Condition update for discount

the scenario is:
there are 3 materials which has same material group.
X  material, material group AA
Y material,  material group AA
Z  material,  material group AA
the condtion tables in the access sequence is sales office/material group. that means the customers under  selecteed sales office will get ex;Rs.2/- as discount if they buy the material which has material group AA.
here the sales office say for ex:01-India
here there are 3 customers under 01-India sales officde
Customer A,B,andC
the requirement is :
1. How we control if X and Y material is allowed for discount 2/- and Z is not allowed though it is having AA material group
2. If condition update is set for differenet customers at different quantity for ex:for A customer 100 units and for B customer 150 units and for C customer 200 units, when we are not considering customer field in VK11.
requested quick reply please

Dear Mr Paruchuri,,
Are you open to including a requirement in the pricing procedure?.
If so, the material number to be excluded may be identified, in say an external table (with validity).
By this, the material would get ignored, during evaluation of pricing procedure.
An alternative would be to introduce a condition type in the pricing procedure, which refers the original (discount) condition,  which has a material (normally along with SO, DC)access, such that it returns a value equal but opposite to the referring condition.
By this the value evaluated in the original condition would be automatically discounted in the next step.
Trust these views help you.
K Gopidas.

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    Here your requirement is Discount is in percentage but scale basis is quantity.
    So use Condition Type RA01 (Discount % on Gross) or Copy of it, in Calculation Schema (M/08)
    Note: - Keep Scale basis as ''C" Quantity scale for the Discount Condition Type
    Now in ME11 (Purchase Info Record) OR MEK1 (Condition Record), maintain scales for this condition type ss for 100 Qty, 2.00% Discount.

  • Complex Condition Type for Discount Needs Assistance

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    No of cases               Powder Tea/Fruit                            
                                Base    Cash    Total           
    1-9 cs                   10.00   10.00   20.00           
    10-19 cs               20.00   10.00   30.00            
    20-49 cs               25.00   10.00   35.00         
    50 cs & above       30.00   10.00   40.00          
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                              Base      Cash    Total 
    1-9 cs                 3.00       2.00      5.00
    10-19 cs              8.00       2.00     10.00
    20-49 cs              13.00      2.00     15.00       
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                               Base   Cash  Total
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    10-19 cs              7.00      3.00   10.00
    20-49 cs             12.00     3.00    15.00    
    50 cs & above      17.00     3.00     20.00
    Sample products
         1. Mango powder
         2. Lemon powder
        1. Pineapple 500 ml
        2. Orange 500 ml
        1 Purewater
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    Mango powder - 25 cs
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    Scenario 2.
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    Pineapple 500 ml - 20 cs
    Purewater - 20 cs
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      Pineapple - PHP 20.00
      Purewater - __PHP 22.00__
            total discount : PHP 82.00
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    Hi Jefferson Thomas Javier,
              To take in account the whole quantity of items to calculated the discount condition, you should make the condition type of discount as a Group condition (it is a check box within the configuration of the condition price), in this way the quatity taken to calculate the discount is the sum of all items.

  • New pricing condition update for sales order

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    One reason to use program is that then the business can be 100% that all the sales orders are "updated"
    (maybe) & if anything goes wrong; The SAP consulting company - who created the program - is to be blamed / is accountable.
    In short business wants to be 100% sure that update has taken place for ALL s orders.
    Is that correct Mohit?
    Edited by: Typewriter on Jun 24, 2011 9:27 AM

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    Position type B -1 UNITS
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    If you doing return order with reference to invoice or original sales order then in copy control t-code VTAF and VTAA
    at item level assign PRICE TYPE - B (Carry new pricing) but if you maintained condition record for discount it will again derived in price,
    so if you want to maintain condition record(and only restricted discount in return) the create new table with combination of
    Sales document type + customer + Material and assign it in to access sequence
    Now maintain condition record for this combination.
    So when you process standard sale discount can dervieved from condition record,
    but when you doing return it will not.

