Copy remote cliboard using SSH

I'd like to SSH to a remote Mac, outside our network, and copy the clipboard back to my local mac.
Is there there some cunning idea that might be suitable, perhaps using pbcopy?

It is possible to set up remote screen sharing to encrypt entire contents not just login name and password through the client side's screen sharing preferences, then just port forward through the server side's port 5900. I don't know what is screen sharing's encryption algorithm, though, so, much like as you suggested, I prefer (and would recommend) to tunnel through public-key-authenticated-(only) ssh on a non-standard port.

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    With regards,

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    so the system server VNC refers to the MAC os x VNC...
    No, Vine Server's System Server is Vine Server starting up at boot time and is always running. Vine Server existed before Mac OS X included its own VNC server, so Vine Server's terminology is a bit confusing, but it wasn't when the started using it (it even sounds confusing when I just said it ).
    the Vine server itself is the stand alone vnc.
    Yes. The Vine Server is a totally separate VNC server implementation. It may be run interactively, or it may be configured to start at system boot time so it is always running (this is the system server mode of Vine Server).
    so , OS X's VNC is set to only accept high res..
    I do not know if it can ONLY do the resolution of the display, but anytime I've tried to use a VNC client configured for lower resolution, the Mac OS X VNC server has not behaved well. Rather than fight it, I just resort to Vine Server. It has been a rock solid VNC server.
    so connecting to the Vine server should be at any port not the 5900as this is the mac os vnc default port.
    If you MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE that the Mac OS X VNC server is NOT running, you can use port 5900 for Vine Server, but I find it is safer to just give the Vine Server its own port, and commonly that is port 5901, but the Vine Server can be configured to use any port you desire.
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  • Remote access using ssh

    when i am accessing from rhel4 iam getting error.
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    1. make sure you have started the sshd service in your target Linux box
    2. Enable ssh access in your firewall policy(or tune off your firefall)

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    All purchases are considered final, but you can try contacting iTunes support and see if they will give you a refund or credit : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page

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    Don't use Runtime.exec (or ProcessBuilder) for this. Check out JSch at JCraft (or some other Java SSH API.

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    as i understand it, you are trying to dump the /dev/rdsk/c0d0t0s0 from serverA onto the /dev/rmt0un on serverB, right?
    hmm, not sure ufsdump has the facility to use ssh. in any case...
    **NOTE -- not generally a good idea to allow a password-less login for anybody, even root from another machine; a better way would be to install sudo on the remote machine, and allow a user to be logged into without a password, but only allow that user to run a specific command as root. look up use of ssh "authorized_keys" file for more information on limiting command usage by key...
    ok. so you have data on serverA, and you're going to put it on serverB... we'll start with simple. here's a tar command to copy all the files from serverA:/backmeup to serverB:/storeme; i'll use the prompt "serverA>" to signify that we're typing these commands from serverA.
    serverA> cd /backmeup
    serverA> tar cvf - . | ssh serverB "cd /storeme; tar xvf -"
    now, you COULD use that to copy files directly onto tape...
    serverA> cd /backmeup
    serverA> tar cvf - . | ssh serverB "dd of=/dev/rmt/0"
    you may have to play with the block size tho. for that matter, i would THINK that you could do the same for you ufsdump command:
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    but you're going to have to try it to find out...

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    Can anybody guide me...
    Thanks & Regards
    Suseendran. A

    I did as you described -- actually I found another web site (, which tells exactly the same thing but has more details. What I did on our site is exactly as that page outlines, and the files were created and saved in the .ssh directory on both the local and remote machines.
    But I am still prompted for password when I use ssh, sftp, or scp:
    $ ssh [email protected]
    [email protected]'s password:
    What could be wrong or is anything overlooked or missing?
    Thanks a lot for helping!

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    Host vps
       Hostname x.x.x.x
      User guesswho
    Host home
      Hostname y.y.y.y
      User home
    >ssh -v vps ( connects using
    >ssh -v -i ~/.ssh/ ( connects using
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    My question is do I have to create a separate private key from my imac or can I just copy the private key from my macbook?
    Do you have to create separate private keys? No, but there are reasons why you might want to.
    The biggest one is the fact that if any key is compromised, they are all compromised (since they are the same). Say, for example, your MacBook is lost or stolen. You really should consider disabling the MacBook's key from authorized_keys to prevent the finder/thief from getting into your server. If that one key is shared by multiple hosts, though, you're going to lock out all the other hosts as well, even though they haven't been affected.
    Having separate keys per client lets you nix just the key for the MacBook (or whichever machine) without impacting the other machines' ability to connect.
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    In order to use SSH from a computer that isn't yours, you would have to enable password authentication and enter the password. That wouldn't be safe at all. The only safe way to use SSH is to restrict it to public-key authentication, which means that you must have a copy of the keypair on the client device.

