Condition limits as mandatory field in contracts

Dear Gurus,
I need to make condition limits as required entry for contract create (i.e. me31k and me32k).Please give an idea to achieve this.

The field Upper Limit for a Condition is available in Table KONP (field name: GKWRT). You can not make it as mandatory field as it never belongs to either document type, transaction, and depends on individual Condition type. Try any enhancement available with the help of ABAPer to meet your requirement.
Umakanth R

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    Hi.... Experts...
       Please spend your valueble time for me.... I can get back to you with 10 points....
    Here I got a requirement to create contract with VA41 transaction...
    But I am in confusion with feilds which should be must record...
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    When ever you want to know the required fields for any transaction just try to run the Transaction In SHDB in forgroud mode with a recording name.
    You will easily get to know the required fields to be entered for a given transaction.
    Sometimes when we run this VA41, eventhough some fields are not mandatory we dont pass them but we willnt b able to create the document eventhough some fields are not mandatory to fill> To have the clear idea abt the manadotry fields try to run in SHDB.
    for this VA41, ther mandatory fields are-
    contract type (VBAK-AUART)
    Sales Area is a combintaiotn of SAles Org, SAles divnsion, Distirbution channel hende all 3 are required to be filled.
    1st screen-
    Sales Area(VBAK-VKORG)
    2nd screen-
    Customer code(kunnr),
    Contract validity,
    material code(matnr),
    Best Wishes,
    Edited by: Craig Cmehil on Jun 30, 2008 11:24 AM

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    I think it's better to execute VA01 to create a sales order; in that way you should have an idea of mandatory fields.

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    Regards, Sekhar

    Thanks for the reply Bala
    The requirement is to add three more informational fields beside/below the Unit Price. Those fields should hold data, condition wise. i.e. it requires to add 3 more columns in VICNCN table to which I'm afraid there is no custom include available. Also we referred note 690900. Please help how to proceed.
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    Can the Target Value field in quantity contracts be set to a mandatory field like in Value contracts?

    quantity contracts are used when you would like to limit quantity irrespective of the value of contract. Therefore quantity field is made mandatory here.
    similarly value contract is used when you would like to limit value irrespective of quantity of goods.Therefore value field is made mandatory here.
    Hope it helps you.

  • What are the Mandatory Fields in Transaction ME51

    Hello Seniors,
    I have a requirement about purchase order creation. In this process, I am using the BAPI named   " BAPI_PO_CREATE1 ". I have passed all the fields but when I debug and look into the internal tables, I couldn't find certain records. I even debugged " bapiret2"  and I see an error which reads "" All mandatory fields are missing"". I have even created a PO  in ME51 and found out the mandatory fields but in vain. BAPIRET2 still says, there are some more mandatory fields missing. I need to know what are all the mandatory fields to create a Purchase order using TCODE - ME51.
    Your reply is most awaited and rewarded.
    Thanks and Regards,

