Create "anchor" to jump to animation frame?

I want to create an animation file, and have a Table of Contents in the beginning frame(s). Then, have the ability to click on text there and jump to a designated frame of the animation --- how do I do that? Do I create one file in Adobe Edge Animate, then import it into Dreamweaver to add "anchor" code?
The idea is to jump to a section of the animation file, rather then being forced to waste time viewing the entire animation. There was always the "fast forward" button, but I'm hoping for a Table of Contents and an "anchor" solution (HTML equivalent would the old anchor and linked text).
I don't want a Flash solution.
The other problem may be browser compatability.

Edge can do this for you at ease. You can create Labels that you can use to 'jump' to different parts of the animation itself.
I remember bookmarking this resource a while ago when I was reviewing Edge Animate. This would help you. or-flash-professional-users/

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  • Hel with modifying cs5/6 script...create anchored frames from text

    I have one great time saver script for cs5 for create anchored frames from text tagged with/or charachter style/paragraph style. This work in cs6 but have some "bugs" for me. Script need to be compatible with InDesign CS6.
    1. script in original (look bellow) create text frame which is fitted to lenght of the text. I make change and change 466 line:;
    now frame is wide as I write in check box, good. But frame not resize to lenght of the text so I add after above lines 466-470:
        var FO = FitOptions.FRAME_TO_CONTENT,
        tfs = ([]).concat.apply([], app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().textContainers),
        t, i = tfs.length;
    while( i-- ) (t=tfs[i]).overflows && ( t.locked || );
    now all is ok but is here better way to make this to work? Simply, i want to spec text frame width in dialog box, frame will resize only verticaly in direction to amount text in frame. I dont want any overset text.
    2. One "bug". For some reason script alter paragraph style of other text which is not subject to be cutted in anchored frame.
    How to resolve this?
    #targetengine "session"
              Automating anchored object creation
              Version: 2
        Script by Thomas Silkjær
    Модификация Б. Кащеев,
    Скрипт предназначен для создания привязанных фреймов из текста, отформатированного
    каким-либо абзацным или символьным стилем. Эти стили задаются пользователем в диалоговом
    окне скрита. Там же необходимо задать объектный стиль для привязанного фрейма, в котором
    пользователь должен заранее задать оформление и параметры привязки. Далее необходимо
    указать ширину привязанного фрейма, а его высота будет рассчитана автоматически исходя из
    объема текста. При вводе дробных значений ширины привязанного фрейма в качестве
    разделителя целой и дробной части следует использовать не запятую, а точку, следуя западным
    стандартам разработчиков программы  Adobe InDesign. Первоначально идея и скрипт по созданию
    привязанных фреймов принадлежит Thomas Silkjær для версии ID CS4. C появлением версий CS5
    и CS5.5 скрипт перестал в них выполняться, да и в версии CS4 не всегда корректно работал.
    Анализируя недочеты скрипта в данной его версии были исправлены ошибки и внесены
    функциональные дополнения исходя из понимания задачи автором модификации. Добавлена
    возможность выбора стилей, если они они находятся в группах (папках), возможность выбора
    единиц измерения из выпадающего списка, изменены GREP-выражения для поиска текста,
    область действия скрипта ограничена материалом (Story), а не документом.
    var myMeasureUnits = ["Milimeters","Centimeters","Points","Inches", "Picas", "Ciceros"];
    var selectUnits;
    var pStyleIndex = null;
    var cStyleIndex = null;
    var oStyleIndex = null;
    var myH, myW;
    function main()
        app.scriptPreferences.userInteractionLevel = UserInteractionLevels.interactWithAll;
              if (app.documents.length == 0)
                        alert ("Document is not open. Open document first");
        var myParaStyleList = myGetParagraphStyleNames();
        var myCharStyleList = myGetCharacterStyleNames();
        var myObjStyleList = myGetObjStyleNames();
        if(app.selection.length && app.selection[0].hasOwnProperty("baseline"))
            var myStory = app.selection[0].parentStory;
            var myWin = myDialog(myParaStyleList, myCharStyleList, myObjStyleList);
            if (  == 1 )
                var myDocument = app.activeDocument
                with (myDocument.viewPreferences){
                    // Сохраняем старые единицы измерения в переменных myOldXUnits, myOldYUnits
                    var myOldXUnits = horizontalMeasurementUnits;
                    var myOldYUnits = verticalMeasurementUnits;
                    // Устанавливаем новые единицы измерения
                        case 0:                   
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.millimeters;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.millimeters;
                        case 1:
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.centimeters;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.centimeters;
                        case 2:
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.points;
                        case 3:
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.inches;
                        case 4:
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.picas;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.picas;
                        case 5:
                            horizontalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.ciceros;
                            verticalMeasurementUnits = MeasurementUnits.ciceros;
                        default: break;
                    } // switch
                if(cStyleIndex == null)
                {/*поиск по стилю абзаца*/
                    var pStyle = getParagraphStyleByName(myParaStyleList[pStyleIndex]);
                    app.findGrepPreferences.appliedParagraphStyle = pStyle;
                    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = NothingEnum.nothing;
                else //
                    // поиск по стилю символов
                    var cStyle = getCharacterStyleByName(myCharStyleList[cStyleIndex]);
                    app.findGrepPreferences.appliedCharacterStyle = cStyle;
                    //app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = ".+";
                    app.findGrepPreferences.findWhat = NothingEnum.nothing;
                var foundItems = myStory.findGrep();
                if(!foundItems.length) {
                    alert("Found the text to be placed in a linked frames"); exit();
                //alert (foundItems[0].contents)
                //alert (foundItems[1].contents)
                var oStyle = getObjectStyleByName(myObjStyleList[oStyleIndex]);
                for(var i = foundItems.length-1; i >=0; i--)
                    //alert (foundItems[i].contents)
                    createAnchoredFrame(foundItems[i], oStyle);
                with (myDocument.viewPreferences){
                        horizontalMeasurementUnits = myOldXUnits;
                        verticalMeasurementUnits = myOldYUnits;
                        alert("Unable to return to the original unit");
            } //if (
        } //if(app.selection.length && app.selection[0].hasOwnProperty("baseline"))
            alert("Place the cursor in the text and run the script again")
    } // main
    function myGetParagraphStyleNames()
    // Получаем список стилей абзацев
              var curGroup;
              var curGroupName;
              var curNameInGroup;
              var myParagraphStyleNames = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles.everyItem().name;
              myParagraphStyleNames.shift(); // удаление стиля No Paragraph Style
              var paraGroups = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyleGroups;
              var paraGroupsLen = paraGroups.length;
              for(var i = 0; i < paraGroupsLen; i++) {
                        curGroup = paraGroups[i];
                        curGroupName = paraGroups[i].name;
                        curGroupStyleNames = curGroup.paragraphStyles.everyItem().name
                        for (j=0; j< curGroupStyleNames.length; j++)
                                  curNameInGroup = curGroupName +":"+ curGroupStyleNames[j];
              return myParagraphStyleNames;
    function myGetCharacterStyleNames()
    // Получаем список символьных стилей
              var curGroup;
              var curGroupName;
              var curNameInGroup;
              var myCharacterStyleNames = app.activeDocument.characterStyles.everyItem().name;
              myCharacterStyleNames.shift(); // удаление стиля None
              var charGroups = app.activeDocument.characterStyleGroups;
              var charStyleGroupLen = charGroups.length;
              for(var i=0; i < charStyleGroupLen; i++)
                        curGroup = charGroups[i];
                        curGroupName = charGroups[i].name;
                        curGroupStyleNames = curGroup.characterStyles.everyItem().name;
                        for (j=0; j< curGroupStyleNames.length; j++)
                                  curNameInGroup = curGroupName +":"+ curGroupStyleNames[j];
              } //for
              return myCharacterStyleNames;
    } // fnc
    function myGetObjStyleNames()
        var curGroup;
              var curGroupName;
              var curNameInGroup;
              var myObjStyleNames = app.activeDocument.objectStyles.everyItem().name;
        var objGroups = app.activeDocument.objectStyleGroups;
        var objStyleGroupLen = objGroups.length;
        for(var i=0; i < objStyleGroupLen; i++)
                        curGroup = objGroups[i];
                        curGroupName = objGroups[i].name;
                        curGroupStyleNames = curGroup.objectStyles.everyItem().name;
                        for (var j=0; j< curGroupStyleNames.length; j++)
                                  curNameInGroup = curGroupName +":"+ curGroupStyleNames[j];
              } //for
        return myObjStyleNames;
    } // fnc
    function myDialog(myParaStyleList, myCharStyleList, myObjStyleList)
        var myDialog = new Window('dialog', 'Create anchored text frames');
        this.windowRef = myDialog;
              myDialog.orientation = "column";
        myDialog.alignChildren = ['fill', 'fill'];
        // добавляем панель 1 с элементами управления
        myDialog.Pnl1 = myDialog.add("panel", undefined, "Move the text in linked frames");
              myDialog.Pnl1.orientation = "column";
        myDialog.Pnl1.alignChildren = "left";
        myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle = myDialog.Pnl1.add('checkbox', undefined, "Text with the paragraph style");
        myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.value = false;
        myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle = myDialog.Pnl1.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myParaStyleList);
        myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.title = "Select the paragraph style ";
        myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.minimumSize = [250,20];
        myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = false;
        myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.selection = 0;
            myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle = myDialog.Pnl1.add('checkbox', undefined, "Text with character style");
            myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle.value = false;
            myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle = myDialog.Pnl1.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myCharStyleList );
            myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.title = "Select the character style ";
            myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.minimumSize = [250,20];
            myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.enabled = false;
            myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.selection = 0;
            myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.onClick = function()
                if(this.value) {
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = true;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.enabled = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle.value = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.enabled = true ;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle.value = true;
            }// fnc
            myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle.onClick = function()
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.enabled = true;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.value = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.enabled = false;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = true ;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.value = true;
            }// fnc
        }//  if(myCharStyleList.length)
            myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.onClick = function()
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = true;
                    myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.enabled = false;
    //  Вторая панель
        myDialog.Pnl2 = myDialog.add("panel", undefined, "Parameters of the text frame");
              myDialog.Pnl2.orientation = "column";
        myDialog.Pnl2.alignChildren = "left"; 
        myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle = myDialog.Pnl2.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myObjStyleList );
        myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle.title = "Select an object style ";
        myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle.minimumSize = [250,20];
        myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle.enabled = true;
        myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle.selection = 0;
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1 = myDialog.Pnl2.add( "group" );
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.stxt1 = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.add("statictext", undefined, "The width of the text frame");
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.etxt = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.add("edittext", undefined, "40");
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.etxt.characters = 10;
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.dropdownMeasurementUnits = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.add("dropdownlist", undefined, myMeasureUnits );
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.dropdownMeasurementUnits.maximumSize = [80,20];
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.dropdownMeasurementUnits.selection = 0;
        //myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.stxt2 = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.add("statictext", undefined, "mm ");
        /*myDialog.Pnl2.Group2 = myDialog.Pnl2.add( "group" );
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.stxt1 = myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.add("statictext", undefined, "Высота привязанного фрейма  ");
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.etxt = myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.add("edittext", undefined, "30");
        myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.etxt.characters = 10;
        //myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.stxt2 = myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.add("statictext", undefined, "mm ");*/
        myDialog.Pnl2.stxt1 = myDialog.Pnl2.add("statictext", undefined, "Attention! When you enter fractional values as");
        myDialog.Pnl2.stxt2 = myDialog.Pnl2.add("statictext", undefined, "the decimal part, should be used");
        myDialog.Pnl2.stxt3 = myDialog.Pnl2.add("statictext", undefined, "point, not comma."); = (, [1, 0, 0, 1], 1); = (, [1, 0, 0, 1], 1); = (, [1, 0, 0, 1], 1);
        // --------- кнопки --------------
        var myGroup = myDialog.add( "group" );
        myGroup.orientation = 'row';
        myGroup.alignChildren = ['fill', 'fill']; 
        myGroup.okButton = myGroup.add( "button", undefined, "OK" );
        myGroup.okButton.onClick = function()
            if(myCharStyleList.length) // есть символьные стили в документе
                if(!myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.value && !myDialog.Pnl1.сstyle.value)
                    alert("You must select a paragraph style or character style");
                    return ;
                if(myDialog.Pnl1.pstyle.value) { pStyleIndex= myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.selection.index; cStyleIndex = null;}
