Conflicting messages

I am running a Windows 8.1 laptop with IE 11. Testing flash player I get the message Either Flash Player is disabled or ActiveX Filter is ON. Checking IE addons it shows flash player enabled and Active X filter off. I have tried to download the latest version but I get the message The windows update is already installed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Similar Messages

  • Third party MIDI/Audio driver conflict message!@#@!#@

    I'm getting the "Logic Pro has detected a possible conflict between one or more third party MIDI or audio drivers" message.
    I'm running a G5 dual 2 gig, OSX 10.4.8, Logic Pro 7.2.3, Emagic AMT8 and RME DSP9652.
    When I start Logic, it hangs on "checking MIDI drivers" forever, then gives me the conflict message 4 or 5 times, then tells me MIDI services won't be available.
    I have not changed ANYTHING... it's worked fine forever. I removed the EmagicUSBMIDIDriver.plugin from the MIDI drivers folder, tried it with nothing in the folder, and same thing (I had a Yamaha MIDI driver and one from the RME, but I dumped them. It's worked fine with the additional drivers for a long time, so I doubt that's the problem). I reloaded the EmagicUSBMIDIDriver.plugin from the 7.2 installer DVD, same thing.
    Someone mentioned this problem was caused by too many devices drawing current on the USB bus, but I only have a mouse/keyboard, printer, XS Key, and a iLok for Waves on the the USB bus.

    I have looked in Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers and there is just one file called EmagicUSBMIDIDriver.plugin - can this be causing the problem?
    Nothing on User/YourName/Library/Audio/MIDI Drivers.
    I have found 3 AVID folders on Applications:
    - Avid MetaSync Manager
    - Avid MetaSync Publisher
    - Avid_Uninstallers
    Shall I remove these?
    There is also an empty folder called Digidesign on User/Library/Audio/Plugins
    I have tried it with the M-Audio card connected and selected in Logic, and it doesn't work.

  • Outlook receiving conflict messages

    I have started to see this happen more and more.  I have users that are getting the conflict message show when a user opens up email messages.  They have to keep the item or keep all.  What would be causing the conflict.  The users in
    question are using outlook in cached mode.  We are using exchange server 2010.  I have seen this happen in outlook 2010 and 2013.
    Would the user approaching the mailbox limit cause the conflicts to happen?

    Please provide more details about this issue, such as, what is the error message?
    If it's about the mailbox quota, it may be caused by a corrupted .ost file. I suggest you rename the .ost file, then restart Outlook, a new .ost file will be generated and check if the problem persists.
    If it warns you the user is approaching themailbox limit, the error message may also prompt, consider to delete some unimportant items or archive some items to local.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office
    programs. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • "Cannot access conflicts" message

    I have been getting the message "Cannot access conflicts" when trying to sync my Notes between Outlook and my iPhone 4 for the past few weeks. Previously I had no issues at all. This is a new iPhone after my previous one broke, so it was restored and otherwise works perfectly. There WAS an issue with the Notes being sync'ed to my IMAP account but I turned that off so there should be no over-the-air sync'ing since my IMAP provider doesn't support it.
    The exact message is: "Unable to retrieve conflict information from the sync server. Please try again next time the conflict resolver window is presented".
    There are 2 conflicts, when I choose the "correct" one and press Next this error comes up. When I look at the first of the notes that is in conflict, there actually ISN'T a conflict - the notes are the same on the iPhone and in Outlook, however the old note (the one on the left out of the two choices) is definitely "old" in the sense that the note has been updated, probably since I got the new iPhone. Somehow it's remembering my old notes and having a conflict.
    The forums suggested going Edit/Preferences then "Reset Sync History" on the "Devices" tab, but I get a frightening message "Are you sure you want to reset this computer's sync history?" with a bunch of other stuff on it about merging information. It sounds like a potentially bad idea.
    Anyone have any ideas please?

    UPDATE: this doesn't happen every time. I changed a note in Outlook and then plugged my iPhone in. iTunes went through the 5 step backup/sync process and came up with the usual "Cannot access conflicts" message. At this point, the note had NOT been updated on the iPhone.
    I then removed and re-plugged my iPhone, and let it sync again. This time, no message came up and the note HAD gotten updated on the iPhone.
    This seems rather strange behaviour.

  • Sync conflict message

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    I have not yet been through and resolved them as I would like to understand first what's going on, but I am completely stumped! iTunes isn't open, my iP6+ is not physically connected to the laptop...
    Any suggestions will be gratefully heard.

    Hey guys thanks for the input. Do you guys think it's something wrong at .mac? It can't all just be coincidence that we have the same problem can it? Are any of you getting syncing problems now? Like usually when I change a file in my local idisk it syncs it automatically. But when I tried it tonight it wouldn't sync. I did what you guys said. Stopped syncing in preferences and then restarted and then turned it on again.

