Create tabs without JTabbedPane?

I am currently trying to code a little editor with Swing on Mac OS X Leopard. To edit multiple files at once, a tabbed layout would be very useful. So far, the only way to create tabs in Swing I found is by using a JTabbedPane.
But using a JTabbedPane doesn't result in what I'm looking for.
Instead of the [JTabbedPane-tabs|], I'm looking for native-looking, browser-style tabs, like these, or these .
I think I once read something about these kind of tabs on the Apple Developer website, but I cannot find the text anymore.
Is there any way to make such browser-style tabs in Swing?
EDIT: Maybe [this page|] gives the answer? It's the source code for a Netbeans plugin, which also changes the Netbeans tabbar. I don't understand the code though...

Have you tried setting a native lookAndFeel? … Java/10062
though from what I can remember, the linux 'native' look is fairly lame. Does it have to be swing? Iirc SWT looks more native in many cases.

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  • Focus-requests when switching tabs in JTabbedPane

    I have a tabbed pane with a JTextArea in each tab. I would like to switch focus to the corresponding area each time I select a tab or create a new one. A ChangeListener can detect tab selections and call requestFocusInWindow() on the newly chosen tab's text area.
    For some reason, the focus only switches sporadically. Sometimes the caret appears to stay, sometimes it only blinks once, and sometimes it never appears. My friend's workaround is to call requestFocusInWindow() again after the setSelectedIndex() calls, along with a Thread.sleep() delay between them. Oddly, in my test application the delay and extra focus-request call are only necessary when creating tabs automatically, rather than through a button or shortcut key.
    Does the problem lie in separate thread access on the same objects? I tried using "synchronized" to no avail, but EventQueue.invokeLater() on the focus request worked. Unfortunately, neither the delay nor invokeLater worked in all situations in my real-world application. Might this be a Swing bug, or have I missed something?
    Feel free to tinker with my test application:
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    /**Creates a tabbed pane with scrollable text areas in each tab.
    * Each time a tab is created or selected, the focus should switch to the
    * text area so that the cursor appears and the user can immediately type
    * in the area.
    public class FocusTest2 extends JFrame {
         private static JTabbedPane tabbedPane = null;
         private static JTextArea[] textAreas = new JTextArea[100];
         private static int textAreasIndex = 0;
         private static JButton newTabButton = null;
         /**Creates a FocusTest2 object and automatically creates several
          * tabs to demonstrate the focus switching.  A delay between creating
          * the new tab and switching focus to it is apparently necessary to
          * successfully switch the focus.  This delay does not seem to be
          * necessary when the user fires an action to create new tabs, though.
          * @param args
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              FocusTest2 focusTest = new FocusTest2();
              //Opens several tabs.
              for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                   try {
                        //adding the tab should automatically invoke setFocus()
                        //through the tabbed pane's ChangeListener, but for some
                        //reason the focus often doesn't switch or at least doesn't
                        //remain in the text area.  The workaround is to pause
                        //for a moment, then call setFocus() directly
                        //without this delay, the focus only switches sporadically to
                        //the text area
                        //extra delay simply for the user to view the tab additions
                   } catch (InterruptedException e) {
         /**Adds a new tab, titling it according to the index of its text area.
          * Using "synchronized" here doesn't seem to solve the focus problem.
         public static void addTabbedPaneTab() {
              if (textAreasIndex < textAreas.length) { //ensure that array has room
                   textAreas[textAreasIndex] = new JTextArea();
                   //title text area with index number
                        textAreasIndex + "",
                        new JScrollPane(textAreas[textAreasIndex]));
         /**Constructs the tabbed pane interface.
         public FocusTest2() {
              setSize(300, 300);
              tabbedPane = new JTabbedPane();
              //Action to create new tabs
              Action newTabAction = new AbstractAction("New") {
                   public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
              //in my real-world application, adding new tabs via a button successfully
              //shifted the focus, but doing so via the shortcut key did not;
              //both techniques work here, though
                   KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("alt T"));
              newTabAction.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION, "New");
              newTabAction.putValue(Action.MNEMONIC_KEY, new Integer('T'));
              newTabButton = new JButton(newTabAction);
              Container container = getContentPane();
              container.add(tabbedPane, BorderLayout.CENTER);
              container.add(newTabButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
              //switch focus to the newly selected tab, including newly created ones
              tabbedPane.addChangeListener(new ChangeListener() {
                   public void stateChanged(ChangeEvent evt) {
                        //note that no delay is necessary for some reason
         /**Sets the focus onto the selected tab's text area.  The cursor should
          * blink so that the user can start typing immediately.  In tests without
          * the delay during the automatic tab creation in main(), the cursor
          * sometimes only blinked once in the text area.
         public static void setFocus() {
              if (tabbedPane == null) //make sure that the tabbed Pane is valid
              int i = tabbedPane.getSelectedIndex();
              if (i < 0) //i returns -1 if nothing selected
              int index = Integer.parseInt(tabbedPane.getTitleAt(i));

