Create Binding Problem

I am trying to bind the context of a table under the ResultView that I have created. This table is supposed to show a list of sales orders with two columns show the lists in numbers like Sales Order Number and Document Date. The problem is it requires "String Attribute" when I tried to create the binding for the table. How can I solve this problem? I would greatly appreciate your help.

Hi Napadol,
Can you please provide the strucutre of your context node to which you are trying to bind table?
Plovide data type also for the context attributes under this node.
You can follow this steps, if you want to show context node elements in the table:
1. Goto the layout of the view.
2. In outline tab, Right click on the transperant container or any other container under which you want to show this table.
3. Select appliy template.
4. Select table.
5. Now, select context node which you want to bind with table.Also select attributes available under this context node which you want to show in table.
6. click on finish.
It will create that table with binding also.
Let me know if you are finding somthing else or getting any problems with this.

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    Hope that helps.

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    The 3 binding styles supported by JDev:
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    How about throwing MARC into the mix. I notice that you are searching with plant, storage location and division. Table MARC has an index on plant named WRK.
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         | rights.owner
         | rights.startdate
         | rights.enddate
         | rights.agent
         | rights.geography
         | rights.type
         | rights.limitations
         <!ELEMENT rights.type (%plain-text;)*>
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    What function are you using to create the attachment?  Have you looked at SAP_WAPI_ATTACHMENT_ADD?

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    cheers :-)

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