Conversion from FTP to SFTP

Hi All,
I am using a FTP connection interface...there is a new requirement from one of the customer to have SFTP(SSH FTP)..But the current version of PI i use doesn’t support SFTP….i am looking for alternative approach for making FTP as SFTP.
can any one help me.

Hi Naresh,
Which version of PI are you using?
The new secure connectivity Add-on is available for free.
New ADD-ONs (B2B and SFTP-PGP) for SAP NetWeaver Process Orchestration: Released and Available
You can check OSS note 1695563 to see if your version supports the new SFTP adapter. Maybe if it does not, you can consider upgrading to the latest SP in order to support it.
Eng Swee

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  • Ftp to sftp conversion

    I am using one shell script for file transfer wich is currently using ftp.
    Now I have a requirment to use sftp instead of ftp.
    Below is the script which is being used for file transfer.....
    set -x
    # Command line parameters are
    # 1- File name
    # 2- Host
    # 3- User ID
    # 4- Password
    # 5-Virtual Folder
    # 6-Retry Interval
    # 7- No of Retries
    # 8- FTP result Directory
    #10- Ascii File Directory
    #echo $@ > /tmp/myparams.lst
    MAIL_TO_ADDR=[email protected]
    BASE=" "
    rm MY_DATA_FILE_SSS.log
    function connect
    ftp -nv $HOST > $LOG_DIR <<END_SCRIPT
    quote USER $USER
    quote PASS $PASSWD
    lcd $FILE_DIR
    if [ $FILE="MY_DATA_FILE" ] then
    quote site recfm=fb
    quote site lrecl=111
    while [ $I -lt $NUM_RETRIES ]
    if grep "Transfer complete" $LOG_DIR
    echo "Success"
    exit 0
    elif [ $I -lt $NUM_RETRIES ]
    # echo "Error1"
    echo "error"     
    exit 0
    SUBJECT="FTP to ${HOST} Done"
    mailx -s "${SUBJECT}" $MAIL_TO_ADDR < $LOG_DIR
    Can anybody help me to replace the ftp with sftp in this script?
    Thanks in Advance,

    It is not that difficult. The main difference is that sftp uses a different means of authentication. Thus the username and password (and ftp quote ) commands are not relevant.
    As for the sftp list of commands - very similar to ftp. I suggest that you try this conversion yourself. Will be a valuable exercise that will increase your knowledge.
    The list of commands:
    sftp> help
    Available commands:
    cd path                       Change remote directory to 'path'
    lcd path                      Change local directory to 'path'
    chgrp grp path                Change group of file 'path' to 'grp'
    chmod mode path               Change permissions of file 'path' to 'mode'
    chown own path                Change owner of file 'path' to 'own'
    df [path]                     Display statistics for current directory or
                                  filesystem containing 'path'
    help                          Display this help text
    get remote-path [local-path]  Download file
    lls [ls-options [path]]       Display local directory listing
    ln oldpath newpath            Symlink remote file
    lmkdir path                   Create local directory
    lpwd                          Print local working directory
    ls [path]                     Display remote directory listing
    lumask umask                  Set local umask to 'umask'
    mkdir path                    Create remote directory
    progress                      Toggle display of progress meter
    put local-path [remote-path]  Upload file
    pwd                           Display remote working directory
    exit                          Quit sftp
    quit                          Quit sftp
    rename oldpath newpath        Rename remote file
    rmdir path                    Remove remote directory
    rm path                       Delete remote file
    symlink oldpath newpath       Symlink remote file
    version                       Show SFTP version
    !command                      Execute 'command' in local shell
    !                             Escape to local shell
    ?                             Synonym for help

  • FTP to SFTP.

