Create Track on Sneakpreview

hi all,
      Is this possible to create track on Sneakpreview7.0 ?If possible cany one tell me how to configure sld
and create track on that system?
Suresh Kumar T

Hi Suresh,
The Sneak Preview 7.0 Sp 14 comes along with a local SLD configured. Try this. In this you need to configure the NWDI and later you can perform all the acitivities that we can perform on the NWDI.

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    Hi Matthias,
    tracks are stored in the Java database by CMS in its own format and when a buildspace is created on CBS that information is also stored in the Java databse in CBS' own format. Accessing the database directly is not a good idea as you would need additional information that is neither officially published nor supported and that may change.
    Regarding DTR client & IDE: Well, DTR doesn't know about tracks at all, it just stores the sources for track content. The "track" knowledge is part of CMS.
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    If I then try to change the new tracks instrument to EFM1, it changes the previous tracks instrument to EFM1 as well
    that's because you dont change the track object but the track object's instrument.
    use the command "track/create with next instrument".

  • Auto create track BUG

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    big bug.

    yes, HORRIBLE!

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    My best

    Why do you post this twice, you won't get different answers by posting it again......

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    SAP documentation is there in service market place for NWDI setup under netweaver. If you dont find document post your email id, I will send you the document.

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    use an audio editor to split the one long track every 5 minutes or so, then save each "piece" as a seperate .wav file. then burn all the tracks to cd. you can use Audacity. tis free

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    Found out the problem. Turn on advanced tools.
    Logic Pro X menu>preferences>advanced tools

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                    can someone help me in knowing the required SCA files for creating track for E-Commerce application in NWDI?

    Hi Sreeman,
                        SCA files that are required for E-commerce 5.0 web development as follows:
    revert if any concerns.

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    christopher rigby1 wrote:
    That's exactly what I was asking - I can't have a number of aliases for this track where the CONTENTS (i.e. audio) remain the same, but the TAGS can be different?
    That is exactly what I was answering. You can't.
    The comment gets written to the appropriate field of the ID3 tags, and thus will be the same if you have multiple entries for the same file. If you want to see how this works, edit the comment field in iTunes, and then look at the file in another program, such as Winamp. You will see your comment there. It is part of the file.
    If you want different comments, you need different files.

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    You can use NSTrackingArea to set up the area(s) you want to track.  For example, if you have a view named "myView" that you wanted to use, you can set up a tracking area by specifying the rectangle (I am going to use the entire view) and tracking options with something like:
       set options to (current application's NSTrackingMouseEnteredAndExited as integer) + (current application's NSTrackingActiveInKeyWindow as integer) + (current application's NSTrackingInVisibleRect as integer)
       set trackingArea to current application's class "NSTrackingArea"'s alloc's initWithRect:(myView's frame()) options:options owner:me userInfo:"tracking myView"
       myView's addTrackingArea:trackingArea
    The options are a bit wordy, but they determine how things are tracked - you could also just look up what they are in the class headers and use that.  You then need to add NSResponder handlers in the owner class for what you are interested in - for this example, they would be:
      on mouseEntered:theEvent -- cursor has entered a tracking rectangle
        log "mouseEntered"
        log theEvent's userData() -- data specific to a trackingArea
      end mouseEntered:
      on mouseExited:theEvent -- cursor has exited a tracking rectangle
        log "mouseExited"
        log theEvent's userData() -- data specific to a trackingArea
      end mouseExited:
    When using multiple tracking areas, you can add some user info that can be retrieved from the event.  In the above example, I used the string "tracking myView", but it can be whatever you want.

  • Why we cannot see the created tracks in NWDI?

    We created 3 tracks(A,B,C) in our NWDI.
    1) only one track( track A) is showing up;
    2) Developers can check in their code into TrackB and TrackC without
    error messages BUT we cannot see the code change any where.
    So TrackB and C are existing but invisible.
    Please help. Thanks! I'll give points

    if you give space in filter ,,, you won't able to see any track ....
    clear space and search

  • How to create/track a pallet exchange program

    I would like to know the best/easiest way to track a pallet exchange program in SAP.
    Right now, what we are doing is:
    1. we created a material for pallets
    2. when we ship pallets, we bill the customer
    3. if they send them back, we issue a return order/return delivery/credit memo
    #3 is a bit cumbersome, so I was wondering if there is a better way.
    Anyone have a solution?

    Hello Nino,
    There are two options to deal with this scenario.
    Option 1 : If customer sends pallets back in very rare case (some times) only
    In this case,
    Consider pallet as your sales material and deal it as normal as other sales material
    1. Create Sales Order and include pallet material with other normal material.
    2. Create Delivery for pallet material with other normal material
    3. Do PGI
    4. Create billing document and charge customer for pallet as regular item.
    now when customer returns pallet, consider that return as sales return and process it with cusomer return order and credit the customer account.
    Option 2 : If customer sends pallets back mostly, but fails some time.
    In this case, you work with SAP standard RTP material functionality in Sales, details are given in below link.
    Hope this helps.
    Arif Mansuri
    Reward if answer is helpful.

  • Urgent:Why we cannot see the created tracks in NWDI?

    We created 3 tracks(A,B,C) in our NWDI.
    1) only one track( track A) is showing up;
    2) Developers can check in their code into TrackB and TrackC without
    error messages BUT we cannot see the code change any where.
    So TrackB and C are existing but invisible.
    Please help. Thanks! I'll give points.

    if you give space in filter ,,, you won't able to see any track ....
    clear space and search

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