Compressed (zipped) Folder - missing in Windows 8

I see the following file exists in my SendTo folder (C:\Users\Chirag\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo), but cannot see the item in the Send To menu. 
Compressed (zipped) folder.ZFSendToTarget
I went through other articles but didn't help on my Windows 8 (not 8.1):
Not sure if the file association is missing for .ZFSendToTarget file extension.
Also, when I tried the following command:  rundll32
It gave me this error: Error in zipfldr.dll, Missing entry: RegisterSendTo
Please help!

Go through the following thread:
S.Sengupta, Windows Entertainment and Connected Home MVP

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    If a file is damaged there's not much you can do about it. It doesn't surprise me that game play videos folks have put up on the web have odd encodings, odd frame rates, odd frame sizes and other odd things that make MP4 decompression extremely difficult to work even in the best of circumstances. If you can open the videos in the Adobe Media Encoder or Premiere Pro or even QuickTime or another media player maybe you can export them to a production codec and save some of them.

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    Hi friends,
    I am a software developer ,working on java/j2ee.currently i am working in a document management software related to logistics.Here i am facing a problem at the time of open the zip file through windows XP's in built software called "Folder compress".It's creared through at time of open through xp compress folder software ,it's showing error that "you can't open this file , this file are protected for your computer security" , but when i trying to open it through winzip or winrar, it's not giving any problem.My also specefing the code snippet below :-
    ZipOutputStream zip =  null;
         FileOutputStream fileWriter = null;
                   fileWriter = new FileOutputStream(destZipFile);
                   zip = new ZipOutputStream(fileWriter);
                   //required for XP compress
                zip.setLevel(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); //use default level
              }catch (Exception ex){
              addFolderToZip("", srcFolder, zip);
                   fileWriter = null;
              }catch (Exception ex)
                   logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.ProcessException","Exception in Zip folder processing");
              }I desperately looking for a help regarding this issue , if any body have any solution the please send at this forum.

