Course Reporting

I am having trouble answering a question regarding the type
of course data that is sent to a LMS from a Captivate 2 file. I am
aware that Captivate 2 sends data for quiz scores and competency
levels, but I have not been able to find what other information is
sent. In particular, does Captivate 2 send information regarding
where a student left off on a course? Many of the students that
will be taking courses I write will not be able to finish the
course in one sitting. It is 100% necessary that they be able to
come back and pick up where they left off.
I understand the possibility that this question may lead to
another question regarding the LMS I am currently using. In this
situation I will be using a custom solution (programmed in house)
that will be written to accept any sort of information send from
Captivate 2.
Is there a definitive list that someone could link me to that
states what type of information can be sent regarding courses?
Unfortunately Captivate 2 will be near useless for me if it is not
capable of providing "save" information for students to pick up
where they left off.
Thank you in advance!

I defer to any other replies, but I'm pretty sure Captivate
sends a
'bookmark'. There's a specific SCORM variable for such a
lesson_location I think it is and pretty sure Captivate send
a value to
that variable on exit.
There's a SCORM player called Reload, should be easy to find
via a
websearch, which is for testing SCORM content. Perhaps it
includes a
trace which will output exactly what Captivate sends on exit?
chalz.snyder wrote:
> Is there a definitive list that someone could link me to
that states what type
> of information can be sent regarding courses?
Unfortunately Captivate 2 will be
> near useless for me if it is not capable of providing
"save" information for
> students to pick up where they left off.
> Thank you in advance!
> ~Chalz
Erik Lord
Adobe Community Expert - Authorware -
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    Refer to the white paper titled "Using Run_Report_Object to call Reports with a Parameter Form":

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    Kind regards

    I'm wondering if your issue is perhaps due to IE going into Quirks Mode because of the way the standard Captivate SCORM HTM templates are coded.
    One thing IE does not like is having any comments outside the HTML tags at the top of a page.  This is something that the Adobe Captivate templates have by default.
    Take one of your published test mdoules, open up the HTM file in a text editor and remove this text at the top of the page:
    <!-- Copyright [2008] Adobe Systems Incorporated.  All rights reserved -->
    <!-- saved from url=(0013)about:internet -->
    Then try running this again to see if you get better results in your LMS.
    If that doesn't work, try using the Pipwerks modified templates for Adobe Captivate.  They are much better quality and have removed a lot of bugs that foul up some LMSs.
    There's a series of articles on his blog about the changes: -1-introduction/
    You can find the links to download and install his version of the templates on this page: late-part-7-giving-the-revisions-a-home/
    You need to back up your old templates before changing over to Phil's new versions (there are separate templates for SCORM 1.2 and 2004) but I recommend you at least give them a try.

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    In answer to Rod's suggestion to set the score to percentage:
    Done - the client prefers that report anyway. Still seeing the stuff as described below.
    In answer to Erik's questions above:
    after the quiz, you have a quiz results screen that shows all the information you'd expect, right?
    Right - the quiz results screen in the course shows the score achieved
    If they passed, how do they close the lesson?
    The "Continue" button on the results screen is set up to take them to a completion page. that page has an "exit" button that takes them out of the lesson and back to the LMS.
    Does the LMS report the same result as the summary page?
    Yes if the quiz is set up to "submit all" answers at once in Quiz:Settings. (However, this is not my client's preferred set-up - so I'm still searching for the answers below)
    No if you have the quiz submit each answer individually - see below:
    The scores reported on the results screens for the quizzes in the red box above were 100, 90, 80 and 80, respectively.
    If they fail the lesson, how are they redirected back to the content?
    The "Continue" button on the quiz results page is set up to jump to the first page of content if the score is below passing.
    Then they go through the content?
    Yes - its required at that point.
    how do they retake the quiz?
    the "next" button on the last content slide takes them directly to the quiz.
    If they retake it, does the summary slide show the correct information?
    In the "submit all" mode - this all works perfectly.
    If set up to submit after each answer, if you fail the quiz and exit the course before retaking it, the score is reported correctly in the transcript - it seems as if it defaults to the minimum passing score in when you submit each answer individually.
    again, how do they then proceed to close the lesson?
    They exit the lesson using the "Exit" button, which closes it and takes them back to the LMS.
    I'd suggest adding a 'continue' button to that summary slide (if there's not one already) and instruct the user to click, take them to a 'congratulations' page and instructions to now close the lesson.
    Done - see above.
    Do you have the lesson reporting 'after every slide' or 'send data at end'?  If none of the above options help, try changing it from one to the other (in the 'template' options).
    I've set it using the submit all checkbox in Quiz:Settings - not sure how to access template options - is this a menu I'm unable to find?
    Thanks again for your time on this -

