Createing a game need help

ok im makeing a game i have made the map n photoshop just one big image
and i want it so java grabes the coords and print the type of tile that they are at
the map is pretty big
12500 X 14300
and i want to use that as the world map how would i grabe the pixiels from the map and use them as the ground the character will walk on

If you're lucky enough to be doing MIDP 2.0, it's provided for by the profile.
Otherwise, I imagine it's a matter of dividing the current user (x,y) location by the width and height of the tiles, thus getting an (x,y) position into the map. At that point it's just a matter of looking up the tiles from the map, and displaying them.
For example, suppose you have a character at position (23233,98483), and the window is 800x600 with the character at the center. And suppose the tiles are all 100x100 wide. Then you'd draw the tiles around (232,984) in your map.
Probably the easiest thing is to create a GameWorldMap object (I just made that name up to keep it from being confused with java.util.Map) that knows how to draw itself when handed a Graphics object and a position and a width and height. It would know how to translate map (world) coordinates into tile coordinates, and it would know how to offset the drawn tile images so the tiles could scroll smoothly off the edges of the screen.

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    As a final thought: the web is your friend. There are tons of good resources on the web for developing games, and lots of them focus on java. A good place for info is, lots of articles, and helpful hints on choosing language, tile games, etc... Another specific one is It has working code for a tile-based game, and it even has a software 3d engine. It also has good for for detecting mouse and keyboard actions. Get more experience before you start with these ones, though.
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    Hi there!
    I'm not really a game programmer.. but here's some links anyway.
    Someone pointed out this tutorial to me, and I think it is worthwhile:
    It has stuff on Java 3D, networking, games for mobile phones/PDAs, isometric tile games, etc. It also has an appendix on loaders and Java Web Start.
    Also, if you want to create 3D games, you might want to check out
    They have free 3D models in various formats.
    For more 3D links and tutorials try:
    For a 3D tool, I like Anim8or. That it's free helps a lot ;)
    And... ms paint!?! You will not be able to draw decent graphics with that. Adobe Photoshop Elements is a nice, low-cost program for 2D images.
    There are lots of sites devoted to java game programming. Try the google. Love the google. Google is your friend. ;)
    :) jen

