Can anyone help me in creating AFS Grid through LSMW, we want to create Master GRIDS with two dimesnions.
What method to use ? and What Data structure ?

Thanks Balu,
I've tried created my GRID using the IDOC method (Message type : J3AGRI and Basic Type : J3AGRI01) .
IThe dosucments get posted successfully but there is a problem, when I try to test it tthrough t-code J3AV, it show that this grid does not exist with the given valid from date that i eneterd at the sametime it shows up when I try to search it by the short teext I enetred.
Any Ideas why is this happening ?
Thanks, Ajay

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    I'm wondering how could i create a grid like the grid below, i want to create a grid with summary row,
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    Any suggestions?, i want to know just the starting point so i can make deep investigations.
    Thanks in Advance,

    Hi Karem,
    this can be achieved by just assigning a datatable containing the data plus some formatting of grid. Meaning there is no feature for that.
    The datatable can be filled manually or by sql query. Then you have to attach some events for updating the values ( validate after for gid item ).
    A small example for a sql query showing last month quotations and orders with summary :
    select 1 as Sort,cast(DocNum as varchar) as DocNum,DocTotal,convert(varchar, DocDate,104) from OQUT where DocDate between  DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE()) AND GETDATE()
    Select 2 as Sort,'Summary ( Quotation ) : ',sum(DocTotal), convert(varchar,  DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE()),104)+' - '+convert(varchar,   GETDATE(),104) from OQUT where DocDate between  DATEADD(month, -1, GETDATE()) AND GETDATE()
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  • How to create a grid

    Hi Friends,
    How to create a Grid, not a form or table.
    I want a grid to hold about 10 fields.
    so :-
    f1 v1 f2 v2
    f1 v1 f2 v2
    I can get it using simple form ,but it doesnot look like a grid.
    I need the look and feel of a grid.

    Hi Naveen,
    Check Section "7.6 Layout managers"
    It will give you the most exhaustive description of how to build a grid in WD.
    Best tregards, Maksim Rashchynski.

  • How do you create THIS "grid" in Oracle Forms

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    How can you create the grid in the bottom??
    I can't see using any of the standard Oracle toolbox items (like multi-record blocks) for this?
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    User 122...

    Hi Soofi,
    Appreciate your quick response.
    In the image, can you see a huge grid?
    Grid column headings are days of the week, Mon, Tue, Wed etc.
    Grid Rows also have names, like Room, Status and Rm. Type.
    Cells have various values in various colors (red, blue, green etc) and signs like ">>".
    Can you see that??
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  • Creating a grid-like layout

    Previously, I posted a problem with trying to wrap tables within tables, referencing this code.
    <!-- ... -->
            <bc4j:viewObjectScope name="CustomArrayDataGraphsView">
                                <bc4j:attrValue name="AnalysisParam"/>
                                <bc4j:ordProperty name="url"/>
                                <bc4j:attrValue name="Description"/>
                            <bc4j:attrScope name="Graph">
                                    <bc4j:ordProperty name="url"/>
                                    <bc4j:ordProperty name="contentType"/>
                                      <bc4j:attrValue name="Description"/>
    <!-- ... -->The above code renders a single row of elements which are tables themselves. Using the <cellFormat> inside the <viewObjectScope> avoids the "new line" rendering of the internal tables of title/images. However, the internal tables do not wrap.
    This is an unfortunate side-effect of html tables. So, I need to basically make a sizeable grid (similarly to a GridLayout for all you AWT/Swing folks out there) layout that can render a specified number of columns per table, creating new rows as necessary. Something like...
    <gridLayout columns="5">
        <bc4j:viewObjectScope                                 name="CustomArrayDataGraphsView">
                <!-- render something per row -->
    </gridLayout>This custom layout will render a maximum of five columns of data per table row, where each column is actually a row of information from the view object.
    Is this possible using UIX components or should I start coding?