    this file working file for winzip or winrar there is no problem.i am also sending the whole code of that java file that can help you better.
    Program Name:
    Description:     EdocRetrieveService CMP Bean Class
    Classes:          EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean
    Package:          net.mlog.edoc.ejb.entity
    Modification History
    <CR No>          <Date>               <Modified By>               <Comments>
    Version 1.0     2005.12.01          Sutapa   Ray               Create
    /** The sequence of methods to be called.
       1. mlogOriginDocumentAudit(String argActionDetails,int argDocumentId,int argActionId,String argActionByUserId)
       2. mlogDestinationBatchDownload(Vector TREEDATA,String SessionIDVal,String argUserId)
              a) Start DIR --
              private  String DoFolder(String folderNname)
              b) Create the folder
              private String CreateFolder(String FolderName,String newFolderPath)
              c) Zip the folder
              private void zipFolder(String srcFolder, String destZipFile)
              d) Add folders to zip file
              private void addToZip(String path, String srcFile, ZipOutputStream zip)
              e) Add the srcFolder to the zip stream.
              private void addFolderToZip(String path, String srcFolder, ZipOutputStream zip)
              f) Delete Directory from server
              public boolean deleteDir(File dir) {
       3. mpsDocumentView(String argUserId,Integer[] argSfxFileId)
       4. mlogOriginDocumentView(int argDocumentId,String argUserId)
       5. findDocTypeForDocId(Integer argDocId) throws RemoteException;
    package net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session;
    import javax.ejb.SessionBean;
    import javax.ejb.SessionContext;
    import javax.ejb.CreateException;
    import javax.ejb.ObjectNotFoundException;
    import javax.ejb.FinderException;
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import javax.naming.NamingException;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.rmi.PortableRemoteObject;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
    //import lib for all entity beans
    import net.mlog.edoc.ejb.entity.IDocumentCMP;
    import net.mlog.edoc.ejb.entity.IDocumentCMPHome;
    import net.mlog.edoc.ejb.entity.IDocumentTypeCMP;
    import net.mlog.edoc.ejb.entity.IDocumentTypeCMPHome;
    import net.mlog.edoc.ejb.entity.IDocumentAuditCMP;
    import net.mlog.edoc.ejb.entity.IDocumentAuditCMPHome;
    //import lib for reader class of properties file
    import net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.PropertiesFileReader;
    //import lib for user Define File class
    import net.mlog.edoc.ejb.Session.EFile;
    //import lib for SFXWebClient
    import net.mlog.edoc.webservice.sfxWeb.ISFXWebClientSLHome;
    import net.mlog.edoc.webservice.sfxWeb.ISFXWebClientSL;
    import java.sql.Date;
    import java.sql.Timestamp;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Collection;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    //import lib for NGP Mail
    import javax.jms.Queue;
    import javax.jms.QueueConnectionFactory;
    import javax.jms.QueueConnection;
    import javax.jms.QueueSender;
    import javax.jms.QueueSession;
    import javax.jms.JMSException;
    import weblogic.jms.extensions.WLQueueSession;
    import weblogic.jms.extensions.XMLMessage;
    //import javax.mail.*;
    //import javax.mail.internet.*;
    //import lib for USI
    import net.msl.util.logging.MLogger;
    public class EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean implements SessionBean {
      private static final boolean VERBOSE = true;
      private SessionContext ctx;
      public void ejbActivate() {
      public void ejbRemove() {
      public void ejbPassivate() {
      public void setSessionContext(SessionContext ctx) {
        this.ctx = ctx;
      public void ejbCreate () throws CreateException {
      private static final MLogger logger;
         logger = MLogger.getLogger(net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.class.getName(), "net/mlog/edoc/ejb/session/eDocRetrieveServiceMessagesXML");
    //*********************KEEPING AUDITS OF DOCUMENTS BY MLOG ORIGIN PEOPLE*******************************
    * <b>
    * Used for Auditing the user action.
    * </b>
    * This function is called from various functions of eDocController
    * <p>
    * @param  argActionDetails Gives the details of Action in document audit.
    * @param  argDocumentId gives the Document Id in Document Audit.
    * @param  argActionId Action Id in Document Audit.
    * @param  argActionByUserId User Id of the Docment Audit action.
    * @return Returns a boolean value. 1 for success, 0 for Failure.
    public boolean mlogOriginDocumentAudit(String argActionDetails,int argDocumentId,int argActionId,String argActionByUserId) throws RemoteException
         //NGP/JDK Logging
         boolean flag=false;
         //getting context of the server
         InitialContext documentAuditCMPInitialContext=getInitialContext();
         Object objDocumentAuditCMPRef=null;
         catch(Exception e)
              //NGP/JDK Logging if JNDI Not found
              //logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "{0} : JNDI not found : {1}",new Object[] {"MSG002","DocumentAuditCMPBeanJNDI"});
              logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.JNDINotFound","DocumentAuditCMPBeanJNDI not found");
         //find the maximum audit id in the Document_Audit table
         //Home interface reference of DocumentAuditCMP EJB
         //IDocumentAuditCMPHome iDocumentAuditCMPHomeRef=(IDocumentAuditCMPHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objDocumentAuditCMPRef,IDocumentAuditCMPHome.class);
         IDocumentAuditCMPHome iDocumentAuditCMPHomeRef=(IDocumentAuditCMPHome)objDocumentAuditCMPRef;
         //Remote interface reference of DocumentAuditCMP EJB
         IDocumentAuditCMP iDocumentAuditCMPCreateRef=iDocumentAuditCMPHomeRef.create(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()),argActionDetails,argActionByUserId,new Integer(argActionId),new Integer(argDocumentId));
         //set flag to true if Document is audited
    }//end of try
    catch(Exception expt)
         logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.CreateException","Exception in creating Document Audit record");
      return flag;
    //*********************BATCH DOWNLOAD OF DOCUMENTS BY MLOG ORIGIN PEOPLE*******************************
    * <b>
    * Used for Validating the documents.
    * </b>
    * This function is called from Struts
    * <p>
    * @param  TREEDATA Treeset obtained after search.
    * @param  SessionIDVal gives the Session Value Id.
    * @return Returns a boolean value. 1 for success, 0 for Failure.
    public byte[] mlogDestinationBatchDownload(Vector TREEDATA,String SessionIDVal,String argUserId) throws RemoteException
         //NGP/JDK Logging
         /*FileHandler handler = null;
        Logger logger=null;
           PropertiesFileReader propertiesFileReaderRef=new  PropertiesFileReader();
            String logFile=propertiesFileReaderRef.getProperties("/","EDOC_LOG");
           handler = new FileHandler("eDoc.log",0,1, true);
           logger = Logger.getLogger("ErrorMsg");
        }catch(Exception excp)
             NGP/JDK Logging warning
             logger.log(Level.WARNING, "{0} : Unable to find Resource Bundle File : {1}",new Object[] {"MSG001","ErrorMsg"});
