Computer Configuration \ Assigned Applications

Hi everyone, Im using the above to push out the new Java. Works great! However I did notice a difference between Windows 7 and Windows XP. Windows XP used to tell the end user it was installing XYZ application and show a percentage. I notice that Windows
7 installs it without any visual indication that its happening. Anyway to adjust that ? I could be off base that could only happen with 'User Configuration \ Published Applications'. Can't recall.

> and show a percentage. I notice that Windows 7 installs it without any
> visual indication that its happening. Anyway to adjust that ? I could be
Starting with Vista, the installer doesn't show up anymore. But you can
enable to have W7 show at least
which software it is currently installing.
Mal ein
GUTES Buch über GPOs lesen?
NO THEY ARE NOT EVIL, if you know what you are doing:
Good or bad GPOs?
And if IT bothers me - coke bottle design refreshment :))

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    Hi Rohit,
    With the component configuration, you can control the behavior of each individual component within a Web Dynpro application or the user interface of individual views. For each component, several records of configuration data can be created.
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    Message was edited by:

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    (Optional) To assign an application to a particular space, click the Add button and choose the application.

    If you want the application to always open in a particular space, click the pop-up menu and choose the number for the space you want.

    If you want an application to always be available, no matter which space you’re in, open the pop-up menu and choose Every Space.

    You cannot add the same application you already assigned to a Space.
    When you click the + sign, the pop-up menu shows the running applications which have not been assigned to a Space. If an application has been assigned to a Space, it will not be shown in that menu because the System Preferences/Expose/Spaces preference pane is used only for assigning applications to Spaces. If it is already assigned, there is no need to show it because it cannot be assigned to another Space. In that menu if you select “other” it will open your Applications folder, but any apps that have been assigned (and others that are not applications) will be grayed out. Perhaps what you are trying to do is assign the same application to two different Spaces. This cannot be done with the virtual desktop in Leopard, Spaces.
    You said you had experience with other virtual desktops. Those often let the user assign an application to two or three or more desktops. Spaces does not allow that. An application can be assigned to one Space or all Spaces, but not anything in between.
    I have interacted with other users who have experience using other virtual desktops and see this as flaw in Spaces. Perhaps it is. I have not worked with other virtual desktops. But this is how Spaces operates as a virtual desktop: an application can be assigned to one Space or all Spaces, but not 2, 3, 4 or any other number.
    If you see this as a big drawback with Spaces, you should notify Apple. I don’t remember the website for reporting bugs and suggestions, but you should be able to find it on these forums.
    If you are trying to navigate to the application running in Space 5, hold down the Control key and press the number 5 key. If you want to move the application in Space 5 to an adjacent Space, grab a window of the application in Space 5 and drag it to the any of the four edges of that window and it will switch to that Space. However, if you quit that application and open it again, it will open in its assigned Space, Space 5.

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    Or, use the Application property node Application>OS>Detailed Name.  Although I can't say anything about its output on other-than-Windows OSes.
    By the way, I think you win the "reviving old thread" award today
    David Boyd
    Sr. Test Engineer
    Philips Respironics
    Certified LabVIEW Developer

  • Assign Application Roles

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    I am new to SOA and I want to know how to assign application roles (Not global roles) through EM Console. As, I am unable to assign the roles through  BPM workspace. I can go to the administrator tab and assign the roles to me. But in the task list I am unable to get the task.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Hi Ram,
    Refer this doc:

  • 'The argument ' 0.000 V' cannot be interpreted as a number' when assigning application structure, line 805, contents "20140611NB F000000004500098898102E202USD 000..."

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    Thanks in advance.

  • GPO Run these programs at user logon not taking effect when configured in Computer Configuration section

