Create a contract with its premise with a BAPI

Hello People,
My doubt is as follows:
I need to create massive contracts in CRM '07 that replicates in IS-U, use the role to which he BAPI_BUSPROCESSND_CREATEMULTI step various parameters (see the final code), the problem lies in the allocation of the premise, the service contract creates perfectly (Business Partner, Business and Product Agreement).
It is right that assigned the Premise through the parameter "OBJECTS", or through another field?.
I reviewed several post as the companion of Anand Link: Creating an Installation , but no one answered your question.
Then a summary of the code used
    ev_guid_32 = z_guidp.
wa_header_ins-guid =  z_guidp.
z_partner = '300001867'.
z_buagid  = '002000000151'.
z_product = 'GAS_BASICA'.
z_pod     = 'ES0021000010000070HN'.
wa_partner-ref_kind            = 'A'.
wa_partner-ref_partner_handle  = '0001'.
wa_partner-kind_of_entry       = 'C'.
wa_partner-partner_fct         = '00000001'.
wa_partner-partner_no           = Z_partner.
wa_partner-mainpartner         = 'X'.
wa_partner-display_type        = 'BP'.
wa_partner-no_type             = 'BP'.
INSERT wa_partner INTO TABLE int_partner.
****************Carga de datos para lt_input_fields*********************
data: int_INPUT_FIELDS type table of BAPIBUS20001_INPUT_FIELDS.
CLEAR wa_input_fields.
REFRESH int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-objectname  = 'ORDERADM_H'.
wa_input_fields-ref_kind    = 'A'.
wa_input_fields-ref_handle  = '0000000001'.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'PROCESS_TYPE'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'CREATED_BY'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-objectname  = 'BILLING'.
wa_input_fields-ref_kind    = 'A'.
wa_input_fields-ref_handle  = '0000000001'.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'BUAG_ID'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-objectname  = 'ORDERADM_I'.
wa_input_fields-ref_kind    = 'B'.
wa_input_fields-ref_handle  = '0000000002'.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'ORDERED_PROD'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'NUMBER_INT'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'PRODUCT'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-objectname  = 'PARTNER'.
wa_input_fields-ref_kind    = 'A'.
wa_input_fields-ref_handle  = '0000000001'.
wa_input_fields-logical_key = '0001'.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'DISPLAY_TYPE'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'KIND_OF_ENTRY'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'NO_TYPE'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'PARTNER_FCT'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'PARTNER_NO'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
CLEAR wa_input_fields-logical_key.
WA_input_fields-objectname  = 'SCHEDLIN'.
WA_input_fields-ref_kind    = 'B'.
WA_input_fields-ref_handle  = '0000000002'.
WA_input_fields-fieldname   = 'QUANTITY'.
APPEND WA_input_fields TO INT_input_fields.
WA_input_fields-fieldname   = 'LOGICAL_KEY'.
APPEND WA_input_fields TO INT_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-objectname  = 'ORDPRP_I'.
wa_input_fields-ref_kind    = 'D'.
wa_input_fields-ref_handle  = '0000000002'.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'IBASE_COMPONENT'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
data: int_created_process type table of BAPIBUS20001_HEADER_INS,
wa_created_process like BAPIBUS20001_HEADER_INS.
REFRESH: int_created_process.
CLEAR wa_header.
wa_header-handle       = '0000000001'.
wa_header-process_type = 'ISUL'.
APPEND wa_header TO INT_header.
REFRESH INT_billing.
CLEAR wa_billing.
wa_billing-ref_handle         = '0000000001'.
wa_billing-ref_kind           = 'A'.
wa_billing-buag_id            = z_buagid.
APPEND wa_billing TO INT_billing.
* ITEM *
DATA: product_guid TYPE GUID_32.
CLEAR wa_item.
wa_item-product       = '489A0908D19E0F3CE10000000A1D0232'.
wa_item-ordered_prod  = z_product.
wa_item-number_int    = 10.
wa_item-handle        = '0000000002'.
wa_item-header_handle = '0000000001'.
REFRESH INT_partner.
CLEAR wa_partner.
wa_partner-partner_no         = z_partner.
wa_partner-no_type            = 'BP'.
wa_partner-display_type       = 'BP'.
wa_partner-kind_of_entry      = 'C'.
wa_partner-ref_handle         = '0000000001'.
wa_partner-ref_partner_handle = '0000000001'.
wa_partner-partner_fct        = '00000001'.
wa_partner-ref_kind           = 'A'.
APPEND wa_partner TO INT_partner.
REFRESH INT_scheduleline.
CLEAR wa_scheduleline.
wa_scheduleline-item_handle = '0000000002'.
wa_scheduleline-quantity    = 1.
APPEND wa_scheduleline TO INT_scheduleline.
* iBase OBJECTS *
F_pod = 'ES0021000010000088LF'.
  FROM isu_pod
  INTO wa_isu_pod
  WHERE EXT_UI = f_pod.
FROM ibin
INTO wa_ibin
WHERE objnr   = wa_isu_pod-int_ui.
REFRESH INT_objects.
wa_objects-IBASE_HEADER    = wa_ibin-IBASE.
wa_objects-ibase_component = wa_ibin-instance.
wa_objects-ref_handle      = '0000000001'.
APPEND wa_objects TO INT_objects.
DATA: int_RETURN  type table of BAPIRET2,
    header          = int_header
    billing         = INT_billing
    item            = INT_item
    partner         = int_partner
    input_fields    = int_input_fields
    created_process = int_created_process
    return          = INT_return
    scheduleline    = INT_scheduleline
    OBJECTS         = int_objects.
      int_OBJECTS_TO_SAVE     type table of     BAPIBUS20001_GUID_DIS,
      int_SAVED_OBJECTS     type table of     BAPIBUS20001_OBJECT_ID,
REFRESH int_objects_to_save.
REFRESH int_saved_objects.
REFRESH int_return.
LOOP AT int_created_process INTO wa_created_process.
  wa_objects_to_save-guid = wa_created_process-guid.
  APPEND wa_objects_to_save to int_objects_to_save.
    objects_to_save = int_objects_to_save
    saved_objects   = int_saved_objects
    return          = int_return.
    wait   = 'X'
    return = wa_return.

