Creating Snippets Folders

Is there any way to create top-level folders for the Snippets
panel within
DW8? I can create them in WinExplorer but that is a bit

Thanks Murray. As with the right-click the secret is the
blank space below
the folder list. I was trying to drag and drop to the left or
top and that
doesn't work. I found I have to drag into the blank space at
the bottom and
drop there.
"Murray *ACE*" <[email protected]> wrote
in message
news:epold7$5st$[email protected]..
> You can drag and drop it so that it becomes a top level
> --
> Murray --- ICQ 71997575
> Adobe Community Expert
> (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
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> "Walt F. Schaefer" <[email protected]> wrote
in message
> news:epojl9$41n$[email protected]..
>> That doesn't create top-level folders, only
>> --
>> Walt
>> "gareth" <[email protected]> wrote
in message
>> news:epoi35$2f8$[email protected]..
>>> Just right click in the blank area under the
main folders, and click
>>> "New Folder"
>>> --
>>> Gareth
>>> PHP Login Suite V2 - 34 Server Behaviors to
build a complete Login
>>> system.

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    See this link:
    Denes Kubicek

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    It is a hard one.. laptops with small drives are a pain.
    What you need is a home media server.
    Some people use a PC running itunes for cost.. but that is nothing like as good as using a Mac mini.. they make great little HTPC device.. you can plug in large hard disks and store all your files and media. And share it with the network.. Read up apple's instructions on home sharing.
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    set thepath to {"drive:path"}
    set JobName to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter Job Name:" default answer "Job Name")
    set incomingDate to (current date)
    set numYear to year of incomingDate as number
    set textYear to text -2 through -1 of (numYear as string)
    set JobNum to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter Job Number:" default answer {textYear & "xxx"})
    set JobNumName to JobNum & "_" & JobName
    set newsublist to {{"Builds", {"versions"}}, {"Links"}, {"Fonts"}, {"Proofs"}}
    tell application "Finder"
    set baseFolder to make new folder with properties {name:JobNumName}
    repeat with i from 1 to count newsublist
    set {tier2, t2Subs} to {item 1, item 2's items} of item i of newsublist
    set tier2Folder to make new folder at baseFolder with properties {name:(tier2)}
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    make new folder at tier2Folder with properties {name:(tier3)}
    end repeat
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    make new folder at baseFolder with properties {name:(item 1 of item i of newsublist)}
    end try
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    There are a few differences with Leopard that still get me from time to time. Tiger's AppleScript doesn't like path to desktop, so instead use the statement:
    set ThePath to (get path to desktop folder)
    The other thing I hadn't noticed before is if there is an error, the script just stops instead of throwing up a dialog. If you are doing something like using an illegal file name or trying to create a folder in a location that you don't have permissions, then unless the MakeFolderStructure statement is in a try statement it will fail silently. Adding an error display will at least tell you if there is an error, so a script that works in Tiger (as well as Leopard) is:
    <pre style="
    font-family: Monaco, 'Courier New', Courier, monospace;
    font-size: 10px;
    margin: 0px;
    padding: 5px;
    border: 1px solid #000000;
    width: 720px; height: 340px;
    color: #000000;
    background-color: #FFDDFF;
    overflow: auto;"
    title="this text can be pasted into the Script Editor">
    -- make a folder structure at the currently selected Finder item
    tell application "Finder" to try -- get the current selection
    set ThePath to the first item of (get selection)
    if the last character of (ThePath as text) is not ":" then -- a file
    set ThePath to the container of ThePath
    end if
    on error -- default to the desktop
    set ThePath to (get path to desktop folder)
    end try
    set JobName to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter Job Name:" default answer "Job Name")
    set textYear to text -2 through -1 of ((current date)'s year as text)
    set JobNum to text returned of (display dialog "Please enter Job Number:" default answer {textYear & "xxx"})
    set JobNumName to JobNum & "_" & JobName
    MakeFolderStructure out of {JobNumName, {"Builds", {"versions"}, "Links", "Fonts", "Proofs"}} at ThePath
    on error ErrorMessage number ErrorNumber -- oops
    activate me
    display alert "Error " & ErrorNumber message ErrorMessage
    end try
    to MakeFolderStructure out of SomeItem at SomeFolder
    make the folder structure defined in SomeItem at SomeFolder
    SomeList defines the structure:
    nested list items create folders in the previous text item - {"A", {"B", {"C"}}} = /A/B/C
    empty text items will create untitled folders
    parameters - SomeItem [mixed]: the folder structure
    SomeFolder [alias]: the destination folder
    returns nothing
    set ParentFolder to SomeFolder
    if class of SomeItem is list then
    repeat with AnItem in SomeItem
    if class of AnItem is list then -- add subfolder(s)
    MakeFolderStructure out of AnItem at SomeFolder
    else -- add a new child folder at the current parent
    tell application "Finder" to make new folder at ParentFolder with properties {name:AnItem}
    set SomeFolder to the result as alias
    end if
    end repeat
    else -- add a new (potential) parent folder
    tell application "Finder" to make new folder at SomeFolder with properties {name:AnItem}
    set ParentFolder to the result as alias
    end if
    end MakeFolderStructure</pre>

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    You can accomplish this by creating a new mailbox ( *plus sign* in the bottom left corner of the main window). I think this should say folder, but I didn't make this choice. It acts like a folder. Just click and drag emails from your inbox to these other mailboxes you created. The "On My Mac" just refers to where the emails get stored (/Users/yourshortname/Library/Mail)
    Edit: the funny thing is the icon for the new mailboxes is a folder, go figure.
    Message was edited by: D. Fraser

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    rSAP has largely been supplanted by ABAP, which the iPhone supports. Most modern smartphones, including the iPhone do NOT store any information on the SIM.
    SMS inboxes. Not much to say. I've never had a desire to do this. I understand it could be useful, but it's unlikely to change.
    As for meetings on the home screen... Wait for iOS 5
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    Apple Sceptic wrote:
    Does this mean I cannot create sub-folders in my email account unless my service provider provides customers with the option of creating an IMAP email account?
    Yes. That is what it means. You need an IMAP account in order to create sub folders on the iPad.

