Create new window in tabstrip

Hi all,
I would need to display a url (as in a tabstrip of my application, not in a new window. I know that LinkToURL open a new window. Is that possible to force it in a frame or in a view?

Hi Andre,
Thank you for the quick answer. Here is the complete error.
Portal Runtime Error
An exception occurred while processing a request for :
iView : N/A
Component Name : N/A
iView not found: pcd:portal_content/
Exception id: 10:00_21/09/07_0019_38434850
See the details for the exception ID in the log file
Thanks again,

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    Go to Solution.
    nokia-lumia-800-2.jpg ‏33 KB

    Unfortunately no. 

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    mallar wrote:
    i m unable to create new windows live id.
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    why would you steal your music id password? id / account is different from windows live id btw.
    maybe you already have a windows live account, thats why its showing the that problem. check settings > email+accounts > you should ideally have only one(1) 'microsoft account' in there. if you want to use another one, you might want to just 'change' the existing one with your new credentials.

  • Create new window in SAP Script

    Dear All
       how to create new window in sap script
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Apr 9, 2008 11:58 AM

    To create a new window in scripts.
    1.  After opening the form in SE71   Click on Windows push button.
        it will gives a screen  list of windows in a page
    2. Click on Edit option in menu bar  in Edit-->Create Element click it will gives a popup window in the window give Name of the window and short description press enter  like that you can create windows in  a page
    3.  Click on Page windows it will gives a screen where that window you want to place in that page.    Click on Edit option on menu bar Edit-->Create Element
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    there you have to give the position of the window in a page. 
    Click on setting option on menu bar  settings-->form painter
    it will gives a GUI editor here you can drag the window position it is easy to use.
    then you can see the layout.

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    Go to Solution.

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    ni.jpg ‏66 KB
    window ‏8 KB

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    It could be the work of one of your add-ons, or even add / mal-ware.
    Look thru your add-ons list and make sure you know what each one is
    there for. Also,
    check the programs that are on your computer
    '''''Windows > Start > Control Panel > Uninstall Programs.'''''
    Go thru the list and use a web search to check any that you don't
    know what they are.<BR><BR>
    '''''[ Troubleshoot Firefox Issues Caused By Malware]'''''

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    thank you!
    Message was edited by: RaySkater
    Message was edited by: RaySkater

    I think you want the Finder assigned to all Spaces so new finder windows will open in the current Space you are in. To assign the Finder to all Spaces, it is not quite as straight forward as assigning other apps to all Spaces.
    Do this to assign the Finder to all Spaces:
    1. Go to the Spaces tab in System Preferences;
    2. Click the plus ( + ) to add an app and select Other;
    3. Navigate to the folder Macintosh HD» System» Library» Core Services»
    and click the Add button.
    Back in the Spaces prefpane, select Every Space next to the under the Space column.
    If it doesn't work how you wanted, delete it from the Spaces assignment by clicking the minus ( - ) button.

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    Hi SDN,
    Can I raise one dought related to my requirement? In script PO headings is now displaying in main window and related items displayed in B2 window, but user wants to display it in B2 window with creation of new window. So I need to create one new window in the existing window B2, is it possible? If yes please furnish details. Any changes will require in print program? Expecting the suggestions ASAP. More appreciate for your valuable suggestions and thanks in advance.

    In the B2 window,
    use the following code and make it a meaningful code as per ur requirement:
    if u want to create a new window on different page, then use the
    /: NEW-PAGE pageno
    /: NEW-WINDOW newwindowname
    Here use the code for heading etc.
    I think no changes to the print program is required.

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    Was this behavior intentional? How can I get the old behavior back?
    I am using Firefox 28.0.

    Hi __trout__,
    Go to the mac system preferences and click on Doc. There is a Minimize window using.... select the animation there.
    Hope this helps.

  • Creating new window on another window

    Hi Friends ,
    I am designing a form for payroll . I defined all the boxes in one window and the respective headings . Now I need to pass data for earning and deductions to the respective columns . I have 5 columns for earnings and 3 columns for description .
    I have create 2 new windows window 1 and and window2 over top of the box window . window1 will cover is also the main window and will contain data for all the earnings . window2 will cover the data for deduction and is a var window .
    Rite now i am able to get data in the window1( MAIN ) window . No data seems to be showing up in the window2(VAR) window . Is my approach correct ? Please advise .
    Thanks ,

    the repeated items can print only in main window. So u call 2 diff elements and call both into the main window. First element has Earnings and second for Deduction.
    Now in form, u design like 1 window for earnings. 2nd is for deduction. In programe
    write as below
                CALL FUNCTION 'WRITE_FORM'
                    element  = 'EARN'
                    function = 'APPEND'
                    window   = 'MAIN'
                    OTHERS   = 7.
                CALL FUNCTION 'WRITE_FORM'
                    element  = 'DEDUCT'
                    function = 'APPEND'
                    window   = 'MAIN'
                    OTHERS   = 7.
    Hope it will work

  • Cmd-N to create new window doesn't operate on frontmost app!?