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    My recommendation is to work with an SAP pre-sales consultant who will be able to provide "truer to life" guidelines on RAS sizing.  Generally, you're looking to accommodate ~ 30-60 concurrent report events on a single RAS CPU.
    Of course, report size (data stored within in, # pages, etc) all get factored into estimating memory requirements and goes back to making use of a pre-sales consultant for this purpose.  Additional factors include deploying a multi-RAS configuration and other layouts to optimize your needs.  They definitely have what you need - it's a matter of reaching out to them.
    Good luck.

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    package file2;
    import file2.choice;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.awt.print.*;
    import javax.swing.table.*;
    import javax.swing.JTable;
    public class cour extends JFrame implements Printable
         //Menu fileMenu;
         public static void main(String[] a)
    cour n = new cour();
    public cour()
         super("Course Report");
         protected void report()
              JPanel panel = new JPanel();
         JButton printButton = new JButton("Print");
         JButton exitButton = new JButton("Exit");
         DefaultTableModel defaulttablemodel = new DefaultTableModel();
              JTable jtable = new JTable(defaulttablemodel);
              panel.add(new JScrollPane(jtable));
              String      tempname="";
              int tempcnt;
              String driver="sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver";
              String url="jdbc:odbc:regs";
              Object[] data = new Object[4];
                             Connection connection=DriverManager.getConnection(url,"sa","");
                             Statement statement = connection.createStatement();     
                             String query = "SELECT courseid as CourseID,coursen as CourseName,cfee as Fee,coursed as Duration FROM course";
                             ResultSet rs = statement.executeQuery(query);     
                             ResultSetMetaData rmeta = rs.getMetaData();
                             int numColumns=rmeta.getColumnCount();                         
                             for(int i=1;i<=numColumns;i++)
                                  for(int i=1;i<=numColumns;++i)
                                       if( i<=numColumns)
                                            tempname = rs.getString(i);
                                            data[tempcnt] = tempname;          
                   catch(Exception ex)
              printButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
              PrinterJob pj = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob();
              if (pj.printDialog())
              catch (PrinterException pe)
    exitButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener()
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae)
              choice ch=new choice();
    /*Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    Dimension frameSize = getSize();
    int x = (screenSize.width - frameSize.width) / 2;
    int y = (screenSize.height - frameSize.height) / 2;
    setLocation(x, y);*/
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int pageIndex)
    if (pageIndex != 0) return NO_SUCH_PAGE;
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
    g2.translate(pf.getImageableX(), pf.getImageableY());
    return PAGE_EXISTS;

  • Frm-41219 Error finding report

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    Of course report exists and is compiled.I specified REPORTS_PATH variable in registry to point to my folder,
    PROCEDURE print_report IS
         repid      REPORT_OBJECT;
         report_job_id     VARCHAR2(100);
    report_job_id := RUN_REPORT_OBJECT(repid);
    Is tis a report Services Settings issue? What settings need to be done in Report Services? Or there is some other reason.
    Please help me, I am stucked
    Thank u

    is not the name of a REP or RDF file, it is the name of
    a report object which should have been created in Forms.
    You can check if the object exists in the Forms Builder :
    Open the FMB
    Go in the "Object Navigator"
    Check if an Object called DEPARTMENT exist under the
    Reports node. (If it does not exist, create it)

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    The individuals would need to be enrolled to access the training. However, if you want to post the link on your site, you could use the API functionality to enroll and provide access to the training content. This would remove the burden of you having to manually enroll that many individuals.
    API documentation can be found here:

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    it's not on the course description but it is on the non academy BW reporting and analysis course.
    Would someone who's done the course mind telling me? Basically I'm wondering whether to do the 2nd week of the academy OR the standard BW reporting and analysis course.

