Condition record JVCS

Where do we mantain condition record JVCS and what is the importance and relevance of this condition record?

This is a MM condition type for CST non deductible. U can maintain a record for it in FV11. Then it will be applicable in purchase order  me21n or purchase scheduling agreement me31l

Similar Messages

  • Current Condition Record value of JVCS not picking while GR posting

    Dear All,
    Tax Procedure being used is TAXINN
    Scheduling Agreements are created before 01.06.2008.
    Condition Record with validity periods for JVCS (A/P CST NonDed-VAT) is as follows,
    01.04.2007 TO 31.05.2008 = 3%
    01.06.2008 TO 31.12.9999 = 2%
    If Goods Receipt is created with Posting Date after 01.06.2008, it is considering the old value i.e. 3%, whereas it should consider current valid value i.e. 2%.
    After posting GR, Inventory and Purchase G/L Accounts are getting posted with 3% value.
    Difference of 1% getting reverted back in those G/L Accounts after posting Invoice for the GR document.
    Can you guide me to let system consider Condition Record value 2% as per GR posting date and Validity Period of Condition Record.
    NOTE: For PO/SA created on/after 01.06.2008, it is considering current value i.e.2%.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Nilesh Mahajan

    hi ,
    system is considering the scheduling aggrement creation date for condition record.
    change the date.
    and run the scenario

  • Error in creation of a condition record

    Hi to all, I've this error when I try to create a condition record :
    Implementation of Method FIELD_CHECK/DEFAULT_VALUE_SUGGESTION for BAdI /SAPCND/ROLLNAME for filter ZIUSERSTATUS is missing
    Message no. /SAPCND/MAINTENANCE719
    Implementation of BADI /SAPCND/ROLLNAME or method FIELD_CHECK/DEFAULT_VALUE_SUGGESTION is missing for the filter characteristic ZIUSERSTATUS.
    If, however, the implementation is correct (see BADI Interface Documentation) and active, there is an error in the condition maintenance layer.
    System Response
    An exception or error occurred because condition maintenance cannot check, convert or lock/unlock the fields of a condition record.
    Contact the department responsible for carrying out the missing implementation in the case of application fields in the customer namespace.  SAP is responsible for SAP fields which are set in the field catalog (/SAPCND/CTFC) and delivered, and if the field is supported as a possible field in a condition table. SAP is also responsible for the implementation of usage fields for SAP applications, just as with condition technique fields.
    In cases where SAP is responsible, contact your responsible support organization.
    Could someone help me please ?

    Hi I just put the coding:
    e_was_executed = 'X'.
    into every method and however it worked.
    Best Regards

  • How to Delete the condition record in CRM

    Can you please help me how to delete the condition record from condition table in CRM.
    Please explain the usage of FM CRMXIF_CONDITION_SEL_DELETE with examples.
    I have also read the documention of the function module. How to use this FM for custom defined condition table.
    (this is the code given in Documentation)
    DATA-SEL_OPT-CT_APPLICATION              = 'CRM'
    DATA-SEL_OPT-OBJECT_TASK                    = 'D'
    DATA-SEL_OPT-RANGE-R_SIGN                  = 'I'    (Including)
    DATA-SEL_OPT-RANGE-R_OPTION           = 'EQ'

    Hi Shankar,
    I am using the same CRMXIF_CONDITION_SEL_DELETE function module to delete condition record present in CRM.
    But it is giving me below error in the return table of the FM after i run the program. Can you please correct me if I am doing any thing wrong?
    Error in  lt_return: SMW3     CND_MAST_SEL_DEL_EXT_VALIDATE     CND_M_SD
    ls_range-fieldname = 'PRODUCT_ID''.
    ls_range-R_SIGN = 'I'.
    ls_range-R_OPTION = 'EQ'.
    ls_range-R_VALUE_LOW = '123456'.
    APPEND ls_range TO lt_range.
    MOVE lt_range TO ls_entry-SEL_OPT-range.
    ls_data-SEL_OPT-object_task = 'D'.
    ls_data-SEL_OPT-ct_application = 'CRM'.
    ls_data-object_representation = 'E'.
        DATA          = ls_date
       RETURN        = lt_return
        return = lt_ret.
    Edited by: Saravanaprasad Nadar on Jul 7, 2010 1:27 AM

  • Free goods condition records - Usage in Sales Order

    I have so many condition records in various KOTN9xx tables, which are for issuing free goods. If I see a sales order item, that is a free good, how do I know, on what basis (based on which condition record, in which condition table) that free good was issued?
    Technically speaking: Similar to KONV table for storing transaction data on pricing, is there a table for storing transaction data on free goods?

    Find the table number of the key combination of customer / material . & you can extract free goods condition records from this table.
    Search in SE11 with the table number.

