Connection Problems when transferring computers?

I recently downloaded the latest version of iTunes for my new Windows computer, and attempted to transfer the purchases from my current computer and iTunes (v9 I think) and I seem to have come across a problem. The iPod (classic, around 4 years old, 80GB) seems to want to transfer half of my music, and then immediately disconnects itself upon further attempts to connect with the computer. The new laptop itdentifies that it needs to scan the device and fix a problem but when attempts are made to do this the iPod disconnects and that's it. I've never come across this sort of problem before, but hopefully someone may have done?

I recently downloaded the latest version of iTunes for my new Windows computer, and attempted to transfer the purchases from my current computer and iTunes (v9 I think) and I seem to have come across a problem. The iPod (classic, around 4 years old, 80GB) seems to want to transfer half of my music, and then immediately disconnects itself upon further attempts to connect with the computer. The new laptop itdentifies that it needs to scan the device and fix a problem but when attempts are made to do this the iPod disconnects and that's it. I've never come across this sort of problem before, but hopefully someone may have done?

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    With iTunes 11 you can enable the left-hand sidebar via control-S on a PC, option-command-S on a Mac. If you are trying to get it to the iBooks app then with the sidebar enabled the process should be similar to how it was on previous versions of iTunes e.g. add it to your iTunes library via File > Add To Library, connect the iPad and select it on the left-hand sidebar, and then use the Books tab on the right-hand side to select and sync it to the iBooks app.

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    The problem is is not called.
    Try this and modify the table creation as you need.
    ResultSetMetaData rsmd=rs.getMetaData();
    int cols=rsmd.getColumnCount();
         while( {
              for(int i=1;i<=cols;i++)
    Hope this helps

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    Troubleshooting Wi-Fi issues in OS X
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix (2)
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix (3)
    Wireless Connection Problems - Fix (4)
    Wireless Diagnostics - About
    Also try turning off Bluetooth

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    I'll have to rephrase my question. Close this one.

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    Test1 comprises of Best Effort Test: -provides background information.
    Download  Speed
    102 Kbps
    0 Kbps
    250 Kbps
    Max Achievable Speed
     Download speedachieved during the test was - 102 Kbps
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    AndyMc what you have supplied is the wireless connection rate between the router and your wireless adapter this is not related to anything from Bt. This is the connection rate which I am sure would be related to a channel issue more than the connection dropping. Here is a link to the help site that will assist especially the link with regards changing the wireless channels.,1887,1889
     Make the change and then disconnect and reconnect the wireless and notice if the connection rate changes. I am sure you will get some interesting results. A good little tool you can use is an utility called inSSIDer just do a google search and install that, it will show you where there may be a conflicting channel issue,  the non shared channels are 1.6.and 11. If you need to diagnose the dropping connection problem then that is a different issue to the connection one.

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    I'm not sure what the real reason is, but I do know it's a it of a hassle getting the connectors pushed back on. They are very tiny and take some pressure to install and I could easily imagine a wire not completely tied in place moving enough to work loose. Let us know how yours comes out.

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    DX50 is a DivX format and is not a natively supported codec. the trouble is that the Mac where it plays properly has had a third party codec installed which enables that file type, whereas the other one hasn't
    Download and install Perian form then see if it doesn't automaigaclly start working

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    Hi Terence
    I have just opened the internal iphoto library to delete some photos, without the EHD being attached, when I plug in the EHD and open the iphoto library from there the pictures that I have just deleted on the internal library have gone from the EHD. I am obviously doing something wrong but I cannot fathom out what. My internal library has a different name ie 'iPhoto Library.Old' but both internal and external libraries seem to be still acting as one.
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    What countries?
    Using FaceTime
    Troubleshooting FaceTime
    The Complete Guide to FaceTime: Set-up, Use, and Troubleshooting Problems
     Cheers, Tom

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    Microsoft Visual Studio
    ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred

    I solved the problem.
    This is what I did for the benefit of the embryonic newbe like me.
    On the Add Connection Dialog
    1.     For Data source name I selected Local Database
    2.     I clicked on the specific User Name and I typed SYSTEM
    3.     For Password, I typed orcl (the password I setup during the installation) (HR did not work for me for User name and Password according to the tutorial instructions)
    4.     For Role, I selected Default
    5.     Connection Name, I selected Local Database
    6.     Before proceeding any further went to Windows XP SP3 where I was operating from, under Start Menu, I selected Administrative Tools then Services
    a.     On the Windows Services (Local) Dialog, under name, I selected OracleServiceORCL and OracleOraDb11g_home1TNSListener. I clicked on them one at a time
    b.     On the presented Dialog, under Service Status, I Clicked on the Start Button to start the Services
    c.     Then I went back to the Add Connection Dialog. I clicked on Test Connection, it connected okay. I finally clicked on Okay to connect.

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    I tried that and I couldn't find a single bad file...
    I ended up downloading a program that transfers files directly between the computer and iPod. I lost half of my library but to be honest, I don't miss that much of it - most of it was old stuff I never listened to anymore.

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    Anyone know how to prevent this from happening?

    Check the wireless card properties in device manager. Under advanced tab there you can check the power management settings of the wireless card. I am not sure if this will solve your problem but et it to highest level.

Maybe you are looking for

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