    Did you ever get everything figured out with this? I have a similar problem ... which I have working, but it seems like I had to use a bunch of hacks.
    I think the problem with the mouse clicks is because each event when you click the moues (mousePressed, mouseReleased, mouseClicked) causes the tab to switch, and also these methods are called twice for some reason - for a total of 8 events giving the tab the focus instead of your textarea.
    This works, but seems aweful hacky:
         class TabMouseListener extends MouseAdapter
              private boolean switched = false;
              public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e ) { checkPop( e ); }
              //public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e ) { checkPop( e ); }
              //public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) { checkPop( e ); }
              public void checkPop( MouseEvent e )
                   if( e.isPopupTrigger() )
                        mousex = e.getX();
                        mousey = e.getY();
                        int index = tabPane.indexAtLocation( mousex, mousey );
                        if( index == -1 ) return;
               tabPane, mousex, mousey );
                   else {
                        if( !switched )
                             switched = true;
                             int index = tabPane.indexAtLocation( e.getX(), e.getY() );
                             if( index != -1 )
                                  tabPane.setSelectedIndex( index );
                                  TabFramePanel panel = (TabFramePanel)tabPane.getComponentAt( index );
                                  if( panel != null ) panel.getInputComponent().requestFocus();
                        else {
                             switched = false;
                             TabFramePanel panel = (TabFramePanel)tabPane.getSelectedComponent();
                             if( panel != null ) panel.getInputComponent().requestFocus();
         }Do you know of a better way yet?

  • Creating tabs for a single SQL report type region

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    I have looked at JQuery tabs but that seems to only be applicable to more or less unrelated regions. I tried to create different regions using the same query with different columns and that kind of works, but the regions don't stay in sync if say the user change the order for column 2 in tab 1, when they click on tab 2 everything displays in a different order.
    Another wrinkle is that this is an updatable report so some of the columns are updatable.
    I also looked at the hide / display column solution which is described in a few threads and that may also sort of work, but it is also not quite what I am looking for.
    Any help is greatly appreciated

    Does anybody know if this can be accomplished using APEX? What I am really looking for is very similar to an old fashioned client / server screen developed using say Oracle Forms. Consider an order line screen where say columns line number, SKU and SKU description is to the left of the tabs so these columns are visible no matter which tab is active. Then the first tab has say pricing information including UOM, quantity, list price, unit selling price, price list. The next tab has say customer information including customer number, name, bill to and ship to addresses. the next tab has say shipping information with say the warehouse, shipping instructions and shipping method.

  • PSE 10 won't open "CREATE" tab - stalls at "Initializing" (Mac OSX 10.6.8)

    Hi everyone,
         I just purchased a copy of Photo Shop Elements & Premiere Elements 10 and can't get PSE to work properly.  I can't use the "Create" tab - which is really annoying because it is the main reason I wanted PSE 10 for...  So far I've tried 3 clean installs without any success - it always stalls at "initializing."
    My computer meets the minimum system requirements:
    Intel Core 2 Duo 2.54Ghz, 100gb of free hdd space, 4GB RAM and OSX 10.6.8 running.
    The rest of the program seems to be ok - but I can't access that tab... I'm beyond frustrated by now...
    Can anyone help me out here? I'd really appreciate it...

    Hi Barbara! The Creat tab does open in organizer - but when you select an option ex. photo calendar, it switches to pse and it stalls at initializing...
    I tried EVERY fix suggested on the link you posted and nothing worked - except creating a new user account. I just created a new Admin account and It works!!!
    Don't know what is wrong with mine though...  I'd have to copy my photo library to the new account which is kind of troublesome and a pain to do... Plus I'll be having to switch from one account to the other to access the rest of my content (migrating all of my content to the new account will be VERY hard to do and take even more time)... Oh well - at least I get to use all of the functions in PSE!
    Thanks so much for your help!

