JFrame not responding to the MouseEvents

In my application Jframe which has a menuBar,this menu consists of various radiobuttons options .Intially when a frame opens it has an same square at a specific position .when one of the options in the mebar is clicked it responds accordingly by placing this square in different position and varing the size& the % of expanding.
The following problems i'am facing
1.The MenuBar is visible on the Jframe ,but when we move towards the extreme left corner and click the option will be visible.i'am able to figure it out y this happening
2.The MouseEvents are not recognised,only radio buttons named 1& 3 when selected responds to the Itemlistener whereas the others don't.
plz let me know where am i making mistakes.Plz i have totally ran out of ideas.i'am sending the code for ur clear understanding.
Thanks in advance
your help would be apprecriated
import java.applet.Applet;
import java.awt.*; // for Graphics, Color, Image, Point, ...
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
import java.awt.event.ItemListener;
import java.lang.Math;
import java.util.Vector;
import java.util.*;
import java.lang.Thread;
import java.lang.String;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.awt.CheckboxGroup;
import java.awt.Checkbox;
import javax.swing.*;
public class Complete1 extends JFrame implements MouseMotionListener, MouseListener,ItemListener,Runnable{
int width, height,index,i=0,distance=0,k=0,w,h,dist1=0,flag=0,wn,ws,ww,we,hn,hs,hw,he;
String dist = " " ;
     Hashtable optionList = new Hashtable();
     boolean suspended;
     private long Start;
Thread myTh2 = null;
Vector list = new Vector();
int x1, y1,j,x,y,s,wn1,ws1,ww1,we1,hn1,hs1,hw1,he1,counter=0,count=0,xpos,ypos;
Image backbuffer;
Graphics backg;
Point p2;
int[][] anArray; // declare an array of integers
//int[] flag1;
public static void main (String args[])
JFrame f= new Complete1("Example");
public Complete1(String st1) {
     anArray = new int[200][200];     // create an array of integers
     //flag1 = new int[40];
     optionList.put("1",new Integer(1));
     optionList.put("2",new Integer(2));
     optionList.put("3",new Integer (3));
     optionList.put("4",new Integer(2));
     optionList.put("5",new Integer (3));
     JMenuBar mb= new JMenuBar();
     JMenu menu = new JMenu("Options");
     ButtonGroup bg = new ButtonGroup();
     JRadioButtonMenuItem rb = null;
     w = getSize().width;
     h = getSize().height;
     wn = width/2;
     hn = height/2+110;
     wn1 = width/2;
     hn1 = height/2-265;
     /*ws = wn = (width/2);
     hn = (height/2-185);
     hs = (height/2+185);
     ww = (width/2-185);
     he = hw = (height/2);
     we = (width/2+185);
     ws1 = wn1 = (width/2);
     hn1 = (height/2-300);
     hs1 = (height/2+300);
     ww1 = (width/2-300);
     he1 = hw1 = (height/2);
     we1 = (width/2+300);*/
     backbuffer = createImage( width, height );
backg = backbuffer.getGraphics();
backg.setColor( Color.black );
backg.fillRect( 0, 0, width, height );
// Create list of points.
// These points are the centres of the squares.
list.addElement( new Point( width/2, (height/2+300) ) );
//list.addElement( new Point( width/2, height/2 ) );
System.out.println(width/2 + "," + (height/2+300));
//list.addElement( new Point( width/4, height/4 ) );
//list.addElement( new Point( 3*width/4, height/2 ) );
     addMouseMotionListener( this );
myTh2 = new Thread (this);
anArray[0][0] = wn1;anArray[1][0] = hn1;anArray[2][0] = wn;anArray[3][0] = hn;anArray[4][0] = wn;anArray[5][0] = hn;anArray[6][0] = wn;
anArray[7][0] = hn;anArray[8][0] = wn;anArray[9][0] = hn;anArray[10][0] = wn1;anArray[11][0] = hn1;anArray[12][0] = wn1;anArray[13][0] = hn1;
     anArray[14][0] = wn;anArray[15][0] = hn;anArray[16][0] = wn;anArray[17][0] = hn;anArray[18][0] = wn;anArray[19][0] = hn;anArray[20][0] = wn;
anArray[21][0] = hn;anArray[22][0] = wn1;anArray[23][0] = hn1;anArray[24][0] = wn1;anArray[25][0] = hn1;anArray[26][0] = wn1;anArray[27][0] = hn1;
anArray[28][0] = wn;anArray[29][0] = hn;anArray[30][0] = wn1;anArray[31][0] = hn1;anArray[32][0] = wn1;anArray[33][0] = hn1;anArray[34][0] = wn;
anArray[35][0] = hn;anArray[36][0] = wn1;anArray[37][0] = hn1;anArray[38][0] = wn1;anArray[39][0] = hn1;anArray[40][0] = wn;anArray[41][0] = hn;
anArray[42][0] = wn1;anArray[43][0] = hn1;anArray[44][0] = wn1;anArray[45][0] = hn1;anArray[46][0] = wn;anArray[47][0] = hn;anArray[48][0] = wn;