Hello People,
My doubt is as follows:
I need to create massive contracts in CRM '07 that replicates in IS-U, use the role to which he BAPI_BUSPROCESSND_CREATEMULTI step various parameters (see the final code), the problem lies in the allocation of the premise, the service contract creates perfectly (Business Partner, Business and Product Agreement).
It is right that assigned the Premise through the parameter "OBJECTS", or through another field?.
I reviewed several post as the companion of Anand Link: Creating an Installation , but no one answered your question.
Then a summary of the code used
    ev_guid_32 = z_guidp.
wa_header_ins-guid =  z_guidp.
z_partner = '300001867'.
z_buagid  = '002000000151'.
z_product = 'GAS_BASICA'.
z_pod     = 'ES0021000010000070HN'.
wa_partner-ref_kind            = 'A'.
wa_partner-ref_partner_handle  = '0001'.
wa_partner-kind_of_entry       = 'C'.
wa_partner-partner_fct         = '00000001'.
wa_partner-partner_no           = Z_partner.
wa_partner-mainpartner         = 'X'.
wa_partner-display_type        = 'BP'.
wa_partner-no_type             = 'BP'.
INSERT wa_partner INTO TABLE int_partner.
****************Carga de datos para lt_input_fields*********************
data: int_INPUT_FIELDS type table of BAPIBUS20001_INPUT_FIELDS.
CLEAR wa_input_fields.
REFRESH int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-objectname  = 'ORDERADM_H'.
wa_input_fields-ref_kind    = 'A'.
wa_input_fields-ref_handle  = '0000000001'.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'PROCESS_TYPE'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'CREATED_BY'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-objectname  = 'BILLING'.
wa_input_fields-ref_kind    = 'A'.
wa_input_fields-ref_handle  = '0000000001'.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'BUAG_ID'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-objectname  = 'ORDERADM_I'.
wa_input_fields-ref_kind    = 'B'.
wa_input_fields-ref_handle  = '0000000002'.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'ORDERED_PROD'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'NUMBER_INT'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'PRODUCT'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-objectname  = 'PARTNER'.
wa_input_fields-ref_kind    = 'A'.
wa_input_fields-ref_handle  = '0000000001'.
wa_input_fields-logical_key = '0001'.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'DISPLAY_TYPE'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'KIND_OF_ENTRY'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'NO_TYPE'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'PARTNER_FCT'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'PARTNER_NO'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
CLEAR wa_input_fields-logical_key.
WA_input_fields-objectname  = 'SCHEDLIN'.
WA_input_fields-ref_kind    = 'B'.
WA_input_fields-ref_handle  = '0000000002'.