    Also, displaying a bunch of "inline"ed tables would be really useful. I can't seem to do this from within a <header>, <hideShowHeader> tag, even with explicitly coding:
      <bc4j:viewObjectScope name="CustomArrayDataGraphsView">
          <bc4j:attrScope name="Graph">
                  <html:table style="display: inline">
                        <styledText text="Title"/>
                        <styledText text="Image"/>
                  <tableLayout styleClass="display: inline" width="300">
                          <styledText text="Title"/>
                          <styledText text="Image"/>
      <!-- render a "No Records Found" message -->
                      text="No Records Found"
                  <bc4j:viewObjectProperty name="estimatedRowCount"/>
      </bc4j:viewObjectScope>Apparently, the header tags do something which effects the display of "inline"ed elements, like the tables in the previous example. Any suggestions? I know taking out of the header works great, but, the <hideShowHeader> functionality is particularly necessary.
    I have a time constraint on this... gotta be done by today, so if you have any other later minute suggestions besides creating a grid-like layout, let me know!

  • How to create exchange grid in web entry form...

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    i did this exchange grid in web grid..any one can share the document or ppt or video clip related to this..which will be helpful for me...

    Its better to create the Exchange Rates in a Data Form than in an Data Grid, so that you can easily Import and Export the form and even can feed the values easily....
    Select the POV like in Scenario-Actual,Year-Your particular year,Period-In Period Dimension do not choose any option so that it can be selected in Columns and Rows,View--the same as Period Dimension,Entity-[None],Value-<Entity Currency>,Account-Do Not select ,ICP- [ICP None],Custom 1-[None], Custom 2-[None], Custom 3-[None], Custom 4-[None]...
    In Columns Select Scenario -Actual,Period-{[Fourth Generation]},Currency-#USD(Default Currency)
    In Rows Select-Account-A#AVGRATE,View-w#Periodic,Currency-C2#EUR
    A#AVGRATE.w#Periodic.C2#CFA and so on for rest of the currencies....
    and same in the below rows for the Closing Rates---- A#CLORATE.w#Periodic.C2#EUR
    This might help you.....

  • Is it possbile to create ALV Grid using Class &  without using SE51

    Is it possible to create a alv grid using Class, with out using the screen painter(SE51).

    Hi Preethi,
    It is possible to creat ALV grid using class, provided u have to create a custom control in the screen dialog.
    Try with the foll code. This is an example for flight detail.
    DATA: container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container,
          alv_con TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid.
    data : it_sflight like table of wa with header line,
           g_fieldcat type lvc_t_fcat.
    /* Paste the code the PBO
        CREATE OBJECT container
            container_name              = 'C_SPFLI'. "Specify the container name which u created in the dialog screen.
        CREATE OBJECT alv_con
            i_parent          = container.
    /* Use the foll. to dislay the report
    CALL METHOD cl_grid->set_table_for_first_display
             I_STRUCTURE_NAME              = 'SFLIGHT'
              it_outtab                     = it_sflight[]
              IT_FIELDCATALOG               = g_fieldcat.
    First create the container and then place the ALV in the container and for dislaying pass the necessary table.
    Hope this will useful for u.
    Get back if u r unable to do it.

  • Create a grid or table layout report

    <p>Hi,</p><p> Anyone knows what&#39;s the simplest way to create a grid or table report using CR4E? my report is very simple, a list of POJO and want to display it in a table.</p><p>I guess you could add outside borders to each field, is there any simple way to do it?</p>

    The easiest way to create a report under the form of a simple table or grid, is to follow these 5 easy steps in CR4E, once your datasource is ready :
    1) Select your fileds
    In the Field Explorer, select all the fields you want to show in your report, using the Ctrl key to select them all at once
    2) Drag and drop fields on the report
    Drag and drop the selected fields all at once from the Field Explorer onto your report, on the Body section.
    The dropped fields will automatically be aranged in a row.
    3) Position the fields Â
    While all your fields are still all selected, make sure they are positionned at the very top of the Body section, so that there will be no space between your data on the final report.
    4) Set the Fields Property to make them look like a tableÂ
    While all your fields are still all selected, go to the Property panel, and set the Border Properties from None to Single. You will also probably want to set the LeftIdentation Property to a fraction of inch so that the text doesn't start right on the border of your grid.
    5) Set the Body section size
    Adjust the height of the Body section, so that it is exactly of the size of your fields, to ensure there will be no horizontal space between your grid rows on the final report.
    At this point, you can preview your report, and you already have a table.
    Of course, from there, you can adjust the fields size (columns width), font size, color of the text, etc ... with the available Properties in the Property panel, and make your table look the way you like.
    Thierry Crespo (Business Objects)