    hi ,
    Function module BAPI_PO_CREATE1 enables you to create purchase orders. The BAPI uses the technology behind the Enjoy purchase order transaction ( ME21N).
    Alternatively, the IDoc type PORDCR1 is available. The data from this IDoc automatically populates the interface parameters of the function module BAPI_PO_CREATE1.
    Functionality in Detail
    The following authorization objects are checked when an Enjoy purchase order is created (activity 01):
    M_BEST_BSA (document type in PO)
    M_BEST_EKG (purchasing group in PO)
    M_BEST_EKO (purchasing organization in PO)
    M_BEST_WRK (plant in PO)
    Controlling adoption of field values via X bar
    For most tables, you can determine via your own parameters in the associated X bar in each case (e.g. PoItemX) whether fields are to be set initial, values inserted via the interface, or default values adopted (e.g. from Customizing or master records) (for example, it is not mandatory to adopt the material group from an underlying purchase requisition - you can change it with the BAPI).
    Header data
    The header data of the Enjoy purchase order is transferred in the table PoHeader.
    Item data
    The item data of the Enjoy purchase order is stored in the table PoItem (general item data). The delivery schedule lines are stored in the table PoSchedule.
    Use the table PoAccount to specify the account assignment information. If account assignments have been specified for services and limits, you show the relevant account assignment line in PoAccount in the table PoSrvAccessValues via the package number of the service or the limit.
    Services and limits
    Services, free limits and limits with contract reference can be specified in the tables PoServices, PoLimits, and PoContractLimits.
    Conditions are transferred in the table PoCond; header conditions in the table PoCondHeader. Price determination is reinitiated via the parameter CALCTYPE in the table PoItem.
    Vendor and delivery address
    The vendor's address can be specified individually in the table PoAddrVendor; the delivery address in the table PoAddrDelivery. If you do not make any individual specification, the fields will be populated via the central address managementfacility.
    In this method, the following restrictions apply with regard to addresses:
    Addresses can only be created with this method - they cannot be changed. You can only change address data with the method BAPI_ADDRESSORG_CHANGE.
    When you create addresses, they are not checked by the method. An Enjoy purchase order may therefore contain faulty address data.
    Partner roles
    The partners can be maintained individually via the table PoPartner (with the exception of the partner role "vendor").
    Import/export data
    Import/Export data can be specified per item in the table PoExpImpItem. Foreign trade data can only be transferred as default data for new items.
    Header and item texts can be transferred in the tables PoTextHeader and PoTextItem. Texts for services are imported in the table PoServicesText.
    Version Management
    You can make use of the Version Management facility via the table AllVersions.
    The PO number is returned in the parameter ExpPurchaseOrder. In addition, all information except the service and export/import tables is placed in the output structures.
    Return messages
    Messages are returned in the parameter Return. This also contains information as to whether interface data has been wrongly or probably wrongly (heuristical interface check) populated. If a PO has been successfully created, the PO number is also placed in the return table with the appropriate message.
    Example of population of BAPI interface in the Function Builder
    Parameter: POHEADER
    COMP_CODE = 1000
    ITEM_INTVL = 00001
    VENDOR = 0000001000
    PMNTTRMS = 0001
    PURCH_ORG = 1000
    PUR_GROUP = 001
    Parameter: POHEADERX
    DOC_TYPE = X
    VENDOR = X
    Parameter: POITEM
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    MATERIAL = 100-100
    PLANT = 1000
    STGE_LOC = 0001
    QUANTITY = 15.000
    TAX_CODE = V0
    ITEM_CAT = 0
    Parameter: POITEMX
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    PLANT = X
    STGE_LOC = X
    TAX_CODE = X
    ITEM_CAT = X
    Parameter: POSCHEDULE
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    SCHED_LINE = 0001
    DELIVERY_DATE = 02.12.2002
    QUANTITY = 6.000
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    SCHED_LINE = 0002
    DELIVERY_DATE = 03.12.2002
    QUANTITY = 5.000
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    SCHED_LINE = 0003
    DELIVERY_DATE = 04.12.2002
    QUANTITY = 4.000
    Parameter: POSCHEDULEX
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    SCHED_LINE = 0001
    PO_ITEMX = X
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    SCHED_LINE = 0002
    PO_ITEMX = X
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    SCHED_LINE = 0003
    PO_ITEMX = X
    Parameter: POACCOUNT
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    SERIAL_NO = 01
    QUANTITY = 15.000
    GL_ACCOUNT = 0000400000
    COSTCENTER = 0000001000
    CO_AREA = 1000
    Parameter: POACCOUNTX
    PO_ITEM = 00001
    SERIAL_NO = 01
    CO_AREA = X
    Parameter: POCOND
    ITM_NUMBER = 000001
    COND_ST_NO = 001
    COND_TYPE = PB00
    COND_VALUE = 79.900000000
    COND_P_UNT = 1
    Parameter: POCONDX
    ITM_NUMBER =  000001
    COND_ST_NO =  000
    COND_TYPE =  X
    CHANGE_ID =  X
    Parameter: POPARTNER
    LANGU =  EN
    BUSPARTNO =  0000001100
    LANGU =  EN
    BUSPARTNO =  0000001200
    LANGU =  EN
    BUSPARTNO =  0000001000
    Help in the Case of Problems
    1. Note 197958 lists answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs). (Note 499626 contains answers to FAQs relating to External Services Management.)
    2. If you have detected an error in the function of a BAPI, kindly create a reproducible example in the test data directory in the Function Builder (transaction code SE37). Note 375886 tells you how to do this.
    3. If the problem persists, please create a Customer Problem Message for the componente MM-PUR-PO-BAPI, and document the reproducible example where necessary.
    Customer Enhancements
    The following user exits (function modules) are available for the BAPI BAPI_PO_CREATE1:
    EXIT_SAPL2012_001 (at start of BAPI)
    EXIT_SAPL2012_003 (at end of BAPI)
    The following user exits (function modules) are available for the BAPI BAPI BAPI_PO_CHANGE:
    EXIT_SAPL2012_002 (at start of BAPI)
    EXIT_SAPL2012_004 (at end of BAPI)
    These exits belong to the enhancement SAPL2012 (see also transaction codes SMOD and CMOD).
    There is also the option of populating customer-specific fields for header, item, or account assignment data via the parameter EXTENSIONIN.
    Further information
    1. Note 197958 contains up-to-date information on the purchase order BAPIs.
    2. If you test the BAPIs BAPI_PO_CREATE1 or BAPI_PO_CHANGE in the Function Builder (transaction code SE37), no database updates will be carried out. If you need this function, please take a look at Note 420646.
    3. The BAPI BAPI_PO_GETDETAIL serves to read the details of a purchase order. The BAPI cannot read all details (e.g. conditions). However, you can use the BAPI BAPI_PO_CHANGE for this purpose if only the document number is populated and the initiator has change authorizations for purchase orders.
    5. For more information on purchase orders, refer to the SAP library (under MM Purchasing -> Purchase Orders) or the Help for the Enjoy Purchase Order, or choose the path Tools -> ABAP Workbench -> Overview -> BAPI Explorer from the SAP menu.