    My application is using ftp to connect to the server. but now it is going to change to sftp. For that I am not able to get what are the things in need to change in my ftp program to make it support for sftp. The following is the ftpbean class and the methods of the class are used by other classes. sftp is already installed and the environment is ready now. but I am not able to proceed where to modify the java..Please help.
    import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener;
    import java.beans.PropertyChangeSupport;
    import java.util.StringTokenizer;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class FtpBean
    private String server = ""; // server name
    private String user = ""; // user name
    private String replyMessage = ""; // reply message from server
    private String reply = ""; // reply to the command
    private Socket socket; // Socket for FTP connection
    private BufferedReader in; // Input for FTP connection
    private PrintWriter out; // Output for FTP connection
    private int port = 21; // FTP port number, default 21
    private boolean passive = true; // Passive mode transfer, default true
    // Needed for thread safety
    private int[] lock = new int[0]; // For synchronized locking
    private boolean acquired = false; // Count the number of acquire
    private Vector threadSpool = new Vector(); // Spool for the waiting threads
    // Needed for some Visual tools
    private PropertyChangeSupport pcs; // PropertyChangeSupport for visual tools
    final private boolean DEBUG = false; // True to turn on debug mode
    * Constructor
    public FtpBean()
    pcs = new PropertyChangeSupport(this);
    * Add PropertyChangeListener
    public void addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
    * removePropertyChangeListener
    public void removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener listener)
    * Connect to FTP server and login.
    * @param server Name of server
    * @param user User name for login
    * @param password Password for login
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur (eg. Login fail in this case).
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur
    public void ftpConnect(String server, String user, String password)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    if (DEBUG) // Debug message
    System.out.println("FtpBean: Connecting to server " + server);
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    // Set server name & user name
    try {
    // Create socket, get input & output stream
    socket = new Socket(server, port);
    in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(socket.getInputStream()));
    out = new PrintWriter(socket.getOutputStream(), true);
    // Read reply code when get connected
    if (DEBUG) // Debug message
    System.out.println("FtpBean: Connected");
    // Login
    ftpLogin(user, password); // check if login success
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Close FTP connection.
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur
    public void close()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    if (out == null)
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    if (!reply.startsWith("221"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    // Set server name & user name to ""
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Delete a file at the FTP server.
    * @param filename Name of the file to be deleted.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. no such file in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void fileDelete(String fileName)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    ftpCommand("DELE " + fileName);
    if (!reply.startsWith("250"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Rename a file at the FTP server.
    * @param oldFileName The name of the file to be renamed
    * @param newFileName The new name of the file
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. A file named the new file name already in this case.)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void fileRename(String oldFileName, String newFileName)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire this object
    try {
    ftpCommand("RNFR " + oldFileName);
    if (!reply.startsWith("350"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    ftpCommand("RNTO " + newFileName);
    if (!reply.startsWith("250"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    private boolean isSameSystem()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    String sysType = getSystemType();
    return (sysType.toUpperCase().indexOf("WINDOWS") < 0);
    * @param ftpFile Name of file to be get from the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param localFile File name of local file
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. No such file in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    * @see FtpObserver
    public void getAsciiFile(String ftpFile, String localFile)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    getAsciiFile(ftpFile, localFile, null);
    * @param ftpFile Name of file to be get from the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param localFile File name of local file
    * @param observer The FtpObserver which monitor this downloading progress
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. No such file in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    * @see FtpObserver
    public void getAsciiFile(String ftpFile, String localFile, FtpObserver observer)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    if (isSameSystem()) {
    getBinaryFile(ftpFile, localFile, observer);
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    setTransferType(true); // Set transfer type to ascii
    Socket sock = null;
    try {
    sock = getDataSocket("RETR " + ftpFile, 0);
    // Read bytes from server and write to file.
    BufferedReader din = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sock.getInputStream()));
    PrintWriter dout = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(localFile)));
    char[] cbuf = new char[2048];
    int n;
    while ((n =, 0, cbuf.length)) != -1) {
    if (skipLineSepFilter())
    dout.write(cbuf, 0, n);
    else {
    // filter DOS line-sep to UNIX line-sep
    String data = filterLineSep(cbuf, n);
    dout.write(data, 0, data.length());
    if (observer != null)
    String data = null;
    while ((data = din.readLine()) != null) {
    if (observer != null)
    observer.byteRead(data.length() + 1);
    if (!reply.startsWith("226"))
    throw new FtpException(reply); // transfer incomplete
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    public void putAsciiFile(String localFile, String remoteFile, FtpObserver observer)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    // if file is to be transferred to MF, without slash, exec quote site cmd
    if (!remoteFile.startsWith("/"))
    Socket sock = null;
    try {
    // Read bytes from local file and write to a server.
    BufferedReader din = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(localFile));
    sock = getDataSocket("STOR " + remoteFile, 0);
    PrintWriter dout = new PrintWriter(new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(sock.getOutputStream())));
    String data = null;
    while ((data = din.readLine()) != null) {
    if (observer != null)
    observer.byteWrite(data.length() + 1);
    if (DEBUG) // Debug message
    System.out.println("FtpBean: Reply is " + reply);
    Changed manner of checking if transfer is complete by checking the
    string Transfer Complete in the reply.
    For UNIX: Reply is 226 Transfer complete.
    For MF: Reply is 250 Transfer completed successfully.
    //if (!reply.startsWith("226"))
    int m = 0;
    if ((m = reply.indexOf("Transfer complete")) < 0)
    throw new FtpException(reply); // transfer incomplete
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Read file from ftp server and write to a file in local hard disk.
    * This method is much faster than those method which return a byte array<br>
    * if the network is fast enough.<br>
    * <br>Remark:<br>
    * Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param ftpFile Name of file to be get from the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param localFile Name of local file to be write, can be in full path.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. No such file in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void getBinaryFile(String ftpFile, String localFile)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    getBinaryFile(ftpFile, localFile, 0, null);
