Convert canon 60D for FCE.

im using the canon 60D. footage is shot at full 1080p HD at 24p. how do i import into FCE? question 2 i also purchased action essentials 2 stock FX footage 720p High Definition: [ 1280 X 720 ] The 720p Version is ideal for SD and 720p work but many of the elements work great with 1080i projects as well. Especially effects like muzzle flashes and bullet holes, which are generally smaller in the frame how do i import footage into FCE? i am really clueless and stumped... any suggestions on my problem...thanks
Message was edited by: angeluvp

im using the canon 60D. footage is shot at full 1080p HD at 24p. how do i >import into FCE?
You can't directly.
An app like Streamclip can transcode to a QuickTime file that FCE can use.
Use one of the HD FCE Easy Setup specs as the template for the Streamclip settings.
Seems like a 720p Easy Setup may be a good place to start.

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    I have the ADVC-100 (older model) and ADVC-110. They are identical except that the ADVC-110 does not come with an AC power adapter. Currently sells for about $220USD. If all you need to do is convert from HI8 tapes, the ADVC100/110 will do the job quite nicely.
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    MartinR wrote:
    I'm thinking the problem is you are missing an audio codec required for this Casio Exilim video. Your camera specs say that it records MJPEG in an AVI container with a spec for WAV audio. You also indicated that the VLC media player said it was MS audio.
    when I open a avi file in mpeg streamclip these are the specs that are listed under "show stream info"
    Stream: CIMG1281.AVI
    Path: ~/Documents/CIMG1281.AVI
    Duration: 0:00:35
    Data Size: 26.65 MB
    Bit Rate: 6.25 Mbps
    Video Tracks:
    Motion JPEG OpenDML, 640 × 480, 29.97 fps, 6.17 Mbps
    Audio Tracks:
    DVI IMA mono, 22.05 kHz, 89 kbps
    Stream Files:
    CIMG1281.AVI (26.65 MB)
    MartinR wrote:
    Have you tried the Perian plugin for QuickTime. It adds support for playback of AVI files, which seems to have fixed the no-audio problem for a bunch of other people.
    Yes, I have perian installed. I even tried reinstalling both to be sure.

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    You may be in luck:
    The 60D is from late 2010 and is only supported by Camera Raw/DNG Converter 6.2 or later.
    According to this page, 6.4 was the last version to run on a PowerPC: mac-systems.html

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    Which program converts with higher quality, MPEG Streamclip or Compressor...
    Both use the installed QuickTime frameworks. The quality will be identical.
    ..and once in edit in FCP with Pro Res LT am I not using a much lower quality image?
    No. You will not see a difference. LT is absolutely fine for the images you aquired.
    I'm trying to get a gist of the procedure for editing Pro Res and then delivering to a client.
    Only the client / broadcaster can tell you that. Ask them for a copy of their delivery specifications.
    While there are general guidlines, they usually specify permitted signal levels etc. But there will be a huge difference in what formats you can deliver to a local PBS compared with a national network.

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    For future reference, you will most likely get more knowledgeable answers if you post in the FCP forum where the folks who use the product regularly hang out: x

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    Is the quality of the HD1010 better?
    Or can someone recommend Canon (HF100?) or Sony?