                else {cStyleIndex = myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownCharStyle.selection.index; pStyleIndex=null; }
            else // нет символьных стилей
                    alert("You must select a paragraph style");
                pStyleIndex = myDialog.Pnl1.dropdownParaStyle.selection.index;
                cStyleIndex = null;
            } //  else // нет символьных стилей
           oStyleIndex = myDialog.Pnl2.dropdownObjStyle.selection.index;
           if(myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.etxt.text =="")
               alert("Enter the width of the text frame");
                myW = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.etxt.text;
                myH = myW;
            /*if(myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.etxt.text == "")
                alert("Введите высоту привязанного фрейма");
                myH = myDialog.Pnl2.Group2.etxt.text;
           selectUnits = myDialog.Pnl2.Group1.dropdownMeasurementUnits.selection.index;
            myDialog= this.window.close( 1 );
        myGroup.cancelButton = myGroup.add( "button", undefined, "Cancel" );
        myGroup.cancelButton.onClick = function() { myDialog = this.window.close( 0 ); }
        myDialog.Pnl3 = myDialog.add("panel", undefined, "");
        myDialog.Pnl2.alignChildren = "left";
        myDialog.Pnl3.stxt = myDialog.Pnl3.add("statictext", undefined, "(с) Thomas Silkjær        (с) Борис Кащеев, ");
        return myDialog;   
    } // fnc
    function getParagraphStyleByName(myStyleName)
              var DocParaStyles = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyles;
              var DocParaGroups = app.activeDocument.paragraphStyleGroups;
              myStyleName = ""+myStyleName;
              var pos = myStyleName.indexOf(":")
              if(pos == -1)
              // стиль не в группе
              var myStyle = DocParaStyles.item(myStyleName);
                        return myStyle;
              } //if
                        var myGroupAndStyleNames = myStyleName.split(":")
                        var myGroupName = myGroupAndStyleNames[0];
                        var myStyleName = myGroupAndStyleNames[1];
                        var myGroup =DocParaGroups.item(myGroupName);
                        return myGroup.paragraphStyles.item(myStyleName);
    } // fnc
    function getCharacterStyleByName(myStyleName)
              var DocChStyles = app.activeDocument.characterStyles;
              var DocCharGroups = app.activeDocument.characterStyleGroups;
              // Есть ли в имени полученного символьного стиля двоеточие? (двоеточие разделяет название группы стилей и название стиля)
              myStyleName = String (myStyleName);
              var pos = myStyleName.indexOf(":");
              if(pos == -1)
              // стиль не в группе
                        return DocChStyles.item(myStyleName)
              } //if...
              {// Стиль в какой-то группе
                        var myGroupAndStyleNames = myStyleName.split(":")
                        var myGroupName = myGroupAndStyleNames[0];
                        var myStyleName = myGroupAndStyleNames[1];
                        var myGroup = DocCharGroups.item(myGroupName);
                        return myGroup.characterStyles.itemByName(myStyleName);
              } // else
    } // fnc()+
    function getObjectStyleByName(myStyleName)
        var DocObjStyles = app.activeDocument.objectStyles;
        var DocCObjGroups = app.activeDocument.objectStyleGroups;
        myStyleName = String (myStyleName);
        var pos = myStyleName.indexOf(":");
        if(pos == -1)
              // стиль не в группе
                        return DocObjStyles.item(myStyleName);
              } //if...
        var myGroupAndStyleNames = myStyleName.split(":");
        var myGroupName = myGroupAndStyleNames[0];
        var myStyleName = myGroupAndStyleNames[1];
        var myGroup = DocObjGroups.item(myGroupName);
                        return myGroup.objectStyles.itemByName(myStyleName);
    } //fnc
    function resetGREPfindChange()
        app.changeGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
        app.findGrepPreferences = NothingEnum.nothing;
        app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeFootnotes = false;
        app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeHiddenLayers = false;
        app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeLockedLayersForFind = false;
        app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeLockedStoriesForFind = false;
        app.findChangeGrepOptions.includeMasterPages = false;
    function createAnchoredFrame(myText, myObjStyle)
        var myGeometricBounds = [];
        var myInsertionPoint = myText.insertionPoints[0];;
        var AnchoredTextFrame = myInsertionPoint.textFrames.add();
        myGeometricBounds = AnchoredTextFrame.geometricBounds;
        //alert(parseFloat(myH) + " " + parseFloat(myW))
        myGeometricBounds[2] = myGeometricBounds[0] + parseFloat(myH);
        myGeometricBounds[3] = myGeometricBounds[1] + parseFloat(myW);
        AnchoredTextFrame.geometricBounds = myGeometricBounds;
        AnchoredTextFrame.anchoredObjectSettings.anchoredPosition = AnchorPosition.anchored;
        myText.move(LocationOptions.before, AnchoredTextFrame.texts[0]);
        AnchoredTextFrame.appliedObjectStyle = myObjStyle;;
        var FO = FitOptions.FRAME_TO_CONTENT,
        tfs = ([]).concat.apply([], app.activeDocument.stories.everyItem().textContainers),
        t, i = tfs.length;
    while( i-- ) (t=tfs[i]).overflows && ( t.locked || );
    } //fnc

