Creative Soundcard Bug Thread

After spending a week and 3 - 4 hours a day trying to get my X-Fi Titanium Pro to work I have given up. My X-Fi card is now in the trash and I'm now running my onboard Realtek chip for sound. Just for the record I won't be buying any Creative products in the future unless Creative gets it together - actually I won't be buying any soundcards at all. Simply because I'm beginning to think it's actually a waste of money. Considering the many standards such as DirectSound (killed in Vista and 7), OpenAL, EAX, inhouse produced audio engines in games - I think that the overall best solution here and now is actually onboard audio. The main reason being poor driver support especially from Creative and the fact that many games is without EAX etc.
Anywayl - let's get to it!
"Rules" - this thread is for collecting all kinds of bugs with Creative soundcards and related drivers/software. This thread is not for discussing solutions or any other kind of discussion. This thread is only for bug reporting. Hopefully this thread?will grow large enough so even Creative can't avoid seeing it. Please be as specific as possible in your reports so this thread doesn't end up being a huge pile of crap.
This is my last post here at the Creative forum - please make good use of this thread. I will look at it from time to time.
Best of luck to all - and may the force be with us all.

SoNic2367 wrote:
By starting to produce hi-end gaming mices... :smileyvery-happy:
Where did you see Razer manufacturing sound cards? On their web site still only mices...
Message Edited by SoNic2367 on 03-09-200606:49 AM
Yes there is a great big lob off advert on they're home page

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    For some strange reason, the new flash media live encoder
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    creative Sb X-fi.
    How can this be? They were supported in 2.5, but not 3.
    What's worse is that it supports my onboard soundmax, but not a
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    I've tried to find out who to contact to report this. Does
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    I too am having the exact same problem as
    Hi, For some strange reason, the new flash media live encoder
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    No thread... report bugs by clicking the "Contact Adobe" link at the bottom of this or any page on their web site.

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    the problem is that the digital outputs does not support more than a 2. or coded signals like ac3 (for DD) and theres no way to make it work .... is just imposible ...
    now ure question is and what should i do ?
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    Now listen youre system now will work really better ! with cmss-3d and THX config u will not remember youre external decoder ! loud rear speakers ? not more .... no 5. in games ? no more ....
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    Message Edited by Istarth on <SPAN class=date_text>0-24-2006 <SPAN class=time_text>07:3 PM
    Message Edited by Istarth on 0-24-2006 07:4 PM

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    As Rick says, the most likely reason is that your operating system isn't a version that meets the requirements.
    See the system requirements here:

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    Please, adobe, fix this problem in a future release of creative cloud.

    Some 10.9.x links
    -next link says After Effects, but check YOUR permissions !!!
    - ml
    -Mac 10.9.4 and OpenCL issue
    -Mac 10.9.3 workaround
    -more Mac 10.9.3
    A chat session where an agent may remotely look inside your computer may help
    Creative Cloud chat support (all Creative Cloud customer service issues)

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    C ?
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    Well try deleting creative alchemy, and then reinstall your card's latest drivers

  • User Login(s) / Account gone - BUG - thread overview - summary - solutions?