  • Error System Copy on cluster using R3load

    Hi currently we are doing a system copy on Cluster using R3load
    Source System win2003 SP2 32bit, MSSQl2000 SP4 32 bit
    Target System  win 2003 Sp2 64bit, MSSQL2005 SP2 X64 Server
    We have successfully installed MSSQL2005 Sp2 64 bit
    We have successfully installed Central Instance
    When we are trying to install the database Instance using R3load dump
    We are getting the fallowing error
    ERROR 2008-09-07 20:55:14
    MDB-05053  Errors when executing sql command: <p nr="0"/> If this message is displayed as a warning - it can be ignored. If this is an error - call your SAP support.
    Please help me out to resolve this issue
    Entire log
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:00
    Copying file C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/keydb.xml to: q0w9e9r8t7.1.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:00
    Copying file C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/keydb.xml to: q0w9e9r8t7.1.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:00
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\q0w9e9r8t7.1.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:01
    Copying file C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/keydb.xml to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/keydb.1.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:01
    Copying file C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/keydb.xml to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/keydb.1.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:01
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\keydb.1.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:01
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\change.log.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:01
    Output of change user /install is written to the logfile change.log.
    WARNING 2008-09-07 20:26:01
    Execution of the command "change user /install" finished with return code 1. Output:
    Install mode does not apply to a Terminal server configured for remote administration.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:01
    File not found: [C:/DOCUME1/ADMINI1.SBA/LOCALS~1/Temp/2/sapinst_exe.1064.1220804594/msvcp71.dll].
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:01
    File not found: [C:/DOCUME1/ADMINI1.SBA/LOCALS~1/Temp/2/sapinst_exe.1064.1220804594/msvcr71.dll].
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:01
    Successfully added privileges 'SeTcbPrivilege SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege' to account 'SBA\Administrator' on host '.'.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:01
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\summary.html.
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:26:01
    Prepare the installation program.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:03
    Installation start: Sunday, 07 September 2008, 20:26:00; installation directory: C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB; product to be installed: SAP R3E 4.7 Extension Set 2 SR1> ABAP System> MS SQL Server> Non-Unicode> Database Instance Installation
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:38
    Host operation t_HostInfo_SHARED processed successfully.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:28:26
    The 'saploc' share exists in directory 'S:/usr/sap'. Choosing drive S: as the SAP system drive.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/mssversions.xml to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/mssversions.xml to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\mssversions.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/db_all.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/db_all.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\db_all.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/db_di_clust.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/db_di_clust.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\db_di_clust.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/db_std_checks.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/db_std_checks.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\db_std_checks.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_get_defpath.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_get_defpath.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\mss_get_defpath.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_get_r3db_config.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_get_r3db_config.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\mss_get_r3db_config.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_init_jc.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_init_jc.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\mss_init_jc.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_r3db_gconf.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_r3db_gconf.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\mss_r3db_gconf.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_r3db_lconf.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_r3db_lconf.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\mss_r3db_lconf.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_r3srv_conf.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_r3srv_conf.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\mss_r3srv_conf.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_schema_cnv.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_schema_cnv.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\mss_schema_cnv.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_sps_droptmp.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_sps_droptmp.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\mss_sps_droptmp.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_users_sid_drop.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_users_sid_drop.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\mss_users_sid_drop.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_users_sid_drop_objs.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/mss_users_sid_drop_objs.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\mss_users_sid_drop_objs.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/srvchk.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/srvchk.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\srvchk.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/usrabap.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/usrabap.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\usrabap.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/usrstd.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL/usrstd.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\usrstd.sql.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL9/db_all.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL9/db_all.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL9/db_std_checks.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL9/db_std_checks.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL9/mss_r3db_gconf.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL9/mss_r3db_gconf.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL9/usrabap.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL9/usrabap.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL9/usrstd.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:29:17