         //Remote interface reference of SFXWebClientSL
         ISFXWebClientSL iSFXWebClientSLRef=null;
         //Home interface reference of SFXWebClientSL
         ISFXWebClientSLHome iSFXWebClientSLHomeRef=null;
         Vector filePath=new Vector();
         byte[] fileContent=null;
         String eDocRoot="";
         String eDocPathMain="";
         String eDocPath="";
         File tempRootFileforDelete = null;
         if (TREEDATA.capacity() != 0 )
              String BLNODirPath="";
              String PONODirPath="";
              String SONODirPath="";
              // added for doc type level--2005.11.27--samar
              String docTypeDirPath="";
              String filepath="";
                 PropertiesFileReader propertiesFileReaderRef=new  PropertiesFileReader();
                 logger.finer("File Path:" +filepath);
              }catch(Exception excp)
                   logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.IOException","TEMP_FILE_DIR property ( not found");
              // added for top level--2005.12.02--samar
              Enumeration TREEDATAEn = TREEDATA.elements();               //Setting The Tree Folder
              String   BLNO="";
              String   PONO="";
              String   SONO="";
              String   DNO ="";
                   StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer((TREEDATAEn.nextElement()).toString(),"_");
                   while (st.hasMoreTokens()) // Extract All the Fields Of Every Vector Element
                        BLNO = st.nextToken();          // CSBWNO
                        PONO = st.nextToken();         // PONO
                        SONO = st.nextToken();        // SONO
                        DNO = st.nextToken();          // DNO
                        BLNODirPath = CreateFolder(BLNO,eDocPath+File.separator);
                        PONODirPath = CreateFolder(PONO,BLNODirPath+File.separator);
                        SONODirPath = CreateFolder(SONO,PONODirPath+File.separator);
                        // added for doc type level--2005.11.27--samar
                        docTypeDirPath=CreateFolder(findDocTypeForDocId(new Integer(DNO)),SONODirPath+File.separator);
                        File tempRootFile=new File(eDocRoot);
                        tempRootFileforDelete = tempRootFile;
                        //File tempeDocPathMainFile=new File(eDocPathMain);
                        //2005-12-01::code change for top level directory deletion
                        //File tempFile=new File(eDocPath);//BLNODirPath);
                        // added for doc type level--2005.11.27--samar
                        /* Access The Data from DataBase Temp Storage with Document Id And Store In This SO Folder */
                        /*Long Raw*/
                             InitialContext initialContext=new InitialContext();
                             int sfxid=0;
                             /*DriverManager.registerDriver (new oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver());
                             OraclePooledConnection pc = new OraclePooledConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:hr/hr@essoraclesvr:1521:essorcl","edoc","edoc");
                             Connection con=new DBCon().Connect();//pc.getConnection();
                             PreparedStatement pstm=con.prepareStatement("select SFX_FILE_ID from DOCUMENT where DOCUMENT_ID=?");
                             //getting context of the server
                             InitialContext documentCMPInitialContext=getInitialContext();
                             Object objDocumentCMPRef=null;
                             catch(Exception e)
                                   //logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "{0} : JNDI not found : {1}",new Object[] {"MSG002","DocumentCMPBeanJNDI"});
                                   logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.JNDINotFound","DocumentCMPBeanJNDI not found");
                             //Home interface reference of DocumentCMP EJB
                             //IDocumentCMPHome iDocumentCMPHomeRef=(IDocumentCMPHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objDocumentCMPRef,IDocumentCMPHome.class);
                             IDocumentCMPHome iDocumentCMPHomeRef=(IDocumentCMPHome)objDocumentCMPRef;
                             IDocumentCMP documentCMPRef=null;
                             //Remote interface reference of DocumentCMP EJB
                                  documentCMPRef=iDocumentCMPHomeRef.findByPrimaryKey(new Integer(DNO));
                             catch(Exception e)
                                  logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.ObjectNotFound","Document Id not found");
                             ResultSet rs1=pstm.executeQuery();
                             String strFile=documentCMPRef.getDocumentName().toString();
                             //SFX lookup
                             //InitialContext initialContext=new InitialContext();
                             Object sfxWebClient=null;
                             catch(Exception e)
                                  //NGP/JDK logging if JNDI not found
                                  //logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "{0} : JNDI not found : {1}",new Object[] {"MSG002","SFXWebClientJNDI"});
                                  logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.JNDINotFound","SFXWebClientJNDI not found");
                             iSFXWebClientSLRef=iSFXWebClientSLHomeRef.create();//SFXWebClient reference creation
                                  int arrSFXFileId[]=new int[1];
                                  Object objEFile[]=iSFXWebClientSLRef.retrieveDocument(argUserId,arrSFXFileId);
                                       byte b[]=(byte[])objEFile[1];
                                       String f=strFile.substring(strFile.lastIndexOf(File.separator)+1,strFile.length());
                                       // changed(instead of SONODirPath now docTypeDirPath) for doc type level--2005.11.27--samar
                                       FileOutputStream fout=new FileOutputStream(docTypeDirPath+File.separator + f);
                                       //logger.finer("SONODirPath+File.separator + f---"+SONODirPath+File.separator + f);
                                       filePath.add(docTypeDirPath+File.separator + f);
                                       int j;
                                       //for auditing the document
                                       //logger.finer("Document download audited");
                                       boolean flagAudit=mlogOriginDocumentAudit("Document has been downloaded",Integer.parseInt(DNO),5,argUserId);
                                       //logger.finer("Audit complete"+flagAudit);
                                       if(logger.isFinerLoggable()) {
                                            logger.finer("Audit complete"+flagAudit);
                             //Delete after finish
                         }catch(Exception e)
                             logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.ProcessException","Exception in Folder creation processing");
                        /* End Long Raw     */
                      }// end of while hasMoreTokens
               }// end of while hasMoreElements
         }else{ }
         /* Zip */
          }catch(Exception excp)
              logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.ProcessException","Exception in Zip processing");
         // send the byte array for the file
         String fileName=eDocPath+".zip";
                   File file=new File(fileName);
                   InputStream is = new FileInputStream(file);
                   // Get the size of the file
                   long length = file.length();
                   // You cannot create an array using a long type.It needs to be an int type.
                   // Before converting to an int type,check to ensure that file is not larger than Integer.MAX_VALUE.
                   //Kept for future requirement if any
                   if (length > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
                        // File is too large
                   // Create the byte array to hold the data
                    fileContent = new byte[(int)length];
                   // Read in the bytes
                   int offset = 0;
                   int numRead = 0;
                   while (offset < fileContent.length
                           && (, offset, fileContent.length-offset)) >= 0) {
                        offset += numRead;
                   // Ensure all the bytes have been read in
                   if (offset < fileContent.length) {
                        throw new IOException("Could not completely read file "+file.getName());
                   // Close the input stream and return bytes
         }catch(Exception e){
         //trying for deleting folder and zip file
         File file=new File(fileName);
                 //logger.finer("File Deleted successfully");
                 //logger.finer("File Not Deleted ");
         /* File FileToDelete = new File(eDocPath+".zip");
         boolean  DelStatus1 = deleteDir(FileToDelete);
          //logger.finer("Deletion 1:"+DelStatus1 );
          File FolderToDelete = new File(eDocPath);
         boolean  DelStatus2 = deleteDir(FolderToDelete);
          //logger.finer("Deletion 2:"+DelStatus2);
          for(int index=filePath.size()-1;index>=0;index--)
               File delFile=new File(filePath.elementAt(index).toString());
                    //logger.finer("Before delete---123");
                    //logger.finer("File Deleted========>"+delFile.delete());
                    //logger.finer("After delete---123");
          return fileContent;
    /* ***************************Start DIR *********************/
    private  String DoFolder(String folderNname)
         File f;
         f = new File(folderNname);
         f.mkdir();                                                   // Create The Folder
       //f.deleteOnExit();                                  //R n D to Delete The zip folders only  */
    //to create the folder
    private String CreateFolder(String FolderName,String newFolderPath)
              String NewDir ="";
              NewDir=newFolderPath + FolderName;
    //To zip the folder
    private void zipFolder(String srcFolder, String destZipFile)
         ZipOutputStream zip =  null;
         FileOutputStream fileWriter = null;
                   fileWriter = new FileOutputStream(destZipFile);
                   zip = new ZipOutputStream(fileWriter);
                   //required for XP compress
                zip.setLevel(Deflater.DEFAULT_COMPRESSION); //use default level
              }catch (Exception ex){
              addFolderToZip("", srcFolder, zip);
                   fileWriter = null;
              }catch (Exception ex)
                   logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.ProcessException","Exception in Zip folder processing");
         //     File f2= new File(destZipFile);
    *  Write the content of srcFile in a new ZipEntry, named path+srcFile,of the zip stream
    *  The result is that the srcFile will be in the path folder in the generated archive.
    *  @param path          String, the relative path with the root archive.
    *  @param srcFile     String, the absolute path of the file to add
    *  @param zip          ZipOutputStram, the stream to use to write the given file.
    //the folders are added to zip file
    private void addToZip(String path, String srcFile, ZipOutputStream zip)
         File folder = new File(srcFile);
         if (folder.isDirectory()) {
              addFolderToZip(path, srcFile, zip);
         else {
              //Transfer bytes from in to out
              byte[] buf = new byte[1024];
              int len;
              FileInputStream in = null;
              try {
                   in = new FileInputStream(srcFile);
                   // void putNextEntry(ZipEntry e) Begins writing a new ZIP file entry
                   // and positions the stream to the start of the entry data.
                   zip.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(path +File.separator+ folder.getName()));
                   while ((len = > 0)
                        zip.write(buf, 0, len);
              }catch (Exception ex){
                   logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.ProcessException","Exception in Adding to Zip Folder");
                        //2005-12-01::file pointer close
                   }catch(Exception e){
                        logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.ProcessException","Exception in Adding to Zip Folder");
         folder.delete(); //we addedd for DELETE
    * add the srcFolder to the zip stream.
    * @param path          String, the relatif path with the root archive.
    * @param srcFile     String, the absolute path of the file to add
    * @param zip          ZipOutputStram, the stream to use to write the given file.
    private void addFolderToZip(String path, String srcFolder, ZipOutputStream zip)
         File folder = new File(srcFolder);
         String fileListe[] = folder.list();
              int i = 0;
              while (true)
              addToZip(path+File.separator+ folder.getName(), srcFolder+File.separator+fileListe, zip);
         }catch (Exception ex)
         logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.ProcessException","Exception in Naming after adding to Zip Folder");
    /* $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$           End Zipping               $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ */
    /****************Start Of Deleting Directory from server***********/
    public boolean deleteDir(File dir) {
         // to see if this directory is actually a symbolic link to a directory,
         // we want to get its canonical path
         //- that is, we follow the link to the file it's actually linked to
         File candir;
         try {
              candir = dir.getCanonicalFile();
         } catch (IOException e) {
              return false;
         // a symbolic link has a different canonical path than its actual path,
         // unless it's a link to itself
         if (!candir.equals(dir.getAbsoluteFile())) {
              //this file is a symbolic link, and there's no reason for us to follow it,
              //because then we might be deleting something outside of the directory we were told to delete
              return false;
         // now we go through all of the files and subdirectories in the directory and delete them one by one
         File[] files = candir.listFiles();
         if (files != null) {
         for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) {
              File file = files[i];
              //file read only set false