anArray[49][0] = hn;anArray[50][0] = wn1;anArray[51][0] = hn1;anArray[52][0] = wn1;anArray[53][0] = hn1;anArray[54][0] = wn;anArray[55][0] = hn;
anArray[56][0] = wn1;anArray[57][0] = hn1;anArray[58][0] = wn;anArray[59][0] = hn;anArray[60][0] = wn1;anArray[61][0] = hn1;anArray[62][0] = wn;
anArray[63][0] = hn;anArray[64][0] = wn;anArray[65][0] = hn;anArray[66][0] = wn1;anArray[67][0] = hn1;anArray[68][0] = wn;anArray[69][0] = hn;
anArray[70][0] = wn1;anArray[71][0] = hn1;anArray[72][0] = wn1;anArray[73][0] = hn1;anArray[74][0] = wn;anArray[75][0] = hn;anArray[76][0] = wn1;
anArray[77][0] = hn1;anArray[78][0] = wn;anArray[79][0] = hn;
Enumeration keys = optionList.keys();
String label = (String)keys.nextElement();
rb = new JRadioButtonMenuItem(label);
Container p = getContentPane();
     public void run ()
int l;
     System.out.println(+xpos+ "," +ypos);
}catch(InterruptedException e){ }
}catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace();}
     }catch(NullPointerException e){}
public void itemStateChanged ( ItemEvent theEvent )
     JRadioButtonMenuItem mi = (JRadioButtonMenuItem)theEvent.getSource();
String dist = mi.getText();
     if((dist=="1")|| (dist=="2"))
     else if(dist=="3")
     else if(dist=="4")
     else if(dist=="5")
public void mouseMoved( MouseEvent e ) {
     xpos = e.getX();
     ypos = e.getY();
     if(dist=="3" && anArray[counter-1][1]==1)
     distance = 800;
     else if(dist=="4" && anArray[counter-1][1]==1)
     distance = 30000;
     else if(dist=="5" && anArray[counter-1][1]==1)
     distance = 80000;
     Point p = new Point( e.getX(), e.getY() );
// Clear the back buffer.
backg.setColor( Color.black );
backg.fillRect( 0, 0, width, height );
// Set the drawing colour to white.
backg.setColor( Color.white );
          // Loop over the list of points, drawing a square for each one.
          for ( int j = 0; j < list.size(); ++j )
p2 = (Point)list.elementAt(j);
// compute distance squared between square's centre and mouse position
double deltaX = p2.x - p.x;
double deltaY = p2.y - p.y;
double distance2 = deltaX*deltaX + deltaY*deltaY;
// Compute the size of the square based on the distance.
// We use a Gaussian function to make it look smooth.
//System.out.println("distance is :" + distance);
if(dist=="2" && i==1)
s = (int)Math.round( 20 * (4+1*Math.exp(-distance2/distance)) );
s = (int)Math.round( 20 * (1+3*Math.exp(-distance2/distance)) );
// draw the square into the back buffer
backg.drawRect( (int)p2.x-s/2, (int)p2.y-s/2, s, s );
if(counter == 40)
               backg.drawString("CLICK AND STOP",(width/2-30),height/2);
public void mouseDragged( MouseEvent e ) { }
public void update( Graphics g ) {
g.drawImage( backbuffer, 0, 0, this );
public void paint( Graphics g ) {
update( g );
public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) { }
public void mouseEntered( MouseEvent e ) { }
public void mouseExited( MouseEvent e ) { }
public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e ) {
     /* if(i==0)
public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e ) {
          System.out.println("j is " + j);
     list.addElement( new Point( anArray[k][0],anArray[k+1][0] ) );
System.out.println("j after add element is " + j);
distance = dist1;
System.out.println("anArray[" + k +"] is :" + anArray[k][0]);
System.out.println("anArray[" + k +"+1] is :" + anArray[k+1][0]);
Start = System.currentTimeMillis();
suspended = false;     
                         System.out.println("k value is"+k);
                              System.out.println("value of k after initiatising is"+k);
                              System.out.println("value of k is"+k);
                              System.out.println("counter is :" + counter);
               else if(i==1)
                    System.out.println("j is " + j);
                    list.addElement( new Point( width/2, (height/2+300) ) );
                    System.out.println("value of k is"+k);
                    long End = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    double seconds1 = (End-Start)/1000.0;
                    System.out.println("the time for click" +seconds1);
suspended = true;
               index = list.size();
                    System.out.println("list.size() is" + index);
}//end of outer if
}//end of class