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/SQL9/usrstd.sql to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO[E] 2008-09-07 20:30:00
    Account group="ORA_PRD_DBA" does not exist.
    INFO[E] 2008-09-07 20:30:00
    Account group="ORA_PRD_OPER" does not exist.
    INFO[E] 2008-09-07 20:30:00
    Account group="SBA\dbprdctl" does not exist.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:48:16
    Copying file E:/Export_PRD/DB/MSS/DBSIZE.XML to: DBSIZE.XML.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:48:16
    Copying file E:/Export_PRD/DB/MSS/DBSIZE.XML to: DBSIZE.XML.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:48:16
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\DBSIZE.XML.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:50:58
    Package table created
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:50:58
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/mssprocs620.dat to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:50:58
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/mssprocs620.dat to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:50:58
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\mssprocs620.dat.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:50:58
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/mssprocs620BW.dat to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:50:58
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/mssprocs620BW.dat to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:50:58
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\mssprocs620BW.dat.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:50:58
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/mssprocs640.dat to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:50:58
    Copying file E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08/IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/COMMON/MSS/mssprocs640.dat to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:50:58
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\mssprocs640.dat.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Copying file C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/summary.html to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/summary.1.html.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Copying file C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/summary.html to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/summary.1.html.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\summary.1.html.
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    SAP Web Application Server
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Request common parameters of SAP system
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Collecting information on database configuration
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Collecting information on database configuration
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Create accounts
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Copying file C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/product.xml to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/product.1.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Copying file C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/product.xml to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/product.1.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\product.1.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Copying file C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/product.xml to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/product.2.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Copying file C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/product.xml to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/product.2.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\product.2.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Copying file C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/mssversions.xml to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/mssversions.1.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Copying file C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/mssversions.xml to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/mssversions.1.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\mssversions.1.xml.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Copying file C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/DBSIZE.XML to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/DBSIZE.1.XML.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Copying file C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/DBSIZE.XML to: C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/DBSIZE.1.XML.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:12
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\DBSIZE.1.XML.
    WARNING 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Existing account SAPMssXPUser has the primary group None, not Administrators. Changing primary group.
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Preparing OS account for MCOD installation
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:25
    Request operating system user information
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:26
    Successfully added privileges 'SeTcbPrivilege SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege' to account 'S-1-5-21-2140900914-1967063802-3263448767-500' on host 'QASECC1'.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:26
    Successfully added privileges 'SeServiceLogonRight SeNetworkLogonRight SeDenyInteractiveLogonRight SeDenyRemoteInteractiveLogonRight' to account 'SBA\SAPServicePRD' on host 'QASECC1'.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:26
    Successfully added privileges 'SeTcbPrivilege SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege' to account 'SBA\prdadm' on host 'QASECC1'.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:26
    All 'tNT_RegistryEntries' table rows evaluated.
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:27
    Preparing DBMS-specific environment variables
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:27
    Switched to user: prdadm.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:27
    All NT registry entries from the tNT_RegistryEntries table created or updated successfully.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:27
    Switched to user: prdadm.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:27
    All NT registry entries from the tNT_RegistryEntries table created or updated successfully.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:28
    Switched to user: prdadm.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:28
    All NT registry entries from the tNT_RegistryEntries table created or updated successfully.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:28
    Switched to user: prdadm.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:28
    All NT registry entries from the tNT_RegistryEntries table created or updated successfully.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:28
    Switched to user: prdadm.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:28
