Coretemp driver readings change wildly (seem to be reading CPU load)

Hey all. I've been using lm-sensors for a while now to get CPU temperatures, but I never had a monitor open to watch them (I would just pop open a terminal and run sensors).
I recently set up conky, and I'm noticing some very strange behavior with my CPU temps: they seem to be measuring load instead of actual temperature. The idle temp is 36C, and the second I start up an intensive calculation, it jumps to 60 and just stays there (no additional rise over 5 minutes). Then, when I stop the calculation, the temps instantly drop back to idle (this part makes me suspect it's not a heatsink issue).
The same behavior pops up in Windows as well, using both Coretemp and SpeedFan. Does anyone know if there's a place I could look to get the "correct" temperature, or what might be causing this? The internet is a flurry of suggestions, but most of the posts I could find were either hardware-related or bugs in drivers.
In case it's relevant, lm_sensors loaded the coretemp and it87 modules.

 Try to figure out where exactly those sensors are located, I mean their position inside/near the case/chip/circuit. Maybe they are supposed to work that way/there is an interference near by like an em noisy fan/your hardware falls into category b. Try to confirm/rule out that behaviour on the same hardware with other users/owners.

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    Can anyone PLEASE help?
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    Absolutely everything else seems to be working fine (unusual for me and I'm often at the end of bad luck in such circumstances). The only thing I'm having problems with is syncing my iPod Classic with iTunes. Incidentally, I have the latest version of iTunes and my iPod software was up to date  the last time I checked.
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    It takes time to actually show up in iTunes, and when it does, I now have to very quickly click the iPod button (to bring up the iPod screen on iTunes) before the pointer turns into the spinning beach ball.
    Now, it hangs... and hangs... and hangs... and hangs.
    During this, I notice that "Manually manage music and videos" is ticked (which I didn't have ticked before), and also 'Enable disc use' is also ticked, although greyed out.
    Occasionally, the spinning beach ball will disappear and the pointer will return, but this is very very briefly and I have a split-second to try unticking - first - the "Manually manage music and videos" box and then - later, if I'm lucky - untick the 'Enable disc use' box. However, on the odd occasion I've managed this, I haven't been able to go further except for two occasions when I managed to click "Apply". The iPoid on those to occasions started to update... but went nowhere... it just did nothing.
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    I did notice on one occasion at the beginning of all this that when I managed to unplug my iPod from iTunes, all the album covers were missing from the iPod (although still in iTunes). This was long before I tried deleting the iPod photo cache folder though.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Best regards

    First things first the spinning beach ball is usually an indication that Search is going nuts.
    Turn off Search entire Library by clicking on the downward pointing arrow to the right of the Magnisying glass and untick Search entire library.
    Is your music still in iTunes on your new hard drive or is it only on your ipod?
    If it is in your itunes then you should be able to plug in the iPod and uncheck Manually Manage music and sync
    If the music is only on the ipod connect up as above click on the device and Drag all the music from your device to the library. then you can uncheck manually manage music and sync as normal

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    tried on a different mac. The same problem exists.
    If that is the case, its extremely unlikely you have a bad USB cable on the seagate, rather as I mentioned earlier a bad SATA bridge card.
    If the Seagate 1TB USB external wont open on either Mac and youve verified same (try a diff. USB cable if you have one however this is nearly never the case),....then to get the data off that HD (unless it is dead which is also extremely unlikely),......then you would need to extract the HD from its case and insert same into either a HD dock or USB HD enclosure.
    8 out of 10  seemingly dead inopperable 1-3+ year old external HD are perfectly fine, rather the cheap 50 cent SATA bridge card fries and dies (alas)
    reply back if you need help in extracting same. 

