Corrupted clips? Can't re-connect media.

I hope this all makes sense - I find it hard to explain...
I have been importing old VHS tapes for a friend. Last night, I finished capturing a tape, checked the clips and they were all fine. Got up this morning and this happened.
I opened FCP and some clips were missing. I tried to reconnect media. The clips are still there in the Capture Scratch folder. However, when I select the correct clip to re-connect, I get the message File "Clip Name" does not have proper content to reconnect to clip in sequence "Clip Name". This seems to have happened to the last 4 clips I have captured. When I try to open them with Quicktime, I get the message "File could not be opened. This is not a movie file."
The clips I'm having the trouble with, say 'Last Modified Today 9am' - this is weird as I captured them last night and haven't touched them since.
Also, don't know if this is of any relevance, but in Finder these clips are displayed as the Quicktime logo, whereas all the clips that are still working, are displayed with a little icon of the actual footage.
Each clip was almost an hours worth of footage so I REALLY don't want to have to capture them all again.
Any help would be much appreciated.

So you need to establish whether your clips are corrupted?
I suggest doing a GET INFO on each one and then changing the default application which opens it to QUICKTIME.
Then try double clicking the file and see if it opens in QT.
If you still get the "this is not a movie file" alert, you can be pretty sure that you have corrupted QT files.
I've just been through a major nightmare of this nature and tried every piece of software I could find to open my corrupted 75gig HD file. I asked questions on all the boards and failed to find anyone or any service that could help me ...
until ...
I found a guy in Balcelona in Spain who specializes in rescuing corrupt Quicktime files. He claims to be the only guy in the world doing this.
He rescued a 90 minute HD file for me and his initial charge is $149.
For this he sends you a piece of software which takes a sample of your corrupt file. Then you email him this tiny slice. He examines it and, if he can help you, he adapts his software to your own particular problem.
He then emails you an application to fix your problem. If he fixes your problem and you are happy, you pay him by credit card or whatnot and he then emails you a code which does the final fix.
It's almost unbelievable, I know. But it worked for me.
I had to have two passes done because of unforeseen difficulties, so it cost me $300. I was so grateful to him for fixing something which would have taken me days to replace and recut that I sent him an extra $100. So total $400.
I'm at home right now and not at my office. If you want his website and email and so on, reply to this email and I'll post the information in the morning.

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    you have a new phone and a new comp and you want to restore to your old data ?!
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    So you need to establish whether your clips are corrupted?
    I suggest doing a GET INFO on each one and then changing the default application which opens it to QUICKTIME.
    Then try double clicking the file and see if it opens in QT.
    If you still get the "this is not a movie file" alert, you can be pretty sure that you have corrupted QT files.
    I've just been through a major nightmare of this nature and tried every piece of software I could find to open my corrupted 75gig HD file. I asked questions on all the boards and failed to find anyone or any service that could help me ...
    until ...
    I found a guy in Balcelona in Spain who specializes in rescuing corrupt Quicktime files. He claims to be the only guy in the world doing this.
    He rescued a 90 minute HD file for me and his initial charge is $149.
    For this he sends you a piece of software which takes a sample of your corrupt file. Then you email him this tiny slice. He examines it and, if he can help you, he adapts his software to your own particular problem.
    He then emails you an application to fix your problem. If he fixes your problem and you are happy, you pay him by credit card or whatnot and he then emails you a code which does the final fix.
    It's almost unbelievable, I know. But it worked for me.
    I had to have two passes done because of unforeseen difficulties, so it cost me $300. I was so grateful to him for fixing something which would have taken me days to replace and recut that I sent him an extra $100. So total $400.
    I'm at home right now and not at my office. If you want his website and email and so on, reply to this email and I'll post the information in the morning.

