Count Rows in cursor

How I can count number of rows in a cursor?. In other words, how I can count how many records set in one cursor

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by quang dau ([email protected]):
How I can count number of rows in a cursor?. In other words, how I can count how many records set in one cursor <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
You can use c1%rowcount where c1 is name of cursor.
good luck

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    Qwerty wrote:
    Is there a way to get the number of rows a cursor query has fetched, without looping into the cursor and using a counter variableYes.
    It is zero.
    On the first loop and first fetch it will be 1, second 2 etc.
    This is because cursors have no rows, or fetch no rows until your code or the client uses the cursor to fetch them.
    I mean like in pl/sql table we can directly use the pl/sql table attributeA PL/SQL array is not like a cursor, a PL/SQL array has the rows already fetched into it.
    A cursor is not an array but a pointer to a compiled SQL statement so you cannot count how many rows it has, because it has none. You can only count how many rows you fetch from it.

  • Count rows from multiple tables using SQL only

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    Table RowCount
    DBA_TABLES 1000
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    offcource write this script:
    create or replace procedure count_tables (ip_schema VARCHAR2)
    lv_owner VARCHAR2(100);
    lv_table_name VARCHAR2(100);
    lv_sql_statement VARCHAR2(2000);
    lv_count_table NUMBER;
    CURSOR c1 IS
    SELECT owner, table_name
    FROM all_tables
    WHERE owner = ip_schema
    ORDER BY table_name;
    dbms_output.put_line ('+--------------------------------------------------------------------+');
    dbms_output.put_line ('¦ | | ¦');
    dbms_output.put_line ('¦ Schema Name | Table Name | Number of Rows ¦');
    dbms_output.put_line ('¦ | | ¦');
    dbms_output.put_line ('¦------------------------------------------------------------------¦');
    OPEN c1;
    FETCH c1 INTO lv_owner , lv_table_name;
    lv_sql_statement := 'SELECT count(*) FROM ' || lv_owner || '.' || lv_table_name;
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE lv_sql_statement INTO lv_count_table;
    IF lv_count_table > 0 THEN
    dbms_output.put_line ('| '||rpad(lv_owner, 14, ' ')||'| '|| rpad(lv_table_name, 32, ' ')||'| '|| rpad(lv_count_table, 16, ' ')||' |');
    -- dbms_output.put_line ('|---------------|---------------------------------|------------------|');
    END IF;
    CLOSE c1;
    dbms_output.put_line ('+--------------------------------------------------------------------+');
    dbms_output.put_line ('owner: '||lv_owner||' - table: '||lv_table_name||' - '||sqlerrm);
    end count_tables;
    set serveroutput on size 1000000
    exec count_tables
    drop procedure count_tables;

  • Count rows from several tables

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    table_name count
    table1 5
    table2 6
    table3 3
    i came up with the following script but it counts the number of tables i have
    select object_name, (select count(*) from user_tables where table_name = object_name) from all_objects
    where object_type = 'TABLE'

    Manik wrote:
    May be possible:
    Check this:
    SELECT table_name,
    xmltype (
    DBMS_XMLGEN.getxml ('select count(*) c from ' || table_name)),
    FROM (select * from all_tables where table_name in ('TABLE1','TABLE2'))
    WHERE owner = 'SCOTT';Cheers,
    Manik.Awesome Manik... Just too good. Thanks.
    I wish i could have given you the 'Correct' points. ;-)
    Can you please explain the logic in brief? Will be helpful for everybody to understand...

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              GROUP BY a, b
              ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC;
    inputs_rec inputs_cur%ROWTYPE;
    OPEN inputs_cur;
    FETCH inputs_cur INTO inputs_rec;.
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    SQL> Declare
      2      Cursor C1 is Select a.c1 col1,count(*) col2 from
      3      (Select 1 c1 from dual connect by rownum<=10
      4       union all
      5       Select 2 c1 from dual connect by rownum<=20) a
      6      Group by a.c1;
      7  abc c1%rowtype;   
      8  begin
      9       Open C1;
    10       loop
    11       Fetch C1 into abc;
    12       exit when C1%NOTFOUND;
    13          dbms_output.put_line('Record Value: ' || abc.col1);
    14          dbms_output.put_line('Count of record: ' || abc.col2);
    15       end loop;
    16  end;
    17  /
    Record Value: 1
    Count of record: 10
    Record Value: 2
    Count of record: 20
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    The Tile container's number of columns and rows is calculated
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    int l=0;
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    As per my knowledge there is no method by which you can get the count of items in a resultset directly. You will have to loop through the reseltset and set a variable for count. In your specific case I would advise you to use a Vetor instead of an array so that you need not bother about the size.
    ResultSet rset = stmt.executeQuery("select * from user ");
    Vector user = new Vector();
    while ({
    Now you will have a Vector that holds the user info. To retrieve the user info loop through the Vector.
    for (int i; i<user.size(); i++){
    userName = user.elementAt(i);
    Hope I was of some help.