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    Message was edited by: Thilothama v

    Sorry, can't help there as I don't have access to that environment.

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    In the pricing procedure (t.code V/08), assign routine 12 in the Alternative formula for condition base value column for the condition type.

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    hello again, friend.
    go to IMG > SD > Basic Functions > Pricing > Pricing Control > Define Cond Types... here you will find the settings for the upper and lower limits.  please note that the larger discount rates would be represented by the lower limit.  for surcharges, the lower rate is the lower limit.
    scales in pricing allows you to set different discount/surcharge rates or fixed amounts depending on either value, quantity, weight, etc.  in the same pricing condition record (using VK11 or VK31).  if you look inside your condition type using V/06, you will see under sub-tab Scales if this has been set.
    example:  condition type Z007, with Scale 'Quantity'
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    regards and thanks.

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    /SAPCND/KSCHL(Condition type)
    /SAPCND/KOLNR(Access sequence)
    Thanks in Advance
    Edited by: RK on Jun 9, 2009 5:58 PM

    The TCODE for this is /SAPAPO/ATP_GCM.

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    Reset iPad and continue with update
    Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears
    Note: Data will not be affected.

  • Conditon value not updating in CONDITION tab for Sales Order

    Hi Experts,
    Can anyone tell me about this ?
    I have created a Z condition type for VA01 and need to place some value (based on some logic  taken from conditon records).
    I am not able to do this.
    Steps already taken care of.
    !) In VOFM >formula section>conditon value = New routine is created.
    2) in V/08, after selecting the Z condition type Routine number is given in front of the Z condition type.

    Hi Prabhu,
    I didn't understand the meaning of analyzing the Pricing Procedure ?
    In V/08, I have selected the Z condition type created in the system and than selecting that, navigated to CONTROL folder.
    Now in front of the Z condition type in CALCULATION TYPE field the number of the routine is given (Which is created using VOFM).
    Now what else I need to do?
    Yes Madhu. Routine is activated and control is stopping if break point given in the routine. In this routine I am trying to populate a value in its XKOMV internal table's KBETR field but when VA01's main CONDITIONS TABS screen comes the value is not appearing.

  • Condition update in sales order

    Dear All,
         I am trying the condition update functionality in the condition records. The condition type is a discount condition type maintained in percentage.
    I have updated the check box in the condition type and created a new condition record with the maximum allowed value for it.
    But when i create the order, delivery and billing the condition record is not getting blocked and the system is not giving the warning message even the value exceeds the amount given in the additional tab in the condition record.

    Hi Partha,
                     Creating condition update is a special scenario.Let us take the following Scenario.Company xyz decides to sell a new product ABC for a discounted price ,say,Rs 100 until the cumulative value of the dicount reaches 10000.This means that effectively for the first 100 orders this special discount is applicable.Once the first 100 orders are raised then the system automatically stops processing that special discount.But it never blocks the order.
    K.V.S.Phani Prasad.

  • Condition Record for Special Price to First 10 customers

    Hello All
    there is a requirement from real estate client that they want to charge a special price to the first 10 customers purchasing their residential flat.Sale part is being handled thru SD only. Flats are created as Material master. Now as n number of Flats are created. So, thru Standard functionality, special price is required for first 10 customers who purchases these flats.
    Deepak Mehmi