  • Server Monitor Notifications - Drive Status Changed - Time Machine

    I'm using an Xserve as a file server for a small workgroup . It has a Raid 1 set which is being backed up via Time Machine to an attached disk array.
    Whenever Time Machine runs (every hour), I get two notifications from Server Monitor that the drive status has changed:
    *Reason(s) for notification:*
    *Drive status changed*
    The timestamps on the notifications coincide with these messages in system.log
    Feb 2 11:28:05 ciesaxserve2 Server Monitor[854]: * _NSSocket.m:243 read() failed; socket=0x197060 error=(NSPOSIXErrorDomain,61)
    Feb 2 11:28:05 ciesaxserve2 Server Monitor[854]: * _NSSocket.m:243 write() failed; socket=0x197060 error=(NSPOSIXErrorDomain,61)
    Feb 2 11:28:05 ciesaxserve2 Server Monitor[854]: * _NSSocket.m:243 read() failed; socket=0x2090e90 error=(NSPOSIXErrorDomain,61)
    Feb 2 11:28:05 ciesaxserve2 Server Monitor[854]: * _NSSocket.m:243 write() failed; socket=0x2090e90 error=(NSPOSIXErrorDomain,61)
    Feb 2 11:28:55 ciesaxserve2 servermgrd[78]: servermgr_backup: TimeMachinePostBackupHook called.
    Feb 2 11:28:55 ciesaxserve2 servermgrd[78]: servermgr_backup: TimeMachinePostBackupHook done.
    The notifications simply report that all is normal, and the number of available drives goes from 6, to 7, back to 6. Something to do with making the backup volume available, I presume.
    I would like to disable these specific messages. I realize I can disable all messages from server monitor regarding disk statuses, but then I would be turning off messages about failures and actual problems.
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    I know this post is old but this has recently cropped up for me. I have been backing up with Time Machine for months without a single alert. It started happening after I replaced the failed battery on my RAID card. A coincidence...however the prolonged down time surely caused an SMC (and perhaps PRAM) reset which I assume triggered the change in behavior.
    I've pinned it down to Time Machine backing up service settings, in particular the Open Directory archive. Time Machine backs up all the service data independently from the rest of the data on your server startup volume.
    You can see this data in Terminal.
    serveradmin$ cd /Volumes/[YourBackupVolume]/Backups.backupdb/[YourServerName]/Latest/[YourBootVolume]/.ServerBackups
    serveradmin$ ls -al
    total 16
    drwxr-xr-x@  2 root  admin    68  4 Jun 14:44 (null)
    drwxr-xr-x@ 14 root  admin   476  4 Jun 14:44 .
    drwxrwxr-t@ 43 root  admin  1462  4 Jun 14:43 ..
    -rw-r--r--@  1 root  admin    37  4 Jun 14:44 .serverBackupSignature
    drwxr-xr-x@  2 root  admin    68  4 Jun 14:44 addressBookServer
    drwxr-xr-x@  2 root  admin    68  4 Jun 14:44 calendarServer
    drwxr-xr-x@  5 root  admin   170  4 Jun 14:44 iChatServer
    drwxr-xr-x@  6 root  admin   204  4 Jun 14:44 mailServer
    -rw-r--r--@  1 root  admin  3826  4 Jun 14:44 master.browse.plist
    drwxr-xr-x@  4 root  admin   136  4 Jun 14:43 openDirectory
    drwxr-xr-x@ 61 root  admin  2074  4 Jun 14:44 serverSettings
    drwxr-xr-x@ 23 root  admin   782  4 Jun 14:44 sharePoints
    drwxr-xr-x@  8 root  admin   272  4 Jun 14:44 webServer
    drwxr-xr-x@  2 root  admin    68  4 Jun 14:44 wikiServer
    If you take a look inside the openDirectory folder you should see this:
    serveradmin$ cd openDirectory
    serveradmin$ ls -al
    total 81936
    drwxr-xr-x@  4 root  admin       136  4 Jun 15:32 .
    drwxr-xr-x@ 14 root  admin       476  4 Jun 15:33 ..
    -rw-rw----@  1 root  admin  41947136  4 Jun 15:32 ServerBackup_OpenDirectoryMaster.sparseimage
    -rw-r--r--@  1 root  admin       249  4 Jun 15:32 openDirectory.browse.plist
    The ServerBackup_OpenDirectoryMaster.sparseimage contains an archive of your Open Directory database like the one you create from Server Admin. The only difference is that it appears to be unencrypted. This is a bit worrying since Snow Leopard, as far as I know, does not have an option to encrypt your Time Machine backup. This image seems to invisibly mount whenever a Time Machine backup is triggered. This can be verified by checking /private/var/log/system.log and filtering for backup
    serveradmin$ tail -b 100 /var/log/system.log | grep backup
    Jun  4 16:00:56 yourservername[25117]: Starting standard backup
    Jun  4 16:00:56 yourservername[25117]: Backing up to: /Volumes/YourBackupVolume/Backups.backupdb
    Jun  4 16:00:56 yourservername servermgrd[75]: servermgr_backup: TimeMachinePreBackupHook called.
    Jun  4 16:09:26 yourservername servermgrd[75]: servermgr_backup: TimeMachinePreBackupHook done.
    Jun  4 16:09:44 yourservername[25117]: No pre-backup thinning needed: 4.60 GB requested (including padding), 8.40 GB available
    Jun  4 16:10:14 yourservername[25117]: Copied 744 files (364.4 MB) from volume YourBootDrive.
    Jun  4 16:10:14 yourservername[25117]: No pre-backup thinning needed: 4.09 GB requested (including padding), 8.04 GB available
    Jun  4 16:10:17 yourservername[25117]: Copied 87 files (877 KB) from volume YourBootDrive.
    Jun  4 16:10:18 yourservername servermgrd[75]: servermgr_backup: TimeMachinePostBackupHook called.
    Jun  4 16:10:18 yourservername servermgrd[75]: servermgr_backup: TimeMachinePostBackupHook done.
    Jun  4 16:10:18 yourservername[25117]: Starting post-backup thinning
    Jun  4 16:10:29 yourservername[25117]: Deleted backup /Volumes/YourBackupVolume/Backups.backupdb/yourservername/2013-06-03-155910: 8.40 GB now available
    Jun  4 16:10:29 yourservername[25117]: Post-back up thinning complete: 1 expired backups removed
    Jun  4 16:10:29 yourservername[25117]: Backup completed successfully.
    You can see at 16:00:56 Server Manager got a call from Time Machine to start the services backup and finished at 16:09:26. Open Directory would have been backed up during that process. Take a look at /private/var/log/hwmond.log
    serveradmin$ tail /private/var/log/hwmond.log
    Tue Jun  4 16:08:36 BST 2013 - Number of drives change from 4 to 5.
    Tue Jun  4 16:08:48 BST 2013 - Number of drives change from 5 to 4.
    You'll see that both drive change warnings from Server Monitor occured just before the services backup completed. You can also use the sudo diskarbitrationd -d command along with tail /private/var/log/diskarbitrationd.log in another terminal window, trigger a Time Machine backup manually and watch this disk image mount during the backup process. Compare the mount times with the above logs to see if they all match up.
    Although I have discovered the cause (which thankfully seems harmless) I have not discovered a way to stop it from generating pointless alerts. I'll post here if I figure it out. I am in the process of upgrading all of my servers to Mountain Lion so it may be a moot point. I am hopeful this information may help someone out there even though it is thoroughly out of date.