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    I have tried a subquery and its not working, I'm stuck at this point.
    Thanks for help :)
    example table
    pk app # submit_date
    12 test-1 02222011 13:30
    13 test-2 02232011 09:45
    14 test-1 02232011 09:51
    how do i count rows but based on max timestamp?

    submit s
    where exists (select, max(s1.submit_date) from submit s1 group by
    I dont really understand what you are doing there.
      2       AS (SELECT 12 pk, 'TEST-1' app#, SYSDATE submit_date FROM DUAL
      3           UNION ALL
      4           SELECT 13 pk, 'TEST-2' app#, SYSDATE + 1 submit_date FROM DUAL
      5           UNION ALL
      6           SELECT 14 pk, 'TEST-1' app#, SYSDATE + 2 submit_date FROM DUAL)
      7  SELECT * FROM T;
            PK APP#   SUBMIT_DA
            12 TEST-1 23-FEB-11
            13 TEST-2 24-FEB-11
            14 TEST-1 25-FEB-11
      2       AS (SELECT 12 pk, 'TEST-1' app#, SYSDATE submit_date FROM DUAL
      3           UNION ALL
      4           SELECT 13 pk, 'TEST-2' app#, SYSDATE + 1 submit_date FROM DUAL
      5           UNION ALL
      6           SELECT 14 pk, 'TEST-1' app#, SYSDATE + 2 submit_date FROM DUAL)
      7  SELECT   pk, app#
      8    FROM   (SELECT pk, app#, ROW_NUMBER () OVER (PARTITION BY app# ORDER BY submit_date DESC) rn
    FROM T)
      9   WHERE   rn = 1;
            PK APP#
            14 TEST-1
            13 TEST-2

  • What is the problem with native dynamic sql when counting rows in all table

    what is the problem with native dynamic sql when counting rows in all table?Giving an error "table or view does not exist". Thanks.
    v_sql_string varchar2(1000);
    v_no_of_rows number;
    for i in ( select table_name from all_tables )
    v_sql_string := ' select count(1) from ' || i.table_name;
    dbms_output.put_line( v_sql_string );
    --execute immediate v_sql_string into v_no_of_rows;
    end loop;

    Usually your problem can be described with 'Who cares'. I mean, for what reason do you do this? I doubt that there's a business need to get 100 % accurate answers for this. Normally such things are used to get a picture about the growth of data.
    Personally I would prefer to have up-to-date statistics for all tables and just query the number of rows from there. Sufficient for me in < 99 % of all cases.
    Just my $ .02...

  • Keeping track of count of open cursors

    Is there a way to ask the API for a list of open cursors (or at least a count of) ?

    Hi Linda,
    Again, thanks for the reply.
    Yes, I wanted to use it to manage cursors while closing a database. At the moment I maintain a count of open cursors myself, I do this so that I can manage the close database process.
    I do this if I want to close the database:
    1. Prevent new cursors from being opened (reject all db updates & queries)
    2. Wait till open cursor count is zero
    3. close db
    However, it does mean having to wrap every query/update method in such a way that I can maintain the cursor count. I was setting up a few new databases and was just wondering if i'd missed something in the API to do this for me.
    Edited by: JoelH on 17-Dec-2009 08:57

  • Number of rows in cursor

    I believe this might have been asked multilpe times, but I could not find anything.
    Is there any way to get the number of rows in a cursor, when I open the cursor. In my case, I have to do the processing in 3 different ways depending on whether the cursor has A)no rows, B) One row, c) more than one row. I know I can get the number of rows by fetching all the rows and then getting the %rowcount.
    I wanted to know whether its possible before fetching any row. The ways I am currently doing it is as follows
    blah blah blah is
    Cursor cur = <my cursor query>;
    cont number;
    select count(*) into cont from <things exactly same as my cursor query>
    if (cont = 0) THEN
    <Processing A>
    ELSIF (cont = 1) THEN
    <Processing B>
    <Processing C>
    END IF;
    Is this method better than getting the the cursor, fetching at least 2 rows, if the rowcount is more than one, close the cursor and do the processing based on the rowcount i've got.

    create or replace
    package Y1 is
       procedure do_it (p_1 number) ;
    end Y1;
    create or replace
    package body Y1 is
       procedure do_it (p_1 number) is
          cursor c1_cur (p_1 number) is
            select tname from tab where rownum <= p_1
          c1_rec c1_cur%rowtype ;
          c2_rec c1_cur%rowtype ;
          l_count  number ;
          l_count  := 0 ;
          open c1_cur(p_1) ;
             if l_count = 0 then
                fetch c1_cur into c1_rec ;
                fetch c1_cur into c2_rec ;
             end if ;
             exit when c1_cur%notfound ;
             l_count  := l_count + 1 ;
             if l_count = 2 then
                dbms_output.put_line ('XXX=2') ;  
                dbms_output.put_line (c1_rec.tname) ;
                dbms_output.put_line (c2_rec.tname) ;
             elsif l_count > 2 then
                dbms_output.put_line ('XXX>2') ; 
                dbms_output.put_line (c2_rec.tname) ;
             end if ;
          END LOOP ;
          close c1_cur ;
          if l_count = 0 then
             dbms_output.put_line ('XXX=0') ;
             dbms_output.put_line ('===========================') ;
          elsif l_count = 1 then
             dbms_output.put_line ('XXX=1') ;
             dbms_output.put_line (c1_rec.tname) ;
             dbms_output.put_line ('===========================') ;
             dbms_output.put_line ('===========================') ;
          end if ;
       end do_it ;
    end Y1;
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec Y1.do_it (0)  -- etc                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • COUNT ROWS - Help