bravesfanatic4 wrote:
What would cause this?You've got a bug. What it is is anybody's guess.
Your best bet here is to show us your code. We don't want to see all of it, but rather you should condense your code into the smallest bit that still compiles, has no extra code that's not relevant to your problem, but still demonstrates your problem, in other words, an SSCCE (Short, Self Contained, Correct (Compilable), Example). For more info on SSCCEs please look here:
Again, if the code is compilable and runnable more people will be able to help you.

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    Best Regards
    Hani R.
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    National Instruments

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    Many thanks guys,
    Cheers, Alec

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    I'd appreciate it if you could give me any help on figuring out how to resolve this "not responding to base address" problem. The info on your web site
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    clueless! Thanks for reading this, and I hope that you have more insight than I do.

    The AT-MIO-16XE-50 shows up twice in the Device Manager because it reserves three DMA channels, and the ISA bus only allows two DMA channels per ISA slot. You mentioned that you were able to get both devices working properly in the Device Manager. Below is a link to a KnowledgeBase that describes the proper procedure to successfully accomplish this. You should verify that this is the procedure you followed:
    Exclamation Mark Appears with Error Code 10 on Windows XP/2000/98 After Installing AT-MIO-16E-10
    Spencer S.

  • The device is not responding to the first IRQ level

    I am using a DAQCard 700 with a NIDAQ 6.9.3 driver on a windows XP. When I install the card and run the configuration uitillity (MAX) and push the test resources button, the computer hangs and responds to no input (not even ctrl-alt-del). When I push out the PCMCIA card the error message: The device is not responding to the first IRQ level. Anybody that has an answer?

    Hi PhilV,
    It looks like you had an old AT board in a computer and then the power supply went out and you evidently also changed computers to a device with Windows NT.  Now that you're in the new computer there appears to be some sort of IRQ conflict that is preventing the board from working.
    In the past when I've seen this issue and all of the proper steps have been taken to troubleshoot it, the problem is often that the board died between the last use and the current use.  However, it's not always the case, so here are a few other options.
    First make sure that you have Traditional DAQ 7.4.1 (if you have LabVIEW 7.0-8.0 or are doing text-based programming) or Traditional DAQ 6.9.3 (if you are using LabVIEW 5-6.1).  Then make sure that you followed the installation procedure outlined here: Product Manual: AT E Series User Manual (Chapter 2)
    I did a quick search on ni.com for "device not respond base address" and "irq isa" and found some of the following KnowledgeBases and links that should help you properly troubleshoot the device.
    "Not Responding to the Selected Base Address" Error
    Troubleshooting Plug and Play Devices for Windows NT 4.0
    My PC Doesn't Have Enough Interrupt (IRQ) and DMA Channels to Support the Hardware I Want to Install
    There have been a lot of advances in DAQ boards since the old AT days, so with newer devices and computers issues like this are rarely seen.  Hopefully though, the device you have is not broken and we will be able to find out what is wrong with it right now.
    Training and Certification
    Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Thank you, I did that and restarted. Now gives me a / instead of a ?
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  • The device PCI 6036E: Analog Input error:"the device is not responding to the base address",Output :No signal