    Hello everyone...
    Time to open a new thread... Seems there is a serious bug going on since a while with 10.6 randomly, hit me saturday. After working late switched off my iMac and next morning all my user accounts were gone, not able to login with my account... instead I got a "other" account.
    Took me a day to get that fixed. Thanks Apple!
    Same problems here:
    This one has a interesting solution from user Illude
    This one's from cNet:
    There are quite some possible solutions (from threads) that seem to help, here are some of the popular ones:
    1 - boot up using your SL disk.
    2 - select 'change password'
    3 - reset the root password
    4 - restart the mac from the system drive
    5 - log in as root
    6 - open system preferences
    7 - create an account with the SAME FULL NAME and ACCOUNT NAME as your 'lost' account
    8 - you will be prompted that "a folder with said name already exists - would you like to use the existing folder?" - SELECT OK
    9 - log out of root
    10- log into your account
    SOLUTION 2 for those without TM backup:
    Material needed: Snow Leopard DVD
    1. Boot from DVD: restart at log in menu you're stuck in. Otherwise hard restart. Press "C" while booting.
    2. Change password: in my case only System Administrator (root) and guest appeared. Change the password on System administrator.
    3. log in as "System Administrator" with your new password.
    4. Check to see if the folder with your user name is still there under "User"
    5. Go to System Preference>Account>add account: Set same account name. That will link the new user account with old username account folder. You can also adjust the login window option. For now I checked automatic log in.
    6. Restart. You should be able to log in to your old account.
    SOLUTION 3 with TERMINAL (from illude - thanks!):
    ... I had this exact problem. I installed the 10.6.5 update and when I finally rebooted several days later, all non-system users on my machine were deleted. Only "Other" showed up in the login screen. While the users were removed from the Directory Services, their data was still intact though, as their home directories in /Users were unchanged. This is of course a big relief...
    After reading this thread and the pages mentioned here, I came up with the following solution. Please replace "username" with the short (Unix) name of your user account (i.e. the one without spaces).
    1. Start the computer in Single-User Mode, by holding down Command+S as it boots up. You end up in a terminal as the root user.
    2. As suggested on the screen, do the following to check and mount your filesystem:
    /sbin/fsck -fy
    /sbin/mount -uw /
    3. Find out which accounts have been deleted (here I assume 'username' is one of them):
    defaults read /Library/Preferences/
    4. Convince yourself that the user data is still safe:
    ls /Users/username
    5. I noticed that the 10.6.5 update made backups of the Directory Services and shadow passwords in /private/var/db as the xar archives 'dslocal-backup.xar' and 'shadow-backup.xar', respectively. If you also have these files, you are in luck! Restore the settings for each deleted user, as well as all shadow passwords, as follows:
    cd /private/var/db
    xar -xf dslocal-backup.xar dslocal/nodes/Default/users/username.plist
    xar -xf shadow-backup.xar
    6. For good measure, remove the record of deleted users (not sure if this is necessary, but seemed like a good idea at the time):
    rm /Library/Preferences/
    7. Restart the computer:
    shutdown -r now
    I restored the settings for all deleted users in Step 5, and everyone was back after the reboot. The great thing is that all settings are restored the way they were, including the password, user GUID (which should prevent Time Machine from redoing a full backup as mentioned in this thread) and the login picture (which was stored in the JPEGPhoto field in the plist file and would have been lost otherwise).
    Of course, this solution might not apply to your specific problem, so please take care when you tamper with system settings via Single-User Mode.
    SOLUTION 4 using a TimeMachine Backup:
    If you have a backup with time machine, reinstall with original OSX DVD.
    For that type "C" when booting and hold until system boots from DVD.
    Go trough necessary steps, then when asked if you want to restore from a TimeMachine Backup, do so. Will take some hours depending on how big your TM backup is and what kind of interface you use (GBit Network, USB, Firewire etc).
    After that your system should be restored. However you proably have to update back again to the latest OSX update you were using with that TM backup, as OSX Mail will crash if it doesn't have that exact update environment. Example: your TM backup was done with 10.6.6., mail will crash often if you restore to 10.6.5...
    ATTENTION: there may be some side effects after a restore regarding external volumes, they could be locked out as your old user settings are gone...
    After restore I could not access two external drives on my system,
    1) a firewire 2TB Lacie drive that was "locked". I did not have the rights to access it, and CTRL+I and setting the permissions did not work. permissions were not stored. The OSX Harddisk tool also did not work because the "owner" of that drive could not be set.
    Solution: A tiny app called "BatChmod" saved the day, it allowed me "unlock" the permissions of that drive, without being a Unix superfreak knowing all the tweaks.
    2) I could not access my TimeCapsule TM after restore to refresh the backup. Quite interesting because my system just had restored from that drive. The TimeMachine Volume was locked with that little "lock" symbol left of the volume symbol. CTRL+I and setting permissions did not work too... Within OSX Harddisk Tool a TimeCapsule does not show up so you can't fix permissions there either...
    Solution: With Airports TimeCapsule Manual Settings there is a option to delete the volume or folders on it. deleted the sparsebundle and voila the TC could be used again.
    If there are any other solutions that worked out for you to recover from lost logins/accounts, please post them here, and do not forget to notify apple about that bug at
    so that it hopefully finally get's fixed with 10.6.7... it seems to be around since 10.5..., emerged again with 10.6 SL, and now came back with 10.6.6. so that should have been quite a long time to fix it.
    Message was edited by: vertrider
    Message was edited by: vertrider