WA_input_fields-fieldname   = 'QUANTITY'.
APPEND WA_input_fields TO INT_input_fields.
WA_input_fields-fieldname   = 'LOGICAL_KEY'.
APPEND WA_input_fields TO INT_input_fields.
wa_input_fields-objectname  = 'ORDPRP_I'.
wa_input_fields-ref_kind    = 'D'.
wa_input_fields-ref_handle  = '0000000002'.
wa_input_fields-fieldname   = 'IBASE_COMPONENT'.
APPEND wa_input_fields TO int_input_fields.
data: int_created_process type table of BAPIBUS20001_HEADER_INS,
wa_created_process like BAPIBUS20001_HEADER_INS.
REFRESH: int_created_process.
CLEAR wa_header.
wa_header-handle       = '0000000001'.
wa_header-process_type = 'ISUL'.
APPEND wa_header TO INT_header.
REFRESH INT_billing.
CLEAR wa_billing.
wa_billing-ref_handle         = '0000000001'.
wa_billing-ref_kind           = 'A'.
wa_billing-buag_id            = z_buagid.
APPEND wa_billing TO INT_billing.
* ITEM *
DATA: product_guid TYPE GUID_32.
CLEAR wa_item.
wa_item-product       = '489A0908D19E0F3CE10000000A1D0232'.
wa_item-ordered_prod  = z_product.
wa_item-number_int    = 10.
wa_item-handle        = '0000000002'.
wa_item-header_handle = '0000000001'.
REFRESH INT_partner.
CLEAR wa_partner.
wa_partner-partner_no         = z_partner.
wa_partner-no_type            = 'BP'.
wa_partner-display_type       = 'BP'.
wa_partner-kind_of_entry      = 'C'.
wa_partner-ref_handle         = '0000000001'.
wa_partner-ref_partner_handle = '0000000001'.
wa_partner-partner_fct        = '00000001'.
wa_partner-ref_kind           = 'A'.
APPEND wa_partner TO INT_partner.
REFRESH INT_scheduleline.
CLEAR wa_scheduleline.
wa_scheduleline-item_handle = '0000000002'.
wa_scheduleline-quantity    = 1.
APPEND wa_scheduleline TO INT_scheduleline.
* iBase OBJECTS *
F_pod = 'ES0021000010000088LF'.
  FROM isu_pod
  INTO wa_isu_pod
  WHERE EXT_UI = f_pod.
FROM ibin
INTO wa_ibin
WHERE objnr   = wa_isu_pod-int_ui.
REFRESH INT_objects.
wa_objects-IBASE_HEADER    = wa_ibin-IBASE.
wa_objects-ibase_component = wa_ibin-instance.
wa_objects-ref_handle      = '0000000001'.
APPEND wa_objects TO INT_objects.
DATA: int_RETURN  type table of BAPIRET2,
    header          = int_header
    billing         = INT_billing
    item            = INT_item
    partner         = int_partner
    input_fields    = int_input_fields
    created_process = int_created_process
    return          = INT_return
    scheduleline    = INT_scheduleline
    OBJECTS         = int_objects.
      int_OBJECTS_TO_SAVE     type table of     BAPIBUS20001_GUID_DIS,
      int_SAVED_OBJECTS     type table of     BAPIBUS20001_OBJECT_ID,
REFRESH int_objects_to_save.
REFRESH int_saved_objects.
REFRESH int_return.
LOOP AT int_created_process INTO wa_created_process.
  wa_objects_to_save-guid = wa_created_process-guid.
  APPEND wa_objects_to_save to int_objects_to_save.
    objects_to_save = int_objects_to_save
    saved_objects   = int_saved_objects
    return          = int_return.
    wait   = 'X'
    return = wa_return.

