          * Basic create and simple checks
         public void testInit()
              A theGame = new A();
              Frame gameFrame = new Frame("THE GAME");
              int width = 640;
              int height = 480;
              gameFrame.setSize(width, height);
              // must pack to get graphics peer
              theGame.resize(width, height);
              theGame.setTitle("TEST THE GAME");
              assertEquals("ASprite width not set", A.width, width);
    }Basically, class testA invokes the init( ) method in class A and start the applet application. However, it displays a white blank display. If I change the getTitle( ) in the displayInfoScreen method to a fixed string, it works fine. Did I forget anything as far as using getter & setter method? Do I have to specify some type of handle to sync between setter and getter between two classes? Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.

    Your class A extends runnable which leads me to believe that this is a multi-threaded application. In that case, title may or may not be a shared variable. Who knows? It's impossible to tell from what you posted.
    Anyway, what is happening is that your applet is being painted by the JFrame before setTitle is called. After that, who knows what's happening. It's a complicated application. I suspect that if you called setTitle before you added the applet to the frame, it would work.

  • Display .gif In Applet Problem

    I have been making a game. Very simply, the game has a main class and another truely important class that extends JFrame, it is the map. In it i need to upload .gif files and display them. It worked up until recently because i needed to make a sepperate class. I know how to use the getImage() for Images and the the way for ImageIcons, but for some reason, they never display (they display just whiteness). My Code is as follows
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    // when this puppy reads from a file, it'll be able to have 55 15 x 15 terrains per row
    // 35 15 x 15 terrains per column
    // arrows by everythign that u would need to consider in finding the problem
    // this is not the main class
    public class GameMap extends JPanel implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, KeyListener{
         public static final int MAX_BULLETS = 200;
         public static final int MAX_PLAYERS = 50;
         public static final int SPLAT_SIZE = 15;
         public static final int PLAYER_SIZE = 15;
         public static final int MAX_MESSAGES = 10;
         public static final int ROBOT_SIZE = 15;
         private static final int rowTerrains = 35;
         private static final int columnTerrains = 55;
         private static int currentBullets = 0;
         private static int currentPlayers = 0;
         private static int bulletRotation = 0;
         private static int aimX, aimY;
         private boolean mapLoaded;
         private boolean writingMessage;
         private boolean imagesLoaded;
         private int messageRotation;
         private int tileCoord;
         private String messageText = "";
         private String currentMap;
        private Bullet bullet[] = new Bullet[MAX_BULLETS];
        private Player player[] = new Player[MAX_PLAYERS];
        private Message message[] = new Message[MAX_MESSAGES];
        private Color backgroundColor = new Color(81, 141, 23);
        private Image offscreenMap; // offscreen image of map
        private Graphics mapGraphics;
         private ImageIcon yellowSplat1, yellowSplat2, yellowSplat3, yellowSplat4, yellowSplat5, bluePlayerBack, bluePlayerFront, bluePlayerRight, bluePlayerLeft, grass, tree, mountain, robot1;
         private Terrain terrain[] = new Terrain[(rowTerrains * columnTerrains)];
         public GameMap(){
              this(800, 450);
         public GameMap(int width, int height){
              addKeyListener(this); // use method requestFocusInWindow() for this to work
              setPreferredSize(new Dimension(width, height));
              for (int x = 0; x < bullet.length; x++){
                   bullet[x] = new Bullet();
              for (int x = 0; x < player.length; x++){
                   player[x] = new Player();
              for (int x = 0; x < message.length; x++){
                   message[x] = new Message();
              for (int x = 0, currentX = 0, currentY = 0; x < (rowTerrains * columnTerrains); x++){
                   terrain[x] = new Terrain();
                   currentX += 15;
                   if (currentX > columnTerrains * 15){
                        currentX = 0;
                        currentY += 15;
              player[0].drawPlayer(0, 0);
              //loadMap("Map1.txt"); // this is called to load the map right when this object is initialized
         public void paintComponent(Graphics g){
              Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D)g;
              Composite originalComposite = g2d.getComposite();
              if (imagesLoaded == false){
                   yellowSplat1 = new ImageIcon("yellow1.gif");
                   yellowSplat2 = new ImageIcon("yellow2.gif");
                   yellowSplat3 = new ImageIcon("yellow3.gif");
                   yellowSplat4 = new ImageIcon("yellow4.gif");
                   yellowSplat5 = new ImageIcon("yellow5.gif");
                   bluePlayerBack = new ImageIcon("BlueBack.gif");
                   bluePlayerFront = new ImageIcon("BlueFront.gif");
                   bluePlayerLeft = new ImageIcon("BlueLeft.gif");
                   bluePlayerRight = new ImageIcon("BlueRight.gif");
                   grass = new ImageIcon("Grass.gif");
                   tree = new ImageIcon("Tree.gif");
                   mountain = new ImageIcon("Mountain.gif");
                   robot1 = new ImageIcon("Robot1.gif");
              if (mapLoaded == false){ // so a map is loaded when game is started
                   mapLoaded = true;
              g.drawImage(offscreenMap, 0, 0, this);
              for (int x = 0; x < bullet[0].totalBullets; x++){
                   if (bullet[x].getArrived()){
                        //find splat type and display it
                        switch (bullet[x].getSplatType()){
                             case 0:
                                  yellowSplat1.paintIcon(this, g2d, bullet[x].getDestX() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2, bullet[x].getDestY() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2);
                             case 1:
                                  yellowSplat2.paintIcon(this, g2d, bullet[x].getDestX() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2, bullet[x].getDestY() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2);
                             case 2:
                                  yellowSplat3.paintIcon(this, g2d, bullet[x].getDestX() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2, bullet[x].getDestY() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2);
                             case 3:
                                  yellowSplat4.paintIcon(this, g2d, bullet[x].getDestX() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2, bullet[x].getDestY() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2);
                             case 4:
                                  yellowSplat5.paintIcon(this, g2d, bullet[x].getDestX() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2, bullet[x].getDestY() - SPLAT_SIZE / 2);
                        g2d.fillOval(bullet[x].getX(), bullet[x].getY(), 3, 3);
              for (int x = 0; x < player[0].totalPlayers; x++){
                   if (player[x].getPlayerPosition().equals("Back")){
                        bluePlayerBack.paintIcon(this, g2d, player[x].getX(), player[x].getY());
                   else if (player[x].getPlayerPosition().equals("Right")){
                        bluePlayerRight.paintIcon(this, g2d, player[x].getX(), player[x].getY());
                   else if (player[x].getPlayerPosition().equals("Left")){
                        bluePlayerLeft.paintIcon(this, g2d, player[x].getX(), player[x].getY());
                   else if (player[x].getPlayerPosition().equals("Front")){
                        bluePlayerFront.paintIcon(this, g2d, player[x].getX(), player[x].getY());
                        g2d.fillOval(player[x].getX(), player[x].getY(), 15, 15);
              if (writingMessage){
                   g2d.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 130));
                   g2d.draw3DRect(8, 7, 800, 17, true);
                   g2d.drawString(messageText, message[0].getX(), 20);
              for (int x = 0; x < MAX_MESSAGES; x++){
                   if (message[x].isDisplayed()){
                        g2d.drawString(message[x].getMessage(), message[x].getX(), message[x].getY());
         private AlphaComposite makeComposite(float alpha) {
              int type = AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER;
              return(AlphaComposite.getInstance(type, alpha));
         public void drawBullet(int aimX, int aimY){
              bullet[bulletRotation].drawBullet(player[0].getX() + PLAYER_SIZE / 2, player[0].getY() + PLAYER_SIZE / 2, aimX, aimY);
              if (bulletRotation >= MAX_BULLETS){
                   bulletRotation = 0;
         public void loadMap(String map){
              mapLoaded = false;
              currentMap = map;
                   BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(map));
                   String input, string1, string2;
                   for (int x = 0; x < terrain.length; x++){
                   for (int x = 0, currentArray; x < terrain.length; x++){
                        if ((input = in.readLine()) != null) {
                             StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(input);
                             currentArray = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
                   offscreenMap = createImage(size().width, size().height);
                   mapGraphics = offscreenMap.getGraphics();
                   //mapGraphics.clearRect(0, 0, size().width, size().height);
                   // everything from here down is to be painted to mapGraphics... but it doesn't get this far cuz of an error
                   for (int x = 0; x < terrain.length; x++){
                        if (terrain[x].getTerrainType().equals("Grass")){
                             grass.paintIcon(this, mapGraphics, terrain[x].getX(), terrain[x].getY());
                             System.out.println("terrain(" + x + ") is Grass");
                        else if (terrain[x].getTerrainType().equals("Tree")){
                             tree.paintIcon(this, mapGraphics, terrain[x].getX(), terrain[x].getY());
                             System.out.println("terrain(" + x + ") is Tree");
                        else if (terrain[x].getTerrainType().equals("Mountain")){
                             mountain.paintIcon(this, mapGraphics, terrain[x].getX(), terrain[x].getY());
                             System.out.println("terrain(" + x + ") is Mountain");
              catch (FileNotFoundException e){
                   System.out.println("Map not found");
              catch (IOException e){
                   System.out.println("IOException Error!");
              // **** mouse Listener ****//
         public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){}
         public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e){}
         public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e){
              if (e.getButton() == 1){
                   //System.out.println("player[0].movePlayer(" + e.getX() + ", " + e.getY() + ")");
                   aimX = e.getX();
                   aimY = e.getY();
                   movePlayer(aimX, aimY);
              else if (e.getButton() == 3){
                   aimX = e.getX();
                   aimY = e.getY();
                   drawBullet(aimX, aimY);
         public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e){
              if (isFocusOwner() != true){
         public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e){}
         // **** end mouse listener ****//
         // **** mouse motion listener ****//
         public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e){}
         public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e){}
         // **** end mouse motion listener ****/
         public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e){}
         public void keyReleased(KeyEvent e){}
         public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e){}
    }I removed a few unnecessary methods from this code to make it easier to view. EVERYTHING works except for the images displaying. The reason i'm having this problem now is i just redid my workspace and copied the code and i think some glitch stopped it from compiling correctly all along so now i experience this problem in the applet viewer. Though, even before, i couldn't get anything to display in an applet.
    And yes, everything is in the same place as the html file.
    Thanks for your help!

