Converting to flv ( flash)

is there a way to convert to flash video format in final cut studio ?
or if not what would be best settings to use to send files to someone making a website .

there is a comercial component by On2 Technolgies $149
if a cheaper DIY solution is more your cup of tea you might want to investigate what ffmpeg can do for you, check out these articles -when-you-don-t-have-flash

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    That's what I meant. You just need a good compression codec.
    Can you help to identify or let me know a few codecs I will try.
    Is FLV the only resource you streaming server will use?
    Yes it has to be flv.The decision is not in my hands it will be a Linux Server so if you are aware of any better file format let me know.I can suggest.
    You can use hardware compression systems to go directly to several different >low grade codecs but I've never used them.
    I do not have any such hardware but anyways
    thanks for this suggestion.

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    I would recommend converting the WMV file to an intermediate
    format before encoding to the FLV format. In general, advise your
    clients to give you a better source video format--WMV is already
    compressed, and recompressing it just deteriorates the video
    quality. (I'm sure you know that already, but I just had to point
    it out.)
    In the past, I've used River Past's tools to convert WMV to
    an AVI file which I then convert to FLV:

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    My suggestion is to ask your question in the right place.
    See the notice at
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

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    Sorry you're having problems, but it's not surprising. The error code is invalid media.
    The easy way is to forget about Compressor and upload the Flash file directly to You Tube with their uploader.
    You'll also save a generation of compression loss.
    Good luck.

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    The volume change is most likely due to a setting in AME. I would agree that bringing in a non-flash video in to Presenter is not ideal. This is because the inline video converter is too simple for my taste, but it can do an ok job if in a pinch. I know there are some good free video conversion tools out there, but I have always used (and liked) the AVS video converter.
    As to the video controller/scrubber, I'm not sure what you are seeing. With the published version of your presentation, the video should be controlled with the presentation play bar. The only time I see any other play bar is when you do a slide show (F5) preview of the presentation. But this is not representative of the output of Presenter.

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    QuickTime Pro has never exported to Flash video without third party software.
    Seems like your "Flix Exporter" ( ) is that third party application.
    Contact them for more answers.

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    do you mean rip dvd to flash flv format, then put it to youtube, I know software can do this, eahoosoft dvd ripper, it can convert your dvd to flash with high quality.

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    if you want to see what your settings will get you, you'll need to make a .swf unless you have a flash authoring program, but this solution allows you to do this on your mac

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    What does everyone think?

    I figured that would be a way, but I was wondering if it could be done straight from Motion its self. I guess I will bring it straight back to FCP to do it.
    I still think having that plug in part of motion is a great way to finish up a project that will be going to the web.

  • Converting video to Flash with controls

    I want to take video from a DVD and turn it into a Flash
    movie so I can use
    it on a web page. I would like it to have the controls for
    playing and
    pausing. What would be the easiest way to do this? Is there
    certain software
    I should be looking for?

    Certain software other than Flash? have you read the help
    docs regarding the FLV (Flash Video)
    format? There's an entire section of this site dedicated to
    how to incorporate Flash video into your
    Also, go here:
    select Flash and then narrow it down to FLV - there are
    several video tutorials from Richard Galvan
    to watch.
    hope this helps.
    Chris Georgenes
    Adobe Community Expert
    D Woods wrote:
    > I want to take video from a DVD and turn it into a Flash
    movie so I can use
    > it on a web page. I would like it to have the controls
    for playing and
    > pausing. What would be the easiest way to do this? Is
    there certain software
    > I should be looking for?
    > Thanks
    > Debbie

  • Download helper converts to .flv instead of .avi

    since a few months when downloading a video from the same source, the download helper converts to .flv and no longer to.avi.
    what do I need to do to have .avi?
    Even if it downloads as .avi, it converts automatically to .flv .
    Thank you for help.
    Rgds pia

    The first thing that you need to consider is whether or not
    this project
    will work well on the web. If you have to make a bunch of
    compromises to
    get it working on the web, then it may not represent you
    That said, you can use FLVs in Director MX 2004 with the
    latest updates.
    However, you can't stream the FLVs, you have to encapsulate
    each one in
    an SWF and then use the SWF. So if its the streaming that
    you're after,
    you may want to use QT instead. You can stream that.
    Regardless of the video media that you use, you need to be
    sure that you
    aren't taking a smooth CD based experience and turning it
    into a click
    and wait, click and wait, less than elegant web experience.
    If you want
    to showcase your video capabilities then you may want to
    build a web
    specific tool. Or, you may want to let site visitors request
    a CD to be
    mailed to them.
    Rob Dillon
    Adobe Community Expert

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