Concrete classes implement abstract class and implements the interface

I have one query..
In java collection framework, concrete classes extend the abstract classes and implement the interface. What is the reason behind extending the class and implementing the interface when the abstract class actually claims to implement that interface?
For example :
Class Vector extends AbstractList and implements List ,....
But the abstract class AbstractList implements List.. So the class Vector need not explicitly implement interface List.
So, what is the reason behind this explicit definition...?
If anybody knows please let me know..

Why do you post this question again? You already asked this once in another thread and it has been extensively debated in that thread:

Similar Messages

  • Problems implementing abstract classes

    this is james mcfadden. I am developing a multiplayer BlackJack card game in Java. the game consists of three programs:, and (three 3 programs are shown below). i don't know how to implement abstract classes. i am trying to get the program working with the program. there should be "extends BlackJackServer" somewhere in the program, but i don't know where.
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class BlackJack extends JPanel{
       public BlackJack(){
          //FlowLayout is default layout manager for a JPanel
          add(new JButton("Hit"));
          add(new JButton("Stay"));
          add(new JButton("New Game"));
       public static void main(String[] args){
          JFrame frame=new JFrame("BlackJack");
          BlackJack bj=new BlackJack();
    import*;//Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system
    import*;//Provides the classes for implementing networking applications
    import java.util.*;//Contains the collections framework, legacy collection classes, event model, date and time facilities, internationalization, and miscellaneous utility classes
    import java.awt.*;//Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images
    import javax.swing.*;//Provides a set of lightweight components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms
    public class BlackJackServer extends JFrame{
       private JTextArea jta=new JTextArea();//a text area for displaying text
       public static void main(String[] args){  
              new BlackJackServer();//invokes the constructor BlackJackServer()
       }//end main
       public BlackJackServer(){
          setLayout(new BorderLayout());//places the text area on the frame
          add(new JScrollPane(jta),BorderLayout.CENTER);//lays out a text area, arranging and resizing its components to fit in the centre region;and provides a scrollable view of a lightweight component
          setTitle("BlackJack Server");//Sets the title for this frame to the specified string
          setSize(500,300);//Resizes this component so that it has a width and a height
          setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);//Sets the operation that will happen by default when the user closes this frame
          setVisible(true);//shows the frame
             ServerSocket serverSocket=new ServerSocket(8000);//creates a server socket
             jta.append("Server started at "+new Date()+'\n');//displays the current date in the text area
             Socket socket=serverSocket.accept();//listens for a connection request
             DataInputStream inputFromClient=new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream());//creates a data input stream
             DataOutputStream outputToClient=new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());//creates a data output stream
                float bet=inputFromClient.readFloat();//receives bet from the client
                float doublebet=bet+bet;//computes double the bet
                outputToClient.writeFloat(doublebet);//sends double the bet back to the client
                jta.append("Bet received from client: "+bet+'\n');//displays the bet in the text area
                jta.append("Double the bet found: "+doublebet+'\n');//displays double the bet in the text area
             }//end while
          }//end try
          catch(IOException ex){
             System.err.println(ex);//displays an error message
          }//end catch
       }//end constructor
    }//end class BlackJackServer
    import*;//Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system
    import*;//Provides the classes for implementing networking applications
    import java.awt.*;//Contains all of the classes for creating user interfaces and for painting graphics and images
    import java.awt.event.*;//Provides interfaces and classes for dealing with different types of events fired by AWT components
    import javax.swing.*;//Provides a set of lightweight components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms
    public class BlackJackClient extends JFrame{
       private JTextField jtf=new JTextField();//a text field for receiving text
       private JTextArea jta=new JTextArea();//a text area for displaying text
       private DataOutputStream toServer;//output stream
       private DataInputStream fromServer;//input stream
       public static void main(String[] args){
          new BlackJackClient();//invokes the constructor BlackJackClient()
       public BlackJackClient(){
          JPanel p=new JPanel();//holds the label and text field
          p.setLayout(new BorderLayout());//sets the layout of the content pane of this component by default
          p.add(new JLabel("Enter bet"),BorderLayout.WEST);//displays the bet and lays out a JLabel, arranging and resizing its components to fit in the western region
          p.add(jtf,BorderLayout.CENTER);//lays out the text field, arranging and resizing its components to fit in the centre region
          jtf.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.RIGHT);//Sets the horizontal alignment of the text to the right
          setLayout(new BorderLayout());//places the text area on the frame
          add(p,BorderLayout.NORTH);//lays out the text field, arranging and resizing its components to fit in the northern region
          add(new JScrollPane(jta),BorderLayout.CENTER);//lays out a text area, arranging and resizing its components to fit in the centre region;and provides a scrollable view of a lightweight component
          jtf.addActionListener(new ButtonListener());//invokes the ButtonListener class
          setTitle("BlackJack Client");//Sets the title for this frame to the specified string
          setSize(500,300);//Resizes this component so that it has a width and a height
          setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);//Sets the operation that will happen by default when the user closes this frame
          setVisible(true);//shows the frame
             Socket socket=new Socket("localhost",8000);//creates a socket to connect to the server
             fromServer=new DataInputStream(socket.getInputStream());//creates an input stream to receive data from the server
             toServer=new DataOutputStream(socket.getOutputStream());//creates an output stream to send data to the server
          }//end try
          catch(IOException ex){
             jta.append(ex.toString()+'\n');//displays an error message
          }//end catch
       private class ButtonListener implements ActionListener{
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
                float bet=Float.parseFloat(jtf.getText().trim());//gets the bet from the text field
                toServer.writeFloat(bet);//Converts the float argument to an int using the floatToIntBits method in class Float, and then writes that int value to the underlying output stream
                toServer.flush();//Flushes this output stream and forces any buffered output bytes to be written out
                float doublebet=fromServer.readFloat();//gets double the bet from the server
                jta.append("Bet is "+bet+"\n");//displays the bet in the text area
                jta.append("Double the bet received from the server is "+doublebet+'\n');//displays double the bet in the text area
             }//end try
             catch(IOException ex){
                System.err.println(ex);//displays an error message
             }//end catch
          }//end method
       }//end class
    }//end class BlackJackClient