    Hi Cari,
    I did create a new user account (admin level) and InDesign works like a charm.
    When I went back to the other account, plug-ins gone, I deleted the prefs and caches, restarted and still everything is crashing as before.
    At least I am working on one account and I will contiue to troubleshoot on the other account. And at some point either the new account will crash or the old account will work and I will go from there.
    Thanks for the info about Mac remembering info. Always trying to be helpful these Macs.
    And thanks for getting at least into a workable space!!! I am supremely grateful!

  • CS3 / javascript / Creating anchor frame and placing xml element

    Hi All,
    I have a problem with creating anchor frame, that is
    Actually i have created anchor frame, but it is not allowing to place the xml element, it shows "inline frame xml elements not allowed" some thing like this.
    I have handled anchor frame type is "custom" but it shows "inline frame".
    Any of you got better idea about this.

    I believe this has to do with you doing a placeXML, where the XML contents does not match the tagged frames in the document.
    Again i'm not sure, but i dont think this has to do with what kind of frame you are placing into(inline or custom anchor) rather if your tagged frames and XML match up.
    Perhaps this link will help:

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    I was doing some playing with frames just to verify what is going on. and as far as I can see when you create a new layer it is applied to the last frame only, but if you create a new frame is is copied.
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  • Any way to create or influence Animation-Frames by a script?

    Is there any command or any way to create, change or influence animation-frames with a script?
    I searched the documentation, the net and this forum - and found nothing yet.