              //in case this directory is actually a symbolic link, or it's empty,
              //we want to try to delete the link before we try anything
              boolean deleted = file.delete();
              if (!deleted) {
                   // deleting the file failed, so maybe it's a non-empty directory
                   if (file.isDirectory()) deleteDir(file);
                   // otherwise, there's nothing else we can do
         // now that we tried to clear the directory out, we can try to delete it again
         return dir.delete();
    /************End Of Deleting Directory *********************/
    private InitialContext getInitialContext() throws NamingException {
    try {
    return new InitialContext();
    } catch (NamingException ne) {
    //logger.finer("Please make sure that the server is running.");
    throw ne;
    //*****************************WEB SERVICE FILE RETRIEVE IMPLEMENTATION FOR MPS PEOPLE*************************************************
    * <b>
    * Used for Retrieval of a document.
    * </b>
    * This function is called from retrieveDocument function of MPStoEdocWebServiceSLBean.
    * <p>
    * @param argUserId User Id of the user who wants to retrieve the document
    * @param argSfxFileId[] Sfx File Id which gives the reference number of the document(s) in the SFX database.
    * @return Returns a one dimentional Object array containing a series of file name and file content of the retrieved documents.
    public Object[] mpsDocumentView(String argUserId,Integer[] argSfxFileId) throws RemoteException
         //NGP/JDK logging
         logger.finer("mpsDocumentView called--");
         catch(Exception e)
         logger.finer("mpsDocumentView argSfxFileId[0]--"+argSfxFileId[0]);
         Object[] searchResult=null;
         /*FileHandler handler = null;
    Logger logger=null;
         int finalIndex=0;
    //PropertiesFileReader propertiesFileReaderRef=new PropertiesFileReader();
         //String logFile=propertiesFileReaderRef.getProperties("/","EDOC_LOG");
    //handler = new FileHandler("eDoc.log",0,1, true);
    //logger = Logger.getLogger("ErrorMsg");
    }catch(Exception excp)
         //NGP/JDK Logging warning
         //logger.log(Level.WARNING, "{0} : Unable to find Resource Bundle File : {1}",new Object[] {"MSG001","ErrorMsg"});
         logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.JNDINotFound","PurchaseOrderCMPBeanJNDI not found");
         Object objDocumentFile[]=null;
         ISFXWebClientSLHome iSFXWebClientSLHomeRef=null;
         ISFXWebClientSL iSFXWebClientSLRef=null;
              //Locating SFX WEB CLIENT SESSION BEAN
              InitialContext initialContext=new InitialContext();
              Object sfxWebClient=null;
              catch(Exception e)
                   //NGP/JDK Logging if JNDI not found
                   //logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "{0} : JNDI not found : {1}",new Object[] {"MSG002","SFXWebClientJNDI"});
                   logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.JNDINotFound","SFXWebClientJNDI not found");
              //creation of SFX we client
              int arrSFXFileId[]=new int[argSfxFileId.length];
              logger.finer("SFXWebClient created----");
              //holds the sequence of SFX file id in the array
              //EFile file=new EFile();
              //getting context of the server
              InitialContext documentCMPInitialContext=getInitialContext();
         Object objDocumentCMPRef=null;
         int docId=0;
         catch(Exception e)
                   //NGP/JDK Logging if JNDI not found
                   //logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "{0} : JNDI not found : {1}",new Object[] {"MSG002","DocumentCMPBeanJNDI"});
                   logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.JNDINotFound","DocumentCMPBeanJNDI not found");
         //Home interface reference of DocumentCMP EJB
         //IDocumentCMPHome iDocumentCMPHomeRef=(IDocumentCMPHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objDocumentCMPRef,IDocumentCMPHome.class);
              IDocumentCMPHome iDocumentCMPHomeRef=(IDocumentCMPHome)objDocumentCMPRef;
         //find the document id in the Document table from the SFx File Id
              for(int index=0;index<argSfxFileId.length;index++)
                   logger.finer("mpsDocumentView arrSFXFileId[index]--"+arrSFXFileId[index]);
         logger.finer("For Document auditing----");
         //Remote interface reference of DocumentCMP EJB
         IDocumentCMP iDocumentCMPRef=iDocumentCMPHomeRef.findDocIdBySfxId(new Integer(arrSFXFileId[index]));
                   //for document audit
                        boolean flagAudit=mlogOriginDocumentAudit("Document is Viewed",docId,5,argUserId);
                   catch(Exception e)
                        //logger.finer("Document cannot be audited----");
                        logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.ProcessException","Exception in audit processing");
              //call the retrieveDocument method for the above array of elements
              //Object[] tempObjDocumentFile=iSFXWebClientSLRef.retrieveDocument(argUserId,arrSFXFileId);
              //EFile file=new EFile();
              //for(int index=0;index<tempObjDocumentFile.length;index++){
              //     file= (EFile) tempObjDocumentFile[index];
              //     objDocumentFile[finalIndex++]=file.getDocFileName();
              //     objDocumentFile[finalIndex++]=file.getDocFileContent();
              //EFile[] efileArray = (EFile[]) = objDocumentFile;
              searchResult = new Object[efileArray.length*2];
              for (int i=0;i<efileArray.length;i=i+2)
                   EFile currentFile = efileArray[i];
                   searchResult[i] = currentFile.getDocFileName();
                   searchResult[i+1] = currentFile.getDocFileContent();
         }//end of try
         catch(Exception expt)
              logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.ProcessException","Exception in retrieve from SFX");
         //if exception occurs returns null as per initilisation above
         //logger.finer("mpsDocumentView size--"+objDocumentFile.length);
         return searchResult;
    //**************************** FILE RETRIEVE IMPLEMENTATION FOR MLOG PEOPLE*******************************
    * <b>
    * Used for Retrieval of a document.
    * </b>
    * This function is called from struts.
    * <p>
    * @param argDocumentId Documnet Id which gives the ID of the document in the eDoc database..
    * @param argUserId User Id of the user who wants to retrieve the document
    * @return Returns a one dimentional Object array containing a series of file name and file content of the retrieved documents.
    public Object[] mlogOriginDocumentView(int argDocumentId,String argUserId) throws RemoteException
         //NGP/JDK Logging
         logger.finer("mlogOriginDocumentView called--");
         catch(Exception e)
              logger.log("net.mlog.edoc.ejb.session.EdocRetrieveServiceSLBean.ProcessException","Exception in uppercase");
    //logger.finer("mlogOriginDocumentView-- argDocumentId---"+argDocumentId);
         /*FileHandler handler = null;
    Logger logger=null;
    //PropertiesFileReader propertiesFileReaderRef=new PropertiesFileReader();
         //String logFile=propertiesFileReaderRef.getProperties("/","EDOC_LOG");
    //handler = new FileHandler("eDoc.log",0,1, tr