  • Help with validation on a manually created tabbed form

    I have a manually created tabbed form that I'm having trouble creating validation on.
    The page is a Resource Staffing page where PM's can forecast the Resources that will be needed for various projects. The forecast can be for 12 - 18 months.
    The requirement is to display a message to the user if they are trying to save a row without forecasting any time. It's possible they may not know how may Resources or the length of time needed when the row is created.  If they respond that they want to save the row without time the MRU will create the record. If they answer that they do not want to save the row they are returned to the page without loss of information.
    The month fields on the page are defaulting to 0 (zero).
    I've updated the Save button to Redirect to URL and in the URL Redirect I have: javascript:confirmNoTimeSaved()
    The javascript:
    function confirmNoTimeSaved()
        var arr_jan,arr_feb,arr_mar,arr_apr,arr_may,arr_jun,arr_jul,arr_aug,arr_sep,arr_oct,arr_nov,arr_dec = new Array();
            arr_jan = document.wwv_flow.f07;
            arr_feb = document.wwv_flow.f08;
            arr_mar = document.wwv_flow.f09;
            arr_apr = document.wwv_flow.f10;
            arr_may = document.wwv_flow.f11;
            arr_jun = document.wwv_flow.f12;
            arr_jul = document.wwv_flow.f13;
            arr_aug = document.wwv_flow.f14;
            arr_sep = document.wwv_flow.f15;
            arr_oct = document.wwv_flow.f16;
            arr_nov = document.wwv_flow.f17;
            arr_dec = document.wwv_flow.f18;
        for(i = 0; i < arr_jan.length; i++)
            if(arr_jan[i].value == 0 && arr_feb[i].value == 0 && arr_mar[i].value == 0
                && arr_apr[i].value == 0 && arr_may[i].value == 0 && arr_jun[i].value == 0
                && arr_jul[i].value == 0 && arr_aug[i].value == 0 && arr_sep[i].value == 0
                && arr_oct[i].value == 0 && arr_nov[i].value == 0 && arr_dec[i].value == 0)
                txt = 'You have no time assigned to your Forecast. Do you want to save this Forecast without time entered?' + '\n' + '\n' + '"Yes" to save the Forecast.' + '\n' + '"No" to return with no changes.';
                caption = 'Confirm Saving With No Time';
                switch (isChoice)
                    case 6:
                    case 7:
    <script language="VBScript">
    //Yes    = 6
    //No     = 7
        Function vbMsg(isTxt,isCaption)
            testVal = MsgBox(isTxt,vbYesNo,isCaption)
            isChoice = testVal
        End Function
    The 'CANCEL2' is just a Branch I'm using to branch back to the page without clearing Cache. I do have 'Cancel' button on the page and the Branch created for that clears the Cache.
    While debugging the javascript I get into the VB Script on the testVal = MsgBox(isTxt,vbYesNo,isCaption) line and the browser crashes.
    Can someone help with this requirement?
    What additional information can I provide?

    The code above is my attempt at this requirement, however, the browser crashes when it gets to the VBScript on the MsgBox call. I don't have to use this approach. Does someone have an idea how to solve this?

  • Closable Tab in JTabbedPane

    I trying to develop a Closable Tab in JTabbedPane. The close button should appear after/before the tab title all the time (like in JBuilder IDE).
    I know the trick where close button appears when the mouse is in that area, but i want it to be displayed all the time irrespective of the mouse position.
    How i should be able to create this component??
    I am very new to swing please help...
    Thanks for your help...