    Here's a way to keep track of and paint images with a simple Rectangle array. And also a way to remove lengthy initialization code blocks from paintComponent. Move the images by moving the rectangles.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class GameMapRx
        public static void main(String[] args)
            JFrame f = new JFrame();
            f.getContentPane().add(new GameMapPanel());
    class GameMapPanel extends JPanel
        Image[] images;
        Rectangle[] rects;
        boolean firstTime;
        final int PAD;
        public GameMapPanel()
            firstTime = true;
            PAD = 20;
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
                initializeGameMap(w, h);
            for(int i = 0; i < rects.length; i++)
                Rectangle r = rects;
    g.drawImage(images[i], r.x, r.y, this);
    private void loadImages()
    String path = "images/duke/";
    String ext = ".gif";
    images = new Image[10];
    for(int i = 0; i < images.length; i++)
    URL url = getClass().getResource(path + "T" + (i + 1) + ext);
    images[i] =;
    catch(MalformedURLException mue)
    System.out.println("Bad URL: " + mue.getMessage());
    catch(IOException ioe)
    System.out.println("Unable to read: " + ioe.getMessage());
    private void initializeGameMap(int w, int h)
    rects = new Rectangle[images.length];
    int imageWidth = images[0].getWidth(this);
    int imageHeight = images[0].getHeight(this);
    int cols = (w - 2*PAD) / imageWidth;
    int xInc = imageWidth + (w - cols * imageWidth) / (cols + 1);
    int x0 = (w - cols * imageWidth -
    (cols - 1) * ((w - cols * imageWidth) / (cols + 1))) / 2;
    for(int i = 0; i < images.length; i++)
    int x = x0 + xInc * (i % cols);
    int rows = i / cols;
    int y = PAD + (imageHeight + PAD) * rows;
    rects[i] = new Rectangle(x, y, imageWidth, imageHeight);
    firstTime = false;

  • ORA-06537 OUT bind variable bound to an IN position

    we have migrated our database from oracle 9i to 10g (Release
    but while executing a procedure we are getting the following error
    ORA-06537:OUT bind variable bound to an IN position
    this same procedure is not throwing any error wen we connect the 9i database
    we are giving two parameters for this procedure
    in that second one is an IN OUT Parameter
    another procedure which use the same parameters working properly in 10g and 9i.
    we are using PowerBuilder 10 as front end
    plz help me to get ride of this prob...