    this symptom caught me by surprise just the other day - luckily I had the root account enabled, which is not the default.  With the root account enabled, and an available Time Machine backup, recovery is really simple, straightforward and quick.
    For my situation, which may not be identical with those for all who may read this thread, the plist files which define for DirectoryService the users I have created, including my admin accounts, and the password hash files were deleted.
    if the root account is not enabled on your system, then I suppose you will have to go through either booting in Single User mode or from a System Install disk that will let you run the Terminal application.  However it is done, once you have the ability to write to the database directories, and access to a Time Machine backup, the recovery process is thus:
    Step 1. Verify that the user account home directories still exist, both for peace of mind and to determine whether this recovery method is appropriate for your situation.
    ls -l /Users/
    This should show account directories for all the users you have created in the past.  If not, then a restore of the user directories from a Time Machine backup, as well as the user DirectoryService files is indicated.  And, I would propose that the cause of your particular difficulties is other than most in this thread have experienced.
    also, just for fun, open the Accounts Preference Pane in the System Preferences, and see that none of your user accounts are listed.  What I found interesting is that the groups that I had created were still defined, it was just the user accounts that were deleted.
    Step 2.  now, for the meat of the recovery.  I recommend opening a pair of Terminal windows, one in which to look at the database directories, the other to look at the Time machine directories.
    in the "database" window, change directory to the user accounts area.  This is read-write-execute for root only, so if you are not able to cd to this directory, you'll need to wrap the commands in sudo.
    cd  /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users/
    ls -l
    [non-root version of commands:  cd /var/db/dslocal/nodes/;  sudo ls -l Default/users/ ]
    the result should show a number of plist files, with many system users starting with an underscore, and only a few others:  daemon.plist, nobody.plist, root.plist
    Step 3. in  the "TimeMachine" window, change directory to the user accounts area from a recent backup, such as this one for my computer "Odin", backed up to TimeMachineDrive (this is a long path, not a two line entry):
    cd /Volumes/TimeMachineDrive/Backups.backupdb/Odin/2011-04-20-002126/Odin/var/db/d slocal/nodes/Default/users/
    then perform a directory listing:
    ls -l
    [non-root version of command is similar to that in Step 2, only need to get to the dslocal/nodes/ directory on the TimeMachine volume]
    you should see all the same plist files as in Step 2, along with the additional user accounts definitions for those accounts you originally created.
    to restore the definitions to your system, copy the missing plist files to the database directory used in Step 2. For a missing account file "test.plist", this would be:
    cp -X test.plist /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users/
    [non-root version of command:  sudo cp -X Default/users/test.plist /var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users/ ]
    the command option "-X" keeps the extended attributes from being copied along with the file
    do the same for each missing plist file.
    Step 4. this step restarts DirectoryService, so it becomes aware of newly restored account definitions.
    killall HUP DirectoryService
    [non-root version:  sudo killall HUP DirectoryService ]
    note:  DirectoryService will recognize the new accounts after a reboot, even without the killall command being issued.  I just like to avoid unnecessary rebooting....
    now comes the fun part - open up the Accounts Preference Pane in the System Preferences, or close and reopen if already open, and voila, the missing accounts should all be shown again!  If you perform a listing of the /Users directory, you'll see the account names instead of UID numbers shown as owner of the account directories once again.
    ls -l /Users/
    Great!  ready to go, right?  Almost, but we have to fix the ability to log in for these accounts first, by restoring the shadow password hash files.
    Step 5. to restore the hash files, we need to know which ones belong to which account, and which directories to restore from and to.  So, in the 'database' window
    cd /var/db/shadow/hash/
    ls -l
    [non-root version:  cd /var/db/;  sudo ls -l shadow/hash/ ]
    in the "TimeMachine" window, assuming you are still in the var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/users/ directory:
    cd ../../../shadow/hash/
    ls -l
    [non-root version, assumes you are in the var/db/ directory:  sudo ls -l shadow/hash/ ]
    you should see a bunch of files with filenames consisting of uppercase letters, numbers, and dashes.  To determine which file(s) belongs to which account, here is an example for the account "test":
    dscl . -read /Users/test GeneratedUID
    [non-root version:  same as root version of command ]
    result should look like:
    GeneratedUID: E7FBADC6-CFCB-4B31-88F9-BB6BD1FAEB52
    this long string identifies which hash file(s) belongs with the account "test"
    from the "TimeMachine" window, copy the hash file back to the system location:
    cp -X E7FBADC6-CFCB-4B31-88F9-BB6BD1FAEB52* /var/db/shadow/hash/
    [non-root version, all on one line: sudo cp -X shadow/hash/E7FBADC6-CFCB-4B31-88F9-BB6BD1FAEB52* /var/db/shadow/hash/ ]
    once this is completed for all the missing accounts, your system should be restored to exactly the condition it was in prior to the user accounts disappearing.
    in Solution 3 above, from illude, the file  /Library/Preferences/ is mentioned.  I believe this is a file that was generated in Mac OS X 10.4, and maybe 10.5.  I'm pretty sure that a clean fresh install of Mac OS X 10.6, on a new partition for example, will *not* have this file.  Therefore, it a) may not be present, and b) if present, may have contents that don't represent any accounts created since the installation of Snow Leopard on that machine.
    be that all as it may - I wish I'd found this thread topic when this first occurred for me. But since I managed a solution, I thought I'd share, in case anyone finds these methods useful.