  • How To Unzip files from Compress Zip Archive Folder?

    Hi Friends,
    I had compressed my docx files or images files in zip folder last month but unfortunately that folder has corrupted or damaged due to malware infections. But I am not
    sure about that what reason behind of zip file get corrupt and inaccessible. If anyone knows about such tools which repair corrupt zip files quickly then shares with me that software information detail.

    Also, the Microsoft Community/Answers forums might be of help. We cannot move this question there but I got these hits there when I searched on "repair zip":
    Or you can ask here (select your OS):
    Richard Mueller - MVP Directory Services

  • Zip/Compress a folder/file

    recently i've try to Zip/Compress a folder...but funny...the folder is 15GB after still 15GB...haaa...
    Any problem?need helps..

    mactreouser wrote:
    But why i need the compress or Zip...that's because i need to backup my projects and files into DVDR.If,i do a compression on Video such as H.264 Quality to Low and Frame Rate'll be small the file...but it can't be use for Hi Quality project you get what i wish?haaa...
    The problem is H.264 goes way beyond Zip in compression. Since you already applied H.264, there isn't anything else that Zip can do.
    If you want to preserve the quality, the only solution is to have big enough disks.
    I don't know whether my concept is on the track or not?!haaa...But i think it work..cause,sometimes we need to send file throught internet and we need to Zip it for email or transfering i right?
    Probably not. When you send a document like a Word file, the text is not already compressed. There are still many patterns that can be condensed and spaces that can be closed up. When you zip that document, it can take advantage of all those opportunities for compression, and the file size goes down.
    But again, your H.264 files are already much smaller than uncompressed video. It's already crammed together as far as it will go unless you want to lose more quality. Therefore Zip cannot do anything more, and the file size stays the same.

  • Applications folder missing from Dock and Finder

    I was a little confused to find my applications folder missing from the Dock on my Macbook Pro today - I can't think of anything which I may have done to actively cause it to go missing. I opened up the finder and dragged the applications icon from the LHS of the finder onto the RHS of the dock, but rather than reappearing in the doc it just disappeared.
    When I went back to the finder to try again I discovered that it had vanished from there as well. I ran a search in the finder for "applications" and found the applications folder in the results, but when I try to open it I get the following error message "The alias “Applications” can’t be opened because the original item can’t be found."
    Does anyone have any ideas on what might have caused this or on how I get my Applications folder back on the Dock? Any help would be really appreciated!

    The Applications folder on the dock is a shortcut, or more specifically, an alias.
    It sounds like what you did was to drag the Applications item from the Finder sidebar...which is also an alias. By dragging it from the sidebar, it's as if you'd dragged an icon off the dock. It poofs and disappears.
    To get them back, open a Finder window and navigate to Macintosh HD (or whatever you've named your hard drive). At the root level of the drive lives your Applications folder (the actual folder, not an alias). Drag that one to the sidebar to replace that shortcut, and drag it again to the Dock to replace that shortcut as well.
    If you click on Macintosh HD and all you see are System, Library, and Users and have no Applications folder, then something terrible has happened.

  • Folders are missing in windows 8.1 after inserting pen drive.