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    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    * Class BreakoutApplet - Plays a simple game of Breakout.
    * @author Kris Nelson
    * @version November 10, 2004
    public class BreakoutApplet extends JApplet implements Runnable
        protected Brick brick; // creates an object of class brick
        protected Ball ball; // creates an object of class ball
        protected Paddle paddle; // creates an object of class paddle
        protected boolean running; // tells the program whether or not the thread is running
        protected ArrayList brickArray = new ArrayList(); // stores all the bricks in the game
        protected Thread timer; // the thread which controls the animation for the applet
        * Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this JApplet that it
        * has been loaded into the system. It is always called before the first
        * time that the start method is called.
        public void init()
            // this is a workaround for a security conflict with some browsers
            // including some versions of Netscape & Internet Explorer which do
            // not allow access to the AWT system event queue which JApplets do
            // on startup to check access. May not be necessary with your browser.
            JRootPane rootPane = this.getRootPane();   
            rootPane.putClientProperty("defeatSystemEventQueueCheck", Boolean.TRUE);
            createBricks(); // creates the games array of bricks
            ball = new Ball(400, 400, 2, 2); // sets the values for the ball
            paddle = new Paddle(300, 660, 2); // sets the values for the paddle
            // !!!!!!! have tried placing ball.start() here
        * Paint method for applet.
        * @param  g   the Graphics object for this applet
        public void paint(Graphics g)
            // draws the background, border, and all the games objects
            g.setColor(Color.lightGray); // sets the drawing color to light gray
            g.fillRect(0, 0, 600, 700); // displays the game screens background
            displayBorder(g); // displays the game screens border
            displayBricks(g); // displays the array of bricks
            ball.display(g); // displays the ball
            paddle.display(g); // displays the paddle
        * Creates the games array of bricks
        public void createBricks()
            int colorNumber = 1; // starts the color of the bricks at orange
            double yPosition = 100; // starts the bricks y screen position at 100
            for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                double xPosition = 12; // starts the bricks x screen position at 12
                for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++)
                    if(colorNumber == 0)
                        colorNumber = 1; // sets the color of the bricks to orange
                        colorNumber = 0; // sets the color of the bricks to green
                    brickArray.add(brick = new Brick(xPosition, yPosition, colorNumber)); // adds a brick to the current container in the brick array
                    xPosition = xPosition + brick.getWidth(); // move the bricks x screen position to the next column
                yPosition = yPosition + brick.getHeight(); // moves the bricks y screen position to the next row
                if(colorNumber == 0)
                    colorNumber = 1; // sets the color of the bricks to orange
                    colorNumber = 0; // sets the color of the bricks to green
        * Displays the game screens border
        * @param  g   the Graphics object for this applet
        public void displayBorder(Graphics g)
            g.setColor(; // sets the drawing color to black
            g.fillRect(0, 0, 600, 24); // draws a border on the top of the screen
            g.fillRect(0, 0, 12, 700); // draws a border on the left of the screen
            g.fillRect(588, 0, 12, 700); // draws a border on the right of the screen
        * Displays the array of bricks on the screen
        * @param  g   the Graphics object for this applet
        public void displayBricks(Graphics g)
            Brick currentBrick; // holds the brick data from the current ArrayList container
            for(int i = 0; i < 32; i++)
                currentBrick = (Brick)(brickArray.get(i)); // grabs the brick data from the current ArrayList container
                currentBrick.display(g); // displays the current brick
        * Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this JApplet that it
        * should start its execution. It is called after the init method and
        * each time the JApplet is revisited in a Web page.
         public void start()
             if(timer == null)
                 timer = new Thread(this); // creates a new object of type Thread
                 timer.start(); // starts the new thread
                 running = true; // tells the program that the new thread is running
        * Runs the code that controls the animation
        public void run()
                repaint(); // redraws the screen
                    timer.sleep(100); // puts the thread to sleep for 100 milliseconds
                } catch(InterruptedException e) {running = false;}
                // !!!!!!! have tried placing ball.start() here
            } while(running);
            timer = null; // destroys the timer thread
        * Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this JApplet that
        * it should stop its execution. It is called when the Web page that
        * contains this JApplet has been replaced by another page, and also
        * just before the JApplet is to be destroyed.
        public void stop()