    [EDIT 20140207]:
    I found that the default domain policy sets "run these programs at user logon" and (other than I expected) not BOTH GPO settings become active, but the setting from the default domain policy overrides the setting from my new GPO. So I think I have
    found the answer myself.
    When on our W2k8-R2 DC I create a new GPO and configure
    "Computer Configuration/Policies/Windows Settings/Administrative Templates/System/Logon/run these programs at user logon" to "c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe" (just for testing) it won't take effect on Win 7 SP1, no matter what the Security
    Filtering options are.
    It seems other settings (in the very same GPO) become active but "run these programs at user login" from the computer policies section doesn't. I configure the very same setting in the section "user policies" instead and add "Authenticated
    Users" to Security Filtering, the program will be started. But that's not what I need.
    I can reproduce the issue, here are the exact steps:
    create a new group "group-a" for later security filtering
    create a new GPO
    in the new GPO set "Computer Configuration/Policies/Windows Settings/Administrative Templates/System/Logon/run these programs at user logon" to "c:\windows\system32\notepad.exe"
    for setting the scope remove "authenticated users" from Security Filtering and add "group-a" instead
    link the GPO to the domain root
    make "test computer" a member of "group-a"
    on "test computer" run "gpupdate /force", reboot, log in
    Issue: notepad is not being started.
    What I'm aiming for is obvious: Depending on the membership of group-a I want to configure certain programs that should be started whenever a user logs in.
    gpresult /R returns that it would be applying the GPO. (It actually is but the setting "run these programs at user login" is not being applied.)
    For debugging I started MMC / RSoP on one of the machines on which the GPO should have been applied and found that "run these programs at user login" is not set (which seems to be the reason why the GPO won't work on the machines).
    Searching the web I found similar reports
    [1] [2] but no solution was found and the user used a workaround instead.
    If I change the GPO so that I use the very same setting in "user configuration" instead of "computer configuration" it works as long as I add "authenticated users" to the Security Filtering. But then the GPO is applied to all users
    and not only to the ones using computers which are members of group-a. According to this howto [3] I should not remove "authenticated users" but alter the security setting instead. However, the howto seems to be aimed ad w2k3 and using Win2k8 I cannot
    find security settings "apply" for "authenticated users" so I cannot remove that setting, there's only "read" or "read and modify".
    So two questions:
    1. Why doesn't it work when using "computer settings"
    2. What about that Security Filtering with removing "authenticated users" and using group-a instead?

    sounds like you find the answer already.
    If you have any further question, please feel free to let me know.
    Have a nice day!
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • E-Rec : How to assign applications to requisitions?

    Hello Experts,
    We have just started blue-printing of E-Rec and I am successful creating a requisition from Recruiter's page. I am just concerned how to assign applications to a requisition as search doesnt work being a very new system. I was trying to create an application using link "Create External Applications" from Recruiter's login page. Please guide.
    Additional details: We have ECC and E-Rec on different box with EhP5.
    Thanks and regards,
    SAP E-Rec Guy

    You can always search for postings using a reference code - TREX and the indexes do not need to be setup for that to work.  The create internal / external applications link is really used for a recruiter to create an application on behalf of a candidate.  You could always just register a new external candidate and search for the job posting using the reference code and apply that way.

  • House Bank Configuration/ Assignment

    Hi All ,
    I need information on House Bank Configuration/ Assignment with respect to business area. Its very urgent.....