    Hello Deepak,
    I think you are missing something. first of all let me tell you what is maxcond base value .
    Maximum condition value
    Specifies the maximum condition value for this condition record.
    You use this field to limit the use of a particular condition record to a specified total value.
    You offer a customer a special discount on a certain product but want to limit this discount to a specified total amount. You enter the maximum amount (for example, 1000 USD) in this field. As you process orders that use this condition record, the system updates the cumulative value. When the maximum value is reached, the system automatically deactivates the condition record in subsequent orders. In your case you decided to sell first 10 flats @ 100000 Rs, means total 10 lakhs
    Mention this value here.
    Once you mention this and start selling your flats, and system monitors this value, and soon as it reaches 10 lakhs, it will stop giving the discount to the customer. This is a control other than the no: of orders , it means you have here second control to control no: of orders, by no: wise and by value wise. I think you got what I mean.
    Now coming back to your question :
    as, for 11th order, the required price is different (e.g. Rs 2000 after 10th SO), where i'll maintain condition record with value Rs. 2000. ?
    You have to maintain standard price in PR00 and any discounts should go for respective discount types and in your case it should be K004 condition type by going to VK12.
    Again now please maintain max.condition value in K004 by ticking condition update at V/06 and coming back to vk12, selecting k004, and maintain your discounts, maxcondition value , no: of orders required etc. and save it.
    I have repeted this in my sandbox this for you and got it right, then why not you. try it again, you will get it. Do it right.
    All the best.
    To see the current cumulative value for a particular condition record, you select Details -> Cumulative values in the overview screen of the condition record.

  • No condition update from the sales orders exist - VK322 Message

    Hello All,
    I have activated " Condition Index" & " Condition Update" flag for one of my discount condition type and then created it's condition record along with scales on three levels. The condition type which I mentioned above is set as " Value Scale" in Scale Basis for checking the document value and apply the applicable discount percentage.
    I have created three sales orders wherein the discount percentage is getting applied as per my condition record ( so, the document value is getting accumulated and compared with the condition record correctly )  but when I try to check the cumulative values ( ctrl +shift + F4 ) from the condition record, I get information message " VK322" mentioned in the subject.
    VK322 -
    No condition update from the sales orders exist
    Message no. VK322
    The following causes are possible:
    1. There are no sales orders for the condition record that you selected.
    2. Updating condition records in the sales order entry is not active.
    Concerning 1:
    Check the sales orders created for the condition record that you selected.
    Concerning 2:
    Activate the updating for condition records in the sales order entry.
    I have checked everything in SPRO for this but could not find anything which can give me a clue to resolve this problem, especially " Concerning 2" part of this message.
    My requirement > To be able to see the cumulative values from condition record.
    Also, in which table the accumulated values get stored?
    Appreciate your expert advise on this issue.
    Edited by: Hrishikesh Bhalwankar on Sep 13, 2011 1:59 AM

    Hello Everyone,
    I would like to thank each one of you for giving valuable inputs in regard to my requirement and I would like to let you know that I am able to achieve the results as per the expectation.
    I would also like to share some key things which I did ( with the help of all your expert inputs ) due to which the requirement is met:-
    1. Activation of ' Condition Index, Condition Update' in V/06 for the discount condition type.
    2. Maintained ' B - Value Scale' in Scale Basis for the said condition type in V/06 - my requirement was to check against a value to apply the necessary scale base percentage.
    3. Activation of ' S071' info structure via OM01
    4. Condition record maintenance as per the required scales.
    4. Written a new routine to check the accumulated condition base value from S071 along with the current document condition base value.
    5. Put this routine in ' Scale Formula' in V/06.
    This is giving me the perfect results for the correct application of the discount.
    Just last question - How to re-organize the S071 info structure as I tried to re-organize it with Standard Program ' RV15F001' but it is not re-organizing this info structure... Any idea on this?
    Thanks a lot friends for all your advice...
    Edited by: Hrishikesh Bhalwankar on Oct 11, 2011 2:11 AM

  • Condition Update field

    I know we can set the condition update field in the condition type so that, it can store accumulated values, for example, discount only upto maximum of 3000pcs.
    But this is one is based on Sales Order value and not Billing value.  how can I set so that it considers only the invoice quantity and not the order quantity?
    If I reject the Sales Order (using reason for rejection).. the accumulated value is not deducted or reset back to zero.. it still considers the quantity of the rejected item.  What should we do so that it will not

    I am not sure that will function, but check the customizing options behind the reason for rejection.
    Another option would be to force a new price determination in the billing document (look at the copy control between the delivery note and the billing document at the item level).
    Best Regards,

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