            running = false; // tells the program that the thread is now done
    }These are the bits of code for my class heirarchy, just to (hopefully) make it easier to follow.
    import java.awt.*;
    * The parent class of all the games objects.
    * @author Kris Nelson
    * @version November 9, 2004
    public class Sprite
        protected double screenX, screenY; // stores the x and y location of the object
        * Constructor for objects of class Sprite
        * @param  xPosition   the initial x screen position
        * @param  yPosition   the initial y screen position
        public Sprite(double xPosition, double yPosition)
            screenX = xPosition; // sets the initial x screen position
            screenY = yPosition; // sets the initial y screen position
        * Sets new x and y screen locations for an object
        * @param  newX   the new x screen location
        * @param  newY   the new y screen location
        public void setScreenXY(double newX, double newY)
            screenX = newX; // sets the new x screen location
            screenY = newY; // sets the new y screen location
        * Sends back the current x screen location
        * @return     the current x screen location
        public double getScreenX()
            return screenX; // returns the current x screen location
        * Sends back the current y screen location
        * @return     the current y screen location
        public double getScreenY()
            return screenY; // returns the current y screen location
    import java.awt.*;
    * Parent class of any game object that moves.
    * @author Kris Nelson
    * @version November 9, 2004
    public class MovingSprite extends Sprite implements Runnable
         protected double speedX, speedY; // stores the speed of an object in the x and y directions
         protected Thread timer; // the thread which controls animation for all moving objects
         protected boolean running; // tells the program whether or not the thread is running
         * Constructor for objects of class MovingSprite
         * @param  xPosition   the initial x screen position
         * @param  yPosition   the initial y screen position
         * @param  xSpeedValue   the speed in the x direction
         * @param  ySpeedValue   the speed in the y direction
         public MovingSprite(double xPosition, double yPosition, double xSpeedValue, double ySpeedValue)
              super(xPosition, yPosition); // passes the initial screen positions to Sprite
              speedX = xSpeedValue; // sets the speed in the x direction
              speedY = ySpeedValue; // sets the speed in the y direction
         * Sends back the speed in the x direction
         * @return     the speed in the x direction
         public double getSpeedX()
             return speedX; // returns the speed in the x direction
         * Sends back the speed in the y direction
         * @return     the speed in the y direction
         public double getSpeedY()
             return speedY; // returns the speed in the y direction
         * Starts the thread in order to start animation
         public void start()
             if(timer == null)
                 timer = new Thread(this); // creates a new object of type Thread
                 timer.start(); // starts the new thread
                 running = true; // tells the program that the new thread is running
         * Empty since the child objects have their own run methods
         public void run()
         * Stops the thread from running
         public void stop()
             running = false; // tells the program that the thread is now done
    import java.awt.*;
    * Creates a single ball who's purpose is to bounce around and destroy the bricks.
    * @author Kris Nelson
    * @version November 10, 2004
    public class Ball extends MovingSprite
        protected static final double BALL_WIDTH = 15; // sets the width of the ball
        protected static final double BALL_HEIGHT = 15; // sets the height of the ball
        * Constructor for objects of class Ball
        * @param  xPosition   the initial x screen position
        * @param  yPosition   the initial y screen position
        * @param  xSpeedValue   the speed in the x direction
        * @param  ySpeedValue   the speed in the y direction
        public Ball(double xPosition, double yPosition, double xSpeedValue, double ySpeedValue)
            super(xPosition, yPosition, xSpeedValue, ySpeedValue); // passes the initial screen positions and ball speeds to MovingSprite
            // !!!!!!!! have tried placing timer.start() here
        * Displays a ball onto the screen
        * @param  g   the Graphics object for this applet
        public void display(Graphics g)
            g.setColor(; // sets the balls color
            g.fillOval((int)(screenX), (int)(screenY), (int)(BALL_WIDTH), (int)(BALL_HEIGHT)); // displays the ball
        * Runs the code that controls the balls animation
        public void run()
                    timer.sleep(100); // puts the thread to sleep for 100 milliseconds
                } catch(InterruptedException e) {running = false;}
                screenX = screenX + speedX;
                screenY = screenY + speedY;  // this is VERY SIMPLE BALL MOVEMENT FOR TESTING PURPOSES, WILL BE CHANGED LATER
            } while(running);
    }Sorry if that was too much code. I'm just trying to make this easier to follow.
    I placed a // !!!!!!!!!!!!! comment in the places where I have tried starting the ball thread.
    So basically, everything is running fine, except that I'm not at all sure of where to start the ball Thread, and thus can't start anything moving. If someone could tell me where I should be starting the thread, I would REALLY appriciate it. Thank you :D
    - Kris

