Covert hyperdraw to Track automation

I've being trying to convert recorded C.C.(ajusting with synth settings as i play via bcr2000/nanokontrol) into track based automation,ie rba to tba.
I found that the command to convert visible region data works fine,but is tedious with lots of different controlers.So the convert all rba to tba seams the way to go except i can't get it to work.
I was wondering if this is a known bug or I am missing something.

Thanks for the tips.
Ive just found this to be the most useful guide:
still a bit baffled by how contol no's are assigned when multiple plugins share a channel strip. For instance i made the asumption that Formant shift on the EVOC 20 would always be control No. 90. However when the channel strip also had an EQ on it it showed up as control 26....... why dat?

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    the error has nothing to do with DBCA. DBCA was simply the last in a long string of victims.
    Go back and read the instructions where you downloaded the install media. They state that the TWO zip files you download must be unzipped into the same directory.

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    See your track automation settings - you can get Logic to copy automation when you copy/move segments around.
    If you really want to copy/paste automation, you need to work in the track automation folder. Open the automation event editor (there's a key command for this), and with that still open, open a new arrange window - this will display the track automation folder, where you can edit automation to your hearts' content.

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    iMac G5 1.8Ghz 17" (ALS)   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   2 GB RAM

    I think you need to shift-drag select (rubber band select) the
    automation stuff and when it's highlighted, hold option, click hold
    drag and what you selected will be copied to the new location you
    drag it to. You need to be pretty careful to option click hold
    exactly on the automation line, if you miss it won't invoke the copy

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    it would never work with the Regions Locked to SMPTE.
    Solution: without going thru details, just unlock the regions then do your tempo change.

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    When using Kontakt as a multitimbral Instr it's better to use the Controller assignments within Kontakt.
    Kontakt's definition of how it's setup for automation at the instrument level is different from PLAY, Omnisphere, SampleTank, etc...
    I find it easier to setup automation within Logic as a multitrimbral and specifying the number of channels (16 for Kontakt, 9 for Play, 8 for Omnisphere, etc...) and when loading the AU instrument, specify the multiout (16 stereo Kontakt, 9 stereo PLAY, 8 stereo Omnisphere) and automate on the aux outputs of each of the aux channels you create in the mixer window for the channel strip of the instrument in question.
    Of course for Kontakt, there's an extra setup you need to do by creating your multi outputs for Kontakt so that Logic can see those, but you can save it as a preset for later use.
    If you really need instrument specific automation, it just might be easier to create that instrument as stereo and to "instrument specific" automate knowing that you're just going to affect one loaded instrument.

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    Is it possible to track automation live?
    Sure several ways of doing this:
    Set the Audio track to Automation "Latch" or "Write" Mode - press play - tweak the Plug In with your Mouse - the Automation Engine will record your mouse movements
    Assign different Controllers (knobs on your Synth or Control device) to different parameters in the Automation->Quick Access Menue - go into "Latch" or "Write" Mode - press play - record the Controller movements
    or really old school "live"
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    This gets asked at least once a week.
    From about ten posts underneath this one:
    Also is there a way to record all of v-drum midi data into separate tracks?
    Record into one track, then use the Split/Demix by Note Pitch function to put each MIDI note into it's own track.

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    I don't know if this helps, but here's the current configurations on the Automation menu:
    Move automation with regions: never
    snap offset: -5 ticks
    ramp time: 200 ms
    'Write' mode changes to: Touch
    Write automatino for (everything is checked off except "solo")
    Automation Quick Assic: [X] off

    Have you add plugins like Adaptive limiter and/or phase linear Eq on Master Out 1-2?
    If you add plugin that require Delay conpensation on the Master 1-2.
    Also the meter will be delayed...... try to add 5 or more instances of Adaptive Limiter on the master after automation is done...
    Maybe this should be related with Graphic delay that is not f compensate in logic 8, I'm not sure but when I add Plugins such as UAD for mastering reason I can see very large difference (not in sync with audio monitoring) on Meters viewing and all pre-recorded automation will be not in sync.
    But I'm not sure if this issue is related with only certain project... maybe you have plugin that add latency on Aux or Master out in those projects!
    check it.

  • Changing multiple tracks automated levels simultaneously

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    Assign Groups. Then you can move one fader and the rest will follow.
    There's another, perhaps more elegant solution: if you have enough headroom, automate the Output Levels (output object's levels). You can group these too.

  • View Track Automation

    I recently upgraded to Logic Pro from Logic Express.
    In Logic Express "v" was the default key command for "View Track Automation." By default in Logic Pro, it is not. I changed the key command for "View Track Automation" in Logic Pro to "v," however, when I press "v," I only see the track automation on my audio channels load, and not my instrument (MIDI channels). In Logic Express both were displayed simultaneously.
    How can I fix this?
    Thanks you,

    Is there a way I can disable track automation and then re-enable it?
    You can delete all track automation from all tracks, or just some tracks. You can also turn it off, and then back on again, but I don't think that will help in your case, but try it.
    If I were to copy the regions to a new file it would take a long time to reload and configure all the instruments (I used sample library plug ins).
    It's not that bad - I've had to do this many times.
    First, on all your more complicated tracks, use "save channel strip settings" on the individual tracks. Also, use "save settings as" on individual plugins if you need to.
    Then relaunch Logic, without core audio (control key - open Logic) and create a brand new template. Add the global settings. Open your existing song, and first drag all the audio files over to the new arrangement, then the instrument tracks. Now go through and choose your previous channel strip, instrument and plugin settings.
    A little bit more tweaking, and you're done. I'd suggest saving it as a completely different project folder, choosing the option of copying everything from the old folder to the new.
    I hope this helps a little - good luck.

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    If you need any additional information, do not hesitate to contact me.
    Best Regards,

    Yeah that's a known problem with some 3rd party plugins. Assign the different sounds to different Outputs/Auxes instead, and write your Automation into the Auxes.

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    Maybe your Drum Machine doesn't accept Logic as it's MIDI master in terms of sync. There can only be one MIDI clock master. By default, it's Logic. Look if you Drum machine is set to slave!
    But i must admit i never worked the chapter through in the Manual, since i didn't need it before. So i recommend looking there as well.

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