Configure applocker to block lync and outlook

im  trying to block lync and outlook 2013 using  applocker so users couldnt use it. i created new path rule pointing right at lync.exe and
outlook.exe and denied everyone access to it and then enforce rules, let default rules remain intact,  set application identity to automatic start and started it and force update of policy using gpupdate /force, tried restarting the whole computer but
it doesnt seem to work as i could still run both programs. is there anything i missed to do? please assist

Hi alberth19,
How did you configure the policy ?Please ensure the "Application Identity service "is running or the applocker won`t be forced.
Here is a link for reference :
How to configure AppLocker Group Policy to prevent software from running
Best regards
Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]

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    The email address used in your default Outlook profile is different from the sign-in address used in Lync 2010.
    Change your default Outlook profile to match the sign-in address you are using in Lync, and then sign out and sign back in to Lync.
    My default account is the same as my Lync sign-in name.
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        <Product ID="O365ProPlusRetail">
          <Language ID="en-us" />
      </Add>  -->
      <!--  <Updates Enabled="FALSE" /> -->
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      <!--  <Logging Name="OfficeSetup.txt" Path="C:\" />  -->
      <!--  <Property Name="AUTOACTIVATE" Value="1" />  -->
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    OSLM ENGINEER - SCCM 2007 & 2012

    No, there is not something available for Lync. What's available can be found here (and it's all not recent):
    My Blog:
    Follow me on twitter: pvanderwoude

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    You could try uninstalling iTunes and all of its components as by following this guide:, then reinstalling iTunes.  This will replace a potentially corrupt Outlook plugin.  You must follow this guide exactly or it will not be successful.  Note: uninstalling iTunes will only remove the application; it will not touch your iTunes library or data.

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    Did you solve the issue with the help of Andrew provided?
    Which sip domain name did you use for default SIP domain ([email protected] or
    [email protected])?
    Did the issue happen internal or external?
    For the issue of cannot download address book, please check the External Base URL on Lync topology with the help of the link below:
    For the issue of Lync and Exchange integration you can refer to the link below:
    Note: Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. The sites are not controlled by Microsoft. Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there.
    Please make sure that you completely understand the risk before retrieving any suggestions from the above link.
    Best Regards,
    Eason Huang
    Eason Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi Wpinson,
    Neither FBUS Configurator nor Monitor can meet your requirement. However, there are other approaches. NI-FBUS provides APIs for C, LabVIEW, VB and C#. You can use these APIs to read a parameter value of any block and use standard file IO functions to save the date into CSV file. The LabVIEW APIs are highly recommended because they are easy-to-use and LabVIEW also provides APIs for CSV file operations. You can build the application w/ LabVIEW in a short time.
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    1. C: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-FBUS\MS Visual C\examples
    2. VB: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-FBUS\MS Visual Basic\example
    3. C#: C:\Program Files\National Instruments\NI-FBUS\MS .NET\examples\CsharpExample
    4. LabVIEW: search "fieldbus" in the LabVIEW example finder.

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    Did the issue happen only for you or for multiple users?
    Please try to delete Lync User Profile and information on Registry, then repair Office 2013.
    The path of Lync User Profile: %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync
    The path for information on Registry: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\[email protected]
    Then test the issue again.
    Best Regards,
    Eason Huang
    Eason Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • I use a Win7 PC with iCloud and Outlook 2010 for syncing my calendar and contacts. I can enter data in my Outlook Calendar and it will appear in iCloud, but data entered in iCloud does not sync back to Outlook.  ICloud syncs to my iphone fine both ways.

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    Any help would be appreciated.  Curious that Outlook will upload to iCloud but not receive downloads unless I reboot.  However, rebooting does not download the missing Contacts.
    Jim Robbins