  • Mandatory fields passing to the structure POCOND in BAPI_PO_CREATE1

    Please help me that what are the mandatory fields passing to the structure <b>POCOND</b> in <b>BAPI_PO_CREATE1</b>. I am using BAPI to create the PO based on certain conditions. But after creating the PO the condition values are not updating properly. Currently i am not passing any values to the structure.
    Your solutions should be highgly appreciated. Please help me this issue as early as possible

    Hi ,
    In my current requirement i m using BAPI_PO_CREATE1 to create the PO.
    I am passing all the line item detials to the BAPI.
    For some of the material rounding value are maintained in MM02 on MRP view.
    If the line item material maintains rounding value then instead of taking the PO item quantity, it is taking the rounding value that has maintained in MM02. So to control that i have done the forceful updation using the update statement in one of the exit on BAPI_PO_CREATE1.
    Here i m facing one problem. Now i can able to udpate the PO quantity correctly.
    But the Condition value maintained in the Condition View still taking the rounding value for calculating.
    To control this also i am using update statement on KONV table and the field is KAWRT. But this value is not updating.
    Please help any one that in which table the the condition value is going to update and wht are the criteria to update the  Condition Value field.
    <b>Points should allocate for suitable answer.</b>

  • Mandatory fields in the Conditio Records

    The question is;
    When we maintain the condition record for pricing, we find that certain fields are mandatory and certain fields are not mandatory in a key combination.. Where and how is the mandatory setting set to the fields?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Fazal,
    All the fields of the condition record are mandatory. Once u define the fields in the condition table, they become mandatory in the condition record.
    For ex. if my condition record consists of Customer, material, and sales orgn, then i need to maintain all the fields in the condition record with out which the condition record will not be found.
    Hi Anil,
    Considering your example of a table consisting of fields Customer, material, and sales orgn; when i go to VK12, enter the condition type and select the key combination consisting of the above fields, the sales org would be mandatory or the sales org and the customer would be mandatory fields and material would not be mandatory before execution.
    If I give the material details then the specific condition record is the output, but if the sales org is the only mandatory field and i enter that and execute then it gives me a huge list.. Now, my question is how do you make this feild (sales org) mandatory or rather see it a mandatory entry in the VK12 screen???

  • Validate and warn user to fill a mandatory field in a PDF form

    Below is a basic example of how you can assit your form users, by reminding them to fill the mandatory fields. This condition can be applied at various events like, printing, submitting, while filling form, etc. In the following example, validation is triggered when the user leaves the form field.
    If a user clicks within the field and moves on without filling it, the following warning shows up.
    See this help topic to know more about Form Level Validation settings.
    See this help topic to other ways of validating user input.

    Hi Carmen Alvarez,
          You should use the USEREXIT_PRICING_PREPARE_TKOMP (module pool SAPLV60A, program RV60AFZZ) to move the value.