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    Initially, you asked if you can hardwire your MBA to the TC. The answer is yes, by using the optional USB Ethernet adapter that Apple provides. However, in order for your MBA to access the TC's internal or USB-attached HDD, it would need to establish a network connection to it. This would be true of any NAS device on an Ethernet network. Therein, lies the problem. Your MBA cannot connect to two networks simultaneously.
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    What type of IP address are you getting? If it starts with 169, it indicates that your iBook can not connect to the DHCP server provided by the router.
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    Hi Bryan,
    Thanks for your input.
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  • I can not to connect to nated address

    I have server with real address, i created static nat to address, but I can not to connect to address from IP, here is config of ASA:
    ASA Version 8.0(5)
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    nameif intranet
    security-level 30
    ip address standby
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1
    nameif cdi
    security-level 80
    ip address standby
    interface GigabitEthernet0/2
    no nameif
    no security-level
    no ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/2.491
      vlan 491
    nameif service491
    security-level 50
    ip address standby
    interface GigabitEthernet0/2.492
    vlan 492
    nameif service492
    security-level 50
    ip address standby
    interface GigabitEthernet0/2.493
    vlan 493
    nameif service493
    security-level 50
    ip address standby
    interface GigabitEthernet0/2.500
      vlan 500
    nameif service500
    security-level 50
    ip address standby
    interface GigabitEthernet0/2.550
    vlan 550
    nameif service550
    security-level 50
    no ip address
    interface GigabitEthernet0/3
    description LAN Failover Interface
    boot system disk0:/asa805-k8.bin
    ftp mode passive
    dns server-group DefaultDNS
    access-list cdi-in extended permit icmp any any log debugging
    access-list cdi-in extended deny ip any any
    access-list intranet-in extended permit ip host log debugging
    access-list intranet-in extended permit ip host log debugging
    access-list intranet-in extended deny ip any any
    access-list service491-in extended permit icmp any any log debugging
    access-list service491-in extended deny ip any any
    access-list service492-in extended deny ip any any
    access-list service493-in extended deny ip any any
    access-list service500-in extended deny ip any any
    access-list service550-in extended deny ip any any
    access-list cap extended permit ip any any
    pager lines 24
    logging buffered debugging
    logging trap debugging
    logging asdm debugging
    logging host service491
    mtu intranet 1500
    mtu cdi 1500
    mtu service491 1500
    mtu service492 1500
    mtu service493 1500
    mtu service500 1500
    mtu service550 1500
    mtu mngmt 1500
    ip local pool pool1 mask
    failover lan unit primary
    failover lan interface failover GigabitEthernet0/3
    failover interface ip failover standby
    no monitor-interface intranet
    no monitor-interface cdi
    no monitor-interface mngmt
    icmp unreachable rate-limit 1 burst-size 1
    icmp permit any intranet
    icmp permit any cdi
    icmp permit any service491
    icmp permit any service492
    icmp permit any service493
    icmp permit any service500
    icmp permit any service550
    asdm image disk0:/asdm-647.bin
    no asdm history enable
    arp timeout 14400
    static (service491,intranet) netmask
    access-group intranet-in in interface intranet
    access-group cdi-in in interface cdi
    access-group service491-in in interface service491
    access-group service492-in in interface service492
    access-group service493-in in interface service493
    access-group service500-in in interface service500
    access-group service550-in in interface service550
    route intranet 1
    route cdi 1
    route cdi 1
    timeout xlate 3:00:00
    timeout conn 1:00:00 half-closed 0:10:00 udp 0:02:00 icmp 0:00:02
    timeout sunrpc 0:10:00 h323 0:05:00 h225 1:00:00 mgcp 0:05:00 mgcp-pat 0:05:00
    timeout sip 0:30:00 sip_media 0:02:00 sip-invite 0:03:00 sip-disconnect 0:02:00
    timeout sip-provisional-media 0:02:00 uauth 0:05:00 absolute
    timeout tcp-proxy-reassembly 0:01:00
    dynamic-access-policy-record DfltAccessPolicy
    aaa authentication ssh console LOCAL
    no snmp-server location
    no snmp-server contact
    snmp-server enable traps snmp authentication linkup linkdown coldstart
    crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 28800
    crypto ipsec security-association lifetime kilobytes 4608000
    crypto ca trustpoint localtrust
    enrollment self
    keypair sslvpnkeypair
    crl configure
    crypto ca certificate chain localtrust
    certificate c116474f
        308201e7 30820150 a0030201 020204c1 16474f30 0d06092a 864886f7 0d010104
        bce 90a3424e
        f9f040e2 95c69b91 779b8a
    no crypto isakmp nat-traversal
    console timeout 0
    threat-detection basic-threat
    threat-detection statistics access-list
    no threat-detection statistics tcp-intercept
    ssl trust-point localtrust intranet
    enable intranet
    svc image disk0:/anyconnect-win-2.5.3055-k9.pkg 1
    svc enable
    group-policy GrpPolicy-ssl1 internal
    group-policy GrpPolicy-ssl1 attributes
    vpn-tunnel-protocol svc
    tunnel-group ssl1 type remote-access
    tunnel-group ssl1 general-attributes
    address-pool pool1
    default-group-policy GrpPolicy-ssl1
    class-map inspection_default
    match default-inspection-traffic
    policy-map type inspect dns preset_dns_map
      message-length maximum 512
    policy-map global_policy
    class inspection_default
      inspect dns preset_dns_map
      inspect ftp
      inspect h323 h225
      inspect h323 ras
      inspect rsh
      inspect rtsp
      inspect esmtp
      inspect sqlnet
      inspect skinny
      inspect sunrpc
      inspect xdmcp
      inspect sip
      inspect netbios
      inspect tftp
      inspect icmp
    service-policy global_policy global
    prompt hostname context
    : end