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    import javafx.stage.StageStyle;
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      AnchorPane root = new AnchorPane();
      root.setStyle("-fx-border-color: black; -fx-border-width: 1px; ");
      StackPane mainContainer = new StackPane();
        AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(mainContainer, 5.0);
        AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(mainContainer, 5.0);
        AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(mainContainer, 5.0);
        AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(mainContainer, 5.0);
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          public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
      primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root,  300, 200, Color.TRANSPARENT));;
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       final ObjectProperty<Point2D> mouseAnchor = new SimpleObjectProperty<>(null);
       n.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
          public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
            mouseAnchor.set(new Point2D(event.getX(), event.getY()));
       n.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED, new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
          public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
       n.addEventHandler(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED, new EventHandler<MouseEvent>() {
          public void handle(MouseEvent event) {
            Point2D anchor = mouseAnchor.get();
            Scene scene = n.getScene();
            Window window = null ;
            if (scene != null) {
              window = scene.getWindow();
            if (anchor != null && window != null) {
              double deltaX = event.getX()-anchor.getX();
              double deltaY = event.getY()-anchor.getY();
      public static void main(String[] args) {

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    Item category 9 not supported
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    hai abap-hr gurus,
    how to create custom infotype and how to configure with its subtypes. when i am creating infotypes i am not getting how to configure subtypes.
    plz help me for this with an example code.
    kiran kumar

    Hi Kiran,
        Please fallow the below steps to create the custom infotype. If you have any quires let me know.
    For Creation of Infotype first Go to Transaction PM01, Enter the custom Infotype number which you want to create, it should be a 4 digit number and have to start with 9xxx.
    then select the `Employee Infotype' radio button
    after that select the `PS Structure Infotype'
    then click on Create… A separate table maintenance window appears
    then Create a PS structure with all the fields you want on the infotype
    Save and Activate the PS structure
    now Go back to the initial screen of PM01
    Click on `All' push button. It takes a few moments
    Click on `Technical Characteristics’. Infotype list screen appears
    Click on `Change'(pencil) button
    Now select your Infotype and click on `Detail' (magnifying glass) button
    Give `T591A' as subtype table & also Give `T591S' as subtype txt tab
    Give your subtype field as subtype field & Save and come back to PM01 initial screen
    Click on `Infotype Characteristics' … Infotype list screen appears
    Click on `Change' (pencil) button & on New Entries
    and then Enter your Infotype number and short text Here we have to set different Infotype Characteristics as per the requirement. (Better open another session with some standard Infotype's infotype characteristics screen and use as the reference
    to fill yours). Now save ur entries
    Now the Infotype is created and ready to use.
    If you want to change the layout of the Infotype as per your
    In the PM01 initial screen…Select `Screen' radio button and give
    2000 as the screen name, then click on edit.
    In the next screen.. Select `Layout Editor' and click `Change'.
    Screen default layout appears…here you can design/modify the
    screen..change the attributes of the fields..etc.
    Save and activate. (Don't forget to `Activate at every level)
    Ramakrishna kotha.

  • Preventive Work Order Dates Synchronization with its automatic created  notification

    Dear all,
    Preventive Work Order Dates Synchronization with its automatic created  notification
    My question was initiated from PM module forum, please check above URL if you have time.
    My ultimate problem is that :
         "SMOD" Enhancement  "QQMA0018" needs to receive its origin data of work order when the execution time of IP10 or IP30.
         so that I can decide/calculate desired dates on the notification according to its origin work order date .
    Do I need to use "export/import memory" statements to communicate with origin work order?
    if it's true
    Thanks for your help in advance.

    Dear Pete,
    I just made test data in our DEV server,
    Work orders has been created by "IP30" which was executed today with its maint. plan( date format DD.MM.YYYY ).
    below work order has been created and the basic start date seems derived from plan date.
    below image is showing our 'SPRO' configuration for the PM priority.
    "ZM03" order type is using "ZP" priority type.
    (I don't know why is this work order didn't take the values defined on 'priorities for Each Priority Type' for calculating "basic start" & "basic finish" date, it seemed just copied same date with PlanDate)
    you can see the notification which is created automatically by work order as below.
    "M4" notification type is using "ZP" priority type as well.
    It took the 'required start' date by adding 2 weeks from today(=creation date) as 'priorities for Each Priority Type' has defined and 'required end' date also set to 6 months later from 'required start' date.
    (Am I right?)
    Please let me know, if you need further information.
    Thank you for your help.

