Connecting two Coherence Clusters using Replication

I am using: to setup the "Replicated-site Coherence*Extend Example". On running the build I am getting errors as shown below. Can anyone help me to resolve this so that I can get the example up and running?
.\..\src\com\tangosol\examples\extend\ cannot find symbol
symbol : constructor ReadWriteBackingMap(,com.tangosol.util.ObservableMap,java.util.Map,,boolean,int)
location: class
super(ctxService, mapInternal, mapMisses, store, fReadOnly,
.\..\src\com\tangosol\examples\extend\ incompatible types
found :
CacheStore store = getCacheStore();
.\..\src\com\tangosol\examples\extend\ storeAllInternal(java.util.Set) in cannot be applied to (java.util.Map)
3 errors
On running javac in verbose mode it does show that the classes in coherence.jar have been loaded, especially the one required:
[loading com\tangosol\net\cache\ReadWriteBackingMap.class(com\tangosol\net\cache:ReadWriteBackingMap.class)]
[loading com\tangosol\net\cache\ReadWriteBackingMap$CacheStoreWrapper.class(com\tangosol\net\cache:ReadWriteBackingMap$CacheStoreWrapper.class)]

I am running with Java: jdk1.6.0_21, Coherence: 3.6 and ant: 1.8. Nb. I am running on Windows but that should not matter....
I thought it could be a problem with ant not passing in the correct classpaths or somehting similar so I wrote the equivalent DOS script (shown below) to run the build but still got the same error.
Nb. I have managed to run the synchronized site example with the above java, coherence and ant versions.
@echo off
if "%1"=="build" goto build
if "%1"=="clean" goto clean
goto help
echo "usage: build.cmd build"
echo build: makes the clases directory and compiles the java
echo clean: removes the classes directory
goto exit
mkdir .\..\classes
"%JAVA_HOME%"\bin\javac -d .\..\classes -cp "%COHERENCE_HOME%"\lib\coherence.jar .\..\src\com\tangosol\examples\extend\*.java -verbose
goto exit
rmdir .\..\classes /q/s
goto exit
"%JAVA_HOME%" = "C:\Program Files\java\jdk1.6.0_21"
"%COHERENCE_HOME%" = "C:\Program Files\Oracle\coherence-java-\coherence"
Edited by: Ku on Sep 21, 2010 11:37 AM
Added info to show location of java/coherence variables.

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    Hi sumax,
    Thanks for your response Robert,
    Maybe I did not understand your solution fully, I
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    That part is taken care of by the fact, that each war file loads the tangosol-coherence-override.xml from its own WEB-INF/classes directory.
    Classloading from a web app in Tomcat resolves classpath classes/resources in the following order:
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    3. Reloadable Webapp classloader (loads from WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib of the war). This is webapp specific, each webapp sees its own WEB-INF/classes and WEB-INF/lib.
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    This chaining allows each webapp to refer to a differently named override file, so all those override files can be put into shared/classes folder. The uniquely named override file in shared/classes allows you to change the override configuration between restarts.
    As for cluster address and port, you can specify those in any of the override files.
    The full chaining path is the following (if you used the tangosol-coherence-override.xml example in my first reply):
    tangosol-coherence.xml -> tangosol-coherence-prod.xml -> tangosol-coherence.xml (you provide this file in your webapp WEB-INF/classes) -> tangosol-coherence-override-warfilename.xml (you provide this file in the ${TOMCAT_HOME}/shared/classes)
    I hope this makes it clear.
    Best regards,

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    "File sharing preferences" is indeed how to do it.  Connect both minis to your router (one by ethernet cable, one by wifi, it doesn't matter.)
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    To my knowledge the information you heard is not
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    by step set-up.
    Cheers Don
    Actually none of the Airport cards require a Wireless base station (acting as a router/access point) to work. Airport supports ad-hoc wireless mode (computer-to-computer mode, in Apple lingo), which allows two or more wireless-enabled computers to be connected to each other WITHOUT the use of base station. Search for "computer-to-computer" in the support knowledge base.