  • Regarding Condition record in CRM using field MATKL (Material Group)

    Hi All
    Currently we are working in SAP CRM 5.2 and it has been connected with backend ECC 6.0.
    This scenario is about Pricing which has been maintained in ECC and inturn flows to CRM with few filters in place.
    There are few customized Condition Tables in ECC with combination of Sales org./ material group for which discount has been maintained.  A proper condition record is also available for this Condition table and it has been assigned to a access sequence and inturn assigned to a condition type.
    All these procedures, condition types, access sequence has flown from ECC to CRM.  And all the condition tables are active in IMG (Basic Functions / Pricing / Define Settings for Pricing / Create Condition Tables)
    When i check in
    (SAP menu / Master Data / Prices and Conditions / SAPCND/GCM - Maintain Conditions )
    Application - CRM,
    Maintenance group - PRODDISCOU,
    Maintenance context - GCM
    Here for the above mentioned combination when i select the Key Combination (Condition Table) and enter the customized table number (Sales org. / Material Group) iam getting a dump which says the following.
    Error analysis
    Short text of error message:
    Implementation of Method ATTRIBUTE_CONVERSION for BAdI /SAPCND/ROLLNAME for filter MATKL is missing
    Program............. "/SAPCND/CL_MNT_COND_MAINT_UI==CP"
    Screen.............. "/SAPCND/SAPLCOND_MAINTAIN 0100"
    Screen line......... 8
    Information on where terminated
    Termination occurred in the ABAP Program "/SAPCND/CL_MNT_COND_MAINT_UI==CP" -
    The main program was "/SAPCND/GENERAL_COND_MAINT ".
    In the source code you have the termination point in line 622
    of the (Include) program "/SAPCND/CL_MNT_COND_MAINT_UI==CM005".
    Please let me know the solution, Request you to do the needful aSAP.

    Hi Ramesh,
    Have you checked the following note?
    Note 441083 - Transferring conditions for material group MATKL to CRM
    Kind regards,
    Johan Wigert

  • Condition records found but do not show up in the pricing - 208

    A) In some scenario though the CR is found, access is complete, message is 208, there is not exclusion etc, simple scales..yet the value of CR is not shown / included in the pricing procedure calculation.
    B) Also in another situation, always the first scale value being read though the scale value being the next higher one, i.e. it should pick up the next condition record based on the order value but it remains at the first scale, which means the scale somehow always being read is the first one irrespective of the order value.
    What could be possible reason for these, debug process?
    Thanks much for the help!!

    Check the following setting is the Price condition Type, I am assuming u are using simple scales.
    in T.Code: V/06 go to the price condition type and double click it.
    Check the entries:
    Scale Basis: C
    Check Value: A
    Scale Type: Blank (This value can e maintained in the condition record for price condition type).
    If further queries do post them.
    Please Award points if helpful

  • How can i get the tax code from Condition record number

    Hi all,
    i have the Condition record number from which i have to get the tax code as i looked inthe KNOP that Condition record number there but no tax code is maintained there.
    so is there any other way to find the tax code for particular Condition record number

    hi suresh,
    can u tell me the field name for condition record number and in which table it is stored.
    because i knew one condition number which is stored in table EKKO and the field name is
    KNUMV- Number of the document condition.
    from ekko take relevant details and look for  ekpo where u find the tax code
    filed name of the tax code id MWSKZ- Tax on sales/purchases code

  • Accruals Condition Record posted late in COPA along with the Settlement

    Hi Gurus,
    Accruals condition record for 1 item in an Invoice is posted along with the Settlement Credit Note in COPA. While condition records of the other items from the same invoice were posted on the Billing Date itself.
    For eg:
    Invoice 111       Date 01.03.2011
    Items     Condition   value
    1              Z1            100
    2              Z1             200
    3              Z1             300
    COPA Doc No.        Value Field        Date
         001                         200             01.03.2011
         002                         300             01.03.2011
         003                         100             30.05.2011
    30.05.2011 is the date of Rebate Credit Note for the Invoice # 111
    I also got that if Posting of Accrual is not done for an Item, Retroactive rebate settlement automatically posts a new document for accrual.
    So the question is why the posting of accrual was not done on the Invoice date in the first place?
    Edited by: Parth Kulkarni on Jul 1, 2011 4:31 PM

    Hi Suraj,
    i too have the same problem, the condition types for Values and quantity in COPA are assigned. The system updates the quantity for the first billing document but not for the subsequent billing documents.
    Cost of goods sold and revenue gets updated.