    It sounds like you have installed a second instance of the R&A Framework Agent. This is a known bug in and can be resolved by following the steps in patch# 12552933.

  • Subtotals on Matrix Reports

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    Rows are Items.
    Number of rows are based strictly on data.
    Rows are also grouped on 4 levels different levels with
    Levels are Line, Class, Department, Division (and of course
    Columns are Dates.
    I go thru the Wizard and choose Matrix with Group.
    I Define Groups, Rows, Columns and Cells.
    I indicate that I want totals on all cell fields.
    I finish the wizard.
    I get data broken out by item and week correctly.
    The subtotals for the first level (Line) print correctly under
    the appropriate date column. In my example I have 3 dates on the
    report. I get three sets of subtotal.
    BUT at all other levels the totals are INCORRECT and the report
    is summerizing ALL weeks for the items into ONE bucket. I need
    the summary to be broken out by week (column data). I would
    expect again three sets of data as was the base
    on the first level.
    Any ideas?

    You can summarise multi-levels in a matrix by creating matrix summaries and setting the appropriate "Product Order" and "Reset at" values. The "Product Order" defines the frequency at which the matrix column is evaluated. The "Reset at" simply allows you to create running summaries if required - though it needs to be kept in sync with the "Product Order".
    For this example, you need to create 4 Matrix summary columns. All columns have the same source - a column in the matrix cell group, and go into the corresponding matrix frame for the frequency you want to display:
    - CS_TotalForLine:
    ProductOrder - G_Date
    ResetAt - G_Date
    - CS_TotalForClass:
    ProductOrder - G_Line, G_Date
    ResetAt - G_Date
    - CS_TotalForDepartment
    ProductOrder - G_Line, G_Class, G_Date
    ResetAt - G_Date

  • Reporting Progress and Scores in LMS

    Hi all,
    I am having some trouble incorporating my Captivate presentations into an LMS and getting it to report both progress and assessments correctly.  This could be a lengthy post, so I apologize in advance.
    Let me start by including my current setups:
    The desired outcome is as follows:
    - I want to report progress up until the exam; for instance, if a user leaves midway through, on slide 15 of 30, Captivate should relaunch on slide 15 for that user
    - Once I get to the exam, users should not be able to backtrack to previous slides.
    - If the user starts the exam, but doesn't finish, it should report to the LMS whatever score was earned, counting unanswered questions as 0's.
    - Once an exam is failed, and this is the tricky part, I want the course to completely restart.  Right now, it's loading mid-exam, and if I try to go back, it chain-pauses the presentation; possibly a conflict since I have it set to not allow users to go back once the exam is started.  Essentially, once a score is reported, I want to wipe the cookie saving the progress clean.
    Is there a way I can achieve all of this through Captivate?
    Any help would be MUCH appreciated.  Right now, the best compromise I can come up with to check "Never Send Resume Data" and not save a users progress - but when I turn this off, it also isn't communicating the exam scores to the LMS either.
    Thanks in advance!

