Creating IDOC with GLT3 entries

I'm trying to send the information about consolidation for another SAP R/3 System. I've settle the periodic extract as our data transfer method and the GLT3 table is already being updated. Now I'm intending to send that information to another system by Idoc (I've settle the GLROLL Idoc Type) but the Idoc isn't being generated.
Can someone help me with that issue.

Dear Nuno,
You can save the entries of any table to a file. Go to Transaction SE16 -> enter the table name (GLT3 in your case) -> click on execute button or F8 Key (You can restrict the number of records on selection screen)-> You will be displayed the table entries. Now go to  system -> list-> Save -> as File. You will have to Specify File Name, Location, and Type (Probably on your desk-top or any preferred location).

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    Can’t I change that report that it start’s to create a file only with the information of the GLT3 table?
    Thanks in advance

    Dear Nuno,
    You can save the entries of any table to a file. Go to Transaction SE16 -> enter the table name (GLT3 in your case) -> click on execute button or F8 Key (You can restrict the number of records on selection screen)-> You will be displayed the table entries. Now go to  system -> list-> Save -> as File. You will have to Specify File Name, Location, and Type (Probably on your desk-top or any preferred location).

  • Creating Idocs With 64 Status.

    Hai Friends,
    My requirement is like this...
    Scenario:- my client says...They Get some idocs from a external system and then a program runs in the background to read these idocs and post Inbound delivery and IR documents.
    And Now As These IDOCs are not coming ...We have to read this data from a excel sheet and Create exactly the same type of IDOCs so that They can RUN the same Program to post Documents.....
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    Waiting for your insight.

    You can use below FM for your requirement.
          pi_idoc_control_rec_40  = w_control_rec
          pe_idoc_number          = g_idoc_number
          pt_idoc_data_records_40 = i_idoc_recposting
          idoc_not_saved          = 1
          OTHERS                  = 2.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
    Idoc created if sy-subrc = 0
    The Control records should be like this  ( You need to check the partner profile)
      w_control_rec-mandt   = sy-mandt.
      w_control_rec-docrel  = <sap_release>
      w_control_rec-direct  = '2'.
      w_control_rec-idoctyp = < Idoc type >.
      w_control_rec-mestyp  = < message type>.
      w_control_rec-sndpor  = <sender port>
      w_control_rec-sndprt  =  < Sender partner type>
      w_control_rec-sndprn  = < sender partner>.
      w_control_rec-rcvpor  = < recv port>
      w_control_rec-rcvprt  = < recv partnertype >
      w_control_rec-rcvprn  =  < recv partner>
    Let us know if it helps you. Thanks.
    Edited by: Atul Mohanty on Jun 23, 2011 10:59 PM

  • VD01 XD01 create address with required entry fields

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    post code
    I cannot find how to either, auto expand the address screen on entry to the screen or allow for the screen to be expanded manually without the error. The client requires the mandatory fields, so these cannot be unflagged.
    thanks in advance

    Dear Holger,
    After my tests I would like to inform you that this is
    the standard system behavior as the document description field is
    maintained as mandatory in transaction DC10. Please note that for the
    simple creation of documents this should not be set as a mandatory
    The creation mode can be defined in transaction DC10 for each object
    under 'Define object links'.
    Please note that the value "1" for the creation of documents is used
    to enable a user to simple attache a word file to an object
    without going to the transaction CV01n. Therefore the system behaviour
    is different then creating a document by CV01n and attaching a
    file to it. With simple creation mode there should not be any
    mandatory fields as the user cannot enter anything during the creation
    If you want to keep the "simple creation" mode then maybe BADI DOCUMENT_MAIN01 could be useful to hand over an "automatic" description value.
    Best regards,

  • Hierarchy problem when creating IDoc with multiple headers

    In general, When you create an inbound IDoc for the IDoc Type FIDCCP02, you have all the data records arranged in hierarchical order (while viewing it in the we02 transaction).
    Our requirement is to have m number of headers(E1FIKPF) and in turn it has n number of items(E1FISEG) inside a same IDoc. We have a problem in viewing the hierarchy of them in the data records tab. It comes down in a flat order without hierarchical division.
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    We guess some make-ups in the EDIDD structure which contains segnum, hlevel etc needs to be done.
    Let us know the correct method to get this fixed.
    Points will be rewarded.Thanks in advance.