  • Creating Editable Grid Data

    I have to create a grid like form which has editable fields including text box, selects and text areas, and plain text all in each row.
    e.g. of data
    ROW 1
    COL1     COL2          COL3          COL4          COL5
    text     select box     textbox          textbox          text
    ROW 2
    ROW 3
    COL1     COL2          COL3          COL4          COL5
    text     select box     textbox          textbox          text
    ROW 4
    I tried to use the netui-data:repeater tag(given below) on a two dimentional array but that works only when you have just text in each column.
    It does not work when you have editable fields in any row or column.
    <netui-data:repeater dataSource="{pageFlow.multiArray}">
    <netui-data:repeater dataSource="{container.item}">
         <td><netui:label value="{container.item}" /></td>
    Example data to be displayed is given below
    recordSetArray[0][0] =      text     - ROW 1
    recordSetArray[0][1] =      text     - ROW 1
    recordSetArray[0][2] =     text     - ROW 1
    recordSetArray[0][3] =     text     - ROW 1
    recordSetArray[0][4] =     selectbox - ROW 1
    recordSetArray[0][5] =     textbox     - ROW 1
    recordSetArray[0][6] =     textbox     - ROW 1
    recordSetArray[0][7] = textbox     - ROW 1
    recordSetArray[0][8] =     selectbox - ROW 1
    recordSetArray[0][9] = selectbox - ROW 1
    recordSetArray[0][10] = textarea - ROW 2
    recordSetArray[1][0] = text     - ROW 3     
    recordSetArray[1][1] = text     - ROW 3
    recordSetArray[1][2] = text     - ROW 3     
    recordSetArray[1][3] = text - ROW 3
    recordSetArray[1][4] = selectbox- ROW 3
    recordSetArray[1][5] = textbox     - ROW 3
    recordSetArray[1][6] = textbox     - ROW 3
    recordSetArray[1][7] = textbox     - ROW 3
    recordSetArray[1][8] = selectbox- ROW 3
    recordSetArray[1][9] = selectbox- ROW 3
    recordSetArray[1][10] =textarea - ROW 4
    recordSetArray[2][0] = text     - ROW 5     
    recordSetArray[2][1] = text - ROW 5
    recordSetArray[2][2] = text - ROW 5
    recordSetArray[2][3] = text - ROW 5
    recordSetArray[2][4] = selectbox- ROW 5
    recordSetArray[2][5] = textbox     - ROW 5
    recordSetArray[2][6] = textbox - ROW 5
    recordSetArray[2][7] = textbox - ROW 5
    recordSetArray[2][8] =     selectbox- ROW 5
    recordSetArray[2][9] = selectbox- ROW 5
    recordSetArray[2][10] =textarea - ROW 6
    How can this be accomplished?

    Yup that data grid is most buggy. I think most people expect
    it to work as well an Excel spreadsheet, and it's not quite there
    in Flex 2. I'm not sure if it is any better in 3.
    I think I am giving up trying to make mine work until they
    fix it.
    I have some of the same issues as you with focus and tab

  • SAP AFS Grids in BOM

    Hello Everyone,
    I had a peculiar problem here when I am using AFS Grids. I have not defined certain characteristics values for a specific grid. But the same appears when I am maintaining the deviation quantities in the Bill of material. Is there any reason why this is happening? Is there any way to prevent this? Any help on this is greatly appreciated.
    Aji Kurian Mani

    Could you please provide more details about the issue ? Also, providing the grid values of the finished products and components would be helpful. I've been working on many AFS releases and don't see any big issues as of AFS 5.0.