    Some advice.
    1. the start method on the ball should be called from the start method on the applet and should in turn call the start method on the sprite's thread.
    2. the run method of the Moveable sprite should have been declare abstract
    3. don't implement borders manually. There's a java.awt.Border class for that.
    4. probably, you don't want to have the game invoke each sprite by name; just make a big list of all the sprites and invoke all of them every time
    5. do you really need provision for a non-circular ball? this isn't rugby.
    6. I don't think you ever had a threading problem, just a display problem.
    7. Don't write comments like this:     ball.display(g); // displays the ballHere's my (even more simplified version):import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.*;
    * Class BreakoutApplet - Plays a simple game of Breakout.
    * @author Kris Nelson, modified by Michael Lorton
    * @version November 10, 2004
    public class BreakoutApplet extends JApplet implements Runnable {  
        protected Ball ball;
        protected Paddle paddle;
        public boolean running; // tells the program whether or not the thread is running
        protected Thread timer; // the thread which controls the animation for the applet
        public void init() {
            // this is a workaround for a security conflict with some browsers
            // including some versions of Netscape & Internet Explorer which do
            // not allow access to the AWT system event queue which JApplets do
            // on startup to check access. May not be necessary with your browser.
             ball = new Ball(this, GAMEWIDTH / 2, GAMEHEIGHT / 2, 5, 5);
        public final static int GAMEWIDTH = 600;
        public final static int GAMEHEIGHT = 400;
        public void paint(Graphics g) {
            g.fillRect(0, 0,
                       GAMEWIDTH, GAMEHEIGHT);
            ball.display(g); // displays the ball
        * Called by the browser or applet viewer to inform this JApplet that it
        * should start its execution. It is called after the init method and
        * each time the JApplet is revisited in a Web page.
        public void start() {
            if(timer == null) {
                timer = new Thread(this); // creates a new object of type Thread
                timer.start(); // starts the new thread
                running = true; // tells the program that the new thread is running
        * Runs the code that controls the animation
        public void run() {
                repaint(); // redraws the screen
                } catch(InterruptedException e) {running = false;}
            } while(running);
        public void stop() {
            running = false;
    abstract class Sprite {
        protected double screenX, screenY; // stores the x and y location of the object
        protected final BreakoutApplet parent;
        * Constructor for objects of class Sprite
        * @param  xPosition   the initial x screen position
        * @param  yPosition   the initial y screen position
        public Sprite(BreakoutApplet parent, double xPosition, double yPosition) {
            this.parent = parent;
            screenX = xPosition; // sets the initial x screen position
            screenY = yPosition; // sets the initial y screen position
        * Sets new x and y screen locations for an object
        * @param  newX   the new x screen location
        * @param  newY   the new y screen location
        public void setScreenXY(double newX, double newY) {
            screenX = newX; // sets the new x screen location
            screenY = newY; // sets the new y screen location
        * Sends back the current x screen location
        * @return     the current x screen location
        public double getScreenX() {
            return screenX; // returns the current x screen location
        * Sends back the current y screen location
        * @return     the current y screen location
        public double getScreenY() {
            return screenY; // returns the current y screen location
        abstract public void display(Graphics g);
    * Parent class of any game object that moves.
    * @author Kris Nelson
    * @version November 9, 2004
    abstract class MovingSprite extends Sprite implements Runnable {
        protected double speedX, speedY; // stores the speed of an object in the x and y directions
        protected Thread timer; // the thread which controls animation for all moving objects
        protected boolean running; // tells the program whether or not the thread is running
        * Constructor for objects of class MovingSprite
        * @param  xPosition   the initial x screen position
        * @param  yPosition   the initial y screen position
        * @param  xSpeedValue   the speed in the x direction
        * @param  ySpeedValue   the speed in the y direction
        public MovingSprite(BreakoutApplet parent,
                            double xPosition, double yPosition,
                            double xSpeedValue, double ySpeedValue) {
            super(parent, xPosition, yPosition);
            speedX = xSpeedValue; // sets the speed in the x direction
            speedY = ySpeedValue; // sets the speed in the y direction
        * Starts the thread in order to start animation
        public void start() {
            if(timer == null) {
                timer = new Thread(this); // creates a new object of type Thread
                timer.start(); // starts the new thread
                running = true; // tells the program that the new thread is running
        * Runs the code that controls the balls animation
        public void run() {
            while (parent.running) {
                } catch(InterruptedException e) {
        abstract protected void step();
    * Creates a single ball whose purpose is to bounce around and destroy the bricks.
    * @author Kris Nelson
    * @version November 10, 2004
    class Ball extends MovingSprite {
        protected static final int BALL_DIAMETER = 15;
        * Constructor for objects of class Ball
        * @param  xPosition   the initial x screen position
        * @param  yPosition   the initial y screen position
        * @param  xSpeedValue   the speed in the x direction
        * @param  ySpeedValue   the speed in the y direction
        public Ball(BreakoutApplet parent,
                    double xPosition, double yPosition,
                    double xSpeedValue, double ySpeedValue) {
            super(parent, xPosition, yPosition, xSpeedValue, ySpeedValue);
        * Displays a ball onto the screen
        * @param  g   the Graphics object for this applet
        public void display(Graphics g) {
                       BALL_DIAMETER, BALL_DIAMETER);
        protected void step() {
                screenX = screenX + speedX;
                if (screenX < 0) {
                    screenX = -screenX;
                    speedX = -speedX;
                else if ((screenX + BALL_DIAMETER)> BreakoutApplet.GAMEWIDTH) {
                    screenX = 2*(BreakoutApplet.GAMEWIDTH  - BALL_DIAMETER) - screenX;
                    speedX = -speedX;
                screenY = screenY + speedY;
                if (screenY < 0) {
                    screenY = -screenY;
                    speedY = -speedY;
                else if ((screenY  + BALL_DIAMETER) > BreakoutApplet.GAMEHEIGHT) {
                    screenY = 2*(BreakoutApplet.GAMEHEIGHT - BALL_DIAMETER) - screenY;
                    speedY = -speedY;