    Please have a look at these cutouts of your examples:
    During horizontal movements it doesn't look very good too. Why...?
    I looked for other 1920 x 1080 sample movies on Vimeo, and most of them looked MUCH better than yours:
    (I could only watch the MOVs and MP4s -- no MPGs, AVIs and WMVs -- where can I find the right plugins for QT...?)
    ========== MP4 ========== : aadff6d1&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    PLAYS FINE! 75b79139&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    PLAYS FINE! de439e7d&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    PLAYS FINE! 058a9157&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    "Camera Settings: FXP (of course), 24P, Cine. No post processing was done other than inverse telecine to get the true 24p"
    PLAYS FINE! a70b197d&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    "This exportation is on Sony Avc codec. Vimeo has problems with this codec upload: the message "holding pattern" appears at least during a few hours."
    PLAYS FINE! 3aa0e7af&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    "convert from MTS to MP4 with sony vegas 8.0"
    PLAYS FINE! e536e317&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    "1080p 30p 17MBps FXP mode - converted from MTS to MP4 with sony vegas 8.0"
    PLAYS FINE! 9ed8e744&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    PLAYS FINE!!! 802e2aaf&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    PLAYS FINE!!! 68dc7053&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    QT CRASHES! bfef21a1&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    "This was Auto W/B and 30p. I'm finding that I like 30p over 60i. Tried 24p cinema, and it just looks washed out and lower frame rate - not very 'cinema'."
    ("like the 30p mode better than the 60i. My preferred mode is 24i in "cinema" setting, which gives a very "film-like" look."
    => "The file is not a movie file")
    ========= MOV ========== : d90bd02c&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    "Filmed in 30 P mode, 17 Mb/sec, Auto WB (a bit off sometimes) - Imported with Voltaic, edited with iMovie HD 6.0, exported to quicktime"
    ========== MPG ========== : 2ae3104c&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1 eff8d00c&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1 1d430766&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1 d6b1dea7&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    ========== AVI ========== : f465ab1a&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1 e63f94af&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1 14ec95aa&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1 4f257560&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1 b32fbfa5&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    ========== WMV ========== : d93fbef5&uh=caa1c7c9d562c96ad50ce7a8454a1de1
    So the Canon HF100 seems to be a really good camcorder,
    but it may be difficult to find the best export settings in FCE...?

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    Easy Setup:
    AVCHD-Apple Intermediate Codec 1920x1080i60
    Export Settings:
    Data Rate: 5000kbits/sec optimized for Download
    1920 x 1080 HD Letterbox
    Frame Rate 29.97
    Key Frame every 24 frames
    192kbps audio

    It looks like the OP is about six months old, but I would have to ask how you are getting the clip from the 60D into FCE and what codec is. The 60D records in H.264 which is not compatible with FCE (just taking a guess as to where you should begin looking).
    If you post your sequence settings and your clip properties maybe someone can get a better understanding of what the full issue is.
    Message was edited by: Marc135791967 for spelling

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    Thank you Alan

    Never mind, use DNG Converter

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    Please click this link
    I might have messed it up.  It's my first time creating a profile and seemed to work fine for me in Lightroom.  Let me know if there are any improvements to be made. I used f5.6 since that seemed to be the sweet spot on the lens and the imager was about 5 feet from the chart.

    JPG lens profiles are distinct from RAW lens profiles because cameras can fix things with the camera-produced JPGs that the lens profiles also fix and you can get double-corrections by using a raw lens profile with a jpg, but it depends on the capabilities and settings of the particular camera.
    If you are sure your camera isn’t correcting geometric and vignetting issues with your JPGs, then you can hack the lens profile you downloaded to use it with JPGs, by editing the .lcp file with a text editor and change the flag indicating it is for raw files from True to False.  I forget what this flag is called, exactly, but it is obvious and near the top of the files.
    On Windows, the lens profiles are downloaded to:
    AppData is a hidden or system folder so you’ll need to unhide such folders in the folder options in Explorer or just type in the path an hit Enter in the address area of Explorer.

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    Go to Solution.