  • Steps to create ALV grid

    Hi All
    I tried created ALV grid control,but facing error in the declaration of the data variables.
    Please help ..where do we declare data for internal table and reference variables for
    container and grid in the program.Acc. to its in the TOP include part.But its giving error
    that data not accessible.
    Thanks in advance..
    Abhinandan Kumar

    Find the code below.
    TABLES: t001.
    DATA : gd_container_alv TYPE scrfname VALUE 'ALV_CON'.
    DATA : go_cus_alv_container TYPE REF TO cl_gui_custom_container.
    DATA : go_grid TYPE REF TO cl_gui_alv_grid.
    DATA : gt_fieldcat TYPE lvc_t_fcat,
           gs_fieldcat TYPE lvc_s_fcat.
    DATA : gs_layout TYPE lvc_s_layo.
    *Class Definition
        METHODS populate_tab.
        METHODS create_field_catalog.
        METHODS create_layout.
        METHODS display_alv.
        METHODS refresh_alv.
       DATA : bukrs TYPE t001-bukrs.
    *Class implementation
      METHOD populate_tab.
        SELECT * FROM t001
                        INTO TABLE gt_001.
      METHOD create_field_catalog.
        gs_fieldcat-col_pos = '1'.
        gs_fieldcat-fieldname = 'BUKRS'.
        gs_fieldcat-tabname = 'gt_001'.
        gs_fieldcat-coltext = 'Company Code'.
        APPEND gs_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat.
        gs_fieldcat-col_pos = '2'.
        gs_fieldcat-fieldname = 'BUTXT'.
        gs_fieldcat-tabname = 'gt_001'.
        gs_fieldcat-coltext = 'CC Text'.
        APPEND gs_fieldcat TO gt_fieldcat.
      METHOD create_layout.
        gs_layout-grid_title = 'Company Code Report'.
        gs_layout-zebra = 'X'.
      METHOD display_alv.
            I_DEFAULT                     = 'X'
            IS_LAYOUT                     = gs_layout
            IT_OUTTAB                     = gt_001
            IT_FIELDCATALOG               = gt_fieldcat
            PROGRAM_ERROR                 = 2
            others                        = 3.
      METHOD refresh_alv.
        REFRESH gt_001.
        SELECT * FROM t001
                 INTO TABLE gt_001.
    DATA : go_alv TYPE REF TO gcl_alv.
      CREATE OBJECT go_alv.
      CALL METHOD go_alv->populate_tab.
      CALL SCREEN 0100.
    *&      Module  PBO_100  OUTPUT
    *Set the GUI status
      SET PF-STATUS '0100'.
    *Create the container to be placed in the screen
          CONTAINER_NAME              = gd_container_alv.
    *Create the ALV Grid Container within the parent container
          I_PARENT          = go_cus_alv_container.
      CALL METHOD go_alv->create_field_catalog.
      CALL METHOD go_alv->create_layout.
      CALL METHOD go_alv->display_alv.
    ENDMODULE.                 " PBO_100  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  PAI_100  INPUT
      CASE sy-ucomm.
        WHEN 'REFRESH'.
          CALL METHOD go_alv->refresh_alv.
        WHEN 'BACK'.
          LEAVE TO SCREEN 0.
        WHEN 'EXIT'.
          LEAVE PROGRAM.
    ENDMODULE.                 " PAI_100  INPUT

  • Create multiple grid in a worksheet

    my smartivew version is, this relase should support to create multiple grid in a worksheet.
    but when i try to add the second grid, i only see the 3 options:
    "clear sheet contents and POV"
    "Reuse sheet contents only"
    "Reuse sheet contents and POV"
    not able to see the fourth option.
    i do have selected multiple cells.
    where am i wrong?

    my smartivew version is, this relase should support to create multiple grid in a worksheet.
    but when i try to add the second grid, i only see the 3 options:
    "clear sheet contents and POV"
    "Reuse sheet contents only"
    "Reuse sheet contents and POV"
    not able to see the fourth option.
    i do have selected multiple cells.
    where am i wrong?

  • Creating a grid layout

    Hi All,
    I am completely new to ADF UI part. I am looking for creating a grid layout of static/dynamic image content. just like the one that is there in suppose 'ebay search'.
    can somebody please tell me about how to go about this.

    For this you can use an af:table and put an af:image in a column.
    Check out this blog for a start.