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    Is there another way of creating new folders, preferably an official app from Apple or from within an iWorks app or the document picker that I do not know of? Or is this actually a missing feature?
    Also, if Apple could make an app similar to Microsoft OneDrive, that would be great.

    Yes, there is a way. Here is the workaround. You can add notes folders directly with your iPad or iPhone. on-ios.html
    Enjoy! Please pass it on, leave a comment on the page, or "like us" on Facebook if you find this information helpful.

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    Hi All,
    I am new to UCM,i have one issue ?
    i need to create 2 folders in ucm.
    one folder can access all the users (public) and they have read permission
    second folder can access only few users depending on security group.
    can you provide your inputs on this issue

    you shouldn't need to assign folders to users. Once the contribution folders are created and defined (e.g. metadata and security established) then users will be able to see them based on their existing security authorization (e.g. roles). While you can use ACLs for this you should only do so in lock down scenarios rather than in all scenarios.

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    > The option to create a new folder is available, however when I click create, no new folder is created.
    > I have 5 separate email accounts I am running, it is only 1 specific account which I can't create new folders for.
    > I used to be able to create new folders for the account in question.
    > It is definitely not a case of my inbox not being expanded.
    > I have tried running in safe mode with addons disabled and toolbars reset, but it still doesn't work.
    > I opened up the subscribe box, and the folders do not appear there to be subscribed too - which leads me to believe they aren't being created in the first place.
    Please help - I have run out of ideas of what to do or try. Thank you so much in advance.

    Thanks for you response.
    1. Account Type is IMAP.
    2. The email account is hosted through my hosting package with What details do your require?
    Here is a link to the current thunderbird email configuration details:
    (Account 7, is the account in question which I can't create folders for)

  • I can no longer create new folders in Windows 7; could this problem be a result of recently reinstalling Firefox?

    I'm using Windows 7 Home premium on an HP Pavilion laptop. Maybe two weeks ago, I stopped being able to create new folders in the Windows Explorer box; I click the "New Folder" button, and nothing happens: no error message, nothing. Around two weeks ago, I also reinstalled Firefox to get rid of some adware virus (success: the adware is gone!). I do not recall the exact timing on when I did the reinstall and when I stopped being able to create new folders, but I'm wondering if the folder problem could be related to the re-install. And if so, what can I do about it?
    Thanks so much for any help you can offer.

    Hello FJasmine, no, it is not related the firefox update with that.
    see : [ Can't create anymore New Folders in Windows 7]
    [ Cannot create new folder in Windows 7]
    thank you

  • Can't create new folders

    One day, just randomly my laptop stopped letting me create new folders. when i right click and go to "new" the option is simply not there, and when i open windows explorer and click new folder, nothing happens. I have to copy a folder, delete its contents, and rename it every time i wish to create a new folder. I have made no major changes to my computer; the only things I have done is download music from itunes, and a few new video games. I cannot find anywhere that it could be.
    Also, I might add I use Comodo firewall, wich not only blocks things from acessing the internet, but from files acessing other files, registry, etc. I didn't know if this could be affecting it. When i instal something new I have to allow it anywhere from 3-8 times for each different thing. I've had it for a few weeks now, and noticed no problem with my laptop because of it other than constantly having it allow things when i first open them.
    I have tried system recovery and ran a virus scan with avast and registry mechanic, and none of these have fixed it. The only thing i found online was a guy telling me ot download his program and install it to my registry (however, i did not trust this, because i could not find information of the name of the file he told me to install anywhere else, so i figured it would do more harm than good)

    Satellite A665-S5170
    I'll assume you're talking about Windows Explorer. If the problem is elsewhere, it's a different story.
    The problem just started today.
    With a little luck, a System Restore will fix that registry problem.
       What is System Restore?
    Otherwise, open the Registry Editor (regedit.exe) and navigate to this key.
    In the right pane, look at the data for the value (Default). It should be this.
    If not, attach a picture of what you see (as I have).
    New.jpg ‏29 KB

  • Create sub folders in "local" - Map a network drive.

    I am using Docs2Go and when I save a document, a see an option to save on "local"; thats where I save them. finding these documents is becoming difficult. How can I create sub folders in local disk so that documents can be organised.
    Secondly, after connecting through VPN, Can I map a network shared drive.

    Can't be done.

  • Creating .app folders in other operating systems?

    I'm working on a cross-platform game and am hoping to create an OS X port of it. I don't have access to a mac, and so am unable to use the xcode tool for creating .app folders. Are there any tools for creating .app folders on other operating systems? I'd prefer Linux, but can also use windows if required.

    Well, .app bundles are specific to Cocoa and Carbon applications... The closest way to make such applications is to use GNUStep (which is an open Cocoa) but it means to rebuild the whole app to make it work with Cocoa/GNUStep...
    However, application that are compatible with Mac OS X are not necessarily in .app bundles. Bundles are used for a specific purpose which gather files that the app should have really close, like its interface files (nib) that is used only with Cocoa or Carbon. If your app is neither Carbon nor Cocoa, there's no use in creating a .app bundle it doesn't even exist. And moreover, Xcode (or Project Builder on GNUStep) is the only app that creates .app bundles.

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