  • I need help with shooting in my flash game for University

    Hi there
    Ive tried to make my tank in my game shoot, all the code that is there works but when i push space to shoot which is my shooting key it does not shoot I really need help with this and I would appriciate anyone that could help
    listed below should be the correct code
    //checking if the space bar is pressed and shooting is allowed
    if(evt.keyCode == 32 && shootAllow){
        //making it so the user can't shoot for a bit
        shootAllow = false;
        //declaring a variable to be a new Bullet
        var newBullet:Bullet = new Bullet();
        //changing the bullet's coordinates
        newBullet.y = tank_mc.y + tank_mc.width/2 - newBullet.width/2;
        newBullet.x = tank_mc.x;
        //then we add the bullet to stage
    listed below is my entire code
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
        //declare varibles to create mines
    //how much time before allowed to shoot again
    var cTime:int = 0;
    //the time it has to reach in order to be allowed to shoot (in frames)
    var cLimit:int = 12;
    //whether or not the user is allowed to shoot
    var shootAllow:Boolean = true;
    var minesInGame:uint;
    var mineMaker:Timer;
    var cursor:MovieClip;
    var index:int=0;
    var tankMine_mc:MovieClip;
    var antiTankmine_mc:MovieClip;
    var maxHP:int = 100;
    var currentHP:int = maxHP;
    var percentHP:Number = currentHP / maxHP;
    function initialiseMine():void
        minesInGame = 15;
        //create a timer fires every second
        mineMaker = new Timer(6000, minesInGame);
        //tell timer to listen for Timer event
        mineMaker.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createMine);
        //start the timer
    function createMine(event:TimerEvent):void
    //var tankMine_mc:MovieClip;
    //create a new instance of tankMine
    tankMine_mc = new Mine();
    //set the x and y axis
    tankMine_mc.y = 513;
    tankMine_mc.x = 1080;
    // adds mines to stage
    tankMine_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveHorizontal);
    function moveHorizontal(evt:Event):void{ -= Math.random()*5;
        if ( >= stage.stageWidth)
  , moveHorizontal);
        //declare varibles to create mines
    var atmInGame:uint;
    var atmMaker:Timer;
    function initialiseAtm():void
        atmInGame = 15;
        //create a timer fires every second
        atmMaker = new Timer(8000, minesInGame);
        //tell timer to listen for Timer event
        atmMaker.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, createAtm);
        //start the timer
    function createAtm(event:TimerEvent):void
    //var antiTankmine_mc
    //create a new instance of tankMine
    antiTankmine_mc = new Atm();
    //set the x and y axis
    antiTankmine_mc.y = 473;
    antiTankmine_mc.x = 1080;
    // adds mines to stage
    antiTankmine_mc.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, moveHorizontal);
    function moveHorizontal_2(evt:Event):void{ -= Math.random()*10;
        if ( >= stage.stageWidth)
  , moveHorizontal);
    function moveForward():void{
        bg_mc.x -=10;
    function moveBackward():void{
        bg_mc.x +=10;
    var tank_mc:Tank;
    // create a new Tank and put it into the variable
    // tank_mc
    tank_mc= new Tank;
    // set the location ( x and y) of tank_mc
    // show the tank_mc on the stage.
    stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onMovementKeys);
    //creates the movement
    function onMovementKeys(evt:KeyboardEvent):void
        //makes the tank move by 10 pixels right
        if (evt.keyCode==Keyboard.D)
    //makes the tank move by 10 pixels left
    if (evt.keyCode==Keyboard.A)
    //checking if the space bar is pressed and shooting is allowed
    if(evt.keyCode == 32 && shootAllow){
        //making it so the user can't shoot for a bit
        shootAllow = false;
        //declaring a variable to be a new Bullet
        var newBullet:Bullet = new Bullet();
        //changing the bullet's coordinates
        newBullet.y = tank_mc.y + tank_mc.width/2 - newBullet.width/2;
        newBullet.x = tank_mc.x;
        //then we add the bullet to stage
    if (tank_mc.hitTestObject(antiTankmine_mc))
            currentHP -= 10;
            // remove anti tank mine
    if (tank_mc.hitTestObject(tankMine_mc))
            currentHP -= 10;
            // remove anti tank mine
        //var maxHP:int = 100;
    //var currentHP:int = maxHP;
    //var percentHP:Number = currentHP / maxHP;
        //Incrementing the cTime
    //checking if cTime has reached the limit yet
    if(cTime < cLimit){
        cTime ++;
    } else {
        //if it has, then allow the user to shoot
        shootAllow = true;
        //and reset cTime
        cTime = 0;
    function updateHealthBar():void
        percentHP = currentHP / maxHP;
        healthBar.barColor.scaleX = percentHP;
        if(currentHP <= 0)
            currentHP = 0;
            trace("Game Over");

    USe the trace function to analyze what happens and what fails to happen in the code you showed.  trace the conditional values to see if they are set up to allow a shot when you press the key