  • IKE Conflict message

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    I have connections and the tunnel gets up in any side with no problem, but in one of them I have no traffic. I have checked my ACL and basically I copied it from the one wich is working well to the other.
    After checking the real time log viewer the only difference I found is the following message :
    5 Mar 18 2009 10:13:54 713904 Group = Testgroup, Username = pixtest, IP = PublicIPAddress, IKE: Filter conflict: received filter-ID (filter name=Testgroup) along with an AV-PAIR dynamic ACL filter
    (filter name = DAP-ip-user-1025B206).AV-PAIR dynamic filter will be applied.
    Even when the tunnel is up, there is no traffic.
    Please help me


  • TV Standard Conflict Message

    I created a movie in Imovie and exported to IDVD (v6.0.4).
    When I attempt to burn the dvd I get this message as soon as I hit the burn button (even before inserting a disc)
    "TV Standard Conflict? It seems that we are burning a PAL movie on to a NTSC disc. Proceed with burning?"
    I have never had this message before (and don't think anything has been changed in my preferences since last time I created a dvd from a movie).
    I attempted to ignore the message and continue with burning, but the dvd couldn't be read either on a DVD player or in the computer (it kept ejecting itself).
    Any suggestions on what to do?

    This issue has nothing to do with your DVD disk, because you get the error message before inserting the disk.
    Just to cover the bases, check to make sure that when you started your project in iMovie that the iMovie project was set for 25fps, which is the PAL setting. Look in iMovie/Preferences/General Preferences.
    Do the same for iDVD. Look in iDVD/Preferences/Projects and make sure that when you started the project that PAL was checked.
    If the above doesn't solve it I would try the oft applied maintenance of deleting preferences and doing a permissions repair. To delete preferences, close iMovie and iDVD and trash the files named and found in User (the house icon)/Library/Preferences. Then do a permissions repair using the Disk Utility app found in HD/Applications/Utilities. In the left hand pane of the Disk Utility window select your hard drive icon and then click on repair permissions. Takes about 3 minutes to repair. Then relaunch your iLife programs and see if you still have the problem. iMovie will recreate the .plist file that you deleted. When you do a reburn, be sure to delete encoded assests first so that you do not proliferate the problem.
    Good luck with this.

  • Transition Conflict Message When Rippling

    I've got a rough cut laid out, and when I attempt to ripple some clips, I get a mesage like: Transition Confilct on A5. Well, A5 (and A6) contains .caf audio that is completely independent of the clip on V1 that I'm trying to ripple. Roll works fine, but that's not what I need. Also, I can use the select tool to shorten the clip, but obviously that leaves a gap that I don't want. Any ideas what causes this bug?
    Also, on some of the clips, instead of a Transition Conflict, I'll get a Clip Collision error...
    Message was edited by: dmchord

    FCP makes it difficult to go out of sync.. it' not a bug, it's a feature actually.
    Any time you attempt to shorten a video clip, you must also shorten the audio tracks or past that change the sequence will be out of sync.
    If you don't care about that, just lock the audio tracks and then perform the ripple.

  • Conflicting messages about firewalls in Azureus

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    I've had almost the identical problem, with what sounds like an identical setup. I have not problem with downloads, but I frequently get that "firewalled" symbol, even while seeding is taking place. Deep in the bowls of the Azureus Wiki, there's a line that says that symbol can sometimes only mean nobody has tried to establish a remote connection since the start of your latest session, which I think is what has been going on with me--if nobody is trying to catch the files I'm pitching, so to speak, the green "OK" light essentially times out and is replaced with the red "firewalled" light. Try running the NAT/Firewall test. If that says your port is okay, then everything is working and you can ignore the "firewalled" symbol. I've also heard that running that test can kind of jump-start Azureus into clearing the port, but I'm not sure about that. At any rate, it won't do any harm.

  • Conflicting messages about Itunes software

    Ever since I downloaded ITunes 7, when I try to update my IPOD from my PC (Windows), I get a message saying some songs can't be downloaded to the IPOD because my software is old and to check the Summary tab. Yet the Summary tab shows my software is updated! Anyone know how to fix this?

    Try Restoring the iPod.
    Check these out:
    5Rs Tutorials
    Restoring iPod to Factory Settings
    I hope this helps!

  • Conflicting messages about a plugin

    When I went to check my plugins, for the QuickTime plugin in the add-ons window, I saw a warning stating that the plugin is out of date and will be disabled. I checked with the Mozilla plugin check page and that says that the plugin is up to date. Which is it? Make up your minds! It is confusing to get opposite messages about one particular item. According to Apple, my whole operating system has all the latest updates.

    Copy and paste the JavaScript code in the Code input field in the Browser/Error Console (Firefox/Tools > Web Developer;Ctrl+Shift+J) and click the Evaluate button to make Firefox reload a fresh blocklist file.