  • Report on Change in Condition Record effects which all Sales Orders

    Hello Gurus,
    Thanks in advance. My customer requires a report which gives him list of Sales Orders effected due to Change in Condition Record.
    Proper input to this will be greatly rewarded.
    Vishvesh Kamdar

    whenever u change the condition record it will fall under the validility date, ie.,
    Condition record for cond type PR00 is
    <b>valid from 01/05/2007 to 31/99/9999 is  Rs.1000</b>
    but suddenly when u change prices  on 01/10/2007 then system will display has below
    <b>vaild from 01/05/2007 to 31/09/2007 is Rs.1000
    vaild from 01/10/2007 to 31/99/999 is Rs.1500</b>
    hence u take all the sale orders & billing document which are created from 01/10/2007, this will slove ur purpose
    SE16-->vbak--->enter -
    > here u will find created on enter the date & execute
    hope this heklps u

  • Report for Customer Condition Records

    Hello ABAPers,
    I want to write ABAP report to list out Material,Customer,Tax type and Tax amount. The data is available in tables A005 and KONP and the joining condition would be A005-KNUMH and KONP-KNUMH.
    But since A005 s a Pooled table am not able to write a correct join condition.
    Can any one guide me on how we can write this join condition?
    I tried with FOR ALL ENTRIES IN TABLE but the output was not reading the value of Amount(KONP-KBETR).The amount is coming as zero always.
    The code i'm using is:
    B P Shah
    Message was edited by:
            Bhavin P Shah

       Use FOR ALL ENTRIES  for that joins are not allowed on cluster n pooled tables
    refere these
        LOOP AT it_kjmseg INTO wa_kjmseg.
          lv_index = sy-tabix.
    *--Select condition record number from table A006
                 FROM a006
                 INTO lv_knumh
                 WHERE kappl EQ 'V'
                 AND   kschl EQ 'ZR00'
                 AND   vkorg EQ '0010'
                 AND   vtweg EQ '00'
                 AND   pltyp EQ '01'
                 AND   waerk EQ 'USD'
                 AND   matnr EQ wa_kjmseg-matnr
                 AND   datbi GT wa_kjmseg-fkdat.
          IF sy-subrc NE 0.
    *--Select condition record number from table A004
            SELECT SINGLE
                   FROM a004
                   INTO lv_knumh
                   WHERE kappl EQ 'V'
                   AND   kschl EQ 'ZR00'
                   AND   vkorg EQ '0010'
                   AND   vtweg EQ '00'
                   AND   matnr EQ wa_kjmseg-matnr
                   AND   datbi GT wa_kjmseg-fkdat.

  • Standard Report with Condition Type and Condition Records

    Hello to all,
    Is there any standard report available in which Condition Type and Condition values are displayed in either column or row format? The selection criteria can be either Quotation, Contract, Sales Order, Delivery, Invoice or Billing. Thanks anyways...

    Hi Huzefa,
      Pls check the relevant table where the condition records are stored. then do a query with  that condition table and KONP. say for eg: condn type ZINV,ZMRP gets stored in condition table A821, then combine A821 and KONP, u can input condition type and get the values........................
    go to vk13, display and click on layout, u will able to see the condition table.
    Anitha J

  • How to get the exact time when condition records has been created?

    Hello All,
    Can anyone thorw some light on - how to find the exact time on which a particular condition record has been created?
    I have tried to get it from KONP {by inputting condition record number}, but unfortunately time is not tracked over there, but the date is tracked.
    Await your valuable inputs on the same.

    Dear Hrishi,
    Try with this
    Go to display mode of the condition record through VK13 transaction from the condition record overview screen go to menu Environment >Changes>Click on Change report now system will take you to the Change Documents for conditions selection screen here you input proper selection data then execute now system will give the all the details here you can find the time also.
    I hope this will help you,

  • Condition records- setting printer for multiple vendors at the same time

    Hi all,
    I have maintained condition record for POs for Key combination of Doc type,Purch Org and vendors.Now for a particular doc type and P.Org , I have around 50 vendors. I need to change the printer for all these 50 vendors to 'printerx'.Is it possible? I tried selecting multiple vendors at a time and changed the printer but its not working.

    Hi Saurav ,
    You can achieve this through SCAT transaction.
    For running SCAT take the help of ABAP team.
    I hope u might be having the list in the form of text file.
    If not , download the same from NACH table.
    Ramesh Ch

  • How to delete a condition record

    i maintained one condition record and deleted it in chane mode i.e using t.code vk12. Again if i make new condition records the system showing "validity dates are over lapping".
    wt is it?

    hi srinivas,
    go to VK12 , there you can see the record maintained and the validity period. Just do one thing, select your condition record and change the valid to date in the past. Thn you will get a warning below that the date is in past, just press enter and save the record. Then if you go and check the record it will not be there. Then created your new condition record.
    I hope i have answered your query. reward points if solution helps.
    Allabaqsh G. Patil

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