Convert Labview5 VI into Labview 2011

Who can please convert the attached VI's made in LV5 into LV2011?
Appreciate your time!
APBT data ‏2146 KB
H-reflex data ‏2155 KB

Both VIs you attached are saved with 7.1 and can be opened in 2011 without conversion.

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    Go to Solution.
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    Here you go.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines
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    Hey I meet a problème on my development see my result :
    link :
    a multiple select list on my crm 2013 I do this process on this forum :
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    my development :
    // var_sc_optionset >> Provide schema-name for Option Set field
    // var_sc_optionsetvalue >> Provide schema-name for field which will store the multi selected values for Option Set
    // OS >> Provide Option Set field object
    // OSV >> Provide text field object which will store the multi selected values for Option Set
    //Method to convert an optionset to multi select Option Set
    function ConvertToMultiSelect(var_sc_optionset, var_sc_optionsetvalue, OS, OSV)
    if( OS != null && OSV != null ) = "none";
    // Create a DIV container
    // var addDiv = document.createElement("<div style='overflow-y:auto; color:#000000; height:160px; border:1px #6699cc solid; background-color:#ffffff;' />");
    var addDiv = document.createElement("div"); = "auto"; = "160px"; = "1px #6699cc solid"; = "#ffffff"; = "#000000";
    // Initialise checkbox controls
    for( var i = 1; i < OS.options.length; i++ )
    var pOption = OS.options[i];
    if( !IsChecked( pOption.text , OS, OSV) ){
    // var addInput = document.createElement("<input type='checkbox' style='border:none; width:25px; align:left;' />" );
    var addInput = document.createElement("input" );
    addInput.setAttribute("style","border:none; width:25px; align:left;");
    else {
    // var addInput = document.createElement("<input type='checkbox' checked='checked' style='border:none; width:25px; align:left;' />" );
    var addInput = document.createElement("input" );
    addInput.setAttribute("style","border:none; width:25px; align:left;");
    // var addLabel = document.createElement( "<label />");
    var addLabel = document.createElement( "label");
    addLabel.innerText = pOption.text;
    // var addBr = document.createElement( "<br />"); //it's a 'br' flag
    var addBr = document.createElement( "br"); //it's a 'br' flag
    ///////Supported functions
    // Check if it is selected
    function IsChecked( pText , OS, OSV)
    if(OSV.value != "")
    var OSVT = OSV.value.split(";");
    for( var i = 0; i < OSVT.length; i++ )
    if( OSVT[i] == pText )
    return true;
    return false;
    // var_sc_optionsetvalue >> Provide schema-name for field which will store the multi selected values for Option Set
    // OS >> Provide Option Set field object
    // Save the selected text, this field can also be used in Advanced Find
    function OnSave(OS, var_sc_optionsetvalue)
    var getInput = OS.nextSibling.getElementsByTagName("input");
    var result = '';
    for( var i = 0; i < getInput.length; i++ )
    if( getInput[i].checked)
    result += getInput[i].nextSibling.innerText + ";";
    //save value
    control = Xrm.Page.getControl(var_sc_optionsetvalue);
    attribute = control.getAttribute();
    I have to do 2 field one is option list field and the second is textfield, 
    option list field : new_books
    textfiled          : new_picklistvalue
    my js is on onload event see : 
    link :
    thanks you for you'r help 

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    Post your request in this Version conversion Board
    The best solution is the one you find it by yourself

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    Also, I don't know if this other forum thread may help or give context to the subject. 
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    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Thank you very much for your support.
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏63 KB

    Additionally I am sorry that I have put my post in LabVIEW and not under Version Conversion

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    Hi priyash,
    you should be able to download them with the VIPM.

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    A very long time ago, there was a BASIC version of LabWindows.  You could not convert a Rocky Mountain BASIC program directly, but it was a fairly simple fit.  You could then translate that into C code automatically through LabWindows.  That was one of its selling points; you didn't have to lose all of that old BASIC code.  About 10 years ago, they decided to go with only a C version of LabWindows and renamed it LabWindows/CVI.  This change was made because most people who were converting from BASIC to C already had and supporting two languages and a translator was very expensive (cost, memory, processing power, complexity, - expensive in every way). 
    If someone has an old version, you might have an upgrade path with your old code (no, I don't have any that old).  Otherwise, you could build DLLs and call them with either LabVIEW or LabWindows/CVI.  You could also recreate the code with the newer language.
    Hope that this helps,
    Bob Young
    Bob Young - Test Engineer - Lapsed Certified LabVIEW Developer
    DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Alliance Member
    mailto:[email protected]

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    Thanks in advance!
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏777 KB

    Here you go.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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    Go to Solution.
    Convert from2013 to ‏255 KB

    Here you go.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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    2nd minute weight measurement: 300 kg
    3rd minute weight measurement: 350 kg
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    2nd mass flow: (350-300)kg/1 min = 50 kg/min
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    Can somebody give solution of this case with labview programming? (structure in block diagram)

    Hi Eko,
    is this some kind of homework?
    Well I suggest to use two shift registers to hold mass and time, then two subtract nodes to get the difference of current and old vlaue for both and finally a simple divide to get the mass flow...
    Look here to get the basics!
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • Please convert Labview 2011 file to Labview 7.0

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    Attachments: ‏104 KB

    You will need to replace the front-panel graph. Downconversion sometimes corrupts graphs.
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