    I solved the problem by now using the ScriptingListener. If you encounter the same problems, the functions below may help. However, I found no way of requesting the current frame - so you have to take track on how much frames you have and which frame is the current frame.
    function jumpToFrame(frameNumber)
    var idslct = charIDToTypeID( "slct" );
    var desc30 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
    var ref25 = new ActionReference();
    var idanimationFrameClass = stringIDToTypeID( "animationFrameClass" );
    ref25.putIndex( idanimationFrameClass, frameNumber );
    desc30.putReference( idnull, ref25 );
    executeAction( idslct, desc30, DialogModes.NO );
    function previousFrame()
    var idanimationFrameActivate = stringIDToTypeID( "animationFrameActivate" );
    var desc26 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
    var ref21 = new ActionReference();
    var idanimationFrameClass = stringIDToTypeID( "animationFrameClass" );
    var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
    var idPrvs = charIDToTypeID( "Prvs" );
    ref21.putEnumerated( idanimationFrameClass, idOrdn, idPrvs );
    desc26.putReference( idnull, ref21 );
    executeAction( idanimationFrameActivate, desc26, DialogModes.NO );
    function nextFrame()
    var idanimationFrameActivate = stringIDToTypeID( "animationFrameActivate" );
    var desc27 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
    var ref22 = new ActionReference();
    var idanimationFrameClass = stringIDToTypeID( "animationFrameClass" );
    var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
    var idNxt = charIDToTypeID( "Nxt " );
    ref22.putEnumerated( idanimationFrameClass, idOrdn, idNxt );
    desc27.putReference( idnull, ref22 );
    executeAction( idanimationFrameActivate, desc27, DialogModes.NO );
    function newFrame()
    var idDplc = charIDToTypeID( "Dplc" );
    var desc39 = new ActionDescriptor();
    var idnull = charIDToTypeID( "null" );
    var ref33 = new ActionReference();
    var idanimationFrameClass = stringIDToTypeID( "animationFrameClass" );
    var idOrdn = charIDToTypeID( "Ordn" );
    var idTrgt = charIDToTypeID( "Trgt" );
    ref33.putEnumerated( idanimationFrameClass, idOrdn, idTrgt );
    desc39.putReference( idnull, ref33 );
    executeAction( idDplc, desc39, DialogModes.NO );

  • Images are pasted as anchored text in a text frame.

    Whenever I paste an image I copied with ctrl+c from another software, its pasted into indesign as an anchored object inside a text frame.
    What should I do to have all images pasted with ctrl+v always be pasted as a graphics frame?
    ps: I have no object styles created or assigned to anything.

    The images that are in-line in Word are likely actually in a table.
    Try these settings in Word--a pita I know in graphic heavy Word docs, but they should then paste into ID in image frames.
    Change from In line with text to In front of text.
    Then switch to the Position Tab and uncheck the indicated checkbox--assuming it is checked...
    The "handles" on the picture will change to look like these below. You should then be able to copy and paste.

  • How can I save "animation frames" so they play in email?

    I have created "animated frames" in PhotoShop CS3 Design Standard on Mac OS Leopard. The saved .gif works fine when dragged into an Internet browser for review (i.e. Mozilla Firefox). However, when I attach the "animated" .gif to an email...nothin'. No animation. When I email the animated .gif to myself, the animation does not play. However, I do see animated .gifs in emails that I receive, so it's not a browser setting...either PhotoShop doesn't do what I need, or more likely, I don't know how to do it.
    Has anyone tried this and can someone can tell me if PhotoShop animated frames can be used in email (as well as for the Internet). And if they can, what are the steps to make it work for email.

    As far as I know there was a rather capricious decision made by Apple to not let animated GIFs play in Admittedly some people have a tremendous dislike for them but as an occasional GIF maker I'd enjoy being able to view animations in In Tiger I was able to send animations from Windows and sometimes have them animate in Mail but not Leopard's version of
    Although it has never done any good yet (I've been sending in requests for animated GIFs since Panther) it can't hurt to put in a request at...
    For a while I was using Thunderbird because it allows you to view animations and it's cross platform but I'm a Dot Mac member (now MobileMe) and Mail is needed to work properly with the sync functions.

  • How to create Anchored Object (CS2)

    Indesign CS2(PC version)
    Any one help me, How to create Anchored object within TextFrame and inside anchor object i want to paste one image.

