Creative Cloud - Lightroom update

Does my Creative Cloud subscription cater for automatic updates to Lightroom? I am currently at version 5.7 and I am being repeatedly reminded of an available update but nothing happens when click on the Download.

The update is more likely an ad for getting LRCC/6, though I could be wrong.  You can check the direct updates page to see what's available for 5.7
Product updates

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    running the cleaner tool
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    Hi nilstissen,
    Please try the steps suggested in the given link below for the update issues:- ad%20products%20and%20updates
    Let us know if further assistance requires.

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    Hi WarithNiallah,
    Please follow the below mentioned steps:
    Windows: C/Program Files(X86)/Common Files/Adobe/AAMUpdaterInventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPref.dat and rename it.
    Mac: Library/Application Support/Adobe/AAMUpdaterinventory/1.0/AdobeUpdaterAdminPref.dat and rename it.
    Now there should be no update prompt.
    Romit Sinha

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    Hi indd_update,
    Please specify the OS along with error message.
    Romit SInha

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