Copy files backwards and forwards between 2 machines

After a clear up, I have 2 laptops (1 osx and 1 windows) and 1 external hard drive. I use the external drive as a backup and also as a go between the 2 computers.
Here's what i do. I have my music and photos on the mac and then I backed up the folders onto the root of the external hd. When i add items to the music and photo folders on the mac i want to just drag the top level folders (e.g. 'my music' and 'my photos') to the external hd and have OSX only copy the new files. Similarly, when i add files to the hd from the XP machine, can i copy the folder back to OSX so only the new files come across?
Is Time Machine the best solution? If i backup using Time Machine can i still access the data on the drive via the XP box? The drive is formatted as NTFS.

Dizzy_2009 wrote:
After a clear up, I have 2 laptops (1 osx and 1 windows) and 1 external hard drive. I use the external drive as a backup and also as a go between the 2 computers.
Here's what i do. I have my music and photos on the mac and then I backed up the folders onto the root of the external hd. When i add items to the music and photo folders on the mac i want to just drag the top level folders (e.g. 'my music' and 'my photos') to the external hd and have OSX only copy the new files. Similarly, when i add files to the hd from the XP machine, can i copy the folder back to OSX so only the new files come across?
Time Machine is definitely not the right tool for this. first, the backup drive has to be formatted mac os extended and windows can't even read this format without extra software like Mac Drive. secondly, TM backups are stored differently (plus they use hard links and ACLs) and should never be accessed via drag and drop. you should certainly never write to them from windows even using mac Drive - you'll ruin the whole thing. lastly, TM doesn't sync back from the backup drive to the main drive.
I don't know if there is anything that will do exactly what you want. on the mac side you can try Chronosync which might do this. but be aware that NTFS is read only from OS X. you need extra software like Mac Fuse and NTFS-3g to make it writable. or you can format the drive FAT. I have no clue how to do this from the windows side. that's a windows question and I'm far from an expert on windows.
Is Time Machine the best solution? If i backup using Time Machine can i still access the data on the drive via the XP box? The drive is formatted as NTFS.

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    I had the same doubts of yours. There´s a lots of other threads about backward and forward scheduling as
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    property thisSprite
    property dvSprite
    on getPropertyDescriptionLIst
    myPropList = [:]
    myPropList.addProp(#dvSprite,[#comment:"enter the sprite
    channel number for the video
    return myPropList
    on beginSprite me
    thisSprite = me.spriteNum
    on mouseUp me
    sprite(dvSprite).movieRate = 1
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    property thisSprite
    property dvSprite
    on getPropertyDescriptionLIst
    myPropList = [:]
    myPropList.addProp(#dvSprite,[#comment:"enter the sprite
    channel number for the video
    return myPropList
    on beginSprite me
    thisSprite = me.spriteNum
    on mouseUp me
    sprite(dvSprite).movieRate = -1


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    Dec 12, 2014 11:28:41 AM Information [ajp-bio-8014-exec-59] - Starting HTTP request {URL='', method='get'}
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    Here's a part of the http.log file when I turn the IIS site on.  I turn the site off and it stops popping up in the logs.
    "Information","ajp-bio-8014-exec-57","12/13/14","22:33:14",,"Starting HTTP request {URL='', method='get'}"
    "Information","ajp-bio-8014-exec-57","12/13/14","22:36:17",,"Starting HTTP request {URL='', method='get'}"
    "Information","ajp-bio-8014-exec-57","12/13/14","22:38:31",,"Starting HTTP request {URL='', method='get'}"
    "Information","ajp-bio-8014-exec-57","12/13/14","22:38:54",,"Starting HTTP request {URL='', method='get'}"
    "Information","ajp-bio-8014-exec-57","12/13/14","22:39:55",,"Starting HTTP request {URL='', method='get'}"
    "Information","ajp-bio-8014-exec-63","12/13/14","22:52:03",,"Starting HTTP request {URL='', method='get'}"
    "Information","ajp-bio-8014-exec-64","12/13/14","22:57:32",,"Starting HTTP request {URL='', method='get'}"
    "Information","ajp-bio-8014-exec-64","12/13/14","22:58:37",,"Starting HTTP request {URL='', method='get'}"

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