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    I am not very sure how are you trying to do the job. Is it
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    Yes I'm connection via extend.
    Could you give me an example of such configuration? I've made a test from a C++ client with the following client config:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!DOCTYPE cache-config SYSTEM "cache-config.dtd">
    <address system-property="tangosol.coherence.proxy.address">ldnpsm020001413</address>
    <port system-property="tangosol.coherence.proxy.port">4321</port>
    <address system-property="tangosol.coherence.proxy.address">ldnpsm020001412</address>
    <port system-property="tangosol.coherence.proxy.port">4131</port>
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    Mavec wrote:
    I would like to add a third monitor.  
    The GPU(s) in your T400 (and most other laptop brands) will support two different displays concurrently.  If you want to support more than two different displays concurrently, you will need another GPU external to the T400.
    Generally, if you want to use two external displays on a T400 you will nee dto use a docking station.
    I have read messages on various fora on this topic and know that there are a number of ways of doing this, but as I have never had a need to do this myself I can't tell you how to go about it.
    I don't work for Lenovo

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    We need to connect two SIP trunks from service provider to Cisco CUCM 7.1 using CUBE “Cisco 2821”, SP using the following configuration:
    First SIP PSTN Link Configuration(In-Out DID/DOD 218 7700 – 218 7799)
    Customer IP Address =
    SP IP Address =
    Protocol= SIP
    SIP Port = 5060
    Transport Protocol=UDP
    Voice Codec= G711 A-Law
    DTMF = IN-Band DTMF without RFC2833
    Signaling IP address =
    IP Address (Media IP) must be visible from IP PABX
    Second SIP PSTN Link Configuration( Inbound Only 920009999)
    Customer IP Address =
    SP IP Address =
    Protocol= SIP
    SIP Port = 5060
    Transport Protocol=UDP
    Voice Codec= G711 A-Law
    DTMF = IN-Band DTMF without RFC2833
    SIP server IP address =
    IP Address (Media IP) must be visible from IP PABX
    When we tried to configure both links on the same CUBE we faced two problems:
    -          Routing issue, as we can’t route traffic using single CUBE through two different interfaces to the same destination “ i.e we have to configure static route commend (ip route & ip route, sip traffic coming from one link can’t be sure to send it back to the same link.
    -          SIP media & signaling control binding issue, as CUBE support sip binding using one interface only “one IP Address”, if we not using binding commands on the CUBE we can’t receive any calls though any link.
    We have two options:
    SP to send both traffic on the same trunk link
    Have another CUBE for the second link.
    Attached network diagram.
    Any solution?????
    Ahmed Rizk

    I didn't mean NAT CUCM, I meant the interface towards it. But since you're using a single interface then yes that is what you NAT. You have a lot going on in that config. Probably a lot more than you need. Like I said you should work on this in two legs. CUBE to ITSP, and then CUCM to CUBE. You're trying to make the whole thing work in one shot which is going to cause you some headaches.
    Install XLite free version. In the account settings set your UserID to a generic 10 digit phone number, domain to something generic, then at the bottom set the Proxy Address to the IP of your CUBE. The media ports will be negotiated dynamically between the CUBE and the ITSP. Since you said you're not registering you will also need to give the ITSP YOUR peer IP (this is how they secure the trunk) which is whatever IP you're sourcing from when you leave your network (what you're NAT'ing the CUBE to).
    For testing, reduce your config to something like this:
    voice service voip
     allow-connections sip to sip
     allow-connections h323 to sip
     no supplementary-service sip moved-temporarily
     no supplementary-service sip refer
     signaling forward none
    dial-peer voice 10 voip
    description CUBE_TO_ITSP
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:SIGNALING IP PROVIDED BY ITSP
    destination-pattern [2-9].........
    codec g711ulaw
    dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-notify
    no vad
    dial-peer voice 20 voip
    description ITSP_TO_CUBE
    destination-pattern .
    session protocol sipv2
    session target ipv4:Eventually your CUCM IP...for now set it to your computers IP.
    codec g711ulaw
    dtmf-relay rtp-nte sip-notify
    no vad
    Use XLite to place a phone call from your PC (if you have a mic and speakers you can have audio if the call connects). This should come pretty close to getting your outward leg established. Once you get this part working you can add in more codecs and translation profiles if you want. Let me know what happens. Include any debug or packet cap results if you can.  

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    user9198027 wrote:
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