  • Need help with animation, for my XAML game

    Hello friends,
    I need help in creating animation for my snake and ladder game(C#,XAML). I have completed the game logic, but can't understand how to animate my UI.
    1. I want to animate 6 dice images so that when the player clicks on the Roll Dice Button a shuffle animation will play, and while the animation is playing the user can't click any thing.
    2. I want the player disc to move one step at a time (animation) on the game board.
    Please help me I am new to animation. Kindly give a reply

    I would recommend using
    Storyboards and / or the
    XAML animation library.
    Other resources:
    Storyboarded animations (XAML)
    XAML animation library sample
    I hope this helps,
    Windows SDK Technologies - Microsoft Developer Services -

  • Need help for my "pairs" game! Do Help me!

    Will somebody help me about my midterm project? I am about to make a static game called pairs...Now the first thing i need to know is "how to create a two dimensional array of JButtons?" I already know how to make some GUI components like menus, radio buttons..etc. I also got my images ready..another problem is how to use math random to randomly assign the images to the buttons. I really need help and I'm new here. Will somebody show me a very very simple code of this game. pls do help. Im 17 yrs old and new in programming.
    my email: [email protected]
    All help is appreciated.

    Don't cross-post.
    No, we won't do your homework for you.
    Nobody cares how old you are or how new you are to programming.
    When is this due?

  • I need to create Buttons dynamically Please Help

    I am currently developing a card game. I represent my cards as buttons. But as the player draws more cards from the deck I have to generate buttons dynamically at run-time. I could use arrays of buttons and store new buttons inside that arrays of buttons. But the only problem is I need ActionListener for each of my buttons. How do you create ActionListener for each different dynamically created buttons? Please Help.

    Here is my code. I just do not understand how to create those functions dynamically that functions different each time.
    Here is my code please take a look.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class run108{
    JButton setbutton;
    JButton ButtonUp;
    JButton ButtonDeal;     
    JButton slot1;
    JButton slot2;
    JButton slot3;
    JButton slot4;
    JButton slot5;
    JButton slot6;
    JButton slot7;
    cards[] card = new cards[55];
    public static void main(String[] argv)
         run108 startgui = new run108();
    void createframe()
         //Standard of way of creating Frame
         JFrame frame = new JFrame("108");
         frame.setLocation(300,200);// Tells the startup position;
         //Adding Panels to the framework
         JPanel panelA = new JPanel();
         panelA.setLayout(new BoxLayout(panelA,BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
         JPanel panelB = new JPanel();
         JPanel panelC = new JPanel();
         //Adding buttons with card images
         JLabel label1 = new JLabel("       Set of Cards");
         ImageIcon pic1 = new ImageIcon("cards/backd.png");
         setbutton = new JButton(pic1);          
        ImageIcon picdeal = new ImageIcon("cards/deal.png");
         ButtonDeal = new JButton(picdeal);
         panelA.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, ButtonDeal);
        ButtonDeal.addActionListener(new DealListener());
         JLabel label2 = new JLabel("       Your Target");
         ButtonUp = new JButton(pic1);          
        panelA.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, ButtonUp);
        // Adds 7 initial card slots.
         ImageIcon pic2 = new ImageIcon("cards/backc.png");
         slot1 = new JButton(pic2);
        slot1.addActionListener(new Slot1Listener());
        slot2 = new JButton(pic2);
        slot2.addActionListener(new Slot2Listener());
         slot3 = new JButton(pic2);
        slot3.addActionListener(new Slot3Listener());
         slot4 = new JButton(pic2);
        slot4.addActionListener(new Slot4Listener());
         slot5 = new JButton(pic2);
        slot5.addActionListener(new Slot5Listener());
         slot6 = new JButton(pic2);
        slot6.addActionListener(new Slot6Listener());
         slot7 = new JButton(pic2);
        slot7.addActionListener(new Slot7Listener());
        // This has to be added @ the end to show the components
        //that were added after on. If it is placed before the components
        //the components shall not appear since they sit on the frame
    class DealListener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){}
    class Slot1Listener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){}
    class Slot2Listener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){}
    class Slot3Listener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){}
    class Slot4Listener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){}
    class Slot5Listener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){}
    class Slot6Listener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){}
    class Slot7Listener implements ActionListener
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event){}

