Count of Vowels

Hi I want to find count of each vowel in a string using SQL query. Not using Pl/Sql.
Ram Kanala

Gnarly but it works...
SQL> SELECT nvl(length(replace(translate('AAAABBB'
  2                                      , 'ABCEDFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
  3                                      , 'A*************************')
  4                    , '*', null)), 0)  AS A_CNT
  5  FROM dual
  6  /
SQL> SELECT nvl(length(replace(translate('AAAABBB'
  2                                      , 'ABCEDFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
  3                                      , '*B************************')
  4                    , '*', null)), 0)  AS B_CNT
  5  FROM dual
  6  /
SQL> SELECT nvl(length(replace(translate('AAAABBB'
  2                                      , 'ABCEDFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'
  3                                      , '**C***********************')
  4                    , '*', null)), 0)  AS C_CNT
  5  FROM dual
  6  /
SQL> Sprucing it up is left as an exercise for the reader...
Cheers, APC

Similar Messages

  • Help Counting Vowels and Consonants using a class

    I'm currently working on a class project where I need take a user inputed string and count how many vowels and/or consonants are in the String at the user discretion. I have the main logic program working fine. However, the trouble I'm running into is how to take the string the user inputed and pass that data into the class method for counting.
    Here is the code for the program:
    package vowelsandconsonants;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class VowelConsCounter {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            String input; //User input
            char selection; //Menu selection
            //Create a Scanner object for keyboard input.
            Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
            //Get the string to start out with.
            System.out.print("Enter a string: ");
            input = keyboard.nextLine();
            //Create a VowelCons object.
            VowelCons vc = new VowelCons(input);
            do {
                // Display the menu and get the user's selection.
                selection = getMenuSelection();
                // Act on the selection
                switch (Character.toLowerCase(selection)) {
                    case 'a':
                        System.out.println("\nNumber of Vowels: " +
                    case 'b':
                        System.out.println("\nNumber of consonats: " +
                    case 'c':
                        System.out.println("\nNumber of Vowels: " +
                        System.out.println("Number of consonants: " +
                    case 'd':
                        System.out.print("Enter a string: ");
                        input = keyboard.nextLine();
                        vc = new VowelCons(input);
            } while (Character.toLowerCase(selection) != 'e');
         * The getMenuSelection method displays the menu and gets the user's choice.
        public static char getMenuSelection() {
            String input;  //To hold keyboard input
            char selection;  // The user's selection
            //Create a Scanner object for keyboard input.
            Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
            //Display the menu.
            System.out.println("a) Count the number of vowels in the string.");
            System.out.println("b) Count the number of consonants in the string.");
            System.out.println("c) Count both the vowels and consonants in the string.");
            System.out.println("d) Enter another string.");
            System.out.println("e) Exit the program.");
            //Get the user's selection
            input = keyboard.nextLine();
            selection = input.charAt(0);
            //Validate the input
            while (Character.toLowerCase(selection) < 'a' ||
                    Character.toLowerCase(selection) > 'e') {
                System.out.print("Only enter a,b,c,d or e:");
                input = keyboard.nextLine();
                selection = input.charAt(0);
            return selection;
    class VowelCons {
        private char[] vowels;
        private char[] consonants;
        private int numVowels = 0;
        private int numCons = 0;
        public VowelCons(String str) {
        public int getNumVowels() {
            return numVowels;
        public int getNumConsonants() {
            return numCons;
        private void countVowelsAndCons() {
            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
                char ch = inputString.charAt(i);
                if ((ch == 'a') || (ch == 'A') || (ch == 'e') || (ch == 'E') || (ch == 'i') || (ch == 'I') || (ch == 'o') || (ch == 'O') || (ch == 'u') || (ch == 'U')) {
                } else if (Character.isLetter(ch)) {
    }The UML given to me by my instructor calls for the counting method to be private. Being that I'm not too familiar with Java syntax I did not know if that may cause a problem with passing the user's input into that method.

    Well the only compilers i get are due to the code:
    private void countVowelsAndCons() {
            for (int i = 0; i < total; i++) {
                char ch = inputString.charAt(i);
                if ((ch == 'a') || (ch == 'A') || (ch == 'e') || (ch == 'E') || (ch == 'i') || (ch == 'I') || (ch == 'o') || (ch == 'O') || (ch == 'u') || (ch == 'U')) {
                } else if (Character.isLetter(ch)) {
        }However, that is due to the fact that i have no data for those variables to use. I'm pretty much stuck on how to get the string the user inputs into that method shown above so the code can perform the task of counting the vowels and consonants.
    If i comment out the code within that function the program compiles and will allow me to enter the string and use the options but since i can't figure out how to pass the input to the counting method the program returns 0 for everything.

