Controling Ink Limit while using effects and stroke and etc.

I've got intresting (for my opinion) and important question (for ones of printing press).
Usually there is restriction for Total Ink. Personaly for me it almost always 300. So it's if design or elements of it with overlay is made in Indesign then all those shadows, stroke with 100%K can produce much Total Ink.
For example you can have cyan:100%;yellow:100%;magenta:100%;black:0%. Now if above it is element with some color with stroke black:100% (default one) then Total Ink = 400!!! And it's enough if object itself with Total Ink to have stroke 100%K to make problems.
And, of course, all those effects can produce Total Ink much more that legit.
So, is there some normal way to control Total Ink in Indesign CS5? Or maybe there is something in CS6?
P.S. If question is hard to understand i can try to explain it some other way (english isn't my native language)

The choice of an output profile will control total ink for color conversions, but there is nothing in ID that prevents you from exceeding the limit with objects or colors you build in CMYK in the document. Nor is there a total ink flag in Live Preflight.
I think most printers would tell you that it's easier to contol a build with some percentage of black and reduced densities of  CMY (gray component replacement) than your 100/100/100/0 mix, so that's one thing you can try. It's also not much of a problem, or so I'm told by my printers, to exceed the ink limit by perhaps as much as 20% in a small area like a frame stroke, though I also try to avoid that.
It's easy to find areas of too much ink, though. Open the Transparency Preview panel and there is a Total Ink warning highlight available. It highlights total ink at or above the value set, so I would set it at perhaps 305% in your case.

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         //     Image image1;
              Image image2;
              String s="";
              String image_name="img2";
              public void init()
         //               Canvas c=new Canvas();
         //               image1=c.createImage(40, 40);
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                        g.drawString(s, 300, 300);
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                                  repaint(x, y, w, h);
                        else if((flags & ABORT) != 0)
                        return (flags & (ALLBITS|ABORT)) == 0;
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    i dont have enough time to look closer right now, but im pretty sure that:
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    flags && ABORT
    Nope, that isn't the problem here. & is the correct one to use.
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    Message was edited by: HerbertGJSB

    Hi and welcome to the forum!
    When you open up the affected clip in the viewer from the browser, does it still get tinted blue at the same point? If so, it is likely a problem with the lighting or the camera.
    Also, make sure you have rendered everything out (Option-R).

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    Please post your ActiveX feature testing scripts to the IE Web Developer forum.
    (f12>Debug tab, search for ActiveX.... you should be able to find code blocks where you are feature testing for your ActiveX controls eg var ourcontrol=new ActiveX('foobar');
    these code blocks will be the origin of the error messages that are injected into the page. (you can also search for where the "ActiveX control failed to load" string is in your code.)
    IE10 has ActiveX filtering.... a blue circle with a line through it appears in the Address bar if any ActiveX content is blocked by Tools>ActiveX filtering.
    IE10 has Enhanced protected Mode turned on by default in the Internet and Restricted Zones. I assume that you are mapping your test domain to the Intranet zone (where EPM is turned off by default and x32 bit controls are used.... if not you should see information
    bars asking for permission to run the 32bit activeX controls)
    Ensure you are using the Default IE security settings, (and also that you have applied the new admx files to your GPO and GPEdit control panels....)
    Tools>Internet Options>Security tab, click "Reset all zones to default".
    Ensure your test environment maps to the Intranet Zone (File>Properties) and that Enhanced Protected Mode is turned off for that zone (Security tab of Internet Options)
    Ensure that your ActiveX controls are enabled (Tools>Manage Addons>Show all Addons) and that they have the correct permissions..... find them in the Addons manager and then click the item in the list to display their properties and permissions... at
    the bottom of the Addons Properties there is a textarea with "You have approved this addon to run in the follow websites"... you testing and production domains should be listed.
    For the best solutions/answers you should probably open a support ticket at so a support engineer can access your testing environment and do some tests.

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    Thanks for your time,

    Hi Venkat,
    There is no specific frequency for data getting deleted from the live cache.
    It depend on the transactions which are taking place in R3 and APO.
    For eg. Sales orders create a requirement in the R3 which is transferred to APO.
    Now when this sales order is delivered, the requirements gets deleted from R3 and similarly from APO livecache. But this information does not get deleted from the APO database tables.
    So this report is used to delete R3 document data that is no longer required in APO.
    Cleaning of the database tables in APO leads to better performance.
    So as a best practice, this report should be scheduled to run weekly.
    Asheesh Gupta
    Message was edited by:
            asheesh gupta

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