    * Read file from ftp server and write to a file in local hard disk.
    * This method is much faster than those method which return a byte array<br>
    * if the network is fast enough.<br>
    * <br>Remark:<br>
    * Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param ftpFile Name of file to be get from the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param localFile Name of local file to be write, can be in full path.
    * @param restart Restarting point
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. No such file in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void getBinaryFile(String ftpFile, String localFile, long restart)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    getBinaryFile(ftpFile, localFile, restart, null);
    * Read file from ftp server and write to a file in local hard disk.
    * This method is much faster than those method which return a byte array<br>
    * if the network is fast enough.<br>
    * <br>Remark:<br>
    * Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param ftpFile Name of file to be get from the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param localFile Name of local file to be write, can be in full path.
    * @param observer The FtpObserver which monitor this downloading progress
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. No such file in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    * @see FtpObserver
    public void getBinaryFile(String ftpFile, String localFile, FtpObserver observer)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    getBinaryFile(ftpFile, localFile, 0, observer);
    * Read from a ftp file and restart at a specific point.
    * This method is much faster than those method which return a byte array<br>
    * if the network is fast enough.<br>
    * Remark:<br>
    * Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param ftpFile Name of file to be get from the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param localFile File name of local file
    * @param restart Restarting point, ignored if equal or less than zero.
    * @param observer The FtpObserver which monitor this downloading progress
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. No such file in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    * @see FtpObserver
    public void getBinaryFile(String ftpFile, String localFile, long restart, FtpObserver observer)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    setTransferType(false); // Set transfer type to binary
    Socket sock = null;
    try {
    sock = getDataSocket("RETR " + ftpFile, restart);
    // Read bytes from server and write to file.
    BufferedInputStream din = new BufferedInputStream(sock.getInputStream());
    RandomAccessFile dout = new RandomAccessFile(localFile, "rw");;
    byte[] data = new byte[1024];
    int n;
    while ((n = != -1) {
    dout.write(data, 0, n);
    if (observer != null)
    if (!reply.startsWith("226"))
    throw new FtpException(reply); // transfer incomplete
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Read a file from local hard disk and write to the server.
    * <br>Remark:<br>
    * <br>Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param local_file Name of local file, can be in full path.
    * @param remoteFile Name of file in the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void putBinaryFile(String localFile, String remoteFile)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    putBinaryFile(localFile, remoteFile, 0, null);
    * Read a file from local hard disk and write to the server.
    * <br>Remark:<br>
    * <br>Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param localFile Name of local file, can be in full path.
    * @param remoteFile Name of file in the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param observer The FtpObserver which monitor this uploading progress.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void putBinaryFile(String localFile, String remoteFile, FtpObserver observer)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    putBinaryFile(localFile, remoteFile, 0, observer);
    * Read a file from local hard disk and write to the server with restarting point.
    * Remark:<br>
    * Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param localFile Name of local file, can be in full path.
    * @param remoteFile Name of file in the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param restart The restarting point, ignored if less than or greater than zero.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void putBinaryFile(String localFile, String remoteFile, long restart)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    putBinaryFile(localFile, remoteFile, restart, null);
    * Read a file from local hard disk and write to the server with restarting point.
    * Remark:<br>
    * Cannot be used in unsigned applet.
    * @param localFile Name of local file, can be in full path.
    * @param remoteFile Name of file in the ftp server, can be in full path.
    * @param observer The FtpObserver which monitor this uploading progress
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void putBinaryFile(String localFile, String remoteFile, long restart, FtpObserver observer)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    Socket sock = null;
    try {
    RandomAccessFile din = new RandomAccessFile(localFile, "r");
    sock = getDataSocket("STOR " + remoteFile, restart);
    if (restart > 0);
    DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(sock.getOutputStream());
    byte[] data = new byte[1024];
    int n;
    while ((n = != -1) {
    dout.write(data, 0, n);
    if (observer != null)
    Changed manner of checking if transfer is complete by checking the
    string Transfer Complete in the reply.
    For UNIX: Reply is 226 Transfer complete.
    For MF: Reply is 250 Transfer completed successfully.
    //if (!reply.startsWith("226"))
    int m = 0;
    if ((m = reply.indexOf("Transfer complete")) < 0)
    throw new FtpException(reply); // transfer incomplete
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Get current directory name.
    * @return The name of the current directory.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur.
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public String getDirectory()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    if (!reply.startsWith("257"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    int first = reply.indexOf("\"");
    int last = reply.lastIndexOf("\"");
    return reply.substring(first + 1, last);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Change directory.
    * @param directory Name of directory
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void setDirectory(String directory)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    ftpCommand("CWD " + directory);
    if (!reply.startsWith("250"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Change to parent directory.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void toParentDirectory()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    if (!reply.startsWith("250"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Get the content of current directory
    * @return A FtpListResult object, return null if it is not connected.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    * @see FtpListResult
    public FtpListResult getDirectoryContent()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    String strList = getDirectoryContentAsString();
    FtpListResult ftpList = new FtpListResult();
    ftpList.parseList(strList, getSystemType());
    return ftpList;
    * Get the content of current directory.
    * @return A list of directories, files and links in the current directory.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public String getDirectoryContentAsString()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    StringBuffer list = new StringBuffer(""); // Directory list
    Socket sock = null; // Socket to establish data connection
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    // get DataSocket for the LIST command.
    // As no restarting point, send 0.
    sock = getDataSocket("LIST", 0);
    BufferedReader din = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(sock.getInputStream()));