  • Counting vowels, upper and lower case.

    was wondering if anyone knew how to fix this snippet of code. It keeps on producing really weird results. I'm trying to count the number of vowels a,A,e,E,i,I,o,O,u,U in a string entered by the user
    here is my code....
    theString = str5.nextToken();
    if(theString.equalsIgnoreCase("a") || theString.equalsIgnoreCase("e") || theString.equalsIgnoreCase("i") || theString.equalsIgnoreCase("o") || theString.equalsIgnoreCase("u") )
    //my code doesn't seem to count uppercase vowels. I've spent a few days on it already -- I'm getting
    a headache. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    One of the many ways
    class VowelCounter
      public static void main(String args[])
        String sentence = "What would the code be to individually read"+
                     " in the vowels from a string,and then output the"+
              " results in something resembling the following format";
        String vowels[] = {"a","e","i","o","u"};
        int count, total = sentence.length();;
        for(int x = 0; x < vowels.length; x++)
          sentence = sentence.toLowerCase().replaceAll(vowels[x],"");
          count = total - sentence.length();
          total -= count;
          System.out.println("Total of "+vowels[x]+"'s = "+count);
        System.out.println(total+ " characters remain (inc. spaces)");

  • Trouble Counting Vowels and Consonants

    Hey I am trying to create a GUI that has three text fields, one for typing letters into it, the other two counts the vowels and consonants. However, I can't get the code to properly spit out any numbers and whenever I type in letters I get an exception: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    class GUI extends JFrame implements KeyListener {
         public int numberOfConsonents = 0;
         public int numberOfVowels = 0;
         public JTextField jtf1;
         public JTextField jtf2;
         public JTextField jtf3;
         public JLabel jl3;
         public JLabel jl2;
         public GUI(){
         JTextField jtf1;
         JTextField jtf2;
         JTextField jtf3;
         jtf1 = new JTextField(20);
         jtf2 = new JTextField(5);
         jtf3 = new JTextField(5);
         jl2 = new JLabel("Vowels");
         jl3 = new JLabel("Consonants");
         getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout(2,3));
         public void keyPressed (KeyEvent ke){
              char c = ke.getKeyChar();
              if (Character.isLetter(c)){
                   c = Character.toLowerCase(c);
                   if(c == 'a' || c == 'e' || c == 'i' || c == 'o' || c == 'u'){
    //      not used
         public void keyReleased (KeyEvent ke){
         // not used
         public void keyTyped (KeyEvent ke){
         public static void main(String args[]){
              GUI gui = new GUI();

    In your constructor, don't re-declare the JTextFields. Essentially...
         public GUI(){
         jtf1 = new JTextField(20);
         jtf2 = new JTextField(5);
         jtf3 = new JTextField(5);
         jl2 = new JLabel("Vowels");
         jl3 = new JLabel("Consonants");
         getContentPane().setLayout(new GridLayout(2,3));
         }The reason it's making an error is because you never construct the GLOBAL JTextFields. To access a JTextField globally, if you already have a JTextField with the same name in some method, you have to use this.theNameOfTheThing .

  • Counting vowels question

    Have the user input a sentence. Count the vowels and output your findings. Vowels are comprised of the letters: a e i o u. Remember that a vowel can be in upper case or lower case. (e.g., A or a)
    Your program could look as follows:
    im very confused..

    What is your question?  It looks almost as if you are submitting school assignments for people to solve for you here.
    If you are looking for an idea of how to code this, one way would be to create an array that contains the vowels and loop thru the sentence (String) and test each character to see if it is in the array (use the Array.indexOf() method).  Keep a count of how many match what is in the array.

  • Vowels and consonants count of a string

    1.    plz provide code for counting no of  vowels and        Consonants   in a STRING.... suppose the string is BUSINESS.
    and also other
    2.     program to pass the string during runtime and couting vowels,consonants and also checking whether the string is palindrom or not.
    plz send me the code asap...