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    I don't believe mounting the hard drive should be necessary, unless you have several external drives and want your computer to recognise them as folders, rather than drives. I've never had to mount a hard drive, ever. If you don't know how to do it, then it shouldn't be necessary now.
    Try this:
    Prepare iTunes so that it can see the external drive.
    Make a note of which drive-letter the external drive has been allocated. (Look in Windows Exploer)
    Look at the file location for a song. Make sure it plays (and therefore that iTunes has found it). Highlight it and select File/Get Info/Summary>Where: and make a note of the drive letter for that song.
    Close and shut down the computer.
    The next time you turn the computer on again, connect the external drive
    Before you start iTunes - check the external drive in Windows Explorer. Is it ready, does it have the same drive-letter that it had last time? Can you go into the drive and see the files on it?
    Once you can, start iTunes. (If the drive lettter has changed, you need to work out why before going any further.)
    If iTunes fails to find your external drive, you need to check where iTunes is looking for your Library.
    Select the same song you checked before (presumably iTunes can no longer find it). Follow the procedure for locating it. You should be able to see where iTunes thinks the file is. It's the drive that counts. Which drive letter is iTunes looking at? Is it the same one that it was previously (which should also be the same one that the drive has now).
    What happens, which step do you have problems with?
    Message was edited by: the fiend

  • What does this alarm mean ....... hwStringMatch - HP Insight Management Agents Trap Alarm: Logical Drive Status Change: Slot 1, Drive: 2 ......... Status is now Predictive Failure

    I have received this trap from the Call Manager PUB server running version
    hwStringMatch - cmaidad[5579]: Physical Drive Status Change: Slot 1 Port 2l Box 1 Bay 1. Status is now Predictive Failure
    I have checked the drive status via CLI and all drives show OK, both physical & logical
    Is there anywhere you can check what is causing this event and is it merely advising of a potential drive failure

    Modern drives have embedded monitoring. Whilst the disk hasn't failed, something internally is telling the embedded monitoring that it may soon fail - it's running a little hot, having excessive write errors, latency is drifting up... something subtle is going wrong.
    It could be caused by a firmware error... but I'd take it at face value.
    It might have failed by the time you read this, or it might work fine for another 20 years.
    Either way - when I was a server admin I would get any disk with a predictive failure swapped out immediately. No point waiting for it to fail - even on a RAID system when a disk fails although you don't lose data you have your trousers down as a coincidental second failure would ruin your day!