  • How do I create a product or item database so I can search fr the product and its files with hte pro

    How do I create a product or item database so I can search for the product and its files with the products name or four digit code

    Ok so I made some progress on this. I have figured out, that I can add a chained "add to cart" to certain items, then when they click the button for Buy now, it will add both items to the cart. However, this would require me to manually build each product page and generate a custom button for each one with both product IDs in it.
    Can anyone offer help on how to put some JS in that would append a second function to the onclick function that BC Generates dynamically?
    For the products that require a set up fee, I would assume I would add in to either the product templates or in to the item description some JS that would find the onclick of the buynow button and append a second function to also add to cart the setup fee product. The end result being code that looks like this:
    <input type="submit" class="productSubmitInput" onclick="AddToCart(188536,6314368,'',4,'','',true);AddToCart(188536,6314367,'',4,'','',tr ue);return false;" value="Buy Now" name="AddToCart_Submit" />
    Except of course, the product ID on the first AddToCart would be the main product with the second one being the one appended.
    Does any of that make sense? lol

  • Error creating a contract with multiple account assignments

    I have created a PO agreement with a single account assignment on tr - ME31K.
    If I open this agreement and open the account assignments for an item I'm able to press the "Change display" button. In the screen which is showed I'm able to set the distribution to set the distribution to 1 - Distribution on quantity basis. If I do so I get the following error message: " Enter Acc. ***. Block". The only thing I could do is set this indicator!. But when I set this indicator this indicator is resettled and the message appears again.
    The thing I want to do is that it is possible to create a contract whit multiple account assignments.
    Could any one say what is missing or what is wrong?
    My SAP version is 47x110 SR1.
    Kind regards,
    Richard MeijnError creating a contract with multiple account assignments

    The reason why I created a contract with a single Account Assignment is that it was not possible to save the document.
    So I created a document for my example and want to change it to a multiple Account assignment. So I did the steps as described.
    After adding a extra account line and pressing Enter I get the error message as described: "Enter Acc. ***. Block".
    There must be a setting wring in the IMG but I don't know which one?
    I have looked ad transaction "OME9" but couldn't see the cause.
    Kind Regards,
    Richard Meijn

  • Dear I am using iphone 4s now its connected with pc to create contact group.  I have 750 contacts in phone but pc showing only 36. How can i solve this? How can I see all contacts in pc?

    Dear I am using iphone 4s now its connected with pc to create contact group.  I have 750 contacts in phone but pc showing only 36. How can i solve this? How can I see all contacts in pc?

    It may pay to bookmark this page.
    8:40 PM      Wednesday; April 10, 2013
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Mountain Lion 10.8.3)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
     Couple of iPhones and an iPad
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Unable to created users through UME on portal with AS ABAP as its data sorc

    Unable to created users through UME on portal with AS ABAP as its data source.
    I have assigned SAP_BC_JSF_COMMUNICATION to the user SAPJSF but this only helps in editing the already existing users but not in creating new users on portal.
    I have checked that that the role SAP_BC_JSF_COMMUNICATION is properly generated and has *  in all authorizations. I have even assigned SAP_ALL and SAP_NEW to SAPJSF and another ID.
    DO we need to make any config changes to make the database writable from portal. Please advise.

    If your system is a AS ABAP + +JAVA System,, you have to do the following
    1. Login to Client 001 using SAP GUI
    2. Create a user id
    3. Login to portal and you will be able to see the user.
    4.Assign him the portal rights
    If you want the portal to use seperate Database for USers, there is a setting in Visual admin, that you can change for the same, but i dont remember that

  • Create list of materials with its purchase order texts from material master

    Dear all
    Simple question I do wanna ask.
    Just need to get out a list with my materials with its purchase order texts from the material master.
    As I do know that PO text is not stored on a table, it might be difficult to get it out from the system.
    Does anyone of you know how to retrieve it simply?

    Check this link Material Master Purchase Order Text.

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  • Employee Grouping Fixed Account Assignment in FMDERIVE

    Hello Experts, I am configuring derivation rules in FMDERIVE for a client, where I have to configure those for HCM. I came across a Source Field "Employee Grouping Fixed Account Assignment". Can someone explain me what this field do, its use in FM De

  • Simple date question

    Hi Experts, I do not know ABAP which explains my straight forward question. I am coding in BI. Based on an invoice date, I need to work-out the fiscal year. If the month of the invoice date is >= 4, then the fiscal year, is the current year. If the m