       DATA :  v_string(40) VALUE  'BUSINESS',
                  v_cnt1 TYPE I,
                  v_cnt2 TYPE I VALUE 1,
                  v_len TYPE I,
                  v_diff TYPE I,
                  v_vowels TYPE I ,
                 v_conso TYPE I.
      v_len =  strlen( v_string ).
       DO v_len TIMES.
         IF v_string+v_cnt1(v_cnt2)  CA  'A,E,I,O,U'.
            v_vowels =  v_vowels  + 1.
          v_conso =  v_conso + 1.
           v_cnt1 =  v_cnt1 + 1.
      WRITE : v_vowels  , v_conso.

  • Counting vowels in a word.

    I am to write a recursive program that counts the number of vowels in a given String. So far, this is what I have:
    public static int CountVowels( String s )
    if ( s.length() == 0 )
      return 0;
      if ( (s.substring(0,1) == "a") || (s.substring(0,1) == "e") || (s.substring(0,1) == "i") || (s.substring(0,1) == "o") || (s.substring(0,1) == "u") || (s.substring(0,1) == "A") || (s.substring(0,1) == "E") || (s.substring(0,1) == "I") || (s.substring(0,1) == "O") || (s.substring(0,1) == "U") )
       return 1 + CountVowels(s.substring(0,1));
       return 0 + CountVowels(s.substring(0,1));

    Norm_Sea_3 wrote:
    I am to write a recursive program that counts the number of vowels in a given String. So far, this is what I haveIf you are looking for a recursive solution then you can use this
    public static int CountVowels( String s )
      if ( s.length() == 0 )
       return 0;
       char x=charAt(0);
       if ( x == "a"|| x == "e" || x == "i" || x == "o" || x == "u" || x == "A" || x == "E" || x == "I" || x == "O"|| x == "U" )
        return 1 + CountVowels(s.substring(1,s.length()));
        return 0 + CountVowels(s.substring(1,s.length()));

  • Pl/sql block to count no of vowels and consonents in a given string

    I need a pl/sql block to count no of vowels and consonants in a given string.
    Program should prompt user to enter string and should print no of vowels and consonants in the given string.

    Edit, correction to my above post which was wrong
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select '&required_string' as txt from dual)
      2  --
      3  select length(regexp_replace(txt,'([bcdfghjklmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRSTVWXYZ])|.','\1')) as cons_count
      4        ,length(regexp_replace(txt,'([aeiouAEIOU])|.','\1')) as vowel_count
      5* from t
    SQL> /
    Enter value for required_string: This is my text string with vowels and consonants
    old   1: with t as (select '&required_string' as txt from dual)
    new   1: with t as (select 'This is my text string with vowels and consonants' as txt from dual)
            30          11

  • Counting Vowels and Consonants...

    Hellos All,
    I have the following
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class r3
    public static void main(String[] args)
    //declare variables
    String userInput, workString = "";
    int stringLength;
    int numberVowels = 0;
    char userChoice;
    Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
    char[] vowelArray = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'};
    boolean enterAString;
    System.out.println("Would you like to enter a string");
    enterAString = keyboard.nextBoolean();
    //user input
    {//begin loop
    System.out.println("please enter a string");
    userInput = keyboard.nextLine();
    userInput = userInput.toLowerCase();
    stringLength = userInput.length();
    for(int i = 0; i < stringLength; ++i)
    if((int)userInput.charAt(i) >= 97 && (int)userInput.charAt(i) <=122)
    workString = workString + userInput.charAt(i);
    for(int i = 0; i < stringLength; ++i)
    if(userInput.charAt(i) >= 'a' && userInput.charAt(i) <= 'z')
    workString = workString + userInput.charAt(i);
    System.out.println("Please select\n"
    +"a for number of vowels\n"
    +"b for number of consonents\n"
    +"c for number of vowels and consonents\n"
    +"d to enter another string\n"
    +"e to exit\n");
    userChoice = ((keyboard.nextLine()).toLowerCase()).charAt(0);
    //determin number of vowels
    for(int i = 0; i < workString.length(); ++i)
    for(int j = 0; j < vowelArray.length; ++j)
    if(workString.charAt(i) == vowelArray[j])
    case 'a':
    System.out.println("The number of vowels is: " + numberVowels);
    case 'b':
    System.out.println("The number of consonents is: " + (workString.length() - numberVowels));
    case 'c':
    System.out.println("The number of vowels and consonents is: " + workString.length());
    case 'd':
    case 'e':
    enterAString = false;
    System.out.println("Invalid input. Goodby.");
    }//end switch
    }//end loop
    System.out.println("Thanks for playing");
    }//end main
    }//end classSo far it somewhat works fine, but for the number of consonents when printed. The number printed out is not equal to the string input by the user. The bigger the string gets the bigger the difference in the amount of consonants.
    any help would be appretiated thanks

    you can do this very easily by using 2 replace alls.
    String userInput = ...
    String pureText = (userInput.toLowerCase()).replaceAll("[^a-z]", "");
    String vowels = pureText.replaceAll("[^aeiou]", "");
    int vowelCount = vowels.length();
    int consonantCount = pureText.length() - vowelCount;

  • How to count number of vowels in the String?