  • Control Mandatory fields on custom screen in Module pool program

    Hello all,
    I have developed a custom screen on which I have a table control with 5 fields. I wanted to make the first three fields mandatory. So instead of selecting the entry as "required" from the screen attributes for these input fields, I have looped at table screen in PBO and based on the screen name and screen group I have set the field screen-required = 1. By doing this, I could make these 3 fields mandatory.
    Now, when I enter the data for the first line and press enter, it is asking me to fill the required fields in the second line and so on.How can I avoid this without having to remove the mandatory symbol in the subsequent lines?
    There is an altenative way of achieving this by not making the fields mandatory on the screen but while saving we can check if the value is entered and raise a message. In this scenario the user would not know that they are obligatory fields until he hits save button.
    For example, in standard transaction VK12, if we select condition type K005 and go to the maintenance, we see that material is obligatory.
    After entering material in first line and when I hit enter, it does not ask me enter the material in the second and subsequent lines even though it is a mandatory field.
    I want to achive this functionality in my custom screen also.
    Can anyone let me know how to handle this?

    sandeep akula wrote:
    I have developed a custom screen on which I have a table control with 5 fields. I wanted to make the first three fields mandatory. So instead of selecting the entry as "required" from the screen attributes for these input fields, I have looped at table screen in PBO and based on the screen name and screen group I have set the field screen-required = 1
    Why didn't you set these fields as required on the attributes? That has to be the easiest way.

  • Problem in Matix Mandatory Field

    I am setting a mandatory field in matrix. All the columns are working well but for the column which holds the numeric value is accepting the value in the text eventhough i check it.
    The code follows which i used
                            Dim k As Integer
                            Dim oEdit4 As SAPbouiCOM.EditText
                            If oMatrix.RowCount() = 0 Then
                                BubbleEvent = False
                                SBO_Application.SetStatusBarMessage("LLS should not be left blank")
                                For k = 1 To oMatrix.RowCount()
                                    'oMatrix = oForm.Items.Item("mat1").Specific
                                    oEdit4 = oMatrix.Columns.Item("txttollm").Cells.Item(k).Specific
                                    If oEdit4.String = "" And oEdit4.String = "0.000" Then
                                        BubbleEvent = False
                                        oEdit4.Active = True
                                        SBO_Application.SetStatusBarMessage("LLS should not be left blank")
                                    End If
                                Next k
                            End If
                        Catch ex As Exception
                        End Try
    In matrix for this field i set as numeric(19,6) so it displays "0.000" in matrix this is the problem so its accepting the same value. Plz give me a solution.

    If oEdit4.String = "" And oEdit4.String = "0.000" Then
    shouldn't it be 'Or' condition? just check it that way.

  • How to hide a mandatory field in sap standard webdynpro via Enhancement

    I know to hide a column or UI via enhancement. But if we hide a field via this approach which requires an input we will still get an error message to make an entry.
    I am trying to make changes in travel management e.g in FITE_VC_REVIEW webdynpro component. In REVIEW_VIEW in Flight Info table I want to hide columns like arrival time, arrival date. However in current scenario these fields are required to be filled in. If left blank we get an error message while saving or sending request.
    Kindly guide me where and how to make changes to remove these column fields.

    You can remove the UI elements from teh design itself by right clicking on it and slecting remove element.
    but still the condition for checking the mandatory field swill be there in the code so for that you need
    to write teh code to set some values to those attribute for passing the condition for validation
    sarbjeet singh

  • Missing Mandatory field in IDOC

    Hi All,
            There is one outbound idoc which gives out an error status 40 "Application document not created in target system".
    The error is Missing mandatory field : 1CS210,, not sure how tor find this missing field since the name does not match with the field names in the segments.
    Can anyone help me?

    hi shiva,
    pls try the below links you may get solution.
    Missing fields in Customer Master Data - 41k -
    Re: Web Service - Error in Connection and Data fields missing - 44k - - 14k
    reawrd me if helpfull

  • How to set an mandatory field to non-mandatory.

    In my form, I will need to set a field to mandatory in certian condition and then set it to not mandatory under different condition.
    I know how to set it to mandatory: field.mandatory = "error"
    Can someone let me know how to reset the field to not mandatory.