    I do a ton of equestrian photography.
    I use a pair of 7D's for the vast majority of it (90% or more). Those have essentially the same sensor and high ISO capability as your 60D, just a slightly more sophisticated (but no more sensitive) auto focus system and higher frame rate. I do also have a 5D Mark II that's proven useful at times in lower light situations, but I use it far less than the crop cameras. The 5DII can do about one stop higher ISO than 7D (a 6D offers slightly higher ISO than 5DII, as well as extra low light focusing capability).
    Primarily, I'd rather have the "extra reach" of crop cameras than the high ISO capabilities of full frame. My most used lenses are 70-200/2.8 IS, 70-200/4 IS, 300/2.8 IS and 300/4 IS. I also carry and sometimes use 28-135 IS, 10-22mm, 24-70/2.8 and a number of shorter primes (portrait, macro, tilt-shift).
    In order to have the "reach" of a 300mm lens on crop camera, with a full frame camera I'd have to lug around a 500mm. No thanks!
    But in general it's more down to lenses than the camera they are used upon...
    What lenses and cameras I use depends on the type of event I'm shooting, whether or not I can be or want to be mobile, whether or not an arena is covered, if I'm not working outdoors.
    For dressage, I often have to work in covered arenas. But I am not mobile at dressage events, so I can set up a 300/2.8 on a tripod to reach the other end of the arena and use a 70-200/2.8 for closer shots. I prefer to to stop down a bit for adequate depth of field when I can, but like to have f2.8 available if needed to get shots in darker areas of the arena. Generally speaking, unless at a very high level, dressage cannot and should not be photographed with flash. Most junior and amateur dressage riders and horses are not accustomed to flash. Dressage is slower moving than some other events, so I can get by with a slower shutter speed in many cases... 1/250 and 1/320 is sometimes possible.
    Hunter/jumper, stock competition, gymkhana and English/Western are types of events where I need to be more mobile and tend to use 300/4 IS and 70-200/4 IS for mostly handheld shooting. These types of events are sometimes in covered arenas, but often are in open, uncovered venues. Even if the arena is covered, it's quite likely to be well lit.  It is possible to use fill flash judiciously, but I try to avoid it as much as possible, and never use it too close.
    Hunter/jumper, arena jumping, gymkhana and all sorts of stock competition tend to be moving, so I need to use 1/640 or faster shutter speeds, if I want to freeze the action.  
    For trail trials I try to carry minimal gear because I'm walking the trail with the horses and riders (not the entire 6 to 10 miles of most TT courses), but it's entirely outdoors in good light. I mostly use 28-135 on one camera and 300/4 IS on another. I have had trouble with the noise of 5DII in the quieter settings of trail trials, but not with 7D or even using 5DII in noiser arenas (I know the 6D and 5DIII have "quiet" modes, but haven't used them, so can't be certain how effective they are or if there are other issues using them.)  
    Cross country is one type of event where I always struggle to figure out what to carry. If I working close to home or have a ride out onto the course, I might take larger lenses and tripods. But if I'm hiking, I'll opt for the lighter stuff.
    I sometimes use the full frame 5DII for planned, stationary portraits (after testing to see if the horse reacts to the shutter noise). I also will occasionally use it in particularly dark venues. But generally even those I can find brighter spots and work those with my 7D's instead. So I might only be limited from shooting in particular portions of the arena.  
    If I could only carry one, it would probably be a crop sensor camera... on a budget 60D or 70D, 7Ds have been working well for me for over 4 years and upwards of 100,000 clicks apiece, and probably will get replaced with 7D Mark II's when those come available. (In the past I extensively used 50D, 30D and 10D, too.) A crop camera gives the most versatility and flexibility, IMO. It offers the "extra reach" that allows smaller, ligher, less expensive lenses to serve, plus all lenses both EF and EF-S can be used (a full frame camera is slightly limited, to EF only).
    But, sure, 6D's low light capabilities could be nice at times. It's probably a good two stops higher ISO capable than your 60D or my 7Ds... and it's AF is able to focus in about two stops lower light, too (-3EV, compared to -1EV). Note that the 6D would be limited largely to center AF point only, for any AI Servo/action shooting and low light. (That woudl be fine by me... smae is true of my 5DII and even with 7Ds and 50Ds, which have much more capable peripheral AF points, I still only use the center one most of the time.)  
    Hope this helps!
    Alan Myers
    San Jose, Calif., USA
    "Walk softly and carry a big lens."
    GEAR: 5DII, 7D(x2), 50D(x3), some other cameras, various lenses & accessories

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    Download appropriate version here:

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