    All NT registry entries from the tNT_RegistryEntries table created or updated successfully.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:28
    Switched to user: prdadm.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:28
    All NT registry entries from the tNT_RegistryEntries table created or updated successfully.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:29
    Switched to user: prdadm.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:29
    All NT registry entries from the tNT_RegistryEntries table created or updated successfully.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:29
    Switched to user: prdadm.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:29
    All NT registry entries from the tNT_RegistryEntries table created or updated successfully.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:29
    Switched to user: prdadm.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:29
    All NT registry entries from the tNT_RegistryEntries table created or updated successfully.
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:29
    Adapt file system
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:29
    Prepare check/adapt SAP instance file system
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node S:\usr\sap exists.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    All file system node operations of table t_SAPComponent_Filesystem_Action_SHARED processed successfully.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node S:\usr\sap/PRD exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node S:\usr\sap/tmp exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node
    DEVECC64\sapmnt\trans exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node
    DEVECC64\sapmnt\trans/tmp exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node
    DEVECC64\sapmnt\trans/EPS exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node
    DEVECC64\sapmnt\trans/EPS/in exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node
    DEVECC64\sapmnt\trans/EPS/out exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node
    DEVECC64\sapmnt\trans/EPS/log exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node
    DEVECC64\sapmnt\trans/bin exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node
    DEVECC64\sapmnt\trans/buffer exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node
    DEVECC64\sapmnt\trans/cofiles exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node
    DEVECC64\sapmnt\trans/data exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node
    DEVECC64\sapmnt\trans/etc exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node
    DEVECC64\sapmnt\trans/log exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    File system node
    DEVECC64\sapmnt\trans/sapnames exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    All file system node operations of table t_SAPComponent_Filesystem_Action_SHARED processed successfully.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:30
    All file system node operations of table t_SAPComponent_Filesystem_Action_SHARED processed successfully.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:31
    All NT shares while processing the table 'tNT_SHARE' created successfully.
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:31
    Extract archives
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:31
    All file system node operations of table t_SAPComponent_Archives_FORMS_SHARED processed successfully.
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:31
    Extract SAP System kernel archives
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:32
    Copying file S:/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/run/rfcexec.sec to: /rfcexec.sec.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:32
    Copying file S:/usr/sap/PRD/SYS/exe/run/rfcexec.sec to: /rfcexec.sec.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:32
    Creating file C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB\SAPMMC.SAR.log.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:33
    C:/DOCUME1/ADMINI1.SBA/LOCALS~1/Temp/2/sapinst_exe.1064.1220804594\sapcar.exe -xvgf E:/4.7_200Ext/51033746_15_Inst_Master/Installation_Master_6.20_6.40_05_08\IM_WINDOWS_X86_64/SAPINST/NT/AMD64/MMC/SAPMMC.SAR, -R C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\R3E47X2\SYSTEM\ABAP\MSS\NUC\DB succeeded. (See output in './SAPMMC.SAR.log'.)
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:33
    While copying node C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/sapmmc.dll to C:/WINDOWS/system32/sapmmc.dll, source is not newer than the target. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:33
    While copying node C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/sapmmcada.dll to C:/WINDOWS/system32/sapmmcada.dll, source is not newer than the target. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:33
    While copying node C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/sapmmcdb6.dll to C:/WINDOWS/system32/sapmmcdb6.dll, source is not newer than the target. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:33
    While copying node C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/sapmmcinf.dll to C:/WINDOWS/system32/sapmmcinf.dll, source is not newer than the target. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:33
    While copying node C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/R3E47X2/SYSTEM/ABAP/MSS/NUC/DB/sapmmcms.dll to C:/WINDOWS/system32/sapmmcms.dll, source is not newer than the target. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:33
    All file system node operations of table t_SAPComponent_Archives_Copy_SHARED processed successfully.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:33
    Removing file S:\usr\sap\PRD\SYS\exe\run\strdbs.cmd.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:33
    Creating file S:\usr\sap\PRD\SYS\exe\run\strdbs.cmd.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:34
    All 'tNT_RegistryEntries' table rows evaluated.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:34
    All NT registry entries from the tNT_RegistryEntries table created or updated successfully.
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:34
    Creating service ports
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:35
    Generate instance profiles
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:35
    Create versions of default profile, instance profile and start profile
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:35
    All file system node operations of table t_SAPComponent_Profiles_FORMS_SHARED processed successfully.
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:35
    Preparing DBMS-specific profile parameters
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:53:35
    Adapt operation t_SAPComponent_Profiles_SHARED processed successfully.
    PHASE 2008-09-07 20:53:35
    Setting up database server
    ERROR 2008-09-07 20:53:36
    MDB-05053  Errors when executing sql command: <p nr="0"/> If this message is displayed as a warning - it can be ignored. If this is an error - call your SAP support.
    ERROR 2008-09-07 20:55:14
    MDB-05053  Errors when executing sql command: <p nr="0"/> If this message is displayed as a warning - it can be ignored. If this is an error - call your SAP support.