    // Read bytes from server.
    String line;
    while ((line = din.readLine()) != null)
    if (!reply.startsWith("226"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    return list.toString();
    * Make a directory in the server.
    * @param directory The name of directory to be made.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void makeDirectory(String directory)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    ftpCommand("MKD " + directory);
    if (!reply.startsWith("257"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Remove a directory in the server
    * @param directory The name of directory to be removed
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. permission denied in this case)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void removeDirectory(String directory)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    ftpCommand("RMD " + directory);
    if (!reply.startsWith("250"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Execute a command using ftp.
    * e.g. chmod 700 file
    * @param exec The command to execute.
    * @exception FtpException if a ftp error occur. (eg. command not understood)
    * @exception IOException if an I/O error occur.
    public void execute(String exec)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    ftpCommand("SITE " + exec);
    if (!reply.startsWith("200"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    private String _ftpSystemType = null;
    * Get the type of operating system of the server.
    * Return null if it is not currently connected to any ftp server.
    * @return Name of the operating system.
    public String getSystemType()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    if (_ftpSystemType != null)
    return _ftpSystemType;
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    try {
    if (!reply.startsWith("215"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    _ftpSystemType = reply.substring(4);
    return _ftpSystemType;
    finally {
    release(); // Release the object
    * Return the port number
    public int getPort()
    return port;
    * Set port number if the port number of ftp is not 21
    public void setPort(int port)
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    pcs.firePropertyChange("port", new Integer(this.port), new Integer(port));
    this.port = port;
    release(); // Release the object
    * Return the server name. Return "" if it is not connected to any server.
    public String getServerName()
    return server;
    * Return the user name. Return "" if it is not connected to any server.
    public String getUserName()
    return user;
    * Get reply of the last command.
    * @return Reply of the last comomand<br>for example: 250 CWD command successful
    public String getReply()
    return reply;
    * Get reply message of the last command.
    * @return Reply message of the last command<br>for example:<br>
    * 250-Please read the file README<br>
    * 250-it was last modified on Wed Feb 10 21:51:00 1999 - 268 days ago
    public String getReplyMessage()
    return replyMessage;
    * Return true if it is using passive transfer mode.
    public boolean isPassiveModeTransfer()
    return passive;
    * Set passive transfer mode. Default is true.
    * @param passive Using passive transfer if true.
    public void setPassiveModeTransfer(boolean passive)
    acquire(); // Acquire the object
    pcs.firePropertyChange("passiveModeTransfer", new Boolean(this.passive), new Boolean(passive));
    this.passive = passive;
    if (DEBUG) // debug message
    System.out.println("FtpBean: Set passive transfer - " + passive);
    release(); // Release the object
    * Close the Socket, input and output stream
    private void closeSocket()
    throws IOException
    _ftpSystemType = null;
    in = null;
    out = null;
    socket = null;
    * Read the respond message from the server's inputstream and assign to replyMessage
    private void getRespond()
    throws IOException
    String line = "";
    String replyMessage = "";
    while (true) {
    // Problem.....
    line = in.readLine();
    if (!checkReply(line))
    replyMessage = replyMessage.concat(line).concat("\n");
    * Login to server, using FTP commands "USER" and "PASS"
    * @param user FTP username
    * @param password FTP Password
    private void ftpLogin(String user, String password)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    ftpCommand("USER " + user); // send user name
    ftpCommand("PASS " + password); // send password
    if (!reply.startsWith("230")) {
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    * Send FTP command to the server.
    * @param command The command to be sent
    private void ftpCommand(String command)
    throws IOException
    if (DEBUG) {  // Debug message
    if (command.startsWith("PASS"))
    System.out.println("FtpBean: Send password");
    System.out.println("FtpBean: Send command \"" + command + "\"");
    out.print(command + "\r\n"); // Send command
    * Establish data connection for transfer
    private Socket getDataSocket(String command, long restart)
    throws IOException, FtpException
    Socket sock = null;
    ServerSocket ssock = null;
    // Establish data conncetion using passive or active mode.
    if (passive)
    sock = getPassiveDataSocket();
    ssock = getActiveDataSocket();
    // Send the restart command if it is greater than zero
    if (restart > 0) {
    ftpCommand("REST " + restart);
    if (!reply.startsWith("350"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    // Send commands like LIST, RETR and STOR
    // These commands will return 125 or 150 when success.
    if (!(reply.startsWith("125") || reply.startsWith("150")))
    throw new FtpException(reply); // command file
    // Get Socket object for active mode.
    if (!passive)
    sock = ssock.accept();
    return sock;
    * Establish data connection in passive mode using "PASV" command
    * Change the server to passive mode.
    * by the command "PASV", it will return its address
    * and port number that it will listen to.
    * Create a Socket object to that address and port number.
    * Then return the Socket object.
    private Socket getPassiveDataSocket()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    if (!reply.startsWith("227"))
    throw new FtpException(reply);
    // array that holds the outputed address and port number.
    String[] address = new String[6];
    // put the 'reply' to the array 'address'
    StringTokenizer t = new StringTokenizer(reply, ",");
    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
    address[i] = t.nextToken();
    // Get port number.
    // Erase all other characters except the port number
    // which is at the beginning of the string
    String lastPort = "";
    int num = 3;
    if (address[5].length() < 3)
    num = address[5].length();
    for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) {
    if (Character.isDigit(address[5].charAt(i)))
    lastPort = lastPort + address[5].charAt(i);
    // assign last port number to address[5]
    address[5] = lastPort;
    // Get the port number
    // Left shift the first number by 8
    int newPort = (Integer.parseInt(address[4]) << 8) + Integer.parseInt(address[5]);
    // Create a new socket object
    Socket sock = new Socket(getServerName(), newPort);
    return sock;
    * Establish data connection in active mode using "PORT" command.
    * It create a ServerSocket object to listen for a port number in local machine.
    * Use port command to tell the server which port the local machine is listenning.
    * Return the ServerSocket object.
    private ServerSocket getActiveDataSocket()
    throws IOException, FtpException
    int[] portNumbers = new int[6]; // Array that contains
    // Get ip address of local machine. ip address and port numbers
    String localAddr = socket.getLocalAddress().getHostAddress();
    // Assign the ip address of local machine to the array.
    StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(localAddr, ".");
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
    portNumbers[i] = Integer.parseInt(st.nextToken());
    ServerSocket ssocket = new ServerSocket(0); // ServerSocket to listen to a random free port number
    int localPort = ssocket.getLocalPort(); // The port number it is listenning to
    // Assign port numbers the array
    portNumbers[4] = ((localPort & 0xff00) >> 8);
    portNumbers[5] = (localPort & 0x00ff);
    // Send "PORT" command to s

