"Count Up" Timer (& Need to Display Different Time Denomination)

This is a tough one, so any help or suggestions with just
where to start looking would be fantastic!
I am an academic researcher using authorware for my
dissertation. In my experiment, I need to make my participants
experience a time delay. I want to display something on the screen
that shows the passage of time (i.e., "counts up") in days, even
though they are experiencing it in seconds. For example, while the
participant is experiencing the delay, I want to have the screen
display something like, "It has been 2 days since you have
contacted your partner". I would like to have the "2" change to a
"3" after 10 seconds, and then to a "4" after another 10 seconds,
etc. Eventually after several days have passed, they will move onto
a new screen. I have already used systemseconds to put a time delay
into a different authorware piece (i.e., so that participants could
only access something after a certain amount of time), so I know
how to do that. However, I am not even sure where to start with
displaying the "count up", particularly displaying it in such a way
that it doesn't actually show the number of seconds that have
passed, but a corresponding amount of time.
If this doesn't make sense or needs clarification please let
me know. I appreciate any and all advice!!

You can make a counter for 1/10ths of a second pretty easy.
Calc icon
StartTimer := SystemSeconds
DisplayIcon -
It's been {INT((SystemSeconds - StartTimer) / 10)} days since
you contacted
your partner.
Then you build an interaction with a time limit response that
triggers after
the amount of time you want. That response will trigger the
movement to the
new page.
"alleyshea" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:g46ged$rli$[email protected]..
> This is a tough one, so any help or suggestions with
just where to start
> looking would be fantastic!
> I am an academic researcher using authorware for my
dissertation. In my
> experiment, I need to make my participants experience a
time delay. I
want to
> display something on the screen that shows the passage
of time (i.e.,
> up") in days, even though they are experiencing it in
seconds. For
> while the participant is experiencing the delay, I want
to have the screen
> display something like, "It has been 2 days since you
have contacted your
> partner". I would like to have the "2" change to a "3"
after 10 seconds,
> then to a "4" after another 10 seconds, etc. Eventually
after several
> have passed, they will move onto a new screen. I have
already used
> systemseconds to put a time delay into a different
authorware piece (i.e.,
> that participants could only access something after a
certain amount of
> so I know how to do that. However, I am not even sure
where to start with
> displaying the "count up", particularly displaying it in
such a way that
> doesn't actually show the number of seconds that have
passed, but a
> corresponding amount of time.
> If this doesn't make sense or needs clarification please
let me know. I
> appreciate any and all advice!!
> Thanks!!
> Tamara

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    Go for Exceptions in Bex. Give some range for Actuals and Forcasting at the creation of the exception.
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    for more information please read this link
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            int type = BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB;
            image = new BufferedImage(d.width, d.height, type);
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            int yInc = d.height/ROWS;
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                    String s = String.valueOf(j*COLS + k+1);
                    float sw = (float)font.getStringBounds(s, frc).getWidth();
                    float sx = k*xInc + (xInc - sw)/2;
                    float sy = j*yInc + (yInc + sh)/2 - lm.getDescent();
                    g2.drawString(s, sx, sy);
                    g2.drawRect(k*xInc, j*yInc, xInc-1, yInc-1);
            clip = new Rectangle(xInc, yInc);
            // Inspect image.
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            int x = 100;
            int y = 100;
            // Mark location.
            g2.fill(new Ellipse2D.Double(x-2,y-2,4,4));
            // Position the image.
            g2.translate(x-clip.x, y-clip.y);
            // Clip it and draw.
            // Reverse the changes to the graphics context.
            g2.translate(clip.x-x, clip.y-y);
        public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
            return new Dimension(400,400);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            ImageClipping test = new ImageClipping();
            JFrame f = new JFrame();
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            Thread thread = new Thread(runner);
        private Runnable runner = new Runnable() {
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            int yInc = d.height/ROWS;
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                    try {
                    } catch(InterruptedException e) {
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                                       row, col, n);
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    First make an iCal backup, File > Export > Archive.
    Remove the following to the trash and restart your computer:
    Home > Library > Caches
    Home > Library > Calendars > Calendar Cache, Cache, Cache 1, 2, 3, etc. (Do not remove Sync Cache or Theme Cache)
    Home > Library > Preferences > com.apple.ical (There may be more than one of these. Remove them all.)
    __NOTE: Removing these files will remove any shared (CalDAV) calendars you may have access to. You will have to re-add those calendars to iCal > Preferences > Accounts.
    Once the computer is back up and running open iCal and test.
    Hope that helps.

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    Try using floating time zones. It helped for me.

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    Thanks guys!