    Every Idoc segment has a place to put in the parent segment for that Idoc. When you "fill" the Idoc , this tsep might not be executing for some reason.
    Is this some customer development?
    in EDID4 ,see these fields
    PSGNUM-Number of the hierarchically higher SAP segment
    HLEVEL Hierarchy level.

  • Creation of IDOC with message type INVOIC01

    Hi All,
    I am trying to create a new IDOC with message type INVOIC01.
    When I see transaction WE81, I observe that the required message type INVOIC is available. Also in WE82 the basic types INVOIC01, INVOIC02 and INV_ID01 are attached to the message type INVOIC.
    However, while trying to create an IDOC in WE19 using a message type, I get options to create against INVOIC02 or INV_ID01. The basic type INVOIC01 is not getting populated because of which all the IDOC that I create are of basic type INVOIC02.
    The client wants me to create IDOCs with basic type INVOIC01.
    Can anyone please help?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Nagaraj!
    I've looked at the documentation and did not find information, which would help me. Should I use in my case z-segment to put extra lines or there is some qualifier in segment E1EDP02 (Document Item Reference Data), which triggers to another referencing (not PO or delivery note)?
    Thank You,

  • Inbound delivery Idoc to create Batch with Characteristics

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    Need your help...
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    Is there a way to achieve this..?

    Thanks for the reply..
    Do you mean to say that its a standard functionality..? We are already using DESADV with DELS. However, we have modified our inbound idoc with Z Segments. These segments carry the characteristic values. No where in the idoc we have the batch number, as we want the batch number to be created automatically based on the number range in ECC.
    In such kind of cases, how to achieve this..?

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    Hi Experts,
    I am using BAPI => BAPI_REQUISITION_CREATE to create PR and it is successful to create PR but when I try to create PO is become fail (proably missing entry in ESLH table).
    Now my requirement is to create PR with Service Line and an entry in ESLH table (should be filled by SAP automatically). I have been passing the service related/account assigment tables into BAPI but still not working.
    Will you please give a solution to create PR with Service Line and also need an entry in ESLH table (its important to my req)?
    Also provide some input on Service Line, if possible(How to check Service Line for PR + Account Assignment to Service Line + etc.)?
    Note that: If I create PR manually then there have entry in ESLH and hence I can create PO.
    Definately the quick solution help me lot...

    Hi Experts,
    I am using BAPI => BAPI_REQUISITION_CREATE to create PR and it is successful to create PR but when I try to create PO is become fail (proably missing entry in ESLH table).
    Now my requirement is to create PR with Service Line and an entry in ESLH table (should be filled by SAP automatically). I have been passing the service related/account assigment tables into BAPI but still not working.
    Will you please give a solution to create PR with Service Line and also need an entry in ESLH table (its important to my req)?
    Also provide some input on Service Line, if possible(How to check Service Line for PR + Account Assignment to Service Line + etc.)?
    Note that: If I create PR manually then there have entry in ESLH and hence I can create PO.
    Definately the quick solution help me lot...

  • Table got re-created with 0 entries

    Hello All,
                     In ECC system after refresh BDLS is taking too long time(24hrs to 36hrs) becase of that as per SDN blogs to improve BDLS performance i build the index on few tables mentioned below using SE11 & SE14 t-codes, after completing BDLS I dropped those indexes while dropping BKPF table got re created with 0 entries but other tables are having entries. i have followed sam eprocess for all the tables, after that i tried in sandbox system that system also while dropping BKPF got re-created with ' 0 'entries ,Could you please let me know why it has re-created with 0 entries.