    Hi Hemi,
    Sure--tell the insertion point to create the object. For example, to add a text frame:
    //Given a reference to an insertion point "myInsertionPoint"...
    var myFrame = myInsertionPoint.textFrames.add();
    Now you have a text frame anchored/inline in the story. Next, recompose the story containing the frame:
    ...and resize the frame.
    //Given a frame width and height "myFrameWidth" and "myFrameHeight"...
    var myX1 = myFrame.geometricBounds[1];
    var myY1 = myFrame.geometricBounds[0];
    var myX2 = myX1 + myFrameWidth;
    var myY2 = myY1 + myFrameHeight;
    myFrame.geometricBounds = [myY1, myX1, myY2, myX2];
    At this point, you can adjust the frame's anchored object settings (your settings will probably vary, but this should give you the idea).
    var myAnchoredProperties = myFrame.anchoredObjectSettings;
    myAnchoredProperties.anchorPoint = AnchorPoint.topLeftAnchor;
    myAnchoredProperties.anchoredPosition = AnchorPosition.anchored;
    //NOTE inconsistent "o" in "offset".
    myAnchoredProperties.anchorXoffset = 0;
    myAnchoredProperties.anchorYoffset = -13;
    Hope this helps!

  • Jump within scrollable frame?

    Hi DPS community,
    I'm creating a company directory with 250 names and I would like a smooth scrolling experience (also open to other suggestions you may have!) and I would like to ask if its possible to create buttons that jump to a specific areas within the scrollable frame? Similar to the way iOS's Contacts work where the letters are static along the scrollable frame but tapping a letter will jump to the corresponding area? (image attached)
    Thank you for any tips or suggestions.

    That ability does not exist in DPS using InDesign scrolling frames. You
    could do it as HTML and use a Web Content overlay to do it, though.

  • How to export game animation frames to separate PNGs?

    I bought an Illustrator file that contains several animation frames for a game. Every frame is a single group and they are all on the same layer. How can I quickly export all these groups, each to a separate PNG file?

    Create layers from the group via the layer panel's menu
    Then use one of the layer export scripts, like this one resolutions.html

  • Create Anchor Links | Adobe Muse Feature Tour | Adobe TV

    Easily create anchor links that take visitors to a specific point in the middle of a page or design.

    Is there any way to handle anchor speed. Beceause that way we can handle auto parallax scrolling part maybe. Default speed is way too fast for parallax scrolling.
    And isn't there any rotate button for prallax scrolling. At least I think it must be included. Same like scrolling options such as, before position, after position, rotate left, rotate right(speed) So we can move and rotate at the same time while scrolling. And that would cause better animations.

  • Creating anchors

    I'm trying to create a "go back to top of page" kind of link, or maybe a way to hyperlink to text rather than just the top of the page. Im trying to make a FAQ site with lots of posts and want to be able to navigate from a list of questions down to that question, and then back to top. I know nothing about coding, or html. any help?

    I suspect Apple deliberately omitted anchors from iWeb, and the reason is beginning to emerge.
    After creating a site in iWeb, I decided to add the finishing touches to the content e.g. standardising the fonts, colours, navigation and that sort of thing. That’s when I discovered iWeb doesn’t do anchors at all. “An inconvenience but not a showstopper” I thought.
    Well, it transpires that it is a bit of a showstopper if you have sub-menu links on the left to parts of the page. So, to get round the problem I thought I’d add anchors through another editor that does support anchors. But it’s only until after you add the anchors that you see the problem.
    As you would expect, the first click on a link jumps to the right part of the page BUT when you do it, everything above the first link disappears from the page. If you have a navigation bar, a logo or any other elements above your 1st link to an anchor, it vanishes.
    At first I thought this must be a bug with the non-iWeb editor, so I tried a few more. In fact, I tried them all. I tried creating anchors and links in my iWeb HTML pages using ALL of these tools:
    Macromedia CS3 (Dreamweaver) [on Windows]
    Homesite [on Windows]
    Komodo Edit
    Taco Edit
    (the list is endless)...
    So, it looks like I’ll have to redesign the site without anchors.
    Anyone else experience anything similar?
    Mr LinguaFranca.

  • When watching my Apple TV (3rd gen) the picture jumps a few frame every few seconds, this happens when I rent a film or play back from my new Mac Pro, my Wifi is the Airport Express.

    When watching my Apple TV (3rd gen) the picture jumps a few frames every few seconds, this happens when I rent a film or play back from my new Mac Pro, my Wifi is the Airport Express.