    I think some of the Microsoft runtime DLLs are missing, which you can observe in the above pasted log :-
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:01
    File not found: C:/DOCUME1/ADMINI1.SBA/LOCALS~1/Temp/2/sapinst_exe.1064.1220804594/msvcp71.dll.
    INFO 2008-09-07 20:26:01
    File not found: C:/DOCUME1/ADMINI1.SBA/LOCALS~1/Temp/2/sapinst_exe.1064.1220804594/msvcr71.dll.
    Do have a look at snote Note 684106 - Microsoft runtime DLLs to drill more in to the issue.
    Radhakrishna D S

  • Creating a directory on a remote machine using a UNC path

    Hi all,
    Is it possible to create a directory on a remote machine using a UNC path such as \\Server\Share\Directory?
    If so, how would i go about this? (Sorry for the newbie question, that's exactly what I am!)

    The tables on your pages are images. Not very convenient if the visitor wants to copy the information and use it.
    Read this how to use tables :
    Samples :
    And here's a non-iWeb page with a sortable table :
    Or use a database on the server with MySQL and make tables with PHP :
    Here's a very simple way to do it :

  • Federated  Portal - ESS/MSS remote content copy / remote delta link mode

    We have established an Federated Portal Network between two Enterprise Portal systems.
    The Consumer System is an Netweaver Enterprise Portal, the Producer also an Enterprise Portal installation + XSS.
    We use remote role assignment and remote delta link functionality between this two systems.
    We have an request to enable BI JAVA Iviews on the consumer and as transitive content sharing is not provided, we would like to copy the ESS/MSS roles as remote content copy/remote delta links from the producer XSS system to the consumer system.
    When we try to copy the ESS or MSS roles the copy process end with the following error message :
    "Due to an unexpected error the action will be canceled"
    The remote content copy/remote delta link usage mode is working correct on other roles
    Is this a restiction that ESS/MSS roles can not be used in remote delta link mode ?
    Is there an workaround for such usage type ?
    Thank you
    Best Regards
    Martin Vartik

    We have established an Federated Portal Network between two Enterprise Portal systems.
    The Consumer System is an Netweaver Enterprise Portal, the Producer also an Enterprise Portal installation + XSS.
    We use remote role assignment and remote delta link functionality between this two systems.
    We have an request to enable BI JAVA Iviews on the consumer and as transitive content sharing is not provided, we would like to copy the ESS/MSS roles as remote content copy/remote delta links from the producer XSS system to the consumer system.
    When we try to copy the ESS or MSS roles the copy process end with the following error message :
    "Due to an unexpected error the action will be canceled"
    The remote content copy/remote delta link usage mode is working correct on other roles
    Is this a restiction that ESS/MSS roles can not be used in remote delta link mode ?
    Is there an workaround for such usage type ?
    Thank you
    Best Regards
    Martin Vartik

  • Wireless Mac to Mac using SSH

    While connecting my iMac and iBook, or iMac and MacBook via a wireless LAN, I have selected Personal File Sharing and Remote Login in System Preferances/Sharing/Services. I can always connect, but not under SSH. I always get a warning, and can connect with less security.
    The MacBook reads specifically. "To log in to this computer remotely, type "ssh AJPulley@macbook" at a shell command prompt."
    Perhaps, I don't understand what it is, nor what I need to do, or do correctly.
    iBook G3 700MHz dual USB 640 MB, G5 iMac 1.8GHz 1.25GB, MacBook 1.83MHz 512MB   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

    I don't the ins and outs of all of the services that the Mac offers. However, to get a shell command prompt, you need to start the Terminal app (from the Utilities folder). Then, you would enter the command
    ssh AJPulley@macbook
    in the terminal window and follow with a return.
    Here is some info in Mac Help about Personal File Sharing and Remote Login:
    Allowing remote terminal access to your computer
    If you allow remote login, you can use SSH (Secure Shell) to log in to your computer from another location.
    You can't use Telnet to log in to the computer.
    Open System Preferences and click Sharing.
    Click Services and select the Remote Login checkbox. Selecting Remote Login also also enables the secure FTP (sftp) service.
    Now you can use an SSH client to log in from another computer.
    For example, if your user name is steve and your computer's IP address is, you can open Terminal on another Mac OS X computer and type:
    ssh -l steve
    Type "man ssh" at a Terminal shell prompt for more information.
    EMAC G4 1.0 GHz Mac OS X (10.4.6)

  • Draft copy / remote edit / remote input to blog / windows to mac?

    if I make a new website in draft to show a client, can I first save it to a http address that is kind of private? not published to the web? how is that done?
    can I edit the site from another machine, different than the one it was first authored on? and is there anyway this could be a windows machine?
    can I put a blog page on the site that can be updated by a remote user, using a secure password, accessible for them only?
    many thanks, newbie questions, help much appreciated

    if I make a new website in draft to show a client, can I first save it to a http address that is kind of private?
    Sure, just password protect the site.
    not published to the web?
    can I edit the site from another machine, different than the one it was first authored on?
    Only if the other machine is a Mac running iWeb and has a copy of the Domain file for your site.
    and is there anyway this could be a windows machine?
    can I put a blog page on the site that can be updated by a remote user, using a secure password, accessible for them only?
    The only way to update an iWeb blog page is from a Mac running iWeb with a copy of the Domain file for the blog.

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