    Write a program that calculates the total number of vowels contained in the String" Event Handlers is dedicated to making your event a most memorable one."
    Please help!

  • How to calculate the number of vowels from a txt file. Pls give me a hand!!

    Guys! How do i calculate the number of vowels from a txt file? I have to create a program to count the number of words, sentence, and vowels. So far I had managed to count the number of words. Now I need help on counting sentence and vowels! Pls give me a hand guys!

    I first have to read from the file not the string.I
    know how to read from a file. Now the problem ishow
    to compare a character from a txt file!You fail to understand, that you have read the data
    from the file into a string. Now loop over all
    characters in the string. Forget about the file.
    KajOr forget the scanners just as others have told you. Just read the file character by character using a FileReader.

  • Need help with a vowel reading program :(

    Hi, im trying to create a program that does the following:
    "a program that reads a list of vowels (a, e, i, o, u) and stores them in an array. The maximum number of vowels to be read should be obtained from the user before beginning to read the vowels, however, the user may cancel the reading of vowels at any time by entering '#'. The algorithm should then count and display the number of times each vowel appears in the array. Finally the algorithm should also output the index in the array where the each vowel first appeared or a suitable message if a particular vowel is not in the array at all."
    It says to store the input in an array so I've probably started all wrong :( but any help at all would be greatly accepted.
    Im trying to go through it doing one method at a time but im having trouble with the reading input method
    the 1 error i get is marked with ***.
    Is it that I need to do a for loop first to find the length of the string?
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    class prac7
          public static String readIn()
                    BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
                    String max = null;
                    String sentence = null;
                    System.out.println("\nEnter the amount of characters to read in: ");
                    max = input.readLine();
                    int total = Integer.parseInt(max);
               catch(Exception e) {System.out.println("invalid");}
                    sentence = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a sentence, ("+max+" characters maximum): ");
                    int ind = sentence.length();
               }while(ind <= max);     //*** the arrow is under 'ind' and says "cannot resolve symbol"
               return sentence;
          public static void main(String[] args)
               String data = "";
               data = readIn();

    thanks for your reply Paul ^^ , but im still having trouble with that part of the program :(
    Its saying "operator <= cannot be applied to int,java.lang.String" (Ive marked in asterisks)
    Also i've add the rest of the program code, but in the calcPrint method i am having trouble understanding some of it (some of the code was used from another program) and it would be great if someone could show me a more simplier way of coding the same thing? even if its more typing, i just want to understand it better.
    (i've marked the area im having trouble understanding with asterisks)
    Once again any help would be fantastic :)
    here is the code
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    class prac7
          public static String readIn()
               BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
               String max = null;
               String sentence = null;
                    System.out.println("\nEnter the amount of characters to read in: ");
                    max = input.readLine();
                    int total = Integer.parseInt(max);
               catch(Exception e) {System.out.println("invalid");}
                    sentence = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter a sentence, ("+max+" characters maximum): ");
               }while(sentence.length() <= max);     /******operator error******/
               return sentence;
          public static void calcPrint(String data)
               String vowels[] = {"a","e","i","o","u","Other letters"};
               String screen = "";
               int alpha[] = new int [6];
               for (int i = 0; i < data.length(); i++)
               /********from here*********/
                         if(data.charAt(i) != ' ') alpha[5]++;
                    catch(Exception e){}
               for (int i = 0; i < alpha.length; i++)
               screen += vowels[i]+" Amount = "+alpha[i]+"\n";
              /**********to here**********/
          public static void main(String[] args)
               String data = "";
               data = readIn();

  • Help with a Word Counting Program..