    there should be "extends BlackJackServer" somewhere in the programI very much doubt that.
    It's possible you might need to create a BlackJackServer object or something like that. But I don't see the point in subclassing it.

  • BADI - Diff. Class generated in Definition and Implementation

    Hi all,
    When we define a BADI,  a BADI class is generated.  When we implement the BADI, another class is generated. 
    1) What is the difference between these 2 classes?
    2) As I know, we use the class generated in Implementation to instantiate and call the BADI method in our program.  What about the class generated in Definition?  What is it used for?

    I noticed that under Definition, the class generated is with cat= Exit class while under Implementation, the class generated is with cat= general object type.  Both can be instantiated for use in ABAP program.
    What is the difference/usage of these 2 generated classes?

  • Why is the stub generated from the implementation and not the interface?

    Why is the stub generated from the implementation and not the interface?

    Because if a remote server object implements multiple remote interfaces, its stub must implement all the same remote interfaces. The only way to know which interfaces to implement is to examine the server object class.

  • Class parametrized type extends and implements, possible?

    Hi all,
    Maybe I'm not understanding it well, but every time I try to use generics for something useful I get to a point in which I need to define something like this:
    public interface MyInterface<T> {
    public T get();
    public void set(T var);
    public class MyClass<T extends Component & MyInterface<T2> > {
    T myObject;
    .... somewhere in the code:
    T2 value;
    value = myObject.get();
    To me, this would be very useful, but MyClass does not compile. I hope what I try to do is clear (I want T to be a sub class of Component that also implements a parametrized interface). I don't know what I'm doing wrong nor if this is even possible. Believe me when I say I have done a lot of research (and people thought C++ templates where complicated...).
    My main problem is having a parametrized type that contains a parametrized type and trying to have both types' parameters available for use in the class.
    Any ideas?

    This compiles in beta2:
    public class MyClass<T2, T extends Component & MyInterface<T2> > {
       T myObject = null;
      void x() {
          T2 a = myObject.get();
    interface MyInterface<T> {
          T get();
          void set(T var);
    class Component {
        public void bar() {}
    }but removing the public modifier from will give the error: cannot find symbol.

  • Inner class of abstract class

    Hi All,
    Sorry for my English...
    Say I have an abstract Class A and and inner class within A named B.
    When I extend class A (i.e. making a subclass of A) does it mean the class B also inheritaned?
    Thank u in advance

    Eyal2007 wrote:
    Does inner class of an outer abstract class can be static?Yes, why not?
    is there any logic in this?Yes, if follows the normal meanings of access types and the difference between static and instance entities.
    A protected inner class is accessible in the same places a protected field would be.