    You may try this : http://www.tickcounter.com/countup/widget

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    public Date getDtHreDernAcces()
    if (DtHeureDernAcc==null)
    DtHeureDernAcc=(Date) getAttributeInternal(DTHREDERNACCES);
    setDtHreDernAcces(new Date(new java.sql.Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())));
    return DtHeureDernAcc;
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    How can I get around this problem ?

    The complication here is that &P7_DATE_SHIPPED. and &P7_DATE_ORDERED. are session-state variables - they don't actually get updated until the page submit completes, which is happening AFTER the dynamic action.
    JavaScript might provide an alternative method that will pick up the current values of those fields. You might try something like:
    HTML Header
    <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
    function check_hours(pThis){
      var v_shipdt = $v("P7_DATE_SHIPPED");
      var v_ordrdt = $v("P7_DATE_ORDERED");
      if(v_shipdt > v_ordrdt){
        alert("Shipping Date is before Order Date!");
      return true;
    </script>Put this in the HTML Form Elements Attributes of your page item:
    onchange="check_hours(this)"This is just pseudocode, but it may help get you started. Dates in JavaScript are a little tricky to deal with.

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    FxFactory Pro: Timecode Plugin
    Generates a timecode based on the current playback position relative to the duration of the clip.
    Full Disclosure:  I work for Noise Industries.
    I may receive some form of compensation, financial or otherwise, from my recommendation or link.

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    Menu item "Tools -> Preferences -> Database -> ObjectViewer Parameters"; make sure "Automatically Freeze Object Viewer Windows" is checked.
    Ed. H.

  • Count up timer needed please.

    hi there
    I have seen the countdown timer sample in this forum, i am just wondering if there is a count up timer, and the start and stop are controlled by its using class, some thing like a game, and when game starts, the timer starts, when the game ends, the timer ends as well. thank you.

    Here is a counter based on the system clock:
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class CountUpLabel extends JLabel{
         javax.swing.Timer timer;
         long startTime, count;
         public CountUpLabel() {
              super(" ", SwingConstants.CENTER);
              timer = new javax.swing.Timer(500, new ActionListener() { // less than or equal to 1000 (1000, 500, 250,200,100) 
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
                        if (startTime == -1) {          
                             count = 0;               
                             startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        else {
                             count = System.currentTimeMillis()-startTime;
         private static final String getStringTime(long millis) {
              int seconds = (int)(millis/1000);
              int minutes = (int)(seconds/60);
              int hours = (int)(minutes/60);
              minutes -= hours*60;
              seconds -= (hours*3600)+(minutes*60);
         public void start() {
              startTime = -1;
         public long stop() {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              JFrame frame = new JFrame("Countdown");
              CountUpLabel countUp = new CountUpLabel();
              frame.getContentPane().add(countUp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    And here is a simplest counter :
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class SimpleCountUpLabel extends JLabel{
         javax.swing.Timer timer;
         int count = 0;
         public SimpleCountUpLabel() {
              super(" ", SwingConstants.CENTER);
              timer = new javax.swing.Timer(1000, new ActionListener() {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) {
         private static final String getStringTime(int sec) {
              int seconds = sec;
              int minutes = (int)(seconds/60);
              int hours = (int)(minutes/60);
              minutes -= hours*60;
              seconds -= (hours*3600)+(minutes*60);
         public void start() {
              count = 0;
         public long stop() {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              JFrame frame = new JFrame("Countdown");
              SimpleCountUpLabel countUp = new SimpleCountUpLabel();
              frame.getContentPane().add(countUp, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    I hope this helps,

  • Count down Timer in jsp

    We are developing an Online Examination System. We are using jsp and servlets.
    We need a count down timer which will start as user starts the test. When user refreshes the page during test, timer should continue counting and must not reset the counter. At the end of the test it will submit automatically.
    Does jsp provide built in facility to manage timer?

    Does jsp provide built in facility to manage timer?There is no build in facility to manage timer, but all you have to do is track it at the server end.
    ie - not in javascript.
    Store a timestamp for the user for when they started the test. Either in session, or in a database.
    Then whenever they refresh their page, you look at the current time, the time they started the test and display the appropriate value.
    By all means you can have a javascript countdown on the page, but the authorative time should be on the server.

  • Uninterruptible count down timer!

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    So I need an uninterruptible count down timer! - that is when an event accours (boolean true/false) a count down timer should start! and NOT stop even when the boolean changes!! I have tried different approaches! and I can figure out have to create a count down timer! but NOT one that keeps going when the boolean "changes back"?????  hope you know what I mean?

    SInce you say "for at least 30 sec", the precision does not seem too important and its not worth to spin fast loops.
    You could just grab the current millisecond, then in a leisurly loop check every 500ms or so if the elapsed time exceeeds your timeout.
    You could just set an occurence when the event occurs, then use "wait on occurence" with the desired time wired as timeout. Now just wait until it times out.
    Another possibility would be to use the timeout case of an event structure.
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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