    You get that error even in 9i if the parameters to the procedure calls are not bound correctly. Check the powerbuilder application to make sure it is binding the parameter types correctly.
    SQL> create or replace procedure proc(p_in IN NUMBER, p_out IN OUT NUMBER) is
      2  begin
      3      null ;
      4  end ;
      5  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> declare
      2    l_var1 NUMBER ;
      3    l_var2 NUMBER ;
      4  begin
      5    execute immediate 'begin proc(:in, :out) ; end ;' using OUT l_var1, OUT l_var2 ;
      6  end ;
      7  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06537: OUT bind variable bound to an IN position
    ORA-06512: at line 5
    SQL> declare
      2    l_var1 NUMBER ;
      3    l_var2 NUMBER ;
      4  begin
      5    execute immediate 'begin proc(:in, :out) ; end ;' using IN l_var1, OUT l_var2 ;
      6  end ;
      7  /
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06537: OUT bind variable bound to an IN position
    ORA-06512: at line 5
    SQL> declare
      2    l_var1 NUMBER ;
      3    l_var2 NUMBER ;
      4  begin
      5    execute immediate 'begin proc(:in, :out) ; end ;' using IN l_var1, IN OUT l_var2 ;
      6  end ;
      7  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> disconnect
    Disconnected from Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP and Oracle Data Mining options
    JServer Release - Production

  • Is there a COMPONENT video OUT solution for the iBook?

    I am currently using Apple's Video Adapter (mini-VGA to S-Video) to hook up to my widescreen. Let's face it, S-Video *****. I am trying to find a solution that would allow me to get component video out of my iBook and run that into my widescreen.
    Is there a VGA->Component Video Adapter available that would work with the mini-VGA -> VGA adapter that ships with the iBook? (Or some other way to get a component video signal?)
    iBook G4 1.2GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   1.25 GB RAM

    Hi Mactivist,
    i am not an expert on this video stuff but I think
    you might find this useful. Although the
    procedure described is about a Mac Mini (which has a
    dvi connector) the guy actually used a DVI-VGA
    adapter. Therefore, I believe, the set-up described
    should work for you too.
    Unfortunately, iBooks do not have DVI out. What I really need is a VGA to Component video adapter.
    And for the person who wasn't sure what a component video cable looks like, this is a cable that has 3 rca-like plugs on it, each one supplies a different color (RGB I think).
    So far, I've not found a VGA adapter that can do this unless you are using an ATI video card as the source.
    iBook G4 1.2GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   1.25GB RAM

  • How to display FileDialog in applet?

    Hi all,
    I looked FileDialog constructors but only Frame can be the owner of the dialog? Is there a way to do display it in applet?
    Thank you.

    Applets need to be signed to access the file system.

  • Songs displaying out of order in new iTunes

    Despite proper track numbers on all the songs, tracks still display out of order when viewing them. Here is an album where the proper track numbers are showing but each song is in a completely random order. Note that shuffle is not enabled.
    I've attempted to fix this by adjusting settings in the View menu and clicking and dragging. Nothing helps.
    Any tips would be very much appriciated.

    Hey Kilima,
    THANK YOU! The problem was that some of the songs were labeled as "Album 1 of 1" while other songs had this information completely missing. This didn't affect the track listings in the old iTunes, but got distorted when I upgraded.
    Thanks again!

  • My 8600 printer (fairly new) will not print: Displays "out of paper". It is NOT out of paper.

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    Just displays "out of paper."  I have removed the paper, fanned it, jogged it, etc., but no go.

    Try the troubleshootings steps in this document and this document.
    Bob Headrick,  HP Expert
    I am not an employee of HP, I am a volunteer posting here on my own time.
    If your problem is solved please click the "Accept as Solution" button ------------V
    If my answer was helpful please click the "Thumbs Up" to say "Thank You"--V

  • Intel iMac Component Video Out

    Has anyone tried a component video out connection to an HDTV from the Intel iMac? I've read from the ATI website that the new Radeon X1600 card supports component video out with an adapter.
    There was never a really good way to do this with previous Mac models.