  • Its possible to create a grid like this?!?!?

    hello to all, im new in Mii and i have a sql statement to populate the table but i want to know if it is possible to create a grid like the image in this link :
    and then put the information that comes from the sql in the blank spaces
    regards and thanks for the help in advance

    hello, correct me if i say something wrong of yours steps:
                1) Create a Doc action block with three columns like: Shift,Quantity,Scrap......
                       and then i put another field Total....correct?!?! or not?
                2) Add SQLQuery Action block and configure it with already created SQL Query.
                       the result of my SQLQuery comes like this...
                       Yield                 Scrap
                       5000                 1100
                        this is the result of this query:
                       select sum(max(yieldqty)), sum(max(scrapqty))
                       from z_event
                       where linenumber= '[Param.1]' and shiftnumber = '[Param.2]'
                        and (eventtimestamp >= to_date('[Param.3] 00:00:00', ' hh24:mi:ss'))
                        and (eventtimestamp <= to_date('[Param.4]', ' hh24:mi:ss'))
                        group by ordernumber
                       its better that the shiftnumber comes to???if yes the result comes like this:
                         Yield         Scrap     ShiftNumber
                          3720          35                  1
                         30878         117                  1 
                3) Put a repeater action block below that and configre with XPATH.
                4)Add a Row action block,configure with Doc.output and map the each column from the repeater.
                5) Also add other row with the total and take the sum of the quantity and scrap.
                how to make the SUM?!?! There isnt SUM Function...
                 like this Total = Total + Repeater_0.Output{/Row/MAX_YIELDQTY_}    ???
    regards and sorry for all this questions

  • How to create an grid of buttons.

    Im trying to create a grid of buttons but for some reason i can see only 2 of them at the same time, but i know they are 9 on stage cause i trace numChildren
    Currently i have this:
    public class Main extends MovieClip
                        private var myBtn:SimpleButton = new SimpleButton();
                        private var img1:Bitmap=new Bitmap(new active_MouseOut());
                        private var img2:Bitmap=new Bitmap(new active_MouseOver());
                        private var img3:Bitmap=new Bitmap(new notActive_MouseOut());
                        private var img4:Bitmap=new Bitmap(new notActive_MouseOver());
                        private var myArrayContainer:Array = new Array();
                        public function Main()
                                  for (var i :int = 0; i < 3; i++)
                                            for (var j:int = 0; j < 3; j++)
                                                      myArrayContainer[j] = new MyButton(img1, img2, img3, img4)
                                                      myArrayContainer[j].x = 0 + i * (myArrayContainer[j].width + 10)
                                                      myArrayContainer[j].y = 0 + j * (myArrayContainer[j].height + 10)
    active_MouseOut, active_MouseOver, notActive_MouseOut and notActive_MouseOver are simple bitmap Images that have AS linkage
    And MyButton class is this
              import flash.display.Bitmap;
              import flash.display.MovieClip;
              import flash.display.SimpleButton;
              import flash.utils.getDefinitionByName;
              public class MyButton extends MovieClip
                        private var myBtn:SimpleButton = new SimpleButton();
                        private var image1:Bitmap
                        private var image2:Bitmap
                        private var image3:Bitmap
                        private var image4:Bitmap
                        public function MyButton(active_OutState:Bitmap, active_OverState:Bitmap, notActive_OutState:Bitmap, notActive_OverState:Bitmap)
                                  image1 = active_OutState;
                                  image2 = active_OverState;
                                  image3 = notActive_OutState;
                                  image4 = notActive_OverState
                                  myBtn.upState = image1;
                                  myBtn.overState = image2;
                                  myBtn.downState = myBtn.upState;
                                  myBtn.hitTestState = myBtn.overState;
                                  addChild( myBtn );
                                  myBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick);
                        private function onClick( ev:MouseEvent ):void
                                  myBtn.upState = image3;
                                  myBtn.overState = image4;
    I also want to ask : Can I get the bitmapData to load in the MyButton class with this
    private var image1:Bitmap
    public function MyButton(mouseState:String)
                                   image1_Data = Class(getDefinitionByName( mouseState ));
                                  image1 = new Bitmap( image1_Data() )
    and in the Main Class to send the name of the image in the library
    myArrayContainer[j] = new MyButton( "notActive_MouseOver" )
    or I can do this only in/from the Document Class
    cause Im trying and it is giving me this
    Error #1065: Variable notActive_MouseOver() is not defined.

    well Im doing the button-making in the MyButton class cause im trying to create 9 buttons(and every button has a different image and that image has 4 states(clickable-Up, clickable-Over, notClickable-Up, notClickable-Over  )).
    And this is the only way i figured out how to do it without writing alot of code ()

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