    Thanks Stas,
    Your code was really helpfull.
    I've improved it a litte bit. So I'd like to share It.
    To use it, just create a ClosableTabbedPane.
    If you need to change the default action (remove the tab) then use the method setCloseTabAction(CloseTabAction) to change the action.
    The TabbedPaneUI
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.FontMetrics;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Rectangle;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
    import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTabbedPaneUI;
    public class ClosableTabbedPaneUI extends BasicTabbedPaneUI
         public final static int BUTTON_SIZE = 12;
         public final static int BORDER_SIZE = 3;
         public ClosableTabbedPaneUI()
         protected void paintTab(Graphics g, int tabPlacement, Rectangle[] rects, int tabIndex, Rectangle iconRect, Rectangle textRect)
              Rectangle rect=rects[tabIndex];
              int yPosition = (rect.height-BUTTON_SIZE)/2;
              int xPosition = rect.x+rect.width-Math.round(BUTTON_SIZE*1.5f);
         protected int getTabLabelShiftX(int tabPlacement, int tabIndex, boolean isSelected)
              return super.getTabLabelShiftX(tabPlacement, tabIndex, isSelected)-BUTTON_SIZE;     
         protected int calculateTabWidth(int tabPlacement, int tabIndex, FontMetrics metrics)
              return super.calculateTabWidth(tabPlacement,tabIndex,metrics)+BUTTON_SIZE;
         protected MouseListener createMouseListener()
              return new MyMouseHandler();
         class MyMouseHandler extends MouseHandler
              public MyMouseHandler()
              public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e)
                   int x=e.getX();
                   int y=e.getY();
                   int tabIndex=-1;
                   int tabCount = tabPane.getTabCount();
                   for (int i = 0; i < tabCount; i++)
                        if (rects[ i ].contains(x, y))
                             tabIndex= i;
                   if (tabIndex >= 0)
                        Rectangle rect = rects[tabIndex];
                        int yPosition = (rect.height-BUTTON_SIZE)/2;
                        int xPosition = rect.x+rect.width-Math.round(BUTTON_SIZE*1.5f);
                        if( new Rectangle(xPosition,yPosition,BUTTON_SIZE,BUTTON_SIZE).contains(x,y))
                             if( tabPane instanceof ClosableTabbedPane )
                                  ClosableTabbedPane closableTabbedPane = (ClosableTabbedPane)tabPane;
                                  CloseTabAction closeTabAction = closableTabbedPane.getCloseTabAction();
                                  if(closeTabAction != null)
                                       closeTabAction.act(closableTabbedPane, tabIndex);
                                  // If somebody use this class as UI like setUI(new ClosableTabbedPaneUI())
    The Closable TabbedPane
    public class ClosableTabbedPane extends JTabbedPane
         private CloseTabAction closeTabAction = null;
         public ClosableTabbedPane()
         public ClosableTabbedPane(int arg0)
         public ClosableTabbedPane(int arg0, int arg1)
              super(arg0, arg1);
         private void init()
              setUI(new ClosableTabbedPaneUI());
              closeTabAction = new CloseTabAction()
                   public void act(ClosableTabbedPane closableTabbedPane, int tabIndex)
         public CloseTabAction getCloseTabAction()
              return closeTabAction;
         public void setCloseTabAction(CloseTabAction action)
              closeTabAction = action;
    The Action
    public interface CloseTabAction
         public void act(ClosableTabbedPane closableTabbedPane, int tabIndex);

  • Create PO without material master

    Hello guru
    When we should create PO without material , no dout materail group willbe assigned to valluation class , then accounting document is generated ,so my case is when u do the PO without material is it necessary to do GR, in this position any movement type is hitting are not iam confused plz clarify problem
    (without material creat Po means is it right na to assign mat group to val class imgmm-purchasingmaster data---entry aids for items without material master)
    here GR is possible are not plz give me clear picture on this)

    If you create a PO without material you have the option of having a GR or no GR (it also depends on the configuration of the account assignment category).
    Check the item delivery tab and you will see if you can change the flags
    You can have no ticks and so no GR would be posted and all fanance postings happen at GR.
    You could have the GR flag ticked and so all financial postings happen at GR stage.
    You couldhave the GR flag AND the GR non-valuated flag ticked and this means a GR would be required but no financial postings will take place until invoice stage.
    If a material master was involved then you you can still do the above but only if the account assignment category is NOT blank.
    Steve B

  • Can't open Create-tab

    I'm not able to open the "Create"-tab in elements 10 anymore.  It onlys says "initializing" but nothing happens.  I've tried to reinstall the application using the uninstaller, without success.  I run Mac on OSX 10.8.2 What should I do?

    Note that the library in 99jon's post is the library at the top level of your hard drive. You have three libraries in OS X: system>library (never go there), your username>library, and hard drive>library. You want the latter, which isn't exactly hidden, but is hard to find in 10.8. You can most easily  make it visible by going to the finder preferences>sidebar and turning on hard disks:
    Then when you click the name of your hard drive on the left side of a finder window, that library will be at the top level of results.