    Hi there
    It's second nature for me to cmd-tab to another app, then hit cmd-N to open a new window in the frontmost app.
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    Is this the expected behaviour? It feels very wrong.

    I just noticed that this is only happening with Terminal - so another app is frontmost but the mouse cursor is over a Terminal window, cmd-N operates on Terminal, NOT the frontmost app.

  • Create new window instance

    This may be a basic question, but I'm trying to figure out how to create a new instance of a window (and associated controller) from a NIB. The situation is thus: I have a window created in interface builder, which has a number of bindings to a controller class I wrote (obviously :P ). When I run the program it comes up and behaves properly. I now want to be able to create a second copy of this window, as well as a second copy of the controller, since each instance needs to be able to store its own values.
    In theory, at least, I know how to instantiate a second controller class- just call alloc and init on a new pointer- but how do I instantiate a second copy of the window, and how do I make the bindings connect to the new instance of the controller? Sorry if this is a stupid question. Thanks!

    Hi Israel -
    Assuming I understand your requirement correctly, if the first window is defined in a separate nib owned by its controller, all you need to do is load that same nib again when initing the second controller. E.g.: the following should create two separate instances of the same controller class, each of which owns a separate instance of NSWindow, and each of which has the same set of bindings to other objects in the nib:
    // MyAppController.h
    - (void)awakeFromNib {
    MyWindowController *windowController1
    = [[MyWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"MyWindowController"];
    NSWindow *window1 = windowController1.window;
    MyWindowController *windowController2
    = [[MyWindowController alloc] initWithWindowNibName:@"MyWindowController"];
    NSWindow *window2 = windowController2.window;
    NSRect frame = [window1 frame];
    frame.origin.x -= 40;
    frame.origin.y += 40;
    [window2 setFrame:frame display:NO];
    [window2 orderBack:self];
    // [window1 makeMainWindow]; // if main window was deleted from MainMenu.xib
    // [window1 makeKeyWindow]; // "
    If the first window is the main window defined in MainMenu.xib, it might be easiest to move that window into the separate, common xib to make the above example code work (I.e. just delete the main window from MainMenu.xib). In that case, the awakeFromNib method of your app controller or app delegate would be a good place to load the main window as suggested in the example.
    - Ray

  • Create new window changed

    I have a quick question.  When the Getting Started screen is loaded, and you click more in the new box.  For some reason mine changed to the one I posted a picture about.  Sometime after I was coding some projects in 6i and 7.1, this screen changed to this.  I am merely wondering if anyone knows how to change it back?
    new screen.JPG ‏35 KB

    I believe this VI is the same VI opened when you select File>>New.
    If that's the case, it's found at <LabVIEW>\resource\plugins\ You can try finding the original on your CD (possibly in a CAB file) and overwriting the existing one with the one from the CD.
    Try to take over the world!

  • When i create a new window, firefox Yanks me back to where i was and i dont want to be yanked back.

    i duplicate current pages by create new windows on a very frequent basis;
    to do this, i go to the top of the page that i want to duplicate and right-click and click on Open Link in New Window;
    I specifically want to duplicate the page i am on in another Window, not a new tab;
    Duplicating the current page to Open Link in New Tab, gives tabs on the top of my screen;
    Duplicating the current page to Open Link in New Window, gives 'tabs' on the bottom of my screen;
    I want 'tabs' to show on the bottom of my screen and to do that i have to Open Link in New Window;
    My question and What is happening, is that firefox is yanking me back to the page that i have just duplicated by right-clicking at the top of the page and clicking on Open Link in New Window;
    When i create the new Window, firefox yanks me back to the page that i just duplicated and i dont want to be yanked back to that page;
    I want to stay on the page that i just duplicated.
    I have tried changing the way tabs work in Options but nothing checked or unchecked results in the specific way i want to have new Windows open and STAY on that newly created Window and not be YANKED back to the window i duplicated.

    The original window did not have a Flash object, but does the window that hides itself contain a Flash object? That is the usual pattern for this bug in the plugin's protected mode feature.
    If you have not already tried disabling it, the following pages/posts provide different ways to do that:
    * Adobe support article under the heading "Last Resort": [ Adobe Forums: How do I troubleshoot Flash Player's protected mode for Firefox?]
    * Manual steps:
    * Batch file to automate the manual steps:
    Flash needs to completely unload from memory (restarting Firefox might help) before this would take effect.
    More history: [ Opening New Windows and Shockwave Flash]

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