    I have windows 8.1 in my laptop.i had some files in the drive c:\users\my profile\downloads folder and also in e:\downloads folder.I connected pen drive to my laptop.scanned with anti virus no virus found.My anti virus signatures are updated till date.i
    disabled my live account login account in my laptop and created one local account login.Logged off and logged in.Now i cant access folder "c:\users\my profile\downloads folder" access denied.second e:\downloads folder missing. i enabled hidden files
    view in tools explorer options still not working.what may be the problem

    Does the folder c:\users\my profile\downloads folder belongs to your new local accout or the original live account?
    If it is the original live account, then I would suggest you access\look for the files with your original live acocunt, after you login with that account, copy the files to C:\Users\Public folder, folders\files under the public folder will be accessable
    to other user accounts in system.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Albums folder in iPhoto Library folder missing

    The Albums folder in iPhoto Library folder missing. This means when I try to sync photos to my iPod (video) in iTunes, none of my photo albums show up (though I can seclect a specific folder useing year, month day, etc.). It also mens that I must navagate through the date folders to find photos when trying to attach them to e-mails.
    I am running a G5 with the latest version of OSX, iPhoto, iTunes.
    How do I recreat this folder?
    Thankd for any help.
    Cheers__ Heath

    Hi Heath,
    iPhoto 5 now stores the Album information in a data xml file. The Albums folder within the iPhoto Library folder is no longer used. At some point, usually after a rebuild, you will no longer have that folder in the Finder.
    If you need to access photos from an album it is very difficult for a third party application to navigate the iPhoto Library in order to find the photo you need. You will have to know the date of import in order to find the photo.
    There are some third party applications that can read the xml file and can navigate the iPhoto library and show you the Albums. Hopefully more applications will be revised to read this file.
    Until then you will have to Share/Export the photos to the desktop. You can then navigate to the desktop to use the photos (example: web uploading from online photo site)
    If your application supports drag and drop, you can drag the photo from an open iPhoto Library window into your application.
    For email you can also use the email icon within iPhoto to open a message with the highlighted photo attached.
    You can also use spotlight to find images in an Album...
    This is what I have done using Spotlight to find my images that are in iPhoto albums without opening iPhoto..
    In iPhoto, select the album, then select all, go to Photos/batch change.
    Change the comments to text. In the text field I put the name of the Album.
    Do this for each album.
    Close iPhoto.
    Open Spotlight and put in the name of the Album ( you have to remember the names of the albums or have then written down)
    In the spotlight search results. click on "show all"
    Under "Images" click on the "xx more" to show all the images in the album.
    Make sure you have it in icon view, the icon view box is the last one on the blue images line.
    Now you can control click on the image to "reveal in finder", open in iPhoto or Mail, etc.
    I am not sure if this is going to make you happy and it is a little more work, but you can find images in albums and even view them in a slideshow (by clicking the play arrow at the end of the Images highlighted blue line) using Spotlight, all without opening iPhoto.
    One important thing to know is you can set up a graphic program to be an external editor (when you double click an image in the library} such as PhotoShop or PS Elements. You set up that within iPhoto Preferences. Just make sure you save the image flattened and with the same name. The edits will then be relected in iPhoto when you hit "save".
    Two Apple kbs for you to read
    Don't tamper with files in the iPhoto library folder
    About the iPhoto Library folder
    Also, when you choose a folder to sync for your iPod, choose iPhoto in the drop down menu in iTunes, then choose the Album you want to sync. Do not choose a folder on your hard drive and then the Albums folder in the iPhoto Library folder.

  • Folder appears in Windows Explorer, but not in the Open File dialog

    I hope this is the right place to post this. If not, please let me know where is.
    A friend just showed me a weird problem he is having with his computer. He is using Windows 7 pro, and has a folder under My Documents, in which he keeps his work files. He emails these files using Gmail, which he accesses via Internet Explorer.
    All worked fine until a few days ago, when he noticed that when he clicked the link in Gmail to attach a file, his folder wasn't listed in the Open File dialog. He looked in Windows Explorer, and could see the folder OK. I tried opening Word and using the Open
    File dialog there, and the folder wasn't visible.
    If he clicks in the address bar, and adds the folder name to the path, it opens the folder, but shows it as empty. I actually has two subfolders. If he adds the name of a subfolder, then the Open File dialog shows the files in that folder.
    I checked the permissions on the folder, and couldn't see anything odd. What I don't understand is how the folder can be visible in Windows Explorer, and not in the Open File dialog.
    Anyone any ideas? Thanks
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    I can confirm - I'm having the exact same problem.
    When I try to lookup or save a file from an IE file dialog some folders do not show up. I can type the folder name into the directory field and it then goes there, but this assumes you know the directory name and it's a PITB.
    Firefox can browse to the directory directly.
    It would be interesting if anyone else found a fix for this - I'll post here again if I find out more somewhere else, but there are not too many threads out there as far as I have found for now.
    Found a solution over at answers at Microsoft dot com. (can post links here yet - will update once I can)
    In short: There's a fast fix for this issue by resetting a hidden flag that IE sets for some folders. I believe this part of the "protected mode" feature, though I can't confirm and also have no idea how this would protect me from any intruders,
    if only (unimportant) subfolders are protected ...
    Anyway - if you know the name of the missing folder (e.g. from browsing the directories form windows explorer): in the parent directory that has the folder missing do a Search (in box at top right) for the missing
    folder name. In my case the hidden folder shows up in the search - now right click -> Properties -> clear hidden flag. Note: this "hidden" flag is independent of the flags set in windows explorer - that's why you have trouble going there with IE and not
    the file explorer from the desktop.