    I can't promise that you can have everything you want, but perhaps some of your wishes are certainly doable in Captivate.
    I note from your settings that you have the course Report Status set to track Complete/Incomplete rather than Pass/Fail, yet you talk about wanting the user to complete "exam" quiz questions and you also have Report Data set to Quiz Results Only.  There's something inherently contradictory about these settings. Complete/Incomplete is mostly for recording slide views. If recording quiz results is most important, I think you should really be using Pass/Fail.  It's an either/or decision. Most LMSs are far more likely to be reliable on the Pass/Fail setting and some just don't do Complete/Incomplete at all anyway.
    I would also recommend you change your Report to LMS setting to Percent rather than Score.  In my experience, Percent is more LMS "friendly".
    For starters, there are two mechanisms available for allowing the user to resume a course module at the same point they left off:
    One option is to tick the option in TOC settings for Self-paced Learning.  This writes data to a Shared Object (Flash Cookie) on the user's PC that records the slide they finished on.  Captivate doesn't provide a means to erase this cookie out of the box.  You'd have to get some programming done in AS3 to achieve that extra functionality.
    Option 2 is to untick the box in LMS Customisation Settings for Never Send Resume Data.  This then will mean the Captivate lesson DOES send resume data to the LMS.  With this option you are depending on the LMS to keep track of where your user got up to.  But be warned.  This setting is more reliable when it comes to tracking which scored object (e.g, a quiz question slide) the user got up to.  I'm not sure how reliable it is when it comes to tracking slide views because each LMS is slightly different as to it's abilities to track data. In my experience, using Self-Paced Learning is better for straight out slide view tracking, but it's also a pain when users that completed the course come back later to browse the content again because they get shunted straight to the last slide.  Quite annoying.  So I don't use it.
    Now for some of your other wishes:
    To prevent users backtracking to previous slides once they've reached the exam, simply disable Backward movement under Quiz Settings.  Remember that as far as Captivate is concerned, the quiz begins at the very first scored object, which might be a button or click box, not necessarily the first quiz question.
    If a user only partially completes an exam, the LMS should still receive a score for each completed quiz question slide as long as you have Reporting Level set to Interactions and Score.  But be aware that this means the LMS will be getting pinged by the course after each and every user interaction, which can place quite a load on the LMS if there are lots of simultaneous users.
    By default in Captivate, if a user gets a question wrong they get no score for that question.  So that one is easy.
    Your final wish is to force the entire quiz to restart if the user flunks it.  I may be misunderstanding your drift but why not just allow the user multiple attempts at the quiz?  You can set this under Quiz > Settings > Pass/Fail.  Tick the box for Show Retake Quiz Button and place this button right over the top of the Review Quiz button on the Quiz Results slide.  The user will only see the Retake Quiz button if they fail the quiz and when they click it, their previous quiz answers are erased, effectively forcing them to redo the entire quiz.  Wouldn't that get you what you want?
    One more thing.  Beware of the options in the drop down menu under Quiz > Settings > Required. I generally set this to Optional, as some of the other settings can cause unpredictable results with LMSs.
    Hopefully this info will get you closer to your goals.

  • Generate Report Troubles with Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer

    I'm new to Captivate 5 and am trying to utilize the Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer.
    I've enabled report for my project to and configured as instructed in the online help.  The Post Result button appears on the Summary page and appears to work for the two colleagues taking the quiz.  But when I click the Generate Report button in Adobe Captivate Quiz Results Analyzer, I get the message "Data is not present on local file system, downloading course data," but nothing occurs - no course data appears from the colleagues who are helping me test the quiz.
    I'm able to sign in to the Quiz Results Analyzer and it does display the organization, department and course name, but no course data (see image below).
    What am I doing incorrectly that keeps this from generating a course report?
    Any help will be deeply appreciated.

    Your solution worked at first.  I went in, took the course, and then went into Analyzer and was able to Generate Report and look at my stats.  However, I had a colleague take the course.  She did and posted the results and received a "successful" posting message.  Then, I went back into Analyzer and clicked the Generate Report button to see how the system worked when there was new learner data.  A "Checking for new data" played for a half hour before I finally gave up.
    I know that you were able to reproduce this issue where in clicking the Generate Report a second time brings up the loading animation that stays forever and that you were investigating the issue, but I thought I should post here just in case anyone else has a solution.

  • How / where do I report bugs on Thunderbird?

    I cannot find any bug reporting site/contact info. I find only references to community support forums, etc. I have found a bug, that I want to report, and I assume that Mozilla wants to know about it.

    I found the answer myself, should have been a bit more patient...
    Bugs are (of course) reported at:
    Sorry about the wasted bandwidth.

Maybe you are looking for