    You can try:
         field.mandatory = "disabled";

  • SAP CRM Tables and Fields for Contract start and End dates

    Hi Experts,
    Please Provide me SAP CRM Tables and Field names for the below.
    SAP CRM Contracts start date and End date
    SAP CRM Conditions(PROO, K007 etc....) records start and End Date.
    Thanks and Regards,

    10 Replies Latest reply: 24 May, 2013 8:38 AM by nishant Vasudev  
    SAP CRM Tables and Fields for Contract start and End dates
    This question has been Answered.
    Teja Dhar 12 Oct, 2009 8:03 PM  
    Currently Being Moderated
    Hi Experts,
    Please Provide me SAP CRM Tables and Field names for the below.
    SAP CRM Contracts start date and End date
    SAP CRM Conditions(PROO, K007 etc....) records start and End Date.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Correct Answer by Sreekantha Gorla  on Oct 22, 2009 8:22 PM
    dates will be stores in the table 'SCAPPTSEG'.
    I double checked it. This table stores all the date types of one order transactions...
    The relationship is as follows..
    CRMD_ORDERADM_H- guid = crmd_link-guid_hi
    crmd_link-guid_set = SCAPPTSEG-APPL_GUID.
    Thanks and regards,
    <:footer>See the answer in context
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      Re: SAP CRM Tables and Fields for Contract start and End dates
    Robert Jesionowski 14 Oct, 2009 2:23 PM (in response to Teja Dhar)  
    Currently Being Moderated
    you should try with FM: CRM_DATES_READ_SINGLE_OB or CRM_DATES_READ_DB.
    There is something in table SCAPPT and SCGENAPPT.
    Regards, R
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      Re: SAP CRM Tables and Fields for Contract start and End dates
    Teja Dhar 22 Oct, 2009 5:30 PM (in response to Robert Jesionowski)  
    Currently Being Moderated
        Hi Robert, 
    I am not able to find contract start date and End dates in the tables SCAPPT and SCGENAPPT.
    Can you suggest some relevant tables.
    Best Regards,
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      Re: SAP CRM Tables and Fields for Contract start and End dates
    Sreekantha Gorla 22 Oct, 2009 2:35 PM (in response to Teja Dhar)  
    Currently Being Moderated
    Table SCAPPTSEG stores the contract start and end dates.
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      Re: SAP CRM Tables and Fields for Contract start and End dates
    Teja Dhar 22 Oct, 2009 5:32 PM (in response to Sreekantha Gorla)  
    Currently Being Moderated
        Hi Sreekanth, 
    I am not able to find contract start date and End dates in the table SCAPPTSEG.This is for appointments.
    Can you suggest some relevant tables.
    Best Regards,
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    Correct AnswerRe: SAP CRM Tables and Fields for Contract start and End dates
    Sreekantha Gorla 22 Oct, 2009 8:22 PM (in response to Teja Dhar)  
    Currently Being Moderated
    dates will be stores in the table 'SCAPPTSEG'.
    I double checked it. This table stores all the date types of one order transactions...
    The relationship is as follows..
    CRMD_ORDERADM_H- guid = crmd_link-guid_hi
    crmd_link-guid_set = SCAPPTSEG-APPL_GUID.
    Thanks and regards,
    Report Abuse
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      Re: SAP CRM Tables and Fields for Contract start and End dates
    Wim Olieman 23 Oct, 2009 9:12 AM (in response to Sreekantha Gorla)  
    Currently Being Moderated
    I can tell you where the pricing records are saved, replicated from ECC.
    The data from ECC table Axxx (e.g. A304) is replicated to CRM table
    Here you can find fields TIMESTAMP_TO and TIMESTAMP_FROM.
    About the dates: what Sreekantha Gorla stated, about table 'SCAPPTSEG' is correct.
    What might help is to execute program "CRM_ORDER_READ". Here you can find
    the relevant entries also.
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      Re: SAP CRM Tables and Fields for Contract start and End dates
    Teja Dhar 23 Oct, 2009 4:59 PM (in response to Teja Dhar)  
    Currently Being Moderated
        Hi Experts, 
    Thanks a lot for your support.My problem got resolved.
    Best Regards,
    Report Abuse
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      Re: SAP CRM Tables and Fields for Contract start and End dates
    rajesh gadamsetty 27 Nov, 2009 12:29 PM (in response to Teja Dhar)  
    Currently Being Moderated
        Hi Teja 
    Please let me know how you got the dates. i got the same requirement
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    Correction on above mail.
    Hi Sanjay,
    Can you please help me to find the contract st art date and end date fetching from the table as below
    Select guid_set from table CRMD_LINK where guid_hi              =  CRMD_ORDER_I-GUID AND
                                                                              OBJTYPE_HI     =  '06'
                                                                              OBJTYPE_SET  =  '30'.
    Select * from SCAPPTSEG where APPL_GUID = guid_set.
    as from the table scapptseg has some unusal fields which fields to select to get the start date and end date and on what condition and isuppose we need to convert als the same
    pls suggest further on same

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