    You would have to pick a library to do that. There are several commercial libraries. Out of the open source ones, the most mature one seems to be Ganymed SSH-2.

  • How to copy/send text file from FTPS to SAP ECC File Port

    Hi Frdns,
    I am working on one design, actually my requirement as follows
    I am receiving financial information document from Banks, which is in the form of BIA2 message format, it looks like text file. This information needs to be sending to SAP ECC system.
    I identified some approaches to full fill the requirement
    1)Using Conversion agent/or third party tools to convert BIA2 message in to XML, then using PI I will pick up the XML message, convert it in to IDoc.
    2)Without any conversion I will copy the same file (original BIA2 message) in to SAP ECC file port, in this case no conversion required, calling some program I will schedule it.
    I am looking forward t implement the second approach because it saves lot of money to my client.
    Now I am wondering using File adapter can i copy to SAP ECC File Port or I required ABAP proxy?
    What is the best approach to copy the BIA message text file from FTPS to SAP ECC File Port.??

    Hi Raja,
    >>Now I am wondering using File adapter can i copy to SAP ECC File Port or I required ABAP proxy?
    Yes you can do this copy, the only restriction that can happen is the file size.. If you are sure that the fiel will be of few MB at the max then you can use the Configuration part alone and copy it to ECC folder. For doing this you need the following:
    1. Sender agreement (mention the sender interface as anything XYZ)
    2. Sender communication channel. Pick the file in binary mode
    3. Receiver determination (keep both the sender and receiver service as same)
    4. Interface Detemiantion (dont specify any mapping and keep the receiver interface name as XYZ)
    5. Create receiver agreement (with same service and interface)
    6. Use file adapter here

  • File adapter stops pulling files from ftp

    i defined a communication channel in this way:
    adapter type:  File
    transport protocol: FTP
    message protocol: file content conversion
    data connction: passive
    connect mode: permanently
    Quality of service: exacly once.
    somtimes the channel stops working -  no indication in message monitioring or communication channel monitoring of any error.
    the only way to get it to again and start pulling files again from ftp is to set it to inactive, save, activate, set it to active, save,
    activate. somtimes this operation needs to be repeated more than once until it starts working again.
    the only relevant note i found is: 999791
    but this note was already implemented on my system.
    Does anyone know what could be the problem?