    My procedure takes in a schema and get some data related to that schema. I want ot count the number of rows for each table and table partition stored in the table object_size_history. I was looking into adding a REF CURSOR so I can loop through the tables, table partitions. The Loop is not working for me. I want to get the count using this syntax: select count(*) FROM <schema name>.<table name> INTO <VARIABLE>. How can I achieve this? I attempted this at the end of the procedure
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE calc_object_size (v_schema_name  in varchar2) IS
    TYPE type_cur IS REF CURSOR;
    cur_rows type_cur;
    lv_num_rows number := 0;
    lv_obj_name varchar2(30);
         INSERT INTO object_size_history (schema_name, object_name, object_type, object_size_mb, count_size_date)
              SELECT OWNER, SEGMENT_NAME, SEGMENT_TYPE, BYTES/(1024*1024), current_timestamp from dba_segments
               WHERE owner = v_schema_name
                 AND segment_type IN ('TABLE','INDEX');
         INSERT INTO object_size_history (schema_name, object_name, partition_name, object_type, object_size_mb, count_size_date)
              SELECT OWNER, SEGMENT_NAME, partition_name, SEGMENT_TYPE, BYTES/(1024*1024), current_timestamp from dba_segments
               WHERE owner=v_schema_name
                 AND segment_type IN ('TABLE PARTITION','INDEX PARTITION');
         --Now we need a loop that counts the rows for object_type = tables and table partitions, and inserts the count into the object_size_history
         OPEN cur_rows FOR
              select object_name
              from object_size_history
              where object_type in ('TABLE', 'TABLE PARTITION');
              FETCH cur_rows lv_obj_name
                   SELECT count(*) FROM v_schema_name.lv_obj_name
                    INTO lv_num_rows;
                    UPDATE object_size_history
                      SET object_count = lv_num_rows
                        WHERE object_name = lv_obj_name
                           AND object_type IN ('TABLE', 'TABLE PARTITION');
        END LOOP;
         CLOSE cur_rows;

    Well your specific syntax error is
    FETCH cur_rows INTO lv_obj_name;The whole procedure is a bit of a mess though. You don't need to use a ref cursor for what you are attempting. A normal cursor with the FOR UPDATE OF clause is a better bet. You do have to use dynamic SQL for the other selects, because we can't use a variable in a FROM clause.
    something like this...
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE calc_object_size (v_schema_name in varchar2) IS
        lv_num_rows number := 0;
        lv_obj_name varchar2(30);
        CURSOR tabs IS
         select object_name
         from object_size_history
         where object_type in ('TABLE', 'TABLE PARTITION')
         FOR UPDATE OF object_count;
        INSERT INTO object_size_history (schema_name, object_name, object_type, object_size_mb, count_size_date)
            SELECT OWNER, SEGMENT_NAME, SEGMENT_TYPE, sum(BYTES/(1024*1024)), current_timestamp
            from dba_segments
            WHERE owner = v_schema_name
            AND segment_type IN ('TABLE','INDEX')
            GROUP BY OWNER, SEGMENT_NAME, SEGMENT_TYPE, current_timestamp;
        INSERT INTO object_size_history (schema_name, object_name, partition_name, object_type, object_size_mb, count_size_date)
            SELECT OWNER, SEGMENT_NAME, partition_name, SEGMENT_TYPE, sum(BYTES/(1024*1024)), current_timestamp
            from dba_segments
            WHERE owner=v_schema_name
            AND segment_type IN ('TABLE PARTITION','INDEX PARTITION')
            GROUP BY OWNER, SEGMENT_NAME, SEGMENT_TYPE, current_timestamp;
        OPEN tabs;
        FETCH tabs INTO lv_obj_name;
            EXIT WHEN tabs%NOTFOUND
                 'SELECT count(*) FROM '||v_schema_name||'.'||lv_obj_name
                 INTO lv_num_rows;
            UPDATE object_size_history
            SET object_count = lv_num_rows
            WHERE CURRENT OF tabs;
        END LOOP;
        CLOSE tabs;
    /Cheers, APC

  • How to do a 'select count' without a cursor

    I am trying to do a select which will return exactly one row, such as:
    select count(*) from orders;
    Since there is inherent overhead in using a cursor, I am trying to find a way to do this without
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    What I am looking for is something equivalent to ESQL:
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    Does anyone know how to do this?

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    So, even ignoring the overhead question, is there a
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    has an inherent cursor.No - there is no way of doing this without using a resultset.

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