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    I need to delete and insert pages to PDFs.  I seems to have lost this ability since the latest update.  Can anyone help me?

    Thanks for the reply.  It helped me debug the situation, like I should have been able to do on my own (to my slight embarrassment). Somehow I must have downloaded the Acrobat Reader DC (don't know exactly what this is) and it became my default app for opening .pdf files.  When I opened Adobe Acrobat and opened the file I wanted to modify within that everything is fine.  Thanks!

  • Implementing Comparable in an abstract class

    Hi all,
    I am making my first sortie with abstract classes. I have had a good look around, but would still appreciate some advice with the following problem.
    In my application I have several classes that have many things in common. I have concluded therefore, that if I create and then inherit from an abstract super class, I can reduce and improve my code. I created this abstract class:
    public abstract class YAbstractObject implements Comparable {
        public YAbstractObject(int projectId, YObject object, String objectName) {
            this.projectId = projectId; // Always the same parameters
            this.object = object;
            this.objectName = objectName;
        // This is abstract as it must always be present for sub classes but differant processing will take place
        public abstract void resolveObject();
        // These three methods will always be the same for all sub classes
        public String getName() {
            return objectName;
        public YObject getObject() {
            return object;
        public boolean isValid() {
            return isValid;
    // Overridden and always the same for all sub classes
        public String toString() {
            return objectName;
        // implemented abstract method
        public int compareTo(Object thatObject) {
            // Issue here! I would like something as follows:
            //  return this.getName().compareToIgnoreCase(thatObject.getName());
    // Variable decleration
        private int projectId;
        private YObject object;
        private String objectName;
        private boolean isValid;As I have commented in the compareTo() method, I would like it to be able to use the getName() method for comparison objects and compare them. But it does not like this, as it does not know that "thatObject" is of the same class as this object - I hope that made sense.
    in essence, I want to inherit this method for different classes and have it work with each.
    Is there a way to do this? Generics?
    Any observations, greatly appreciated,

    You can use also generics (if applicable: java -version >= 1.5).
    public abstract class Test implements Comparable<Test> {
         String name;
         public Test(String name) {
     = name;
         public String getName() {
              return name;
         public int compareTo(Test obj) {
              return this.getName().compareTo(obj.getName());
    public class Other extends Test {
         public Other(String name) {
    public class Tester extends Test {
         public Tester(String name) {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              Test t = new Tester("t");
              Test a = new Tester("a");
              Test o = new Other("t");
              System.out.println(t.compareTo(new Object())); //compile error
    }Without the compile error line it will give the following result:

  • Abstract method and class

    I'm a beginner in Java and just learn about abstract method and class.
    However, i am wondering what is the point of using abstract method/class?
    Because when I delete the abstract method and change the class name to public class XXXX( changed from "abstract class XXXX), my program still runs well, nothing goes different.
    Is it because I haven't encountered any situation that abstract method is necessary or ?

    Yes - you probably haven't encountered a situation where you need an abstract.
    Abstract classes are not designed to do anything on their own. They are designed to provide a template for other classes to extend by inheritance. What you have build sounds like a concrete class - one which you are creating instances of. Abstract classes are not designed to be ever instantiated in their pure form - they act like a partial building block, which you will complete in a class which extends the abstract.
    An example might be a button class, which provides some core functionality (like rollover, rollout etc) but has an empty action method which has to be overwritten by a relevant subclass like 'StartButton'. In general, abstract classes may not be the right answer, and many people would argue that it is better to use an interface, which can be implemented instead of extended, meaning that you can ADD instead of REPLACING.
    Not sure if that helps.. there are whole chapters in books on this kind of thing, so it's hard to explain in a couple of paragraphs. Do some google searches to find out more about how they work.

