Control of ATN line on CB7210

How do you control the ATN bit via the CB7210?
We are having problems when trying to change over
from multiline command mode to data command mode.
Any ideas????

cazbkr89 wrote:
So me and my family have been on a plan for almost 2 years, but 2/5 of the family plan are now in other states. I would like to upgrade my phone soon and possibly my line to get a new Droid or 4G phone, but since I am 2 states away from where the family plan owner is at, is there a way I can do this? I think it's still cheaper for me to share minutes with my family on the plan, but I want to have the control to add a data package and upgrade the phone when I can?
I'm kind of new to this. I live out in Las Vegas now, mthe account owner is in Idaho.... and I have a Wyoming number from Alltel. I'm probably due for a new number for Nevada.
you have several options
1. stay on the plan and become an account administrator, you can then upgrade the phone, and add data
2. get the account owner on the phone with you an customer service and do an assumption of liability
you then are the new account owner.  your contract date remains the same
as for the number the account owner can changet he phone number on the verizon website
if the current line is not under contract, and you want a new number
have the current owner canel it, then open your own account

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    Hi Rod,
    Thanks for your help, but I could not implement your idea. My replies to your suggestions are written in bold below.
    One way is to put your text into a System Label or a free label. Ensure that you size the box to the text in it
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    When you position the text, you may find that it is partly hidden by the line. If so, select the text box and bring it to the front (Control-Shift-K is the keyboard shortcut) Note: This step won't be needed if you place the line before you make the label.
    Thanks for the keyboard short-cut, but my problem is not solved yet, as shown in the attached VI.
    By the way, where did you find the frame with round corners (in the image you have provided)? The recessed frame available in LabVIEW 8.5 decoration palette does not have round corners.
    Test Example ‏5 KB

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    In the beginning of your report,
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    In the beginning of your report,
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    Not sure anyone will have an exact answer for you but, in addition to the suggestions already provided, you might want to try:
    So long as your active window is not the Browser, pressing Option & - or + will zoom out/in.
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    Take a look at the following article.
    It has some example code that probes the system for ports, and probes the ports for all implemented controls. Should be able to help you. A lot.

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    ALV Grid is editable if using the CL_GUI_ALV_GRID class.  See programs which start with BCALV_EDIT*
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         eventsMC.gotoAndPlay ("oct11");
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    Dear friends,
    i am working with the VA01 upload program.
    when i am uploading the multiple line items i am getting the error.
    i resoved the error and successfully upload the data for 3 line items.
    when i am upload the data for 10line items it was showing the error as the screen field doesn't exists.
    here i am attaching the logic
          V_KWMENG(20) TYPE C,
          V_KBETR(20) TYPE C,
          VAL(03) TYPE N VALUE 01.
    include bdcrecx1.
    perform open_group.
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMV45A' '0101'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'                              'VBAK-AUART'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'                              '/00'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'VBAK-AUART'                              WA_FINAL-AUART."'OR'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'VBAK-VKORG'                              WA_FINAL-VKORG."'1000'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'VBAK-VTWEG'                              WA_FINAL-VTWEG."'12'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'VBAK-SPART'                              WA_FINAL-SPART."'00'.
    perform bdc_dynpro      using 'SAPMV45A' '4001'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_OKCODE'                              '/00'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'BDC_CURSOR'                              'VBKD-BSTDK'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'VBKD-BSTKD'                              WA_FINAL-BSTKD."'PO TEST'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'VBKD-BSTDK'                              WA_FINAL-BSTDK."'03.02.2012'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'KUAGV-KUNNR'                             WA_FINAL-KUNAG." '1033'.
    perform bdc_field       using 'KUWEV-KUNNR'                             WA_FINAL-KUNWE." '1033'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_CURSOR'                                    V_KBETR."v_kwmeng.
    perform bdc_field using v_mabnr                                         WA_FINAL1-MATNR."wa_item-matnr.
    perform bdc_field using v_kwmeng                                        WA_FINAL1-KWMENG."wa_item-kwmeng.
    perform bdc_field using v_kbetr                                         WA_FINAL1-KBETR."wa_item-kwmeng.
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMV45A' '4001'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'                                    '/00'.
    VAL = VAL + 1.
    *VAL = 01.
    perform bdc_dynpro using 'SAPMV45A' '4001'.
    perform bdc_field using 'BDC_OKCODE'                                    '=SICH'.
    perform bdc_transaction using 'VA01'.
    perform close_group.
    i searched in SDN i found a lot of links but i can't find the proper document.
    can any one explain me clearly about adding the N line items and screen resolution logic.

    For screen resolution logic, you can pass the value 'X' into the variable CTU_PARAMS-DEFSIZE in the OPTIONS parameter of CALL TRANSACTION using BDC DATA.
                                                         MODE   CTUMODE
                                                         UPDATE CUPDATE
                                                         OPTIONS FROM OPT
                                                         MESSAGES INTO MESSTAB.
    DEFSIZE - Selects whether the screens of the called transaction are displayed in the standard screen size. Values: "X" (standard size), " " (current size).

  • Controlling root time line from a movie clip

    Ive been searching around for an hour or so and cant find anything that helping.
    Im using cs4 and actionscript 2.
    in my 2nd scene i have a movie clip with a roll over button inside, i need that button to control the root timeline and navigate around the site, how do i do this? this is what ive got and doesnt work -
    on (release) {
        _root.gotoAndPlay("main movie", 2);
    thanks for any help.

    Try using just a label name for the frame, no scene or frame number... Navigation for scene-based designs can be problematic.  It will save you some issues if you design using just one scene.

  • Captivate controlling FLASH time line

    Please forgive if this question has been asked before.
    Does anyone know if I can put Actionscipt or javascript into
    my Captivate project so when my movie ends it controls the timeline
    in FLASH? I'm importing my Captivate file into a flash file using
    the Loader Component in FLASH.
    Thoughts anyone?
    Thanks to all who respond!

    HI Chris
    As far as I'm aware, Captivate currently does not allow any
    form of ActionScript to be added. However, I believe that I have
    heard that ActionScript and JavaScript are very similar. So I'm
    assuming that if you can use JavaScript to control a Flash
    timeline, you can probably make it happen. However, I'm certainly
    not the person to tell you anything about how to go about making it
    happen. What I currently know about Flash would struggle to fill a
    small thimble. (but I'm working on it)
    Cheers... Rick

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