    In communication channel monitoring, is it so happening that channel is working but it is not fetching any data?
    If this is the case, that  means, your channel must be getting locked.
    For this the solution we have implemented is, in advanced tab, we have mentioned the parameter as 'taskTimeout' and
    have assigned the value of 300sec to it.
    That means, aftr 300 sec, channel will be unlocked (if at all it is locked) and try to fetch the data again.
    If this is not the case with you, then pls explain the issue in detail.

  • FTPS or SFTP for file scenario. Suggstions

    I have searched blog in sdn but do not get good blogs/links.
    For File scenario which to use FTPS or SFTP.
    How to do the configuration in XI and Visual admin.
    Full points will be awarded.

    1) SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol)
    "SSH File Transfer Protocol" or SFTP is a network protocol that provides file transfer and manipulation functionality over any reliable data stream. It is typically used with the SSH-2 protocol to provide secure file transfer. SFTP encrypts the session, preventing the casual detection of username, password or anything that is being transmitted. One key benefit to SFTP is its ability to handle multiple secure file transfers over a single encrypted pipe. By using a single encrypted pipe, there are fewer holes in the corporate firewall.
    As per the latest SAP PI/XI support pack, it does not support SFTP via File Adapter.
    So alternative approach to cater this requirement from XI is to make use of Unix Script at OS level to transfer the files from/to third-party systems.
    Inbound Interface - i.e. third-party system ->XI->SAP: 
    File is transferred to a folder in SAP XI landscape from the third-party legacy system using UNIX Script with secured protocol. Once the file is ready in the XI landscape, File Adapter will poll this directory and file is picked up by NFS protocol.
    Outbound Interface – i.e. SAP->XI->third-party system: 
    XI is responsible for writing a file into a folder in the XI landscape. These files are transferred to the third-party system by executing UNIX scripts with secured protocol i.e. via sFTP.
    Public key should be exchanged between external systems and the PI system.
    UNIX shell script has to be developed and scheduled.
    Highly Secured.
    Ability to handle multiple secure file transfers over a single encrypted pipe .By using a single encrypted pipe, there are fewer holes in the corporate firewall.
    Two-Step process i.e. XI>Temporary folder>External System and vice-versa
    Files have to be temporarily stored in XI server.
    Multiple failure points i.e. XI and Unix script execution
    Maintenance of an external UNIX script.
    Difficulty in monitoring the execution of the shell script as it cannot be monitored thru XI.
    Need to generate keys and install it in the SFTP site as a pre-requisite i.e. SFTP clients must install keys on the server.
    SFTP uses keys rather than certificates. This means that it can't take advantage of the "chains of trust" paradigm facilitated through Certificate Authorities.
    Files from the XI server should be deleted/archived in a periodic manner to increase the disc space so that it will increase the performance.
    Note: UNIX shell Script can be executed as a background job ‘or' can be triggered from SAP XI through OS command at File adapter level.
    Secure FTP (SSH) with the FTP Adapter
    Secured File Transfer using SAP XI
    Secure FTP in SAP XI
    SFTP (FTP over SSH) in XI
    encryption adapters or how to secure data
    Reward points if Helpful

  • Oracle B2B 11g question about pulling data from remote TP sftp server

    We would like replace our custom b2b solution with oracle b2b, but without resulting much changes in remote TP side. To do that the following issues are to be resolved.
    1) in the existing custom b2b, host tp is pulling data from remote TP location. How does oracle b2b pull data from remote location using sftp(AS1 1.1)? Oracle document says that by using global listening channel, we can make oracle b2b listen to the sftp server? Is that correct? Is there any sample about how to configure and test it.
    2) For outbound file we would like to preserve the file name. If you use sftp for sending the file out, is it possible to preserve the filename?
    3) Some incoming files which are datafiles , does not have any identification pattern. Is there any other way to identify the document type? For example from which location we are pulling the file can tell us the document type.

    1) in the existing custom b2b, host tp is pulling data from remote TP location. How does oracle b2b pull data from remote location using sftp(AS1 1.1)? Oracle document says that by using global listening channel, we can make oracle b2b listen to the sftp server? Is that correct? Is there any sample about how to configure and test it. I am not sure what do you mean by AS1 1.1 but yes, SFTP is supported in Oracle B2B and if you want to poll a SFTP location, then you need to create a listening channel in Oracle B2B. For creating a listening channel, please refer -
    2) For outbound file we would like to preserve the file name. If you use sftp for sending the file out, is it possible to preserve the filename?Yes, it is possible. There is a setting "Preserve Filename" in transport protocol parameter of a SFTP channel which should be enabled for this purpose.
    3) Some incoming files which are datafiles , does not have any identification pattern. Is there any other way to identify the document type? For example from which location we are pulling the file can tell us the document type. In case of FTP/FILE/SFTP, file name can be used to pass document type and revision information to Oracle B2B. Please refer "Filename format" setting on the above mentioned link.
    I figured it out from another thread about how to pull the file. I configured the listening channel so that it reads from a remote server using sftpo protocol. And I have given the filename format as %FROM_PARTY%.dat. I am putting a file like TESTBC.dat. TESTBC is the name of the remote TP. B2B is reading the file but, recognizes the document tupe, but says that FromTP null. What is the solution?
    Make sure that TP name is same as what you are giving in filename (cross-check for spelling). You may also try with default naming convention (do not mention anything in Filename format in listening channel configuration) - %FROM_PARTY%_%TIMESTAMP%.dat
    for eg -