    i corrected "packet-tracer..." there was mistake, instead
    pna-tdc1# packet-tracer input intranet tcp 1025 22
    Phase: 1
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Found no matching flow, creating a new flow
    Phase: 2
    Type: UN-NAT
    Subtype: static
    Result: ALLOW
    static (service491,intranet) netmask
      match ip service491 host intranet any
        static translation to
        translate_hits = 0, untranslate_hits = 4
    Additional Information:
    NAT divert to egress interface service491
    Untranslate to using netmask
    Phase: 3
    Subtype: log
    Result: ALLOW
    access-group intranet-in in interface intranet
    access-list intranet-in extended permit ip log debugging
    Additional Information:
    Phase: 4
    Type: IP-OPTIONS
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Phase: 5
    Type: FOVER
    Subtype: standby-update
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Phase: 6
    Type: NAT
    Subtype: rpf-check
    Result: ALLOW
    static (service491,intranet) netmask
      match ip service491 host intranet any
        static translation to
        translate_hits = 0, untranslate_hits = 4
    Additional Information:
    Phase: 7
    Type: NAT
    Subtype: host-limits
    Result: ALLOW
    static (service491,intranet) netmask
      match ip service491 host intranet any
        static translation to
        translate_hits = 0, untranslate_hits = 4
    Additional Information:
    Phase: 8
    Type: IP-OPTIONS
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    Phase: 9
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    New flow created with id 2956, packet dispatched to next module
    Phase: 10
    Subtype: output and adjacency
    Result: ALLOW
    Additional Information:
    found next-hop using egress ifc service491
    adjacency Active
    next-hop mac address 0014.4fed.bb6c hits 41
    input-interface: intranet
    input-status: up
    input-line-status: up
    output-interface: service491
    output-status: up
    output-line-status: up
    Action: allow

  • Corrupt iPod can not restore

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    I'm wondering if anyone else has had this issue?

    See here: What to do if iPod can't be updated because the firmware file was corrupt or not found

  • Can I delete Original Media folder after its all been transcoded?