    I am using PCI 6036E DAQ card, DAQ 6.9.2. , I have not connected to any external device.
    When I tested card(in Test Panel of MAX2.2,DAQ 6.9.2) an error appearing �the device is not responding to the base address� � then I pressed Yes, Then TestPanel window appearing�
    In analog Input Tag, there is an error �-10805�. This error also appearing when I run the standard analog input samples (use Delphi 6.0).
    I tested analog output functions in TestPanel, Delphi Examples, LabView 6.1. There are not error appearing but there is not output signal (using Oscilloscope to see).
    Output, Input digital functions are working correctly.
    Next I try to foll
    ow all the instruntions as recommended:
    -Changing TO another slots PCI
    -Reinstall Os WinXP,98SE�
    -Use another Computer�
    But all of the cases are still not working.(the above error still appeared, no output signal)

    I'm sorry to hear about the problems that you are running into with your DAQCard. I can understand your frustration with the errors that you are seeing. You mention that you have tried to do some troubleshooting, I was wondering if you have tried all the troubleshooting techniques listed in this KnowledgeBase:
    If you have tried all of those things, I would suggest one additional thing to try. I would suggest updating your NI-DAQ drivers to version 7.0. These drivers are the newest versions of our Data Acquisition Drivers, and can be downloaded from our website here:
    If you have tried all of the above troubleshooting options, please post a detailed description of what you have tried. This may help to clarify what is going wrong.
    Jed R.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • Error: Device\Ide\iaStor0, did not respond within the timeout period.

    In last few months, I began getting the error:
    The device, \Device\Ide\iaStor0, did not respond within the timeout period.
    My system hangs and slows to a crawl.  Error seems to be well-known, and solution is to install the latest version of Intel Matrix Manager, which is 8.6.   I've done this, I reinstalled my OS, and I've reinitialized my hard Raid1 array.  None of this has helped.
    Any suggestions?

    Have you tested HDD's with Seagate diagnostic utility?
    Going by the link you have provided I assume you are using Vista?
    Yes, I am using Vista and I did also use Sea Tools; no issue identified.  I'd love to hear more suggestions.  Things I've done:
    1.  Reformat / reinstall.  Helped, but problem not eliminated.
    2.  Ran SeaTools Disk Diagnostic.  No issue.
    3.  Installed Intel Matrix STorage, most recent version 8.6.  Should've fix prob, but didn't. 
    4.  Upgraded Bios from 7.5 to 7.9.
    Seems like the upgrade to Intel Matrix Storage Manager should've fixed this issue, but it didn't.   Any particular drive identified in the error message in the original post? 
    It is also not clear what changed to have introduced this error.  My system has been stable for 2 years and from the errors looks like I've had problems for the last 3 months, but they got notably worse in the last 2 weeks.  Reformatting / reinstall helped, but didn't eliminate these issues.  Any insight would be appreciated.

  • Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control ...

    Dear SapService,
    I've installed a BI7.0 (ABAP only) instance on cluster with :
    windows 2003 x64 SP2
    SQL server 2005 x64 SP2
    WAS 7.00 kernel 80
    *the service runs with domain user.
    I've upgraded to kernel 114 (latest). After the upgrade the ASCS service doesn't start. It throws error:
    "Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control
    request in a timely fashion"
    To solve this problem I've tried:
    -go back to kernel 80 but I still get the same error.
    -start the service manually on the second node. Still same error.
    -restart the two servers and try again to start the service on the
    Any ideas ?
    Please advice,
    Dimitry Haritonov

    Check SAP Note 82751 - Problems with SAP Services & SAP Service Manager
    for some initial investigation.

  • ID 53 Details: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion (0x8007041D))

    One of my clients has his dpm server turned off for a long time. Now when that server is back online I cannot re-sync backup. First was database in suspect mode and I was not able to acess dpm console. Now when I fix that I cant re-sync job. I even tried
    to delete on PG and recreate it but without success. Agent showing OK and it can comunicate with server. I have even tried to uninstall agent and re-install it but without luck.
    ID 53 Details: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion (0x8007041D))
    That is the error what I get on all protection groups. Is there any one who can help with this?
    And last thing is that DPM is crushing on recovery tab

    Do you still need assistance with this?

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