  • Itunes cannot locate my files on the external hard drive - I changed preferences but still not locating songs?

    itunes cannot locate my files on the external hard drive - I changed preferences but still not locating songs?

    This work for the most part:

  • Can't seem to change the Document Properties Advanced Reading Options in a Form that was created in Adobe LiveCycle. This option has been "greyed" out - anyone know how to update this to English so I can pass Accessibility Testing?

    Can't seem to change the Document Properties > Advanced > Reading Options in a Form that was created in Adobe LiveCycle. This option has been "greyed" out - anyone know how to update this to English so I can pass Accessibility Testing?

    LiveCycle forms use a very different approach to create a PDF form than Acrobat and that approach makes many features for processing PDFs non-functional.
    You might want to ask this question in one of the LiveCycle product forums.

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    Using 10.6 iweb 3.04 . I make a small change on a page  , then choose publish changes , but seems to take hours and seems to want to publish the whole site , not just a small change?

    Doing the following wouldn't hurt either:
    delete the iWeb preference files, and, that resides in your Home() /Library/Preferences folder.
    go to your Home()/Library/Caches/ folder and delete its contents.
    Click to view full size
    launch iWeb and try again.

  • Read/write access on external drive set to none; can't see drive to change

    I was learning about profiles and permissions and set the Read/write access on my external drive to none. I wanted to protect my guests from accidentally viewing private files. I thought I was doing it for that profile only, but now I can't see the drive to change it back. I have already tried using the disk utitility and re mounting the drive, but still cannot see the drive icon on the desktop or anywhere. I know the drive is okay because I can see it in disk utility but disk utility says the read/write access is none.
    thanks for anyone that can advise me. I'm more of a PC expert, than a Mac expert.

    Follow the instructions in this FAQ which are relevant to your situation; logging in as root is not needed.

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    How is the flash drive formatted?  NTFS?  HFS?

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    I went to get info and scrolled down to the  Sharing and Permissions
    But there is nothing there but a greyed out : You can only read
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    I have recently upgraded to Mountain Lion and am having other problems as well

    Click on the external HDD icon COMMAND+I.  You should see a display such as this:
    You should be logged on as the administrator.  Click on the lock icon.  It should open and allow you to make the required changes.

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    Hi Peter!
    I'm sorry to read that you are having issues with your Sync account.
    Your best bet is to follow the steps described in this blogposts and open a bug:
    After that, if you don't want to user Sync in your computer, you can stop it with this simple steps:
    * At the top of the Firefox window, click on the Firefox button (Tools menu in Windows XP) and then click Options.
    * Once the options window opens, click on the Sync tab.
    * At the bottom of the Sync tab click on '''Deactivate this Device''' link

  • My MacBook w/ OSX 10.6.8 cannot access my external Time Machine Backup USB Drive.  It says it is a Read Only drive.  When I went to change permissions I found all pernissions were listed as "Custom" and I could not reset them to "Read Write".  Any help!

    My MacBook w/ OSX 10.6.8 cannot access my external Time Machine Backup USB Drive.  It says it is a Read Only drive.  When I went to change permissions I found all pernissions were listed as "Custom" and I could not reset them to "Read Write".  Any help would be appreciated.

    This can be done easily with ethernet.
    Please follow the instructions strictly.
    To make it easier I want you to do this overnight so you can turn off all your current connection to the internet.
    Just go to the airport fan in to the top right and turn airport off.
    Get ethernet cable and connect the laptop to the TC lan port.. ie <-> ones.
    Press and hold the reset on the TC for about 10sec. until the front led flashes rapidly.
    Open the airport utility.. go to manual setup and change the wireless to off. (so other people around you cannot join your network of one).
    Ignore all the errors.. they won't stop the backup working.
    Go to the TM and reselect the backup target disk as the TC.
    It should start after 2min and run through to completion.
    That is it.. for a backup of many GB it might take a few hours.. so make sure the laptop has power plugged in and the sleep is off.. (on early ones I think this is needed but I am a late arrival to the scene).. sleep doesn't affect later OS.

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