  • Problems installing drivers for my pretty old soundcard. (Thread detailed).

    Hello, my friends audio card for some reason stopped to work, so I gave him my old card. Unfortunately, I have lost my CD.
    (And yes, I have read the sticky thread Sound Blaster FAQ).
    Here is what I did:
    Wrote all information that might get useful from card to PC, result:
    Creative Audio
    Tech 97
    The bolded like "CT4830" seem to be the only useful word I managed to get from my card.
    Then it was searching, a lot of googling, a lot of sites trying to offer their perfect "driver scanner", if I searched for etc EMU0k, scamming and virus sites would automatic manage to track the exact component I was looking for. While wasn't even top 50.
    Back to point: I went on, I personally think it is a very messy site, I click on support, download, and I see a list of products, I choose Sound Blaster, and I get a few models to pick from.
    Now here I was stuck for a long time, I could not find my model there, it was only those new "awesome" models, so I had to find a little, almost impossible noticeable link at the bottow "cant find your model, click here" something like that. With small letters. NOT VERY USERFRIENDLY!
    And then I get to a list, I know, I have model CT4830, and I know "Audigy" is written on the card. But I could not find it in any of the audigy categories, some categories was missing images, so this was also a very tricky part.
    Then I found a list which could help me get the full name of my audio card, and I managed to catch up that CT4830 for some reason has the full name "Sound Blaster Li've! Value/Player Compaq /Intel/IBM/NEc"
    And this helped me a little (I think), since I had to look in the Li've category, even though it also was Audigy, it was not stated in the full name of the card.
    Now I found the most similar thing in "li've" category, called "Sound Blaster li've! Value". Nothing about compaq, intel IBM or nec or anything like that, just Sound blaster li've! Value.
    I downloaded the driver, released in 2003, I had an option to go for 2005 64bit XP driver, or 2003 driver (no OS mentioned in describtion), I assume the driver was for 32bit, since there was already another newer stated driver for 64bit.
    I managed to install this driver, it runs fine, no error messages occurs in the installation.
    It asks me to reboot, and I reboot, and on next startup, still nothing happens.
    So after all this research, what have I done wrong? Wrong driver? Which is the correct driver? Where can I download it's
    I am sorry for my frustrating behavior on this post, sorry, I just don't know what to do

    O You can find some of the original installation CDs in ISO form on Badboy's FileFront site. I believe this one is for your SB Li've value card as well as for some Audigy cards. These are for WinXP and older OSs.

  • Creative Cloud - BUG Changing Installation Directory for Apps

    I searched and could only find this similar post here
    Which stated the issue I am experiencing.  In the preferences of the creative cloud desktop program I changed the installation directory to D drive because I have my main hard drive partitioned and the programs would take up too much space on C.  Regardless of the change in preferences the applications were still installing to my C drive.  I tried restarting and reinstalling and nothing seemed to work. 
    Finally I decided to reallocate my D partition back to C, I have yet to complete this because I am waiting for all the data on D to be transferred to an external drive so I can recombine it to C without losing data ( I don't know if this is necessary, I haven't recombined partitions in the operating system before, but just to be safe)
    As I am waiting for the transfer (Over 120gbs takes a while)  I changed the installation directory in the Creative Cloud preferences back to C and went ahead and installed the program I was trying to prior to all this.  Guess What?  It installed to my D drive!!!
    This isn't a serious bug for me, just incredibly annoying and causing a lot of extra work on my part just to install the program I wanted.  However for someone who requires a different directory to install to and cannot rearrange their computer to accommodate this bug I could see it being more serious.  Has anyone else had this issue and did you find a solution?  Thanks.
    P.S. Adobe you rock, I hope your other CC programs don't feel rushed for release like your installer does