  • Stetting up FTP and SFTP adapters for the same interface

    I have a situation in which client has a requirement to setup both FTP and SFTP adapters (from adapetive adapters) for the same interface. They want to have a copy of file locally and also want a file to be sent out securly using SFTP. In my interface which was previously developed they have used one business system and added FTP and SFTP to the same. If try to add new Receiver Agreement it will say that the object already exists as the Interface Mapping is same.
    Please send me any suggestions which would resolve my problem

    Hi Hari,
    As you cannot create two Receiver agreement using only one receiver interface , please create a new receiver Interface, add that in interface determination step and then assing a different channel to new receiver agreement.
    If your requirement is to store the file ,i would suggest write the file in your unix directory using NFS( /usr/sap...). then run a AFT job (if already set up in your landscape) to transfer file securly to target destination.Not sure if its feasible in your case otherwise you can use  SFTP for the secure transfer.
    Best Regards

  • FTP (using SFTP) Reponse in Java

    How can i get some response from the server saying that file uploaded successfully?
         public void doUpload() throws IOException {
              SshParameters params = new SshParameters(ftpHostname, ftpUsername,
              Sftp ftp = new Sftp(params);
              ftp.addSftpListener(new ConnectToUpload());
              String listing = ftp.getDirListingAsString();
              ftp.setLocalDir(new File("C:/tmp"));
              System.out.println("Connection is FTP Site : " + ftpHostname
                        + " has now disconnected");

    Hi I added the following to my code
              InputStream fis = null;
              byte buf[] = new byte[8192];
    and get a [B@186db541199 reply
    I am not sure what does this mean or does is mean anything                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • Apple Remote Desktop vs. FTP vs SFTP vs PC

    Complex one this, and its driving me mad - can anyone advise
    Background: two small networks in different locations with different ISPs. Both behind routers. All necessary ports opened. The primary objective was to have access between two macs to allow Remote Control and file sharing via FTP or, better still, SFTP (using Transmit). Everything was fine and the Macs could connect to each other everywhich way.
    Then I was forced to do a complete reinstall on one of the macs
    Current situation: Remote Desktop continues to work fine both ways. The (Intel) Mac with the reinstall will only connect via SFTP (FTP times out). The other Mac will not communicate with the Intel Mac at all with either FTP or SFTP. But the PC alongside it will connect using FTP through the same router
    Any clues?

    Just had some success establishing the SFTP connections in both directions.
    Trying to SFTP into the Intel mac here reported a message:
    Aug 13 16:03:08 BigMac Fetch 5.2.1 (5C263): IT IS POSSIBLE THAT SOMEONE IS DOING SOMETHING NASTY!
    Aug 13 16:03:08 BigMac Fetch 5.2.1 (5C263): Someone could be eavesdropping on you right now (man-in-the-middle attack)!
    Aug 13 16:03:08 BigMac Fetch 5.2.1 (5C263): It is also possible that the RSA host key has just been changed.
    Aug 13 16:03:08 BigMac Fetch 5.2.1 (5C263): The fingerprint for the RSA key sent by the remote host is
    Aug 13 16:03:08 BigMac Fetch 5.2.1 (5C263): xxxxxx (number deleted)
    Aug 13 16:03:08 BigMac Fetch 5.2.1 (5C263): Please contact your system administrator.
    Aug 13 16:03:08 BigMac Fetch 5.2.1 (5C263): Add correct host key in /Users/PP/.ssh/known_hosts to get rid of this message.
    Aug 13 16:03:08 BigMac Fetch 5.2.1 (5C263): Offending key in /Users/PP/.ssh/known_hosts:1
    Aug 13 16:03:08 BigMac Fetch 5.2.1 (5C263): RSA host key for xx.xx.xx.xx has changed and you have requested strict checking.
    Aug 13 16:03:08 BigMac Fetch 5.2.1 (5C263): Host key verification failed.
    I guess the host number changed as a result of the earlier system reinstall
    Anyhow, I made hidden files visible using Tinker Tool, found the known_hosts file in the Home/.ssh folder - then deleted its contents on both machines
    When I went to log on using SFTP in Fetch, there was a brief "are you sure" king of warning then it connected. This worked in both directions
    Still can't get the FTP working in either direction though.
    Trying to connect From the Intel to the Mac I get:
    Fetch 5.2.1 (5C263): Fetch could not get the file list because data connections were blocked by both a firewall at the server and by the Mac OS X firewall. (Ask the server administrator to allow passive mode data connections through their firewall, or turn off the Mac OS X firewall in the Sharing pane of System Preferences.)
    From Mac to Intel I get:
    Fetch 5.2.1 (5C263): Fetch could not get the file list because the connection was refused. (Contact the server administrator for more information.)
    Logs show that a communication is taking place between the computers, but the ipfw.log shows a "12190 Deny TCP" message