    So i remember reading that most footage you import should be transcoded. Though Final Cut Pro "works natively with formats like h.264 and dslr movs, it is better to have it optimized into Pro Res and transcoded." Having listened to that, I have Optimized all of my media that I have importated however now I have double the media in my FCP Events folders because I have both Original Media and Transcoded media. This leads me to a few questions...
    1) Can I delete the Original Media folder if all my my media is transcoded? How will this effect my timeline and projects? Will this free up space? How can I verify all of my clips have bene transcoded?
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    1- Yes, you can delete the Original Media folder, FCP will only read from your Optimized Media folder then.  But move it to the trash first, then launch FCP X and test it out, before emptying the trash.
    2- Yes, again, test it as I mentioned in 1 above.  Once you remove either Original or Optimized, it's gone, that's it.
    3- Always let FCP do the transcoding, doing it in Compressor gains you nothing.  You shold base your decision to optimize on the hardware you're using and the amount of storage space you have available.  H.264 is super compressed.  ProRes uncompresses it and is more of it's natural file size.

  • FCPX 10.1: why is some video clips shown with a connected clip icon ?

    Hi there,
    I have finally updated to 10.1
    But after conversion, in the browser, why are there some video clips shown with a connected clip icon ? And it doesn't play ?
    Any ideas ?

    The edited project was 60 seconds making up an intricate title sequence involving 24 video segments and 48 png/ PSD files.  Had a brain storm and was wondering if there is anyway the the project could move to another event so currently going through all the event folders on my FCPX edit drive. I just can't see how a project can just vanish.
    Thanks for your suggestion.

  • Can i remotely connect to my external hard disk from my iPhone/iPad?

    I just bought a new apple time capsule.
    Can i remotely connect it with my mac without a static public IP?
    I read that i can not reach it remotely anymore for iPhone en iPad since the last update, is that correct?
    So than i want to connect my external connected hard disk. Is this possible with my iPhone or iPad?
    I heard about filebrowser but it doesn't work well.
    And what about apple TV, can i stream from my TC?
    Can anybody explain how i can fix this?
    Macbook Pro 2012, iPhone 6, iPad air 2, Apple TV

    Apple have no method to connect iOS device to the TC at any time.. LAN or WAN.. so any method you use must come from 3rd party app.
    I heard about filebrowser but it doesn't work well.
    It works as well as any other app can. Remote access must be based on a network protocol and the only ones supported by Apple are AFP and SMB.
    AFAIK people have not been successful getting AFP based file apps on iOS to work remotely although I have not checked closely for a while.
    So you have to use SMB.. and at least filebrowser has instructions.
    It is however unsafe opening SMB at any time. And I suggested people try it with different ports instead of obvious ones.. but that didn't work so why it needs to be 20445 I don't know.. but it does make it fairly obvious.
    The alternative method which is really the only safe way to do this is using a different router.. one with built in vpn servers. These used to be expensive but you can buy them now for less than $100.. or use routers with 3rd party. You have to move the TC to being bridged and used as WAP and switch. However that is not a major issue. The vpn router will include a standard ddns client so that fixes not having static IP.
    And iOS has good vpn clients built in or app add ons.
    VPN is the right way to do this.
    And what about apple TV, can i stream from my TC?
    TC is a dumb hard disk in a router.. it has no media extensions. Apple TV is not a media player.. it is a streamer. So you must have an application which can stream from TC to the ATV which means you need a computer with iTunes or you need ipad and some software that can read files and stream it.. obviously apple built the system for itunes and itunes pretty much exclusively.
    If you get a WD live TV it can play source material directly from TC.. because it is a true media player. Apple TV cannot.

  • Itunes telling me ipod is corrupt - what can I do?  Only have light on nothing else

    My daughter's ipod won't turn on, she thought it was a problem with battery but I have charged it and light comes on but nothing else.  Connected it to iTunes only to be told Ipod is corrupted - what can I do?  Went to support centre but Monday before I can get a response.

    Have you tried rebooting for the Mac and iPod to see if that helps? To reset the iPod, press and hold both the Select/Center and Menu buttons together long enough for the Apple logo to appear.
    It wouldn't hurt to also try plugging the iPod into another USB port and use a different USB sync cable.

Maybe you are looking for