    ADOBE WILL TRY TO DELETE YOUR LEGACY APPS!!!!  Do NOT let them! They could put you out of business! Here is a tech support transcript, see for yourselves:
    Vipin: May I have your permission to connect to your computer remotely and try to solve the problem while you watch?
    ADOBE CUSTOMER: I need to know that NONE of my legacy adobe apps will be affected. CS5 suite and CS6 products will NOT be affected is that right??????????????
    info: Your chat transcript will be sent to at the end of your chat.
    Vipin: It will be affected.
    ADOBE CUSTOMER: WHOA! you are saying that my CS% and CS 6 apps will be hurt and not run correctly is that right?
    Vipin: We need to remove all the Adobe apps installed on your computer.
    Vipin: Is that okay.
    Vipin: May I have your permission to connect to your computer remotely and try to solve the problem while you watch?
    ADOBE CUSTOMER: There is no way I give permission to delete CS5 creative suite, CS6 video production suite or hurt them in any way what so ever. I have THOUSANDS of dollars of plugins and other workfow products that depend on them. Sorry but my only recourse is to
    ADOBE CUSTOMER: see if you have ANY loyalty to an OVER 30 years adobe customer (me) when you demand payout for the remaining 5 months of the subscription. I'm betting you will just send the bill to collections for non payment. If so, you WILL be sued for non service and non delivery of product. And yes, I am ready to spend over xxxx on a suit vs adobe because of how you have treated me. The point is I know that I am not alone, and that's sad.
    Then after TECH NO SUPPORT, CSRs try to 'handle' me:
    If you do decide to cancel, we can refund your subscription.
    If you stay with the service, we can provide 2 free months as an apology for the technical difficulties. We cannot provide a free year.
    Please let me know which you would like to do.
    Like · Reply · 35 mins
    ADOBE CUSTOMER:You want me to stay with a service that provides no product? And has not provided me with a usable product since October of 2014? And now the word is out that you are raising subscription prices after the first year? Who do you think you are? You HURT peoples ability to earn a living! You cost us hours and days and months trying trying to fix your problems so we can move forward with your products? Who in the hell do you think you are? Tell you what, dont cancel a thing. A media blitz and maybe a subpoena to San Jose is the right move to protect peoples rights. Your company needs to learn a lesson in how to treat legacy customers. It seems no one has taught you that "if you take care of the customer, they will take care of adobe." Britt, care to guess how many dollars I have given adobe in almost 30 years?
    Adobe Creative Cloud Hi ADOBE CUSTOMER:
    We value all our customers and would love to help resolve your issue. Would you like to arrange a callback with tech support? I can make sure the technician is a senior staff member that can offer more troubleshooting solutions. Let me know if you would like to schedule this, and what a suitable time would be.
    Like · Reply · 19 mins
    Adobe Creative Cloud Regarding Creative Cloud prices, it is noted on the purchasing page that some subscriptions offer "promotional rates for the first year only." Our full subscription terms can be viewed here:
    Like · Reply · 18 mins
    ADOBE CUSTOMER: You see, that is EXACTLY how you should take care of a customer. Tell them they are wrong and have it NOT RELATED to a simple request to FIX a company software PROBLEM. Tell your customers that after FOUR months of unusability of your product, DAYS of the customer trying to fix the company problem, that your solution is give them TWO months FREE then JACK the price up for them! You MUST have thousands of people in LINE to YOU to get this celebrated DEAL!
    Like · Reply · 6 mins
    ADOBE CUSTOMER: I have a hunch some adobe board members are going to have fun with your conversation and offer, Britt. I would hush up now before you have to look for a different job because I know you mean well BUT you have no experience or skills solving a client's issues and in fact, you are hurting adobe's future earnings.
    Like · Reply · 2 mins
    Adobe Creative Cloud I apologize for the frustration regarding Adobe's pricing policy, Kee. Please let me know if you would like additional help troubleshooting the problem. We would love to locate the cause of the download issue and get this resolved for you.
    Like · Reply · 7 mins
    ADOBE CUSTOMER: The Russian cracked version of PS 2014 will have to do on another clients machine until you have a total new WORKING release. I'm tired of being your company's test pig, doing the boiler plate cleaner routines, and having the same failures. It's one thing to have broken software, but NOT acceptable to treat customers the way I have been treated, and then, be greedy on a remediation offer from you.
    You say,"We value all our customers."  Again, clearly NO ONE from the BOD has taught you that if you take care of the customer, then the customer will take care of adobe.
    You guys and gals have essentially asked for a fight, and a fight you shall have. good night.