  • "Drive is offline" message in Missing Disks window

    Hello support person,
    When I try to open my project I get a Missing Disks window and the message says: To preserve the integrity of the data used by Final Cut Pro HD, it is necessary to ensure the existence of the following path(s): 'Justine's Drive' is offline. The options the window message gives are: "Quit", "Check Again" and the highlighted one is "Reset Scratch Disks" The first window that pops up before the Missing Disks one is an External AV window which says unable to locate the following external devices: Apple FireWire NTSC (720 x 480) Your system configuration may have changed, or your deck/camera may be disconnected or turned off. Please check connections .... And as I have done throughout working on the project after the initial digitizing process with my camera, I have clicked "Continue" on this window but this time the Missing Disks window comes up.
    My external drive called "Justine's Drive" is mounted and appears on the desk top. I have tried to dismount and unplug the drive and then to just open/launch Final Cut Pro HD (Academic 4.5) straight from the applications folder in my laptop's hard drive but I get the same messages and Final Cut will not even open independent of the project.
    The last time I worked on the computer (yesterday) everything was fine. The only thing is that I transported the laptop and drive to another location. But I had them well protected and didn't drop them or anything...
    Hope you can help. Thank you.
    G4 667 PowerPC Laptop   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   512 MB RAM
    G4 667 PowerPC Laptop   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   512 MB RAM

    I found answer in archive! You guys rock! Thanks!!!!

  • When I compress my folder I lose my css styles

    When I compress my folder I lose my css styles
    Let me give a little bit more information,when and upload from dreamweaver it uploads in the browser with the css styles, but once I compress my folder it loses its styles, any help anybody.

    Where my folder sits in my document I need to put it in a zip folder. before I place it in a zip folder I can open the folder and and view my html pages in the browser with the css styles. Works fine, but I need to put it into a zip folder so I can submit it for school project. The problem occurs when I do put it in a zip folder and I lose my css styles.
    Just keep a quick note I have two drives which is my E: drive and my C: drive (I set it up on my E: drive, in the documents.) So only when I make the folder go into a zip folder where is directed to the C: drive in the temp folder and this is where I lose my css styles.
    So when I initially set it up in dream weaver I set up my main root folder so it is on my E; drive which is in the library of the documents. In this folder are two other folders which is my images and css style sheets. In this main root folder I have my html pages. So I do have the css styles linked to all my html pages, they open fine in the browser from dream weaver.
    Hope this is clear thanks for any help you can give.

  • Zipping folder without ds store files

    How do you zip a folder without the files?
    It seems everyone can see them who uses Windows.
    I tried looking it up once and did some terminal commands but I don't think it worked.

    Kurt Lang wrote:
    that by deleting the hidden .DS_Store files one would be able to make the default view of folders the way one wants them to look.
    Nope. It causes them to revert to whatever the default view is.
    If you want all new folders to have a particular layout, create a new folder somewhere other than the desktop. Open the folder and press Command+J. Change the folder to exactly how you want all new folders to appears, which can be as simple as changing the spacing of the columns in List view. Any such change to the open folder, or the check boxes on the view options palette will cause the Use as Defaults button to activate.
    When you have things the way you prefer, click the defaults button and close the palette. All new folders will take on those characteristics. The only thing it won't necessarily do is place the new folder's opened window in exactly the same spot on the screen, but its view contents will be as you set them.
    Hi Kurt,
    It seems yours is the right approach to having all folder show the same way.
    Now, the only remaining problem is how to get rid of all DS_Store, .bin, and other unwanted files that have suddenly appeared and keep appearing in all and every folder, which cannot be deleted on account of having followed X423424X's advice.
    Thank you for your help, regards.

  • How to encrypt a folder for a windows user from Lion?

    How to I encrypt a folder to be sent to a Windows user without recurring to the command line.
    I have Stuffit 13 but get an error message. Upgrading seems over-kill. Willing to try another utility if necessary.

    Write an encrypted zip folder.

  • Usbaapl folder missing in registry

    The usbaapl folder in my WINDOWS\system32\DRVSTORE is missing. I've reinstalled iTunes 3 or 4 times but it never shows up. I've redownloaded the installer to eliminate the chances of a corrupt installer. I can't seem to fix it at all. Because of this, I cannot sync my iPod touch to my computer. Could someone please help?

    It s the first time I hear about such problem...
    If the custom folder was created successfully it will appear in the Plus/ Desktop.
    The only scenario I can think about that you will not see it is that you will work on different instances (Admin Vs. Plus).
    If you do find something else regarding this behavior, please post it here

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    Only when i am recording back to the DV deck does the audio slip after about 10 mins. On the timeline the audio is in sync at all points. the deck is a sony DSR45, i record in DVCAM mode. The original audio and video is fed through this deck / firewi