    Thanks for the Prompt response,
    The service entry was created this month
    I did try by checking the "Deliv. Compl." indicator on the PO and then tried to reverse the service entry but I get the same error i.e SE541

  • SO IDOC inbound create SO with reference to INV or SO #

    Hi all,
    I have a situation where I will get the inbound SO IDOC, through IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS and create a sales order with reference to a invoice number or another sales order (eg: consignment pick up and consignment fill up).
    Except modifying the standard formed BDC in the FM, by adding additional screen code into the BDC, is there any other way to do so?
    (eg: assign value into certain field in IDOC? Using another IDOC FM?)
    Please advice.
    Best Regards,

    Hi ,
    At a high level, the IDOC processing executes in the following manner:
    1.     Interpret IDOC header segments and captures organizational, customer master and purchase
                    order header details. Performs user exits for each segment to process customizations to data
    2.     Interprets item level segments and captures item level details like material information. Again, it
                   performs user exits for each segment.
    3.     Sums up the order data and determines the posting criterion viz. creating order with reference
    4.     Builds up batch data communication sequence (BDC) with respect to the required screen
                    sequence of posting a sales order.
    5.     While building up the BDC data, system performs user exit to process customizations to BDC
    6.     Calls transactions VA01 using the BDC data.
    7.     If the processing fails, an appropriate workitem is generated for workflow processing.
    User Exit - ZXVEDU03
    This user exit will be performed after each segment read in the IDOC processing function module. Exit is called during the perform interpret_idoc_orders in the idoc processing function module. The exit is executed before the BDC data building process and it is here where the invoice  number would be retrieved into a variable from segment E1EDK02.
        IF SEGMENT-SDATA(3) = 'Z43'.
           Save the  you Number XXXXXXXXXX into a temporary variable.
    User Exit - ZXVEDU04
    In the function module IDOC_INPUT_ORDERS, form call_va01_new_orders is performed wherein BDC data is built up for every screen required to post a sales order. User Exit ZXVEDU04 is performed at various stages during the built up of BDC data. It is here in this user exit that a coding needs to be performed to insert BDC data for assigning sales order to the invoice
    The BDC data for assign to invoice  should be added soon after the BDC data for purchase order type is generated. The following BDC data logic should be coded in the user exit to facilitate assign to invoice
    if you give me brief i can help you out more.
    if helpful REWARD points
    Thank you .

  • How outbound IDoc with Z segment is creating without using a program/FM?

    I am having an outbound IDoc with Z message type and segments.
    I need to find how this IDoc/ IDoc segment is getting created. I tried to find
    it using the segment’s where used list (in SE11- IDoc segment structure). But it
    is showing that the structure and fields are not used anywhere.
    How it is possible to create a Z segment in IDoc without
    using the corresponding structure in some program or function module?
    I have searched in google/scn for a solution, but didn’t find
    Any one please helps me to find how this IDoc segment is

    Hi Arthur,
    This IDoc is catering as part of a flow (Tcode IW21). I have
    set a break point in the function module ALE_IDOCS_CREATE and processed the transaction
    IW21, but the program didn’t stop in the break point, but the IDoc got created.

  • How can my IDoc create shipment with a given number

    I m using IDoc type SHPMNT03, message type SHPMNT and precess code SHPM to create shipment document via EDI.
    How can I generate a shippment with a specific number and not with the number genetrated automatically??
    thx in advance.

    I think it s possible, because I ve already done the same with reservations, I created reservations with my own numbers...

