CPU optimization: Acceptable amount for a smartphone?

Hi - I've been optimizing my *** off with removeListeners and vectors to bitmaps etc etc etc... However I am also removing tweening animation that I would like to include but I remove it in case it slows down smartphone too mcuh.
I have a dul intel core 1,86 mz and 2GB of ram.
Some of my programmes run at 20% CPU - would they run OK on the new android driven smartphones or would I blow them to pieces, if so what would be a decent CPU usage on my developper machine to know tI would have no problems.

Excellent answer.
I should have just looked up the specs.
What I'll probably do is cut out the tweens and things on the phone but keep them for when specs rise - I suppose when they all get to a decent level then things should be easier. I can get the CPU usage down to 10 in any case and it onlyjumps to 20 if I have a little animation in there so it won't be too hard on the CPU and only in places. I'll just have to see if that causes a lag and if so - change the sliding animation to a make visible animation.
I was only wandering because the iphone apps seem to have quite a bit of animation with no problem - is that because they have higher processing power?

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    Hi and welcome to the forums!
    The 8300 is not listed in the device upgrade table for Blackberry device OS v5.0. The newer versions of apps like Twitter and Facebook require device OS v5.0 to run correctly. Might be time to consider a new device!
    BlackBerry Device Software 5.0 main support page
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    Hi Savindi,
    version 2007 fully supports multiple BP internal reconciliation, you are hence able to offset transactions of 2 separate BP codes against one another.
    Both 2007 A & B are in general availability, please see the appropriate landing page on the SMP.
    All the best,

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    Go through this links it will help full

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    These are the tables where you can get the invoice amount details for a purchase document.
    EKBE-History of purchase document
    BKPF-Accounting document header
    BSEG-Accounting document segment
    RSEG-Document item-Incoming invoice.
    Rambhupal reddy

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    It comes under the 'Invoice' tab in Item Details in PO Creation (ME21N and ME22N).
    Check LE-Related Invoice Verification is Optional in field settings for PO. (I think this is the field in config).

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    when we create a journal entry and do a partial outgoing payment based on that Journal entry to a perticular vendor how we an find out how much is outstanding in that journal entry in table level ?????
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Kanishka
    In 2005 the system did not cater for partial allocations at journal level. The internal Recon number field woudl only get a number if all the documents in a payment were matched 100%. If just one document at row level in a payment was paid partially, the whole journal would be treated as unmatched. To make it worse, when you open the manual reconciliation function, it displays all these transactions as open, and does not show the partial amounts or full amounts for that payment, thereby allowing you in effect to reconcile "a second time" on the same documents.
    For this reason, you will have to look at VPM2 and see what amounts were allocated against each transaction. The field to look at is SumApplied (Paid to Invoice). Just bear in mind that both invoices and credit notes show a positive value in this field. However, journal debits and credits will show as positive and negative amounts.
    So in summary, for fully paid transactions you can use IntrnMatch from JDT1 but for partial allocations you need to look at VPM2.
    Hope this all makes sense, if not upgrade to 2007. It is worth it even if just for the Internal Reconciliation function that has been added.
    Kind regards
    Peter Juby

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