  • Abstract class and interface having same method

    Here is my problem. Suppose we have one abstarct class and one interface.Here is code-
    //Abstarct class
    abstract class X{
    abstract void myMethod();
    public interface Y{
    abstract void myMethod(){}
    Now i have a class which extends both abstarct class X and interface Y.
    If i call myMethod() from this class. Whose myMethod would be called.Will it be of abstract class or interface?
    Many Thanks

    Here is my problem. Suppose we have one abstarct class
    and one interface.Here is code-
    //Abstarct class
    abstract class X{
    abstract void myMethod();
    }OK, so far...
    public interface Y{
    abstract void myMethod(){}
    }An interface cannot have code (the {} part), so this won't work.
    Lets pretend though, it read
    public interface Y{
    abstract void myMethod();
    However, the abstract class above can have code;
    If you extended X and implemented Y (with no code in it), you would have to have a myMethod() implementation in your code. That's the one that would run.
    Now, let's pretend the abstract class above did have code in it.
    //Abstract class
    abstract class X {
    abstract void myMethod() { System.out.println("Hello"); }
    Then, you wouldn't have to have a myMethod() implementation in your class which extends X and implements Y (it's defined in X). If you didn't have one, the method in X would run. If you defined your own myMethod() implementation in your class (which extends X and implements Y), then your own implementation would run.

  • Java abstract classes and methods

    Can anyone please tell me any real time example of abstract classes and methods.
    I want to know its real use. If anyone have ever used it for some purpose while programming please do tell me.

    Ashu_Web wrote:
    No please.. I just want to know if you have used it while programming. Like "an abstract class can be used to put all the common method names in it without having to write actual implementation code."That would describe an Interface better than an abstract class. Abstract classes usually have at least some implementation.
    I want to know its usage in programming, not just a definition. I guess you understand what I am looking for.Yes, and I gave you one: java.util.AbstractList. It can be found inside the in your JDK directory and it is a pretty good example for an abstract class that provides some implementation and defines exactly what is necessary to make a full List implementation.

  • Why Immediate and ultimate super class extends in one abstract class ?

    What�s a need to extents the two super class in single class
    public abstract class ProcessorServlet extends HttpServlet implements Servlet

    What�s a need to extents the two super class in
    single class
    public abstract class ProcessorServlet extends
    HttpServlet implements Servlet
    Only one class is being extended. HttpServlet.
    Servlet is an interface.
    You may only extend ONE class. You may implement as many interfaces as you like (there is probably some limit but not worth worrying about).

  • Abstract classes and methods with dollar.decimal not displaying correctly

    Hi, I'm working on a homework assignment and need a little help. I have two classes, 1 abstract class, 1 extends class and 1 program file. When I run the program file, it executes properly, but the stored values are not displaying correctly. I'm trying to get them to display in the dollar format, but it's leaving off the last 0. Can someone please offer some assistance. Here's what I did.
    File 1
    public abstract class Customer//Using the abstract class for the customer info
    private String name;//customer name
    private String acctNo;//customer account number
    private int branchNumber;//The bank branch number
    //The constructor accepts as arguments the name, acctNo, and branchNumber
    public Customer(String n, String acct, int b)
        name = n;
        acctNo = acct;
        branchNumber = b;
    //toString method
    public String toString()
    String str;
        str = "Name: " + name + "\nAccount Number: " + acctNo + "\nBranch Number: " + branchNumber;
        return str;
    //Using the abstract method for the getCurrentBalance class
    public abstract double getCurrentBalance();
    }file 2
    public class AccountTrans extends Customer //
        private final double
        MONTHLY_DEPOSITS = 100,
        COMPANY_MATCH = 10,
        private double monthlyDeposit,
        //The constructor accepts as arguments the name, acctNo, and branchNumber
        public AccountTrans(String n, String acct, int b)
            super(n, acct, b);
        //The setMonthlyDeposit accepts the value for the monthly deposit amount
        public void setMonthlyDeposit(double deposit)
            monthlyDeposit = deposit;
        //The setCompanyMatch accepts the value for the monthly company match amount
        public void setCompanyMatch(double match)
            coMatch = match;
        //The setMonthlyInterest accepts the value for the monthly interest amount
        public void setMonthlyInterest(double interest)
            monthlyInt = interest;
        //toString method
        public String toString()
            String str;
            str = super.toString() +
            "\nAccount Type: Hybrid Retirement" +
            "\nDeposits: $" + monthlyDeposit +
            "\nCompany Match: $" + coMatch +
            "\nInterest: $" + monthlyInt;
            return str;
        //Using the getter method for the fields
        public double getCurrentBalance()
            double currentBalance;
            currentBalance = (monthlyDeposit + coMatch + monthlyInt) * (2);
            return currentBalance;
    }File 3
        public static void main(String[] args)
    //Creates the AccountTrans object       
            AccountTrans acctTrans = new AccountTrans("Jane Smith", "A123ZW", 435);
            //Created to store the values for the MonthlyDeposit,
            //CompanyMatch, MonthlyInterest
            DecimalFormat dollar = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00");
            //This will display the customer's data
            //This will display the current balance times 2 since the current
            //month is February.
            System.out.println("Your current balance is $"
                    + dollar.format(acctTrans.getCurrentBalance()));

    Get a hair cut!
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  • Abstract classes and OO theory...