  • Outbound idoc: creating segment with name 'BATCHCOLLECTION'

    Hello gurus.
    I'm developing my own idoc outbound xml solution and one of the xml requirement is that the segmentnames and fieldnames is not in the SAP name range (of course).
    I have e.g a segment called BATCHCOLLECTION and when I try to create it in transaction WE31 I receive the following message:
    Error: Name range violation : Name BATCHCOLLECTION not permitted in CUSTOMER system
    Is it possible to map all the names before the outbound xml is created ?
    How ?
    Please advice.
    Edited by: Erik Hoven on Feb 20, 2009 10:01 AM

    You can find information on this post : Sending IDoc Batches to SAP: Issue with Header Mapping for SNDPRN
    There is no problem if you send idoc one by one with one EDIDC. But if you want to send Idocs with differents EDIDC, today, there is no way.

  • Creating own IDOC with segments

    can any one let me know the steps to create <b>Z</b> IDOC and segments required  for  it.
    and also the sample code (program) to poplulate the data into those segemnts from a (excel/csv file )or tables.

    hi Aday,
    There are basically two types of IDOCs.
    Basic IDOCs
    Extended IDOCs
    Idoc Components
    Basic Idoc
    Basic IDOC type defines the structure and format of the business document that is to be exchanged between two systems.
    Extension Idoc
    Extending the functionality by adding more segments to existing Basic IDOCs.
    Creation of IDoc
    To Create Idoc we need to follow these steps:
    Create Segment ( WE31)
    Create Idoc Type ( WE30)
    Create Message Type ( WE81)
    Assign Idoc Type to Message Type ( WE82)
    Creating a Segment
    Go to transaction code WE31
    Enter the name for your segment type and click on the Create icon
    Type the short text
    Enter the variable names and data elements
    Save it and go back
    Go to Edit -> Set Release
    Follow steps to create more number of segments
    Create IDOC Type
    Go to transaction code WE30
    Enter the Object Name, select Basic type and click Create icon
    Select the create new option and enter a description for your basic IDOC type and press enter
    Select the IDOC Name and click Create icon
    The system prompts us to enter a segment type and its attributes
    Choose the appropriate values and press Enter
    The system transfers the name of the segment type to the IDOC editor.
    Create IDOC Type
    Follow these steps to add more number of segments to Parent or as Parent-child relation
    Save it and go back
    Go to Edit -> Set release
    Create Message Type
    Go to transaction code WE81
    Change the details from Display mode to Change mode
    After selection, the system will give this message “The table is cross-client (see Help for further info)”. Press Enter
    Click New Entries to create new Message Type
    Fill details
    Save it and go back
    Assign Message Type to IDoc Type
    Go to transaction code WE82
    Change the details from Display mode to Change mode
    After selection, the system will give this message “The table is cross-client (see Help for further info)”. Press Enter.
    Click New Entries to create new Message Type.
    Fill details
    Save it and go back

  • Issues in IDoc Sender Scenario:IDoc  with errors added

    Hi all
             Am working on an IDoc to JDBC scenario. In R/3 system, I have created distribution model, partner profile, RFC destination and port.The IDoc is generated and is sent to XI successfully. But in XI , there is no entry in SXI_MONITOR for this (unfortunately IDX5 is not available in the XI server! ;as of now). Instead an entry is made in WE05 and WE02 with stautus 56(IDoc with errors added). In the status record:
    status 56 : External segment name E2KOMG003 cannot be interpreted
    status 60 : Basic IDoc type COND_A03 could not be found.
    And the segments displayed in data record  are different from the segments in the data record of the IDoc generated at R/3. (say for E1KOMG at R/3, E2KOMG003 in XI).Earlier the flow was working fine and the DB table was updated successfully. And the entire stuff is believed to be 'unmodified' .
    Would any one help in resolving the issue.

    >>>>I have created partenr profile in R/3.Need I create a partner profile in XI for R/3 system?
    no you cannot create any partner profiles in XI
    for more about IDOC configuration in XI check :
    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2006/10/11/xi-new-book-mastering-idoc-business-scenarios-with-sap-xi"><b>Mastering IDoc Business Scenarios with SAP XI</b></a>
    <a href="/people/michal.krawczyk2/blog/2005/06/28/xipi-faq-frequently-asked-questions"><b>XI / PI FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions</b></a>

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