  • MDX report rendering takes long time and showing Conflict Message

    Hi All,
    This is my MDX Query
    with member
    [Measures].[Rent] as
    NULL, [Measures].[Rent])
    select {[Measures].[Rent]}
    on columns,
                         [Property].[Address].[All].children *
             DESCENDANTS([Account].[Account Hierarchy].[Account Group].[Expenditures],
                         [Account].[Account Tree].[Account]) *
    on rows
    When i comment [Property] Dimension member , i am able to get the result, but i need Property Dimension in MDX.
    Can anyone give some idea ?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Jarugulalaks,
    According to your description, it take long time to render the report when using [Property] dimension, right?
    In this case, the issue can be caused by that there are too many members under this dimension. In your query, you used CrossJoin function to join multiple dimensions which might cause the performance issue. If you cross-join medium-sized or large-sized sets
    (e.g., sets that contain more than 100 items each), you can end up with a result set that contains many thousands of items—enough to seriously impair performance. You can use the NonEmptyCrossjoin function instead of Corssjoin function. For the detail
    information, please see:
    Besides, the total time to generate a reporting server report can be divided into 3 elements: Time to retrieve the data (TimeDataRetrieval); Time to process the report (TimeProcessing); Time to render the report (TimeRendering). For the detail information,
    please refer to the link below to see Charlie's reply.
    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • WLS 5.1 Clustering Conflict message help

    Does anyone know what this means?
              Wed Jun 07 10:10:43 EDT 2000:<I> <ServletContext-General> file: init
              Wed Jun 07 10:13:24 EDT 2000:<I> <ConflictHandler> ConflictStart
              weblogic.server.server:weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr (from
              [email protected]:[
              <mailto:[email protected]:[>
              Wed Jun 07 10:13:24 EDT 2000:<I> <ConflictHandler> ConflictStart
              weblogic.server.server:weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr_WLStub (from
              [email protected]:[
              <mailto:[email protected]:[>
              Your help is always appreciated
              Mike Horn
              [email protected]

    Does this happen all the time?
              Are you by any chance giving the same name for both the servers in the
              cluster. You should name them different.
              - Prasad
              Mike Horn wrote:
              > Does anyone know what this means?
              > Wed Jun 07 10:10:43 EDT 2000:<I> <ServletContext-General> file: init
              > Wed Jun 07 10:13:24 EDT 2000:<I> <ConflictHandler> ConflictStart
              > weblogic.server.server:weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr (from
              > [email protected]:[
              > <mailto:[email protected]:[>
              > 7601,7601,7002,7002,7601,-1])
              > Wed Jun 07 10:13:24 EDT 2000:<I> <ConflictHandler> ConflictStart
              > weblogic.server.server:weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr_WLStub (from
              > [email protected]:[
              > <mailto:[email protected]:[>
              > 7601,7601,7002,7002,7601,-1])
              > Your help is always appreciated
              > thanks
              > Mike Horn
              > [email protected]

  • Cannot access conflicts

    How many more posts on the community pages do we need until Apple sorts out this problem. When is the notes sync with Outlook  going to be fixed. There's clearly a problem here !!!

    UPDATE: this doesn't happen every time. I changed a note in Outlook and then plugged my iPhone in. iTunes went through the 5 step backup/sync process and came up with the usual "Cannot access conflicts" message. At this point, the note had NOT been updated on the iPhone.
    I then removed and re-plugged my iPhone, and let it sync again. This time, no message came up and the note HAD gotten updated on the iPhone.
    This seems rather strange behaviour.

  • What do I do when I continually get the message 'another device on the network is using your computer's IP address' on my iMac?

    Hwe continually get this message on our iMac even when other devices in the same room can access the network (laptop, iPad etc). We have tried using a fixed IP address and also an automatic IP selection but to no avail. Any suggestions,

    What that means is you were forcing your Mac to always use the network address 123.456.7.89 since you had manually assigned that. Normally this would be fine, your router would check for active addresses in use and assign a different address to any computer or device trying to join the network. The problem could arise if your Mac is off-line and the router has already assigned the IP address to one of your other computers. When you tried to log in with your Mac you would get the conflict message that you have noticed.
    Setting all computers to using DHCP will let the router handle the addressing.
    I would check all of your computers and PC's. You may have more than one of your computers set to manually assign an address using that same IP address. Make sure you set all of them to DHCP only. Also, check if you have any other IP devices like a printer or NAS drive that is using static addressing. Those can cause the same issues.
    It is prefered to use static addressing with those as it makes it easier to find them on the network and since they are pretty much always left on, the router knows they are there.
    On your Mac go to System Preferences > Network > Advanced > TCP/IP:
    What is shown should read:
    Confugure IPv4
    IPv4 Address
    Subnet Mask
    Configure iPv4 using DHCP with manual address
    Change that to "Using DHCP"
    Apply the change and close the window.
    I warn you, I've not yet received my first Mac and it's only an educated guess. I hope it helps.

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