    I have an OO theory question related to abstract classes and their member variables. I realize opinions will vary from person to person but I'll ask anyway...
    If I'm creating an abstract class, should member variables that will be used by subclasses be private or protected? Why? Either way, they will have accessor methods for classes that instantiate them (where appropriate) but I'm debating whether or not to give subclasses direct access to these variables or not.
    To me, it seems odd to make variables in the abstract class private but I'm curious what your opinions are.

    I knew you'd say that. I'd like to play along with a for-instance, if you will allow ... here's an example parent class:
    public abstract class ProvideMenu   extends JFrame {
      protected              JMenuBar       jmbar;
      protected              JMenu          jmfile,
      protected              JMenuItem      jmfnew,
      public ProvideMenu() {
        jmbar       = new JMenuBar();
        jmfile      = new JMenu( FILE_MENU );
        jmedit      = new JMenu( EDIT_MENU );
      public abstract void aMeth();
    }Now the subclass does not need to provide setProvideMenuFont( new Font( ... ) ) and Font getProvideMenuFont() methods, setProvideMenuEnabled(), etc. but can use the standard methods setFont, getFont setBackground(), setEnabled, etc, etc.
    Mind you I'm not advocating this ... what I am doing is trying to open the discussion up a bit - I hope no one minds ... what better design - just a for-instance - would you advocate?

  • Why use an Abstract Class ?

    I am new to Java and for some reason I can't get my head around why to use an abstract class. I understand that an abstract class is something like:
    public abstract class Food{ // abstract class
    public void eat(){
    // stub
    public class Apple extends Food{
    public void eat(){
    // Eat an apple code
    }So basically the idea above is that you can eat an "apple" but you can't eat "food" because you can't instantiate an abstract class.
    I understand what an abstract class is and how to write one. What I don't understand is why you would use it? It looks to me like I could have just created a normal class called "Food" and just not instantiated it. What are the benefits of using an abstract class?

    807479 wrote:
    I am new to Java and for some reason I can't get my head around why to use an abstract class.One of the first books I ever read about Object-Oriented design contained the following quote from [url,_2nd_Viscount_Falkland]Lord Falkland:
    "When it is not necessary to make a decision, it is necessary +not+ to make a decision."
    It took me quite a while to understand, but it's all about flexibility: As soon as you cast something in stone, you lose the ability to change it later on if something better/more appropriate comes along. Interfaces and abstract classes are all about delaying that decision.
    As jverd said, interfaces allow you to specify what is required without defining the how; and as ErasP said, abstract classes are usually incomplete: ie, they define some of the 'how', but not all of it.
    What is most important about abstract classes though is that they cannot exist on their own: They must be extended by a concrete class that completes the 'how' before they can be instantiated and, as such, they declare the intent of the designer.
    One of the most important uses of abstract classes is as "skeleton implementations" of interfaces, and there are a lot of examples of these in the Java Collections hierarchy. My favourite is probably AbstractList, which contains a skeleton implementation of a List. Because it exists, I can create a class that wraps an array as a List with very little code, viz:public final class ArrayAsList<T>()
       extends AbstractList<T>
       private final T[] values;
       public ArrayAsList(T... values) {
          this.values = values;
       public T get(int index) {
          return values[index];
       public T set(int index, T element) {
          T value = get(index);
          values[index] = element;
          return value;
       public int size() {
          return values.length;
    };and somewhere else, I can use it:   List<String> letters =
          new ArrayAsList<String>("a", "b", "c");or perhaps, more practically:   List<String> words = new ArrayAsList<String>(
          bigTextString.split(" +") );Now that may not seem like a big deal to you, but given all that Lists can do, it's actually a very powerful bit of code. The above example is from "Effective Java" (p.95).

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