    These may be different issues, but lets look at rentals first.
    Poor motion can result from mismatched output. If your source is 24 or 30 fps you should set the output of the Apple TV to 60 Hz, for 25 fps content use 50 Hz.
    Additionally motion software on the TV itself can cause the picture to jump, check your TV settings and turn off any motion settings in use,

  • Is it possible to select an anchored object in a text frame in InDesign in a script?

    I would like to know if it is possible to write a script to select an anchored object in a text frame. All the scripts I have found so far do not work on anchored object.

    Check out this thread.

  • Changing animation frame rate when rendering in photoshop does not change the length of the video?

    I made a walk cycle animation in Photoshop CS6 and want to render it into a quicktime format. I'd like it to be 12 fps, but when I rendered it at 12 fps the video seemed to be missing frames, and the video was 3 seconds long. I have 98 frames to my animation; doing the math, at 12 fps it should be 8 seconds long. Not 3.
    I was confused and for curiosity's sake I rendered the video at 6 fps, trying to really slow it down. The video ended up being STILL 3 seconds long and only maybe 20 frames. I was missing literally 70 frames. I'm so upset with this rendering thing, I could chuck my computer at the wall.
    Does anybody know of a solution to this?
    edit: If it means anything, I've tried rendering it straight from the frame view and the timeline view. Each time I render it I have the timeline frame rate match the rendering frame rate as well.

    floriannaart wrote:
    Changing animation frame rate when rendering in photoshop does not change the length of the video?
    Photoshop CS6 and CC support two types of animation Frame animations and a Video Timeline
    Changing the frame rate should not change the length of a video timeline. It should just change the number of frames that are rendered.  To change the length of a video you need to change the length of the video timeline.  If you increase the length of the timeline and there is audio I'm quite sure there will be a problem with it,  The Video part will most likely be better then the sound. The required number of extra frames can be generated however the video may look like slow motion. If you decrease the length the motion will speed up.  The length of a video is normally done be editing video clips which are trimmed and stitched together to get the desired duration. Not normally done by altering the duration of a clip.
    The duration a of Frame animation is the sum of the times each frame is displayed.  In a frame animation the length of time a frame is displayed can be varied it not a normal motion picture video.  To have a smooth frame animation you need a sufficient number of frames that are different from each other to show smooth motion.  You can use Photoshop Frame animation tween feature to have Photoshop manufacture frames to help with a smoothing the animation.   Once you have a frame animation the length with the motion you want you can have Photoshop convert it to a video timeline and render a normal motion picture video.  It will not have audio but you can add audio to it.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Can Not Update Credit Card Info

    Skype, get with it!  There have been several threads pointing out there is no way to update credit card expiration date.  We keep getting these warning emails that account (along with accumulated credit) is about to expire due to expired credit card

  • Content conversion for seperate idoc

    Hi My scenario is file to idoc as follows.|amount|currency|documenttype 1011|1000|INR|01 1011|1500|INR|02 1011|1600|INR|02 1211|1000|INR|02 1211|1200|INR|02 1234|1000|INR|01 1234|1000|INR|01 my key field is and can be anything(voucher

  • Acrobat X Pro - Serial will not work

    Oh I'd forgotten how god-awful Adobe's customer support was. Stupid me. CS6 Web & Design I was unable to update Adobe Acrobat Pro 10 to 10.1.3. Patch error 1328. So following the instructions. Uninstalled Acrobat Pro X. Downloaded new full version. I

  • AE render setting for Vimeo HD

    Hi All, I've created a demo video for a client, its been created at 1920x1080HD and is 25 frames per sec. All graphics are sharp but i've had to use screen video captures from the client. They are sharp enough and work very well on my computer but wh

  • [10.6 Server]Strange DNS Name

    Hi, I'm having a strange (local) hostname on my XServe, running Snow Leopard Server 10.6.1. When I view the DNS Name in the 'Server Preferences, Information-view', it shows: xserve-002436f2bc56.local I see the same name as a prompt when I start the t