Corrupt Lightroom download

Lightroom wouldn't extract, so I went to the Temp folder and tried installing from there, but got an error message that a Cab file is corrupt.  Do I delete everything from the Temp folder and redownload?

Without system info and otehzr details nobody can really know. Failing extraction can have any number of reasons, most notably simply running out of disk space or security tools blocking access to files and folders...

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    Any advice very much appreciated.
    Thank you
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    A Complete Guide to Restore or Recover Your iDevice (or if you forgot your passcode)
    iTunes 10 for Mac- Update and restore software on iPod, iPhone, or iPad
    iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Wrong passcode results in red disabled screen
    iOS- Understanding passcodes
         If you have forgotten your Restrictions code, then follow the instructions
         below but DO NOT restore any previous backup. If you do then you will
         simply be restoring the old Restrictions code you have forgotten. This
         same warning applies if you need to restore a clean system.
    If you need to restore your device or if you cannot remember the passcode, then you will need to restore your device using the computer with which you last synced it. This allows you to reset your passcode and re-sync the data from the device (or restore from a backup). If you restore on a different computer that was never synced with the device, you will be able to unlock the device for use and remove the passcode, but your data will not be present. Refer to Updating and restoring iPhone, iPad and iPod touch software.
    Try restoring the iOS device if backing up and erasing all content and settings doesn't resolve the issue. Using iTunes to restore iOS devices is part of standard isolation troubleshooting. Restoring your device will delete all data and content, including songs, videos, contacts, photos, and calendar information, and will restore all settings to their factory condition.
    Before restoring your iOS device, Apple recommends that you either sync with iTunes to transfer any purchases you have made, or back up new data (data acquired after your last sync). If you have movie rentals on the device, see iTunes Store movie rental usage rights in the United States before restoring.
    Follow these steps to restore your device:
         1. Verify that you are using the latest version of iTunes before attempting to
         2. Connect your device to your computer.
         3. Select your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch when it appears in iTunes under Devices.
         4. Select the Summary tab.
         5. Select the Restore option.
         6. When prompted to back up your settings before restoring, select the Back Up
             option (see in the image below). If you have just backed up the device, it is not
             necessary to create another.
         7. Select the Restore option when iTunes prompts you (as long as you've backed up,
             you should not have to worry about restoring your iOS device).
         8. When the restore process has completed, the device restarts and displays the Apple
             logo while starting up:
               After a restore, the iOS device displays the "Connect to iTunes" screen. For updating
              to iOS 5 or later, follow the steps in the iOS Setup Assistant. For earlier versions of
              iOS, keep your device connected until the "Connect to iTunes" screen goes away or
              you see "iPhone is activated."
         9. The final step is to restore your device from a previous backup.
    If you can not restore your device then you will need to go to recovery mode.
    Placing your device into recovery mode:
    Follow these steps to place your iOS device into recovery mode. If your iOS device is already in recovery mode, you can proceed immediately to step 6.
         1. Disconnect the USB cable from the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch, but leave the other end
             of the cable connected to your computer's USB port.
         2. Turn off the device: Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button for a few seconds until the
             red slider appears, then slide the slider. Wait for the device to turn off.
              If you cannot turn off the device using the slider, press and hold the Sleep/Wake
              and Home buttons at the same time. When the device turns off, release the Sleep/Wake
              and Home buttons.
         3. While pressing and holding the Home button, reconnect the USB cable to the device.
             The device should turn on. Note: If you see the screen pictured below, let the device
             charge for at least ten minutes to ensure that the battery has some charge, and then
             start with step 2 again.
         4. Continue holding the Home button until you see the "Connect to iTunes" screen.
             When this screen appears you can release the Home button.
         5. If necessary, open iTunes. You should see the following "recovery mode" alert:
         6. Use iTunes to restore the device.
    If you don't see the "Connect to iTunes" screen, try these steps again. If you see the "Connect to iTunes" screen but the device does not appear in iTunes, see this article and its related links.
    Additional Information:
    Note: When using recovery mode, you can only restore the device. All user content on the device will be erased, but if you had previously synced with iTunes on this computer, you can restore from a previous backup. See this article for more information.

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    I had the same problem. In the end I downloaded it manually. Here's the steps assuming you are on a Mac and have an iPad Air (Wifi). If not you can find other restore links here.
    In the terminal (it kept failing to download in Safari):
    curl,1_7.1_11D167_Rest ore.ipsw >>~/Desktop/iPad4,1_7.1_11D167_Restore.ipsw
    Once the file has downloaded, move it to ~/Library/iTunes/iPad Software Updates/
    Quit and relaunch iTunes.
    Should now work for you.

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    Try disabling your firewall; both on your PC and the external Firewall/Router.

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    Are you using dial-up, cable, or DSL? Do you have a slow or fast connection? The former is likely to make it difficult to get a reliable download of a 4 GB file.

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    Please excuse, but I have to ask an obvious question: Did you already update using the Snow Leopard Retail install DVD? (You must do this first; 10.6.7 is just an update if you already have 10.6.) Are you, then, trying to update from whatever version was on the install DVD to 10.6.7?
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    Try force quitting the app...
    Hold the On/Off Sleep/Wake button down for a few seconds until a red slider appears, then press and hold the Home button until the app quits.

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    Try disabling your firewall; both on your PC and the external Firewall/Router.

  • IPod Was Corrupted during download?

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    "The software for the iPod "iPod" was corrupted during download.
    Disconnect and reconnect, then try again.  Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active, or try again later"
    This is getting very frustrating.  I have tried this 10 times with no success.  Can someone please help me or give me any suggestions???  I would greatley appreciate it.
    Thank you.

    Try disabling the computer's antivirus and firewall and trying again.
    If you are using a wireless connection to your router try a wired connection.

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    im having the same problem. i talked to a friend of mine who is basically a genuis and he said it probably is Apple's server...that so many people are updating and its causing this. i havent found a true answer yet, i tried to call apple support, but that was hopeless. i thought maybe restoring my phone or something, but i dont want to do that and then realize that if i waited til tomorrow or so that i didnt have to. but im stuck just like you guys!

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    What did iTunes Support say when you contacted them ? If it's been more than 48 hours since you contacted them and you haven't had a reply then contact them again.
    If you haven't yet contacted them, then to do so :
    - go to
    - click on your country's flag
    - click on the Contact Support at the bottom of the left-hand column
    - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page
    - then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

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    "The software for the iPhone "iphone" was corrupted during download.
    Disconnect and reconnect, then try again. Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active, or try again later."

    I have been having the same problem - just very inconsistenly - two iPhones, one attached to Mac and the other to Windows updated just fine yesterday - today the iPad connected to the same Mac keeps saying corrupted - it is sayingonly 3 minutes to download - compared to about 10 or 12 minutes for the iPhones yesterday.
    I restarted iTunes - and the download is now showing more like 10 or 12 minutes total. and then it worked. or at least it looked like it was going to - got the full 700MB or so download and THEN said it was corrupted.
    this also happened when iOS 5 first came out - I just kept trying - might have rebooted my cable modem - but not really sure that anythign I did or did not do had any impact on it.
    You would think that if the issue was on Apple's end that they would have some wya to detect multiple failed attempts to download and look into any network issues on their end that might be affecting this.
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    Can we eliminate one minor possibility: are you in the UK and using Virgin Media cable connection? I ask because the latest 'Superhub' firmware is corrupting large downloads for some people.

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    error codes
    can't backup or restore  you may have to do this a few times.

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