  • Getting ÿþ as saved conversations from Lync in Outlook in Office 2013

    I've been trying to get to the bottom of this and have found similar posts, but no one seems to have an answer.
    When I IM someone using Lync 2013, they get a pop up notification but instead of the message they see ÿþ<.  Once they open the chat window, they can see my typed text.  Occasionally, certain people can't see the first line of my chat, but as
    long as they keep the chat window open, they can see everything new I type.
    All my conversations that are saved in outlook show ÿþ< for the text and are unreadable.  I've disabled the saving of conversations because they have become worthless.
    I believe it has to do with BOM but have not been able to find a way to fix this.
    If I copy a conversation from the chat window and paste it into Microsoft Word it shows ÿþ<, but if I paste it into notepad the conversation appears.
    (I had inserted a screenshot here, but am unable to because I am unable to figure out how to get my account "verified")
    I've tried changing the preferred encoding for outgoing messages: to Unicode (UTF-8) in Outlook, but this had no effect and I can't find a similar option in Lync 2013.
    (I had inserted a screenshot here, but am unable to because I am unable to figure out how to get my account "verified")
    I enabled logging for Lync and the event IDs that come up are 1, 11 and 12, to which I cannot find any information for at the moment.
    Any help and or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Did the issue happen only for you or for multiple users?
    Please try to delete Lync User Profile and information on Registry, then repair Office 2013.
    The path of Lync User Profile: %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync
    The path for information on Registry: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\[email protected]
    Then test the issue again.
    Best Regards,
    Eason Huang
    Eason Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Error while downloading PDF file from FTP Server

    Hi Friends,
    I have sent a PDF file with data to FTP , Then i want to check that uploaded pdf file , whether that is correct or not?
    for that , i have downloaded that file from FTP and i am trying to open the file . but it is giving this problem .
    "There was an error opening the document . The file is damaged and could not be repaired."
    will you suggest me regarding this.
    thanks in advance.

           SRC_SPOOLID                    = spoolno
                src_spoolid                    = wa_file-rqident
                no_dialog                      = ' '
          DST_DEVICE                     =
          PDF_DESTINATION                =
                pdf_bytecount                  = numbytes
                pdf_spoolid                    = pdfspoolid
          OTF_PAGECOUNT                  =
                btc_jobname                    = jobname
                btc_jobcount                   = jobcount
                pdf                            = pdf
                err_no_otf_spooljob            = 1
                err_no_spooljob                = 2
                err_no_permission              = 3
                err_conv_not_possible          = 4
                err_bad_dstdevice              = 5
                user_cancelled                 = 6
                err_spoolerror                 = 7
                err_temseerror                 = 8
                err_btcjob_open_failed         = 9
                err_btcjob_submit_failed       = 10
                err_btcjob_close_failed        = 11.
    because of this one PDF internal table is obtained.
      LOOP AT pdf.
        CONCATENATE pdf-tdformat       "Material group
                     pdf-TDLINE       "Basic Material
               INTO ITEXT-TLINE ..

  • Problem while reading the file from FTP server

    Hi Friends,
    I have a problem while fetching files from FTP server.
    I used FTP_Connect, FTP_COMMAND function modules. I can able to put the files into FTP server.
    but I cant able to pick the files from FTP server.
    anyone have faced similar issues kindly let me know.

    try this way..
    for reading the file using FTP you need to use different unix command ..

  • How to read .xls file from FTP server t oInternal table

    am using the FTP_SERVER_TO_R3 to read xls file from FTP server to internal table
    but the data i get in LT_TEXT is special characters.
    handle = hdl
    fname = f_name "ProdDataFromCRM.xls.
    BLOB = lt_text
    * TEXT = lt_text
    DATA_ERROR = 3
    OTHERS = 4
    can any one help me out to get the exact data..
    Really appreciate your quick response..
    Thank You

    Hi, if you really retrieve an excel file, you can not see the data in ABAP. You may see them in Excel. For this you may use
    CALL METHOD document->open_document_from_table
    of the interface i_oi_document_proxy for OLE objects. You can access the data with reference to the interface i_oi_spreadsheet.
    Please check [Desktop Office Integration (BC-CI)|] for details.
    But, who knows, perhaps you want "And Now For Something Completely Different".

  • Need to copy .txt file from FTP server and downloaded on local server directory.

    I need to figure out a way to copy .txt file from ftp server in local server directory using sql jobs.

    Below links will help achieving it:

Maybe you are looking for