  • Trying to create a Invoice based on Order need help Error -5002

    the dreaded -5002 error is haunting me too! and I could not find a matching solution for this in the forum....
    I need help quickly on this. I am trying to create invoices for some orders so the Base - Target relationship is retained. The orders I pick are all Open (DocStatus   = O and the lines are all Open LineStatus = O)
    here is my code
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseEntry = 48
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseLine = 0
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseType = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemCode = "A00001"
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemDescription = "IBM Infoprint 1312"
    'adding Line
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseEntry = 48
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseLine = 1
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseType = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemCode = "A00002"
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemDescription = "IBM Inforprint 1222"
    'adding Line
    lRetCode = oInvoice.Add
    If lRetCode <> 0 Then
        gObjCompany.GetLastError lErrCode, sErrMsg
        MsgBox (lErrCode & " " & sErrMsg)
    End If

    Only set your base types...
    (not items & description)
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseEntry = 48
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseLine = 0
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseType = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemCode = "A00001"
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemDescription = "IBM Infoprint 1312"
    'adding Line (to fill the second item line)
    ' the 1st line item is there by default
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseEntry = 48
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseLine = 1
    oInvoice.Lines.BaseType = SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oOrders
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemCode = "A00002"
    oInvoice.Lines.ItemDescription = "IBM Inforprint 1222"
    'DO NOT Add THIS line
    ' (only if you want to add a 3rd line item)
    '''oInvoice.Lines.Add -> Don't add this
    lRetCode = oInvoice.Add
    If lRetCode <> 0 Then
        gObjCompany.GetLastError lErrCode, sErrMsg
        MsgBox (lErrCode & " " & sErrMsg)
    End If
    remember to add :
    oInvoice.CardCode = "your BP"
    oInvoice.DocDueDate = Now
    oInvoiceDoc.CardCode = txtDOCBPCode.Text

  • If i reset my ipad can i install paye games for free if i sign back into my apple ID. Please i need help because i need to update my games but i need to put in this billing thing and i want to get rid of it so then i cant buy games with my credit card

    If i reset my ipad can i install paye games for free if i sign back into my apple ID. Please i need help because i need to update my games but i need to put in this billing thing and i want to get rid of it so then i cant buy games with my credit card

    As frustrating as it seems, your best to post any frustrations about the iPhone in the  iPhone discussion here:
    As this discussion is for iBook laptops.
    Best of Luck.

  • Need Help to create new screen for RF Sapconsole

    Hi Guru's
    I'm new on RF (but some years in ABAP) since last week.
    I need help to create new screens for RF (SAPLLMOB).
    Can someone explain me the procedure to create screen (with ABAP code after) or perhaps someone have an exemple (simple or not) ?
    I have to develop 2 new screens with really few time.
    And, another subsidiary question :
    how SAP can transfert information between the flash gun and the screen i have developped.
    Is there some code to add to enable this functionality or it is include in SAPLLMOB on standard fields ????
    It's a new strange world for me today...
    Many thanks to everyone who can explain me

    I am facing this problem as well. Is there any reference to create the new screen?
    Hope someone can help! Thanks!

  • Need help in creating a chart from 3 datasets

    Need help in creating a chart in SSRS from 3 datasets
    Can someone help me in creating a chart from 3 datasets, however datasource is same.