    Hi Jim!
    You've started off with some good troubleshooting steps, so let's see if we can take this a little further and figure out what the issue is with your iCloud contacts and calendars. I have two articles here that will help you troubleshoot this issue a little further, but the troubleshooting steps for both articles are exactly the same, so I will lay those out for you here:
    Note: When using iCloud Control Panel 2.0 and later, iCloud Calendar event descriptions in Outlook 2010 do not support text formatting (bold, italics, or underline), HTML, images, or attachments. The contextual (right-click) menu has also been disabled.
    If you are having trouble with a PC (with Outlook 2007 or 2010) and iCloud Calendar, try each of these steps, testing after each to see if the issue is resolved:
    Verify that you are using a Windows configuration that is supported by iCloud. For more information, see iCloud system requirements.
    When enabling Calendars in the iCloud Control Panel, part of the setup process is to copy your Calendars data from the default Outlook ".pst" file to iCloud, and then remove the Calendars from the ".pst" file by placing them in the Deleted Items folder in Outlook. The Calendars data is then stored in the iCloud data set within Outlook so that changes can be pushed to and from Outlook by iCloud. Be sure you are looking for your data within the iCloud dataset within Outlook after enabling Calendars in the iCloud Control Panel. The deleted files can be seen by viewing Deleted Items within your Outlook Folder List. This is not iCloud removing your data; iCloud simply copies your data into the iCloud data set and then removes the local Calendars data by placing it in the Deleted Items folder.
    Make sure your computer is online. Attempt to view and If you can't connect to the Internet, your iCloud calendars and events will not update in Outlook. Click here for more information about troubleshooting your Internet connection.
    Open a secure website to test if you are online as is necessary for iCloud Calendar. This also tests if the ports 80 and 443 are accessible. Outlook requires port 443 access to iCloud in order to push and pull updates to and from the iCloud Calendar servers.
    Verify that your iCloud member name is entered into the iCloud Control Panel pane. See iCloud Setup for more information about setting up iCloud on Windows.
    Completely close and reopen the iCloud Control Panel.
    If you recently made changes in Outlook and they are not moving to your other devices or vice-versa, click the Refresh button in Outlook.
    Turn iCloud Calendar off and back on:
    Close Outlook.
    Open the Windows Control Panel:
    In Windows 8, move the pointer to the upper-right corner of the screen to show the Charms bar, click the Search charm, and then click the iCloud Control Panel on the left.
    In Windows 7 and Vista, choose Start menu > All Programs > iCloud > iCloud.
    Remove the checkmark in the checkbox next to Mail, Contacts, Calendars & Tasks, and click Apply. Wait a few seconds, then replace the checkmark, and click Apply.
    Open Outlook and test to see if the issue has been resolved.
    Ensure the iCloud Outlook Add-in is active within Outlook.
    Outlook 2010:
    Open Outlook 2010.
    Click the File menu.
    Click Options in the left panel of the Outlook window.
    Click Add-Ins in the left panel of the Outlook Options window.
    Look at the list of add-ins beneath "Active Application Add-Ins" and verify that the "iCloud Outlook Add-in" is listed.
    For Outlook 2007, follow these steps to verify the iCloud Outlook Add-in is active
    Open Outlook 2007.
    From the Tools menu, choose Trust Center.
    Select Add-ins from the left column.
    Look at the list of add-ins beneath "Active Application Add-Ins" and verify that the "iCloud Outlook Add-in" is listed.
    For additional information about managing Add-ins with Microsoft Outlook, see this Microsoft support document.
    Restart your computer. This may sound simple, but it does reinitialize your network and application settings and can frequently resolve issues.
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Contacts
    iCloud: Troubleshooting iCloud Calendar
    Thanks for using the Apple Support Communities!

  • Sync Problems between Blackberry 8330 and Outlook 2007 using Desktop software v 4.7

    I have a Blackberry Curve 8330 and I have been experiencing some problems syncing it with my HP Notebook running Outlook 2007.  I am using the most current Desktop Software version 4.7.  I am using the BB Internet Service and all of my email accounts seem to be operating well.  When I attempt to sync I receive the following errors in this sequence
    Error 1:  Intellisync;  There are no applications configured for synchronization.  From the synchronize screen, go to Configure > Synchronization to configure the applications.
    At this point, I attempt to follow the above instructions and configure the applications I want to Sync.  When I complete the above step for all applications, or each one seperately, I receive the following error:
    Error 2:  Runtime Error;  Folder is no longer a part of the system data source or  the folder can not be found.
    As I stated above, I receive the error for all 4 applications (Address Book, Calendar, Memos and Tasks) whether they are configured seperately or all at once.  I have unistalled the desktop software v4.7 5 times and Outlook 3 times. I am truly at a loss and in dire need of my Calendar and Contacts on my phone.  If anyone has come across this in the past or has any ideas, Please feel free to comment or reply.  Any info will be greatly appreciated!!!
    BB:  8330 Curve
    DS:  Desktop Software v 4.7
    PC:  HP TX2500Z Notebook/Tablet
    OS:  Windows Vista Ultimate 64-Bit
    DO:  Microsoft Office Outlook 2007

    uninstall the desktop manager, and install "4.7 without Media Manager"
    The search box on top-right of this page is your true friend, and the public Knowledge Base too:

  • Fed up with blocked emails and blacklisted IPs from Verizon

    Have been struggling with blocked emails and getting no help from Verizon.  When sending emails via Outlook, most are rejected whether we create them or just forward them.  Sometimes we get a spam notice, but most of the time they just disappear.  Have contacted Verizon support and they have changed the outgoing port number with no improvement.  They blame the signature block we attach to emails, but removing doesn't seem to improve anything.  They say we can't contact the spam people except by email, but that doesn't seem to get any response.  Meanwhile, the IPs that Verizon assigns us are on the blacklist.  Verizon says this has nothing to do with the problem, but I have to think that it does.  Would appreciate some help!

    Verizon doesn't control the blacklist at Spamhaus. The outbound spam filter has been implemented along with other measures as part of an effort to prevent that type of block for Verizon IP addresses, but until spammers are wiped from the planet, blacklisting is going to happen.
    To get off of the list, you have 2 options:
    Appeal to Spamhaus to remove your IP here. Since you have a dynamic IP address, you will have to do this every time you get a  blacklisted IP.
    You can get a static IP address from Verizon. This is the best solution for most businesses.
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem.
    "All knowledge is worth having."

  • Cannot connect to Exchange server (Small Business Server 2008) using Windows 8.1 and Outlook 2013

    I am at my wits end. I have got a new PC running Windows 8.1 and Outlook 2013 simply WILL NOT connect to my work Exchange server. The REALLY annoying thing is that the Windows Mail client inbuilt to Windows 8.1 works perfectly! But I have to have Outlook
    for the functionality. The issue appears to be that in Outlook 2013 on Windows 8.1, it tries to be clever and auto-detect the settings whereas Windows Mail allows you to input the server and domain names.  
    I have tried all the suggestions already on some of the boards - manual setup, etc - nothing works! Is it a compatibilityissue with SBS 2008 and Outlook 2013? Any help appreciated!

    I am at my wits end. I have got a new PC running Windows 8.1 and Outlook 2013 simply WILL NOT connect to my work Exchange server.................... it tries to be clever and auto-detect the settings.  
    I have tried all the suggestions already on some of the boards - manual setup, etc - nothing works! Is it a compatibilityissue with SBS 2008 and Outlook 2013? Any help appreciated!
    There's no issue with O'2013 connecting with Ex '2007. Also not clear about comments of "auto-detect" versus "....have tried all the suggestions ............ manual setup....". On the one hand your stating that only "auto-detect" is available and on the
    other that you've tried "manual settings" (which definitely is an option in O'2013 for EX accounts).
    This may have more to do with the fact that you're using a new computer trying to connect to the server which it may not be configured for - something your admin will need to address.
    Given that your question is in reference to Exchange - you are likely to get a better/faster answer in the following forum which deals with Exchange server related questions:
    Exchange Previous Versions - Outlook, OWA, POP, and IMAP Clients
    Karl Timmermans [Outlook MVP] "Outlook Contact Import/Export/Data Mgmt"

  • CRM and Outlook 2007

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    I made sure that the host is getting policy it says it is but is there a sure fire way to tell other than the general host screen? I also have compared a working CRM host and a CSA blocked host and I can't find anything different about them. They are in the same groups, same version, same policies, I even compared the rules. I'm getting desperate...I did my best to compare the Windows updates. I have reinstalled CSA on the host that I uninstalled it from and it still doesn't work.
    Any ideas? Or is there another direction I should head?
    Thanks in advance

    Not sure you've seen this but take a look at the CRM instalation guide for more info:

  • Process blocked sales and distribution documents from the SAPoffice inbox

    I know VKM1/VKM3 can be used to release order.
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    I can use output type KRML to send a mail to SAPoffice inbox, but don't know how to release blocked sales orders in the SAPoffice inbox.
    Many Thanks

    Hello Jean,
    Release the blocked document directly via mail received:
    - After carry out the step  4 in note 677377, you will be able to
      release the blocked document directly by:
      Display the SAP office mail recieved;
      Menu: Document -> Execute;
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    Best regards,

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