    A little more news about component out from the Intel iMac 20"
    The VGA adapter included with my 12" iBook does not fit the mini-dvi port on the iMac. So you need to buy a new adapter from Apple.
    I tried using a VGA-to-component cable with the iBook VGA adapter and a standard television set. The cable is designed to interface a component-out DVD player to a VGA-in BenQ projector. I ran the cable to the component-in jacks on my Sanyo (analog-non HD) television. No go. Tried several resolutions and adapter refresh rates, and got some smeared video, but it made me nervous and I stopped experimenting. Haven't tried this cable with my HDTV for fear of damage.
    Basically, the cable was meant to take a video signal from the DVD player to the projector. My experiment was mac to TV.
    So sad, oh so sad ;<

  • Which cable for 8800GT Component TV-Out?

    Hi all,
    I just wondered what kind of cable you require to utilize the Component TV Out plugs of the connector shipped with the card. I know you have to use a Male / Male plug for the S-Video, but I can't find the Component equivalent. What would that be called?
    Thanks in advance.

    Are you referring to this cable? :
    If so it's an S-video to HDTV cable.

  • Display Out Questions

    So I really can't figure out what is going on. I have a mini display to hdmi chord which will put my computer screen onto my tv. Also I have a mini display to vga adapter with a vga chord to plug into that and then plug into the back of my tv. the hdmi works and will display on my tv but for whatever reason the vga chord will not show up on my tv and I don't have any idea as to why. I've tested the chord and know that there isn't a problem in the chord, and obviously the mini display out still works and it pic up that something was plugged in just nothing is displayed on the tv.
    any suggestions as to what could be going on?
    or any settings that should be changed?

    There is ready applications for questionnaires.
    maybe you look examples from those

  • ACD 23" Alu not displaying out from a fresh boot

    my cheesegrater MacPro recently died on me so I've "relegated" the ACD to work with my rMBP through the thunderbolt port with an Apple minidisplay-DVI adaptor
    Magsafe adaptor is on so the rMBP is closed and used with an external keyboard/mouse
    Everything is working perfectly if I boot up the rMBP then connect the ACD to it
    What's not OK is when I power on the rMBP with the ACD attached. it doesnt display out anything.
    The rMBP does recognise the ACD with a quick pulling out of the adaptor from the rMBP then back in again. But there is no display on the ACD. the ACD and the rMBP goes into spanning mode as the mouse moves out from the rMBP to the blanked out secondary display (ACD)
    My solution now is to connect the ACD only when the rMBP is up and running. The ACD has to be powered off from the powerplug and reconnecting the adaptor again which is silly.
    how can i use the ACD properly without hotpluggin

    i dont know if it had any thing to do with the SwitchResX app i had installed previously but i had it disabled completely and it seems fine now

  • Album song lists displayed out of numerical order

    Suddenly, the song lists for each album at the music store, are displayed out of numerical order. Is it something I did? If so how can I fix it? Makes it very hard to find and buy proper song.

    The sort-order for songs can be changed by clicking on the various column headings in the Music Store display.
    So make sure you've selected the left-most column for your sorting order.

  • IPhone component AV out cable problems..

    I recently bought an Apple component AV out cable and was very excited when it came this morning. Upon opening it I realized that the TV out had 3 different connectors (green, red & blue) and my TV only has 1 which is yellow!
    Is there any way to make this work? Or should I just give up and return it?

    Welcome to the forums.
    Component inputs are three connectors -- they comprise the red, green and blue "guns" of the output. What you are seeing on your TV is composite input. You either need to purchase the composite video cable (which is the same price) or a converter from a third party (which will cost more or about the same as the cable).
    You can look around the back of your TV to see if you might have component inputs elsewhere -- nearly all modern TVs (about the last two or three years) have component inputs, particularly if they are larger than 24" or so.

  • Prefill interactive form with data upon displaying out

    Let's say if i have a web dynpro application, with a view containing an interactive form. I would like to prefill the interactive form with data by calling a webservice or thru RFC before it display the form out. So that when the form is first displayed out, it is already prefilled with data. Is this possible?
    Is there any guide out there which is similar to this scenario?
    Btw, currently i only managed to consume the webservice and prefill the form with data after clicking a button which will execute the webservice.

    A Presentation from tech ed
    A blog
    Adobe Online Interactive Forms Integration into Web Dynpro for Java Applications - Webinar Details

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