    Thank you Olaf...
    could anyone help me in using union all with the below
     WITH a AS (
    DATEPART(year, row_date) AS 'Year',
    DATEPART(month, row_date) AS 'Month',
        value ,
        CASE metricid WHEN 16 THEN 'FCR' ELSE 'Cases' END AS metric
    WHERE metricid IN (16, 11)
    AND row_date BETWEEN '2012-01-01' AND '2014-10-01'
    AND value IS NOT NULL)
    , b AS (
    SELECT     clientid ,
        Year ,
        Month ,
        value AS 'Cases',
    FROM a
    WHERE metric = 'cases')
    , c AS (
    SELECT     clientid ,
        Year ,
        Month ,
        value AS 'FCR',
    FROM a
    WHERE metric = 'FCR')
    , d AS (
    SELECT b.YEAR, b.MONTH, c.FCR, b.Cases 
    ON c.clientid = b.clientid
    AND c.[YEAR] = b.[year] 
    AND c.[month] = b.[month]
    WHERE c.fcr <> 0 AND b.cases <> 0
    ,E AS (
    SELECT [Year], [Month], SUM(FCR) AS FCR, SUM(Cases) AS Cases
    FROM d
    GROUP BY [Year], [Month])
    select YEAR, MONTH, 
    WHEN 1 THEN 'Jan'
    WHEN 2 THEN 'Feb'
    WHEN 3 THEN 'Mar'
    WHEN 4 THEN 'Apr'
    WHEN 5 THEN 'May'
    WHEN 6 THEN 'Jun'
    WHEN 7 THEN 'Jul'
    WHEN 8 THEN 'Aug'
    WHEN 9 THEN 'Sep'
    WHEN 10 THEN 'Oct'
    WHEN 11 THEN 'Nov'
    WHEN 12 THEN 'Dec'
    END AS MonthName
    ,e.FCR AS FCRCases
    ,e.Cases AS TotalCases
    WHEN [month] IN (11, 12, 1) THEN 1
    WHEN [month] IN (2, 3, 4) THEN 2
    WHEN [month] IN (5, 6, 7) THEN 3
    WHEN [month] IN (8, 9, 10) THEN 4
    END AS 'Quarter'
    --,CONVERT(DECIMAL(18, 2),(e.FCR/e.Cases)*100) AS FCRRaw
    from e
    order by YEAR, MONTH
    **************2nd query*************
    WITH a AS (
    DATEPART(year, row_date) AS 'Year',
    DATEPART(month, row_date) AS 'Month',
        CASE metricid WHEN 56 THEN 'numerator' ELSE 'denominator' END AS metric
    FROM XXXXXXX.[Values] AS V
    WHERE metricid IN (56, 10)
    --WHERE metricid IN (11,16)
    AND row_date BETWEEN '2013-10-01' AND '2014-02-01'
    AND value IS NOT NULL)
    , b AS (
    SELECT     clientid ,
        Year ,
        Month ,
        value AS 'numerator',
    FROM a
    WHERE metric = 'numerator')
    , c AS (
    SELECT     clientid ,
        Year ,
        Month ,
        value AS 'denominator',
    FROM a
    WHERE metric = 'denominator')
    , d AS (
    SELECT b.YEAR, b.MONTH, c.denominator, b.numerator 
    ON c.clientid = b.clientid
    AND c.[YEAR] = b.[year] 
    AND c.[month] = b.[month]
    WHERE c.denominator <> 0 AND b.numerator <> 0
    , e AS (
    SELECT [Year], [Month], SUM(numerator) AS numerator, SUM(denominator) AS denominator
    FROM d
    GROUP BY [Year], [Month]
    SELECT *, 
    WHEN [month] IN (11, 12, 1) THEN 1
    WHEN [month] IN (2, 3, 4) THEN 2
    WHEN [month] IN (5, 6, 7) THEN 3
    WHEN [month] IN (8, 9, 10) THEN 4
    END AS 'Quarter'
    FROM e
    ORDER BY 1,2
    ******************3rd query**************
    WITH a AS (
    SELECT --L.[LocationGroupId],
    -- T.locationid,
    -- T.AccountId,
    /*Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(year, TR.datestamp)) + '-' + Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(month, TR.datestamp)) + '-01'*/ 
    TR.Period AS ValueDate,
    CASE WHEN TR.TargetResultState = 0 THEN 0 WHEN TR.TargetResultState = 1 THEN 1 WHEN TR.TargetResultState = 2 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS Met,
    CASE WHEN CONVERT(DATE, Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(year, TR.datestamp)) + '-' + Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(month, TR.datestamp)) + '-01') > T.Startdate AND CONVERT(DATE, Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(year, TR.datestamp))
    + '-' + Convert(NVARCHAR, DatePArt(month, TR.datestamp)) + '-01') < T.Enddate THEN 1 ELSE 0 END AS ActiveTarget
    INNER JOIN dbo.Target T ON TR.TargetID = T.ID
    --INNER JOIN dbo.Location L ON T.Locationid = L.Id
    WHERE --locationid <> - 1 AND 
    TR.Period IN ('201306', '201307', '201308', '201309', '201310', '201311', '201312', '201401'))
    select ValueDate, SUM(Met) AS Met, Count(ActiveTarget) AS ActiveTargets,
    right(ValueDate,2) as Month
    ,left(ValueDate,4) as Year
    WHEN right(ValueDate,2) IN (11, 12, 1) THEN 1
    WHEN right(ValueDate,2) IN (2, 3, 4) THEN 2
    WHEN right(ValueDate,2) IN (5, 6, 7) THEN 3
    WHEN right(ValueDate,2) IN (8, 9, 10) THEN 4
    END AS 'Quarter'
    from a
    group by ValueDate
    order by ValueDate

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