    Bank that your company used for banking purposes.
    It is also the first step for configuring your Account Payable Modules.
    FI12 - Configure House Bank
    House Banks
    First Step: We first create House Banks. These are the banks for
    your clients. Your client uses these for its banking transactions. One House Bank can have multiple bank accounts assigned
    to it.
    During the implementation one can try to rationalize both, the Banks and the Accounts.
    A House Bank has
    a Unique Bank Key. Bank Keys differ by each country's norms. The US Bank Key is called ABA (American Banking Association)
    number. Normally each House Bank can have its own Company Code. In some cases, where the Banks use a different ABA key for
    paper Transactions and a different one for Electronic Transactions, you Create Two House Banks instead of one for One
    Physical Bank. Also, Two Bank Accounts will be created for a Single GL Account.
    T-Code: FI12
    Menu Path:
    Financial Accounting > General Ledger Accounting > Bank-Related Accounting > Bank Accounts > Define House Banks
    A House Bank is tied to a Company Code and each Bank Account is tied to a House Bank. So first we Select the
    Company Code for which the House Bank is to be created.
    The Create Bank icon is clicked and it brings up a pop up for
    House Bank Identifier and House Bank Country. House Bank ID is a number decided by you. You can specify a number based on
    your numbering conventions.
    The Next screen requires entry of the Bank Key - the ABA number is the House Bank country
    selected was US. On this screen you also enter the House Bank Address data as well Control Data - comprising of SWIFT COde,
    Bank Group and Bank Number.
    Once the House Bank data has been entered and filled up, you click on Bank Accounts and
    you are taken to the screen to configure the Bank Accounts. On the Next screen click on the "Create Acct" icon.
    A pop
    up comes up where you enter the House Bank Identifier in your system as well as the Bank Account identifier in your system
    along with a text description. Once this is done, we get to the main screen where we enter the following
    Bank Account: The Bank Account given BY the Bank.
    Altern. Acct No.: This field is used when two
    accounts at the same bank use the same account number. This situation may arise when the bank manages the accounts in two
    different currencies. This field has a different number than the Bank Account field.
    Currency: This is the
    currency in which the account is managed.
    Control Key: For US Banks, this is used to identify whether the account
    is a Checking or Savings account. The key is 01 for Checking and 02 for Savings. The Default value is checking account if
    nothing is specified.
    GL Account: Each Bank Account is assigned to a GL Account Number. The Bank Account updates
    the GL Account entered here.
    Discount Account: If the company uses the Bill of Exchange facility then we enter the
    Cash Discount Account for Credit Memo Postings that this Bank Account should update.
    Bank Account
    It is important to have the right structure for Bank Accounts, GL Accounts and the Clearing
    It is important to know how much of:
    Confirmed Cash,
    Floating Cash out, and
    Floating Cash
    is available for the company on a particular day.
    There should be Only One Confirmed Cash GL Account with many
    Bank Clearing Accounts. So, the Checks Outgoing Clearing, Wire Outgoing, ACH Out, and Deposits clearing need to be set up
    for each Bank Account. It is also important to leave room for additional clearing accounts that may be needed in future.
    For this, we may have a range of 10 GL Accounts for each Bank Account. The numbering, for example, can have the GL Account
    ending with 0 for each Confirmed Cash Balance (eg: 110000); each deposit clearing account will end up with a 1 (110001); each
    outgoing check clearing account will end with a 2. each outgoing ACH account will end with a 3 and each outgoing wire
    account may end up with a 4.
    Check Lots and Void Reason Codes
    The final step in configuring of the AP Bank
    Account is to assign it to a check lot.
    Check Lots
    If the company has a MICR printer then a blank
    check lot can be used for Payables. The check lot determines the check number that is used on payments.
    The first
    step is to bring up the "Check Lots" screen.
    T-code: FCHI
    Menu Path: Financial Accounting >
    Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable > Business transactions > Automatic Outgoing Payments > Payment media > Check
    Management > Define Number Ranges for Checks
    On the main screen you need to fill up Company Code, House Bank number,
    and the Account ID for which the checks are being created (?)
    After saving the information click on "Change Status"
    icon. This takes you to "Maintain Check Lots" screen. Most of the information will come filled up. You can enter the From
    and To check Numbers.
    To create a new check lot and assign it to the account, you can click on the "Create" icon. In
    the pop up enter the Lot number identifier and he range of the check numbers and also the next lot number if
    Void Reason Codes
    In SAP, it is not possible to void a check without a valid reason code. We
    can have any number of Void Reason codes. There should be at least one Void reason Code configured in the
    T-code: FCHV
    Menu Path: Financial Accounting > Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable > Business
    Transactions > Automatic Outgoing Payments > Payment media > Check Management > Define Void Reason Codes.
    Three Void
    reason Codes come pre-configured - 1, 2, and 3. They deal with the problems encountered with the printers. There are
    indicators to be assigned which define whether the Reason Code is due to Manual or Print program. Any codes created by the
    users are only assigned Manual.
    Payment Program Configuration
    This step determines how to process
    the payment transactions in the system.
    The Payment Program is a series of steps within one Program.
    configuration occurs in table T042 and other variations of table T042 that end in a letter.
    Menu Path: Financial Accounting > Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable > Business Transactions > Outgoing
    Payments > Automatic Outgoing Payments > Payment Method/Bank Selection > Configure Payment Program
    assign points if useful

  • Configuring CIF application log in APO

    I was trying to configure CIF Application log from an APO perspective by specifying a function module and the different table fields.
    I configured the same in R3 side using CFC6 but am having trouble finding it in APO
    Does any body know how to dod this in APO ?

    Thanks for the repsonse folks
    I tried /SAPAPO/C41 with detailed option but failed to see the detailed log which I had enabled in R3 through CFC6.
    In R3, I enabled field logging for function module CIF_PRODUCT_SEND. In R3 log, I am able to see the relevant fields form this function module that are being sent to APO.
    However, I also want to see the log from APO, for the same fields, if they were recieved without any errors or sent to postprocessing.
    There is a function module /SAPAPO/CIF_PROD and I need to use the fields of the modules in the APO side CIF this possible ?
    Would appreciate if any one can share their thoughts on how this can be accomplished

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    I still have the applications i used to have assigned to different spaces now assigned to desktops
    but how can i cinfigure it now? how come when i change the desktop backgriund i have to to it in every different desktop?

    Go to the Desktop you want to use. Right-click the application's icon in the Dock. Select Options > Assign To > This Desktop.
    Desktops can have different backgrounds, if you want. A new Desktop get the same background as Desktop 1, until you change it. But changing a background only applies to the current Desktop.

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