    I need some help with a program I am trying to write
    The program is being written in BlueJ.
    Im just starting the program and am completely confused on how I should write this...
    But here is what I have to do..
    I have to use a scanner to scan a Text file and count the # of Words the number of Vowels (including Y when it is) and the # of Palindromes (Word spelled same forward and Back) as well as which Palindromes are being used.
    It would be good to have a class to clean the text and a seperate class for the tasks...
    I do not want to use anything other than "If" statements and while loops (no "for" loops) and only use Printwriter as the output file writer.
    Thnx to anyone in advance

    I have a basic Vowel coding that doeswnt work...
    public class vowel{
    String word = "heyyou";
    String vowels = "aeiouy";
    int[] countv = new int[vowels.length()];
    int countv2;
    int i=0;
    if(i<word.length();) { i++ {
    if (int j=0 && j<vowels.length()) {
    return j++;
    if (word.charAt(i)==vowels.charAt(j)) {
    countV[j]++; countV2++;
    for (int i=0; i<vowels.length(); i++) {
    System.out.println("Vowel "vowels.charAt(i)" = "+vcnt);
    System.out.println("Consonants = "+(word.length()-vtot)); }
    I also have a basic Palindrome code that works as a boolean but I need to make it return what the palindromes are and how many of them are there. I wanna know how I would do this.
    public class Palindrome{
    public static boolean isPalindrome(String word) {
    int left = 0;
    int right = word.length() -1;
    while (left < right) {       
    if (word.charAt(left) != word.charAt(right)) {
    return false;
    return true;
    I would also like to know how to actually start writing the word counter.

  • Please help with vowels

    i am new to java and i was supposed to do a program that figures out the vowels per line in a text file (among other thing) every time the following code is run, it says the vowels equal 9 why is this . please can anyone help?
    import java.awt.*;
    import hsa.Console;
    import java.util.*;
    public class fileRead
        static Console c;
        static int a, words, average, totalWords, numvowels;
        static String line;
        public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException
            c = new Console ();
            totalWords = 0;
            vowels = 0;
            BufferedReader fileInput;
            fileInput = new BufferedReader (new FileReader ("hi.txt"));
            for (a = 1 ; a <= 10 ; a++)
                line = fileInput.readLine ();
                c.println (line);
                StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer (line); // introduces a new stringTokenizer that splits all words in line into tokens to be counted
                words = st.countTokens ();
                totalWords = totalWords + words;
                getVowels ();
            fileInput.close ();
            c.println ("\nThe total amount of words in this text are " + totalWords);
            average = totalWords / 10;
            c.println (average);
        public static void getVowels ()
            for (int loop = 0 ; loop < line.length () ; loop++)
                numvowels = 0;
                if ((line.charAt (loop) == 'A') || (line.charAt (loop) == 'a')
                        || (line.charAt (loop) == 'E') || (line.charAt (loop) == 'e')
                        || (line.charAt (loop) == 'I') || (line.charAt (loop) == 'i')
                        || (line.charAt (loop) == 'O') || (line.charAt (loop) == 'o')
                        || (line.charAt (loop) == 'U') || (line.charAt (loop) == 'u')
                        || (line.charAt (loop) == 'Y') || (line.charAt (loop) == 'y'))
            c.println ("the number of vowels in this line are " + numvowels + "\n");

    First make sure it compiles.
    vowels = 0;vowels is undeclared.
    try this
    public static void main (String[] args) throws IOException{       
             BufferedReader reader=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream("hi.txt")));
             String str="";
                  int count1=0,count2=0;
                  for(int i=0;i<str.length();i++){
                       if(str.charAt(i)=='a' || str.charAt(i)=='e' || str.charAt(i)=='i' || str.charAt(i)=='o' ||
                            str.charAt(i)=='u' || str.charAt(i)=='y')count2++;                                      
                  System.out.println("vowels: "+count2);

  • Reading and counting chars

    i need help on makeing a prog that takes a string a counts how many vowels are in the prog and prints how many there is any help will be greatly apreciated

    public class CountVowels {
       public static void main(String args[]) {
          String someString = "Hello there.  I am counting vowels";
          int vowelCounter = 0;
          for (int i=someString.length()-1;i>=0;i--) {
             char currentChar = someString.charAt(i);
             if (isVowel(currentChar)) {
          }//end for
          System.out.println("total vowels="+vowelCounter);
       }//end main
       public static boolean isVowel(char value) {
          boolean result = false;
          switch (value) {
             case 'a':
             case 'A':
             case 'e':
             case 'E':
             case 'i':
             case 'I':
             case 'o':
             case 'O':
             case 'u':
             case 'U':
                result = true;
          }//end switch
          return result;
       }//end isVowel
    }//end class

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