  • I want to create tab's in JSP..?

    Hello experts,
    I want to create tab's in JSP page. So if there is in taglib for tab's. So please let me know which one is this and how to implement it. And the directory structure of the Application folder.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Andy Surya

    Or you could write your own using divs and css, it wouldnt take very long as I have done it a couple of times. It might not be the best solution, but I made each tab section an action apart from the page you are currently on and used a separate jsp for each individual tab page. The html was replicated at the top of each page. Each clickable tab header had an action behind it fired by javascript.
    It requires a page refresh on each tab click and multiple jsp's (one for each tab) so might not be the most appropriate solution but it works very well and looks good.

  • How can I navigate through tabs without using the mouse?

    I want to know how to navigate through tabs without using a mouse... just like you can navigate through multiple windows by using <alt><tab> ... because it's extremely annoying when I'm working on something to have to take my hands off the keyboard and go to the mouse.

    You can also use Ctrl + Page Up and Ctrl + Page Down to go to the next and previous tab. I prefer those because it doesn't require the Shift key (Shift + Ctrl+ Tab) to go to the previous tab.
    See also [[Tabbed browsing]]

  • How to create tab pages in EP

    Hi Experts,
    Can you please let me know how to create tab pages in EP. I have created one page. In this page, I have to place 2 iViews as tab pages. Can you please let me know how I can acheive this?

    Within a SAP Portal Tabs are not used like you want them to
    By default Tabs are used inside an iView and not to "tab" between iViews on a page...
    The most straightforward solution would be creating a custom PageLayout that you can assign to your page.
    I would sugest to implement this custom PageLayout with DIV layers and trigger "tabbing" via JavaScript eventing.
    For more infor on how to create a custom PageLayout take a look at here:
    Good Luck,
    Benjamin Houttuin

  • BAPI business object to create order without charge

    Hi all,
    I am having problem to create order without charge or subsequent delivery free of charge (with sales document category 'I', read from TVAK table).
    I read from OSS 93091 that for that sales document category 'I', business object BUS2103 has to be passed. I try to do online testing but hit by error : 'Unpermitted combination of business object BUS2103 and sales doc.category I'.
    I have use the correct order type (sample order with doc. category I) for my own testing.
    Appreciate any of your help to resolve these problem.
    thanks alots.

    Hi All,
    It is solved already by using business object BUS2032.

  • Need help in creating tabbed webpart in sharepoint + no of tabs in webpart should be dynamic.

    Need help in creating tabbed webpart in sharepoint and no of tabs in webpart should be dynamic.
    under each tab i should be able to add multiple webparts(each tab will have webpart zone)
    programatically i need to generate tabs and insert webpart zones under each tab.
    Let me  know how can i achieve this.
    i followed below article.
    but in this article the tabs and webparts are static and we need to close each webpart .
    Kindly let me know the approach.thanks in advance

    the Easy Tabs could be useful for your requirement
    twttr @esjord

  • Is there a way to close a pinned tab without unpinning it or closing the browser completely?

    when i have one of my pinned tabs opened and i open a new tab, i cant find a way to close the pinned tab without closing the browser completly.
    is there a way to close a pinned tab?

    You can also middle-click a tab to close that tab and that also works for pinned tabs.

  • Creating tab delimited file

    Can anybody tell me how to create tab delimited file using ABAP. I am using 4.6C ( so I cant use cl_gui_char_utilities ) and I want to download the file to application server ( GUI_DOWNLOAD cant be used ).

    -> here's an example to separate the fields by tab:
    DATA: BEGIN OF tabulator,
            x(1) TYPE x VALUE '09',
          END OF tabulator.
    data tabilator_c.
                codepage = c_to.
      tabulator_c = tabulator.
      TRANSLATE tabulator_c FROM CODE PAGE c_from TO CODE PAGE c_to.
    *for int. table
    loop at itab.
        clear string.
          assign component sy-index of structure itab to <f>.
          IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
          concatenate string <f> tabulator_c into string.
       append string to tab_download.
                FILETYPE = 'ASC'
                FILENAME = FILE
                DATA_TAB = tab_download.
    Grx Andreas

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