  • ITunes 10.4 and Windows 7 bug thread

    I thought I would start an entire thread devoted to iTunes 10.4 and Windows 7 bugs since there are MANY people reporting various issues and may not know about all of them. Hopefully this will combine a list of all bugs for reference and help others. So far, most of this effects Windows 7 64 bit, but some are reporting issues under 32 bit too.
    I have spoken with both Apple Care and a higher level tech at iTunes support. The iTunes support tech said they were "looking into all reported bugs and are aware of issues with version 10.4, especially under Windows 7. They encourage others to report their bugs to iTunes support so they can work on this and find all the issues.
    Album Art copy/paste broken - A bug that causes copy/pase from clipboard where album art is not displayed in the info tab as before. Some have reported success by dragging the image file over to it vs copy/paste method but it is still very much spotty and a known bug.
    iTunes store not working - Some have been effected with the iTunes store not working properly for them. Personally I don't have a problem but this has been for some.
    "Purchases" link not working in iTunes - When you click on "Purchases" link on the right column, all your purchases are missing and do not show up. This includes, music, movies, apps, etc. This is also a known bug and one that I have personally. Works fine in iTunes 10.3 for Windows 7 64bit and also works fine under both Snow Leopard and Lion OS.
    Sync issues - Some have reported syncing issues since upgrading to 10.4 iTunes on Windows 7. This is a bit spotty as well as I have no trouble but there are others that have reported issues.
    For now, the only way to fix this is to use iTunes 10.4 under Snow Leopard or Lion OS. Also, you can uninstall (not repair) 10.4 and install 10.3 again which should work.

    You are correct and I wish that I had known this before spending 4 days and a lot of trouble going over this with both Apple Care and iTunes support. They had me jumping through hoops and didn't know anything until it was finally escalated. Only then did I get a vague response like I mentioned in the first post. It's troubling to me how a simple response from anyone there could've just said we know about this and they are bugs in 10.4 causing this.
    There are other issues too as you point out with the syncing and crashing. Anyway, hopefully others will find information here more useful than calling Apple for help. Not much we can do now except roll back to 10.3 for those that kept it and hope also they can updated Apple Application Support component.

  • Creative cloud bug?

    I'm new to the forums. I installed premiere pro cc from the creative cloud, but still gives me the "Try" option for premiere instead of showing it as an installed app. Is that a bug or something? How do I fix it? sorry if my english is not good enough

    Chat Now button near the bottom for Activation and Deactivation problems may help

  • Repeated Events / Reminder / Deferred Alarm Bug Thread

    There is a verifiable & reproducibly bug with Repeated Events, Deferring Alarms. (Which I use constantly throughout my day and workflow, as it seems others do also.)
    Apple support knows about the bug and has bumped it to the engineers.
    My intent in this new post is to pull all of the reports together, so we can keep track of this bug.
    deferred alarms repeating
    Problem with snoozing repeating reminders in Snow Leopard

    Am facing the same issue with an iPad; but this is not the first time I've seen this happen. It has also happened when syncing from iCal to a Blackberry Curve via Blackberry Desktop Manager. Any repeated events - and not just from the iOS side of things - ANY repeated events cause this to happen.
    iCal has the correct number of events and times, but as soon as you sync to another device, it becomes unusable. My wife runs a cleaning business where she constantly has to rearrange schedules for repeating customers. As soon as she does it once, she's got 2 copies of the same. Change the event twice, and suddenly she has 4 copies.
    Please help.

  • Creative SoundCard Competit

    Now that Razer company is also producing its own high end gaming soundcard,how is Creative going to fend off the competitors?

    SoNic2367 wrote:
    By starting to produce hi-end gaming mices... :smileyvery-happy:
    Where did you see Razer manufacturing sound cards? On their web site still only mices...
    Message Edited by SoNic2367 on 03-09-200606:49 AM
    Yes there is a great big lob off advert on they're home page

  • Re: Creative Cloud - BUG Changing Installation Directory for Apps

    Where would one be able to find the manual installer? In CC itself or is there another place I should be looking?

    Branching this to a new discussion.
    Tina21 please see Install and update apps - for information on how to uninstall the Adobe Creative Cloud applications.

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